12/7's bringing umbrella?


<font color=babyblue>I HATE SNOW!!!<br><font color
Apr 3, 2002
Historically when we have been in the caribbean if it rained it did not last long. Looking at our long range forcast I see rain rain rain. So I wonder, will it blow over like it has in St. Thomas or in the western does rain mean an all day event? I was not planing on packing an umbrella. Is anyone else?
Ann, last time we were in W Caribbean the rain would dump for about 5 mins and then clear up. Believe me, it comes in and goes out so fast you don't have time to put up an umbrella! LOL

Hi Ann
When we traveled on 11/9 the forecast on AOL said the same thing. The cayman islands were beautiful.At about 1 it looked like rain so we took the tender in for lunch.By the time we put our suits on and went up to Pluto's Doghouse, the rain had come and gone. Cozumel it was windy and rained later in the night but I don't think it was very long.
Have a great trip trip and don't worry about the weather.
Ann, I usually have two small collapsable umbrellas in my duffle for any trip we go on along with 2 rain ponchos... that way we go with the flow for whatever that day brings! We were in St. Thomas this Spring in a down pour that caught us for about an hour.. at least we kept the stroller dry! If it's going to drive you nuts, bring something small, even if it's one of those foldable raincoats that fit into your purse! Those are great for the sudden shower! In Michigan we're used to thunderstorms that are fast and furious... so, I'm usually planning on it getting wet... see ya Saturday! Tresha
I always bring a small travel umbrella and our ugly yellow Mickey ponchos. ;) It's more for the WDW portion of our trip but it does rain occasionally on the cruise and we're prepared for that too. :)


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