150 Club...care to join???

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Maria YOu have the same anniversary as my parents. May you enjoy the same amount of years. They will be celebrating 54 this May
Hi Guys!

Still plugging away here getting ready for the Half Marathon, and I've started counting WW points again. I'm just hoping to be fairly steady until the 15th, and after the Race hoopla I'll get to working hard on finally getting to the size I want to be.

Nancy -- Welcome!

Kat -- Good to hear from you! This thread just needs a resurrection. When is your anniversary? We will be married 15 years on May 8th...

Everyone have an awesome day!

Ours is May 21st. We will be in WDW from May 17-24. Although, we are also taking a January trip this year, Jan 25-Feb 3, which is coming up very quickly.

This thread definitely needs resurrection. I weighed this morning and the number was abysmal. 28 lbs to go to break the 150s barrier... bleah. I gained over 10 lbs since my Sept weight (the lowest in 2007). I need to update my ticker but it is so depressing.

Good news though, that I have stayed completely on track since jumping back on the wagon on Wednesday... stayed at 1200 calories and been to the gym yesterday and today.

How is everyone else? Let's get this thread going!! :yay:

I'm with you guys, let's get this thread going!

I took a nap this afternoon, and I'm a new woman, ready to do my five miles tomorrow. After that, no real workouts until the Half next Saturday. We leave for Disney on Thursday, but it just seems surreal. I actually said to my husband today that we are taking a vacation in a few days, we should be getting excited! I think we're just nervous about the race, and forgetting that's just one morning. The rest of the time we will be alone together:love:

We haven't had an "alone" trip in five years, and even though this is a short one, I am really starting to look forward to it!

So, after we get back and settled, I plan on getting very serious come the

Dona -- So good to hear from you, and thanks for the wonderful wishes!:cloud9: Ok, I know you are a Biggest Loser leader, I am just an admirer, so I have to ask what you think about the new season so far. I really never clicked with Kim, so I'm not sorry to see her gone. I love Bob, but I'd have to train with Jillian. I would be afraid not to lose the weight!

Kat -- Lucky you, what fabulous trips you have planned! We were going to do a 15th anniversary trip to San Francisco, but now I think we'll be waiting until 2009. We are just burnt out from vacationing, and we need to stay home and get some things done around the house. We had to get a new backyard fence, new roof...our bank account needs to recover.

How about we get things rolling with a "do it" for this year? Not a resolution, something you know you will do this year? I know that I will get more serious about my walking, and I plan to re-evaluate after the Half marathon. If that goes well, I'm going to push dh to do the Full in 2009, but it's way to early to think about that until we finish the Half!:cool1: I've really enjoyed the challenge, especially in the recent weeks, of the training. I walked 10 miles Dec. 22nd, my longest distance ever. It was hard, but so satisfying to do it. I'm looking for those kinds of rewards to get me moving and losing!

Well, gotta wind this up. We're going to a Celtics game tonight. Have a great evening, and plan something fun to get moving tomorrow!

Maria Have fun at the Celtics game. My dh was a supper Celt fan when I met him 32 years ago. We took a trip to Boston in 1984 and I thought I would have to hold him in the car when we went by the old Garden. Just before the Garden closed I suggested to him that he take a trip and see it. He didn't want to. He thought it would ruin the illusion he had of the place.

I don't think I could work with Jillian. I like Bob's appraoch better. I don't respond to well to yellers. I am still on the fence about Kim. MY ds2 was surprised not to see Kiim back. Yes he and his friends watch the show and text each other to remind them that it is on.
I think I would do well with either... probably better with the Bob approach though.

My one thing would be to finally get down to a decent weight. I am so sick of being fluffy.

This is the end of a third good healthy day. I guess you have to start somewhere!
Hi Ladies!

I can't believe we leave for WDW in two days:figment:

I have a plan to get going on the weight loss when I return, slowly getting back to the longer workouts, and following WW.

It is what it is. I did not lose a ton of weight before this race, but that's ok. I am alot stronger and more fit than I was. I can walk 10 miles, which I couldn't do before. The weight loss will come when I can cut back on my protein and up the length of workouts again. I can and will do better, I just have to focus and not let anything get in my way!

I am going to get the 150s in sight, and keep going on my quest to be fit, fabulous and 40 (June 8th!). :love:

Kat -- We do have to start somewhere, and at least it's not back at the beginning!:goodvibes

Dona-- The Celtics were a blast, we have a great time just watching the games. I try to ignore the Celtic Strip, um Dancers. It's a shame they couldn't afford costumes for them, because I think they probably could still hold the crowd's attention with their clothes on...:dance3:

I probably won't post much until the end of next week. Everyone keep on losing!

Good Luck Maria. I envy you. I wish I had signed up for the marathon. It would be great to meet all the people we talk to on the boards.
hey all I'm Rachel. I am a 24 year old sahm of three. I put on....yikes 110 lbs when I was preggers and have been trying to lose it since. Its been two years since I had dd2 and its been hard. I delivered at 220 and my goal is to make it to 150. I have lost 34lbs on my own and now need help. I started ww a few weeks ago and have lost 3 pounds in two weeks:cool1: . That puts my total at 37 lbs with 33 to go! I hope I make it...:worship: please help me stay on track.
Welcome Tinker Girl This thread has been slow the last couple of weeks but maybe we can help it to pick up.

Maria How was the marathon weekend? DId you finish?
Welcome Tinker Girl... I am the thread killer here so I will do it again. :goodvibes

On a good note, I have been very good the last 2 weeks and am down 8 lbs. That puts me at 179, so I am getting closer to that 150s mark...
Hi Ladies!

I'm baaack! I am very proud to say that I did finish the Half Marathon, and in time to get my Donald medal. This was the greatest physical accomplishment of my life -- ok, I'm discounting giving birth, because I didn't train for that!:sad2:

Next year I want to be much leaner and finish faster. That means really applying myself to losing weight, so here I go!

tinker girl -- Welcome! We'll get this thread going now!:banana:

Kat -- I know you won't kill this one -- the 150s Club will never die!:woohoo:

Dona -- Can you believe I did it?! I bought a very small Figment for my desk, to remind me that I can imagine anything, and it can happen!:thumbsup2

Today I'm doing 30 minutes on the TM, and I'm counting points. I'm just going to plug away for a week or so, and see where I am. I think my weight right now isn't reliable -- too much going on for the last week.

We had a great time staying at POR, and just a fantastic trip overall. I highly recommend it -- if a Half seems too daunting, they have a 5K...:wizard:

If you have any questions, I'll answer as best I can.

I am so impressed with you and anyone who does the 1/2 or the full marathon. Congrats.
Hi Dona!

It really is a matter of training. I'm 50 lbs. overweight, and I managed to do it. If I hadn't followed the program increasing my mileage and long walks, I couldn't have done it.

Thanks for the support, it is a great feeling. I highly recommend registering for some sort of event, and then training. I'm still having trouble with eating right, but I think I get a little better every day because I have a goal.

Thanks for the welcomes! I hope we can get this thing up and running along with me too! :lmao: lord knows I need it lol.

Wow Maria congrats on your marathon! living in a small town like me, you don't get to do things like that. I must say you have to be a strong woman to do that big ups to you!
back on track now!
let go 150 club lets go! *clap clap*:lmao:
Good Morning!

I did my half hour on the TM last night, and I was pretty good about counting points. Today I'm doing a half hour on the stationary bike, and hopefully 2 miles tomorrow. I feel good until and during exercise, but afterwards I realize how sore I still am. But that's ok, I don't dare stop or I might stay that way. In my case, a body at rest tends to stay at rest...:rotfl:

I'm looking for a 5K to do when it warms up. There's no way I'm doing an event in New England before April. Too dicey!

I got a look at my photos, and they are sobering. I'm so proud of my accomplishment, but so embarrassed when I see how big I am. My face didn't used to be round...sigh. Anyway, I really want to be a different person physically in six months, so I'm going to start making better choices. :thumbsup2 I'm going shopping when I leave work today, and I'll stock up on yogurt and other friendly foods.

Everyone have an awesome day!
Hi everyone!

Hope you don't mind if I join in.

I am shooting for 155lbs. I started Weight Watchers in November, but I have gone only sporadically. I have lost about 60lbs since Sept 2006. I am doing it slowly and it's up and down, but it is the first time I have ever stopped myself when I start gaining and start again. Several times I have gained up to 10-15lbs back, but I start again. I am now about 7lbs away from what my lowest weight has been. I gained about 15lbs from November-December. I think in about 10lbs I'll be the lowest I have been since High School!

Overall I have about 40lbs left to go. I try to look at how far I have come and not how far I still have to go.

I signed up for the Disneyland 1/2 Marathon. I have never run before. Though I plan to run/walk. My knees I don't think would hold up to all running, I have a bit of arthritis and my patella doesn't line up correctly so they crunch a bit. I just started Marathoning For Mortals. I am on the 2nd week. Though I didn't do my time last night. I made the mistake of leaving my trainers (weight workout) and stopping for dinner. I am better off if I just eat something light and get on the treadmill as soon as I get home. If I give myself rest time, there is a great chance I won't do it.

Have a great day!
Hey all. I might be young but I know when I need to do something. I'm joining this group!

My mom lost almost 100 pounds on weight watchers. I'm hoping to do the same =]

Hopefully i'll be accountable here!
Welcome to Michelle and ktbutterfly!

I used Marathoning for Mortals to train for the DisneyWorld Half, and it worked, so I highly recommend it!

I did my half hour on the stationary bike, so tomorrow it's two miles on the TM. We still have too much ice to walk outside, at least for me. I'm a total weather wimp!

I've done better with eating, I'm weaning myself off an eat anything I want post-race binge. I figure by Monday I will have it well in hand.

Everyone have a great night, and welcome to all our newbies, we can do this together!

hey all I wanted to pop in and say hi! I am mostly a m-f diser so I had a min to drop in and say hello! weigh in tomorrow wish me luck!
Good Morning, Ladies!

I just did my two miles, so I'm good on the exercise front for today. DH and I sat down and made menus through Thursday, with WW recipes for entrees each night. This is going to be my most WW week in a long time, which is good, I need it!

I have breakfasts and lunches planned too, and I have a new strategy -- I'm going to make myself eat more points during the day, and cut myself off after dinner. I have a bad habit of eating dinner, then snacking all night. I cut ds off after dinner, so why not me?! In the past I would save a ton of points, but then it just wouldn't be enough. I was so hungry, I'd eat all night. I'm going to try it this week and see what happens. I even bought desserts, so I will have something extra yummy. WW Key Lime Pie, Mint chocolate chip sundaes, and Skinny Cow vanilla w/caramel ice cream cones -- how can I go wrong?!

Rachel -- Good luck with your weigh-in! I am back to my pre-trip weight (I gained 1.5 lbs), so I hope for a big improvement next Saturday!

Have an awesome day!
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