12/7 anyone ready yet?

This mornings snow is 'sealing the deal' here with us in Wisconsin... we are sooooo ready to be where it's warm!

Tryed to insert a picture in here but i can't figure out how to do it... anyone know?

yargrnhoj: you are not too far from me... we are near Lake Geneva
Tuesday is to be the coldest day of the year so far with a high of 20 degrees and a low of 11- that does not include wind chill. I may not be packed but I am SO ready!
Ps. Doctor is calling in some codine cough syrup to put an end to this cough! All other cold sympoms are gone thanks to Zicam
Hey yargrnhoj, I hear you! We are in the town just north of you, and when I saw the weather last night for the coming week, I told my husband I felt sorry for our neighbours!;) With the snow we are expecting tonight and tomorrow, I better run out today and pick up any last minute things, and then hold up and start packing!

Even if it only hits 70 in Port Canaveral, that is still warmer than here!
Well lovely Colorado weather has us at 68 this last Friday and mid 50's all weekend through today...only to slam us tomorrow with a high of 30! Snow flurries are supposed to come in tomorrow as well. But travel day (Friday) is supposed to be sunny and mid 50's again. Here's hoping that they get snow snow snow and cold cold cold while we are gone!
Weather.com has Cozumel and Grand Caymen in the high 70's and low 80's for us all next week! whoo hoo. Orlando is supposed to be 67-73. Still warm for us.

Ann, hope you kick that cough! If codeine doesn't work, guess you'll have to order the wine package! LOL

I am packed and ready to go. Cleaning house today and getting ready to take the dogs to the sitters on Thursday. I thought I was going to miss them, but then the one little bugger got me up at 3 am this morning to go outside! Their lucky I don't take them to the sitter today! LOL

I am mentally ready but nowhere near PACKED ready! :) I have so much to get through this week at my daughter's school, but we'll manage.

Can't wait! :sunny:
Well... we got 4 inches of snow yesterday... thank goodness I did abit of shopping the day before... still need to get the underwater throw away camera for Sting Ray City....I came in late on this thread, folks are meeting at the Goofy Pool at 3:15 what day? Would love to stop by and introduce the crew...
Any "musts" I should bring that I'm forgetting? Thanks in advance... Tresha
Tresha, Welcome to the crew!:)
We are meeting Saturday (embarkation day) at 3:15 by the Goofy Pool. We would love to meet with you!
"Musts for travel?"
*Travel games, books etc for on the plane?
*Bonine, Dramamine, etc for possible sea sickness?
*Purell or other hand sanitizer?
*Lanyards for the kids to carry their KTTW cards on?
*Water shoes for Castaway Cay?

Any of these help?:)

Looking forward to meeting you! I think we have a fantastic group going.

BTW Alex, if you and family haven't left yet today...safe travels.
Jodie...when are you all leaving?
Hope everyone has clear skies on travel day!

Only 3 days til we leave!!:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I'm actually at work! The flight isn't untill 6 :)
I'm going to DIS con and then my family is flying down saturday!
Thanks for the well wishes...
>>>"I'm actually at work!"

Well, sorry to hear that! LOL :)
Have a great time at DisCon! You all must be able to get direct flights from the east coast??? It takes us about a day just to get to Orlando! If we left at 6 pm, we wouldn't get there until tomorrow! LOL

See ya on Saturday!

"Musts for travel?"
*Lanyards for the kids to carry their KTTW cards on?

Lisa, thanks! 3:15 Goofy pool, embarkation day--thanks for the tips: got loads of travel stuff, including a portable DVD player for the plane... long ride, I have lots of Kaopectate and Pepto and Benedryl will do the same as Dramamine... got my Purell in travel size (for purse) and back up size- water shoes for even the baby.. but no lanyards, but great idea. I even have our Mickey rain ponchos packed, hoping we don't have to use them! Where in Colorado are you? We have relatives in Denver and a good friend in Boulder... see ya Saturday!
Tresha:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
We'll be somewhere near PINOCCHIO'S Pizza for the meet.

See you there! :sunny:

>>>"Where in Colorado are you?">>>
We are just north of Denver and just east of Boulder...in a town called Thornton.:) I am actually from Michigan just north of where you live....Kalamazoo!:) (I think it's north...been a long time..LOL)

Benadryl does the same as Dramimine? I hadn't heard that one before! Good idea!

I am trying to stuff way too much stuff into way too few suitcases here guys! I think I am gonna either have to go with another suitcase, or break down and do laundry mid-week. Our room is across the hall from the laundry room so I guess it will at least be convenient!:)

20 degrees without the wind chill factored in. We are due for a big storm on thursday so I think I will change my manicure to Weds. to be on the safe side. The clothes have made it to the computer room's bed. Maybe they will get in the suitcases by thursday since we are outta here friday morning! yipee- now the weather just needs to improve!
Originally posted by lsmac

>>>"Where in Colorado are you?">>>
We are just north of Denver and just east of Boulder...in a town called Thornton.:) I am actually from Michigan just north of where you live....Kalamazoo!:) (I think it's north...been a long time..LOL)

Lisa...it must have been ions since you lived in Michigan.. cuz Kalamazoo is due, like in directly ;o) due west of Ann Arbor..
if you were north of Ann Arbor, you'd be in Flint-- or the U.P.!! Just teasing, to tell you the truth, I didn't know if I was
coming or going today, I left home without my purse when taking my son to kindergarten this morning, thank goodness
I figured it out about a mile down the road! Too many tasks and not enough time! Picked up some lysol spray for the
room, some lysol wipes and my underwater camera... I'm about half way packed... I had a "fashion show" for my 15 mo
old today, he thought that was pretty hysterical. I keep singing: Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. Later gater,

>>it must have been ions since you lived in Michigan.. cuz Kalamazoo is due, like in directly ;o) due west of Ann Arbor>>

Oops! I'm found out!:) Actually I was born there and lived there for ten years, but have lived in Colorado since (I am NOT telling how long THAT has been! LOL)...besides I have always stunk at geography!

I am so ready for this vacation, I almost went catatonic today with everything that is going on! I NEED some down time!

Ann, it has been rather chilly here too, but not nary that cold! :)

Lisa- it's only five degrees this morning! the wind chill is -8!
Ann....67 degrees to you will feel like 80 to most after that! Brrrr!

7 degrees here this morning and I shudder to think with the wind chill... Ann, I'm thinking the choice between an umbrella and long underwear is looking pretty good! ;) See ya! Tresha


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