100 pounds to WDW!!! (comments welcome!!)

Too big pants are goood pants!! :cheer2: Woot! Have fun looking for some new threads. ;) Sorry about your soreness today. I'm there with you. In an attempt to vaccuum the stairs today, the vaccuum came down the stairs and attacked me and I'm feeling a bit beat up. I hope you get back to normal quickly!

And, pixiedust: pixiedust:
You'll be GREAT! Let us know how you think it went!
Then today since it was 40/50 degrees (heat wave!) I thought I'd break into some spring clothes for work. But everything is so big! My winter stuff was getting big but I could have sworn my spring/summer stuff was getting small last year so I thought they would fit nicely now but i guess i passed that weight. lol It looked way too big on me but I wore it anyway. My jeans are even getting too big. I am wearing 16s and 14s and my 16s are getting really baggy. Which is nice but I only have 2 pairs of 14s and I wear jeans to work so I need to go jeans shopping. :P So that's good and bad news too because I don't really have money for new clothes but I need some. I may check out some 2nd hand stores.
:cool1: Keep up the good work!
How long do you plank for each morning?
Woo Hoo for baggy pants...but I know what you mean about not wanting to spend $$ on new ones. Good luck on your interview!
Hi! I just came across your thread and read through the whole thing. I can really relate to a lot of your stories. I was looking around the boards and feeling so hopeless about my weight (I need to lose over 100 pounds), and I came across your journey. You & your DH are very inspiring and I plan on following along with you. I'm thinking I might start my own thread too!

Good luck on your interview! :cheer2:
Too big pants are goood pants!! :cheer2: Woot! Have fun looking for some new threads. ;) Sorry about your soreness today. I'm there with you. In an attempt to vaccuum the stairs today, the vaccuum came down the stairs and attacked me and I'm feeling a bit beat up. I hope you get back to normal quickly!

And, pixiedust: pixiedust:
You'll be GREAT! Let us know how you think it went!
Thanks! BAD VACUUM!!! Hope you're feeling better today. I will fill you in on the interview after I reply to all my new followers! :D

:cool1: Keep up the good work!
How long do you plank for each morning?
Only 60 seconds a day. I've tried to go longer but I rarely can. I think its because its the FIRST thing I do in the morning so I'm not quite awake yet. Maybe if I tried it later in the day I could do it longer. :)

Woo Hoo for baggy pants...but I know what you mean about not wanting to spend $$ on new ones. Good luck on your interview!
I know, right? I am so happy about everything being so big but now I have nothing to wear. :P I need to go through my closet this weekend.

Hi! I just came across your thread and read through the whole thing. I can really relate to a lot of your stories. I was looking around the boards and feeling so hopeless about my weight (I need to lose over 100 pounds), and I came across your journey. You & your DH are very inspiring and I plan on following along with you. I'm thinking I might start my own thread too!

Good luck on your interview! :cheer2:
Welcome! :wave2: I will check out your journal too if you start one. I think I may have seen one in your signature. I will check again after I hit reply. Thanks for following along. My high weight was 240 so if I actually do get down to a 'healthy' weight that would be 140 and put me at a 100 lb loss too! Dh's high weight was 405 so he's already well past his 100# mark. I should post our true BEFORE picture.
Ah here we go:

The 180lbs lighter picture here is from 2 years ago but I was in 190s and DH was close to the weight he is now. He's maybe 15 lbs heavier now there than here. I am about the same. I think I was in 190s or low 200s there. Before weights were roughly 240 and 405 as stated above. Yes we are on a star trek bridge....

Just for fun here is one of my fave wedding pictures. I am fairly certain I weigh more there than I do now. Most ladies aspire to weigh what they do at their wedding day but I do NOT want to weigh what I did on my wedding day.

So my INTERVIEW...it went REALLY well. I already knew 5 of the 6 people. Those 5 people not only knew me but had already talked to my boss and other people who work directly with me and said they only heard good things. Also those 5 people didn't really even ask me any questions. For instance the man who would be my boss...just talked about what the job entailed and about himself and what he heard about me the entire time. He asked if I had questions and I had some ready that I asked then at the end I was like 'Do you have any questions for me??' :rotfl2: The ONE guy who I didn't know is the guy who is retiring and one of the open position is HIS position and HE grilled me with a ton of questions and overall was probably my least favorite person to talk to of the 6 BUT good news he is retiring and besides training with him I won't have to deal with him. Then the last guy I met with actually was my boss for a short period of time while my boss was out with cancer treatment so he knows me really well. He said he was happy to see my name on the list and while its not up to him but he definitely thinks I deserve either one of them. So that's good... Of course now I am nervous about what if I DO get it?!:scared1: I know I know...just fear of the unknown. I guess at least its with the same company but then I think I'll feel guilty for leaving my coworkers in maintenance like I'm leaving them to move 'up front'. Maintenance is way out in the plant (about 1/3 mile in...I measured it) in an old building while the other job will be in the front office right on the street in a nice building with a janitor! :rotfl2: (we have to clean our offices ourselves in my building)

In other good news I stepped on the scale this morning just to take a peek and it said 195.4!!! What??!? I stepped on it 3 more times and it gave same result. So I hope it stays down for my official weigh in this weekend. Losing 2 llbs this week will make up for the NO pounds last week.

Oooh and in OTHER good news (i had a good day)...the hospital where I had my IVFs and IUIs sent me a random bill a few months ago for a procedure they did to see if my tubes were clear back in 2011! So I finally got around to calling them last week and ask WHY am I just now getting billed for it. The first guy I spoke with told me they had been going back and forth with insurance all of 2012 and it just recently got resolved. So I accepted that and went online to my insurance to look at my explanation of benefits. According to them they paid back in November of 2011! So I called back to the hospital. The lady I got this time looked at my account said she didnt know why the other guy had said what he did and she would look into it further. It was after 5 at that point so she said she would call me back. I thought for sure she was just saying that to go home but said okay and figured I would call again when i got another bill. Well i had a voicemail today. It was that same customer service person and she said she went over it with her boss and others and they decided it was invalid due to 'untimely billing' and my charges had been waived! Yay! That saved me $450! I totally want to send her a thank you card. It's the least I can do. :cool1:

Okay..my novel for today is done. I am exhausted. Goodnight!
Well Hip Hip Hooray for

Great Interviews!

Sticking with the Exercise!!

Losing Inches!!!

Losing Pounds!!!!

(and writing novels) LOL !!!!!
194.2!!! Wowzers! Losing 3 lbs makes up for not losing last week! Yay! :cool1:

What have I done differently this week? Not much actually. I've been using the weights daily so maybe that's finally starting to pay off. Last night our dinner wasn't very healthy but I kept it to a much smaller serving than I'd normally have. Then this week its been raining all week but lucky for Ginger it seem to at least stop or go down to a drizzle at her walk time every day but 1. On that one day instead of 'skipping' my walk, I got on the gazelle and did 20 minutes. I should have done longer but my feet were going numb. I dont know why they do that on exercise machines. They did that when I was thinner and I used to go to the gym too. I wear my tennis shoes. I dont know what the deal is. Anyway so I stopped at 20. The battery is out on the counter so I dont know how 'far' i went.

3 lbs is a big difference IMO so I would like to think its the new muscle I've built in my arms. They get less tired when I do things now too. DH has me scratch and rub him alot bc of his psoriasis and arthritis and while my wrists still bother me my arms don't get so tired they hurt. I literally could only do a few minutes on his back before my arms would start to ache. I would keep going in hopes of it being like an exercise but it never got any easier. This morning I was doing it (AFTER doing weights so arms were a little wobbly) and my arms never got tired. I am not going to tell him that though. :lmao:

AF is due to arrive early next week so I am probably skipping my weigh in next weekend. Well I might weigh in but might not count it. :)

Still so amazed at 194. The last time I was 194 it was for a second when I went on Atkins a few years back but I lasted all of 3 maybe 4 weeks on that before saying 'screw this I can't do this the rest of my life'. I think 191 was my Atkins low weight but as soon as I stopped I went back up to 200. The only reason i did Atkins was because I had hit 190s but wasn't losing anymore. Atkins did help me lose weight but not considerably and I was still stuck in the 190s just the lower end. So here's to a better path! ::yes::
Just took the dog for a 1.6 mile walk since DH wasn't going with me. Its a chilly day but sunny and not raining! :thumbsup2

I was able to wear a tee shirt that was too small for me to wear to Disney. It probably is still a little snug in the girls area but with a sports bra on that minimized me enough to wear it. :lmao: Thought I'd take a quick pic for my journal...

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day! MMORPG and laundry time for me!!! :D
Just compared your current picture to the one from WDW 2012. Your face shows just how hard you are working --- much thinner!

GO YOU!!!! :cheer2:
Just compared your current picture to the one from WDW 2012. Your face shows just how hard you are working --- much thinner!

GO YOU!!!! :cheer2:

Thank you!!! I am wearing the same hat at Hollywood studios and compared to that picture I do look alot thinner in the face. Yay!!
Weighed myself this morning just to make sure yesterday wasn't a fluke and it was 194.0! Woohoo!

On the other hand DH didn't lose this week. He is getting distraught but he went to a party yesterday and while he didnt eat much he drank beers and Friday night we had nachos. I had a small amount (single serving maybe 1.5 serving) and Dh ate the rest. So just those two days alone probably made him gain so if he stayed the same i think that's good. I think we just need to eat cleaner. Hopefully he will see the scale moving again!
Woohooo! You are doing great! And you look awesome! I'm sure DH will do better next week, tell him we're rooting for him!!

BTW, maybe try some compression knee socks for your legs. They'll help with circulation. :)
Woohooo! You are doing great! And you look awesome! I'm sure DH will do better next week, tell him we're rooting for him!!

BTW, maybe try some compression knee socks for your legs. They'll help with circulation. :)
Thanks! I measured DH's waist today (the only measurement he's keeping) and he is down nearly 2 inches from last month (1.75 to be exact)!!! So he is definitely losing. Maybe not pounds but inches!

I was reading online that sometimes people's feet just 'fall asleep' on ellipticals since you are essentially just standing there not moving them. So they say to move them while you do it and it will go away! I will have to give that a try.
Well my hubby is back to normal. I told him beer and nachos were probably retaining water and that is why he didn't lose.

Today he went to the dr because he had not been feeling well (and since he's on immunosuppresants if he doesn't go to the dr shortly after getting sick he could...well...die) and they weighed him and he was down 9 lbs from the last time he was there which was less than 4 weeks ago so he came home and weighed himself and sure enough...he's down another 3 lbs he is now 314. He is a mere 14 lbs to goal. Go hubby!

Meanwhile I am awaiting AF still...she is near I can tell. I nearly cried at walmart for no reason. At least I realized it was irrational and didn't do it. :crazy2:
Well kudos to hubby for persevering!

And a high five to you for not crying at Wal-mart! :lmao: Sorry, couldn't help myself. :rolleyes1 But I totally get it!
Good news! I got the customer service job at my work. I start as soon as they find a temp for me at my current job. Actually I haven't officially accepted. They gave me til Friday but I will probably turn it in tomorrow. I was debating on negotiating salary more but its a fair offer even though its only 15% more than what I make now. And its a new opportunity. So that's great.

Now I just need a new wardrobe....lol I have 0 work shoes. I wear steel toed shoes now that I get 'free' each year from work. They are really high quality comfy $150 pair of leather shoes (i get a coupon each year for them) but they have steel toes and wearing the same shoes daily is easy but not stylish.

Lots to think about!

I am not looking forward to telling my coworkers they are not going to be happy. :worried:
:woohoo::cheer2::cool1::cheer2::cool1::cheer2: :cool1: :cheer2::cool1::cheer2::woohoo:

Oh YEAHHHH! I KNEW you'd rock it! Seriously, so stoked for you! :dance3:
Awesome news! Can't wait to hear all about the new job... And the shoes. Definitely want to hear about the shoes! (I don't knowwhen I started loving shoes?! :confused3)

Woooot! :yay:
:woohoo::cheer2::cool1::cheer2::cool1::cheer2: :cool1: :cheer2::cool1::cheer2::woohoo:

Oh YEAHHHH! I KNEW you'd rock it! Seriously, so stoked for you! :dance3:
Awesome news! Can't wait to hear all about the new job... And the shoes. Definitely want to hear about the shoes! (I don't knowwhen I started loving shoes?! :confused3)

Woooot! :yay:


Thank you both! I am both excited and nervous. Seems like my first 'real' job even though I've had a 'real' job for some time now. But I think I might get a business card and a work cell too though. :D

I am actually not looking forward to shopping. Its a necessary evil for me. #1 we don't have money to really do a whole new wardrobe and I am hopefully losing more weight so why spend $$ on nice stuff that won't fit in a few months (i hope). But I want to make a good first impression. While I know some of these people I don't know all of them. I also want to dress to impress but not overdress. Sigh. Not sure what to do.

Shoes are another issue but at least my shoe size shouldn't change. Overall I am not a big shoe person. I dont understand why women love them so much. :lmao: I am just too picky. I don't like the majority of things in the stores nowadays. While I like the look of a basic pump my legs KILL when i wear heels or even wedges. I wore wedges for my interview and my legs hurt for 2 days after. But maybe that's a good thing...exercise? I don't know. I will probably just try to find some comfy flats that look okay. :) Oh and the wedges I wore I could maybe wear a time or two more but not much. They were starting to come apart at the seams on one of them but I camoflauged it by using shoe polish. They were black shoes with white stitching and I black polished both of them so they just looked like black shoes and you couldn't tell where they were coming apart. :rotfl:

I am picky buying clothes too. I flat out don't like 75% of what most stores have. Of the 25% I find that is 'okay' or I like it, half of those either don't fit or don't look 'right' on me. I am hoping I have less of the 'don't fit' issue this time around. We shall see.

I am considering just changing my 'uniform' of jeans with polos/sweaters to dress pants and button downs if I can find some button downs that hold the girls in without puckering. I know ones from Express are supposed to be good for that assuming I can fit into those but they are pretty pricey too...

This weekend my plan is to go through all my clothes in search of things that are work appropriate and that fit. If it doesn't fit and its a BIGGER size I want to donate it. If it doesn't fit and its a smaller size and is still something I would consider wearing in public if it did fit I will keep it. If it doesn't fit and I don't think I would wear it to toss it. Most of the stuff that doesn't fit me (on the too small spectrum) is well over 5-7 years old. I had a lot of dress clothes for my internship my last year of grad school and for interviews and whatnot, so hopefully some of that will still be okay but I know there is a lot of random stuff I don't see myself wearing and I wonder why I still have that because even if it fit I wouldn't wear it.

Hopefully by the end of the weekend I will at least have a small start so i don't have quite so much to buy next weekend. AF did finally arrive yesterday so shopping this weekend probably wouldn't go well.

My 'official' start date is May 13th but I may still be doing my old job at least part time though. I hope not but I might be.

As for exercising it was a beautiful day today and we have a lovely warm forecast for the weekend. I took the dog on a longer walk today bc DH wasn't feeling well. Then I don't know if its in my head or not but I think my arms are getting thinner or at least stronger. I can feel my bicep more. The other day I scratched my arm and i thought i felt a lump and i was like 'what is that?!' thinking it was a rash or huge bug bite on my arm..but when i pulled up my shirt I saw nothing red or bumpy just my arm, but my bicep was hard! I guess I'm not used to that. :lmao:

Foodwise I am trying to transition from soup nearly everyday to salads. I love salads but they just take longer to prepare than grabbing a thing of soup. Basically i take spinach, some 'real' bacon bits, a bit of shredded cheese (half serving tops), a few cherry tomatoes and then my favorite..cut up strawberries! To die for! Then I bring a little thing of light ranch (the only dressing I like) then I dip my fork into the dressing then stir it around the salad or just dip the fork lightly and then pick up the salad. i use a lot less dressing that way (when i dip the spinach i get way too much i just like a little dressing). And when i have a bite with strawberries I don't even need dressing. lol I also bring some baby carrots to nosh on too. it's very filling and very yummy. I also like to use left over chicken from the grill or taco meat and bring that on the side in another dish and then heat that up and put on the salad...OMG its so good! The only thing better is if I have both blueberries AND strawberries! lol I know some people add almond slivers too but if I have almonds I'd rather have them on the side (i keep some in my desk). I am making myself hungry so I best stop.

I am going to bed for some beauty rest. Hope you all have a good weekend!

Thanks again!


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