17 Days of Wishes Come to Life- A Sept. 08 WDW and DCL Adventure 3/27 new link posted

When are you sailing next???? We are looking forward to the week before Easter! DH has put us on hiatus for buying art though! We will go see Chris and Amy though!!! Our kids will be with us too on this one and the next!:thumbsup2
They always make it a greater adventure!!!pirate:
So you were the lucky couple he ate with? I was sitting near you and wishing I could kidnap him for a bit. :lmao: He is such an interesting fellow! Which original did you end up purchasing?

We plan on sending him a thank you note from Goofy for being so kind to him during their conversation. What was probably just a few passing comments to him really meant a whole lot to our little guy. It's not every day such a talented man takes the time to ask a child about their creations, likes, etc. It was very special for our son.

Park West FINALLY got sent our art...just three weeks ago! I was very disappointed with how long it took them to get our gilcee here. :( I had hoped to have it hanging for Christmas. I kept getting different answers each time I called in. For a bit, I was very annoyed. However, I am only happy now that it is here!

Do Chris and Amy 'stay' on the Magic? I loved Amy! She made me laugh so many times. I thought she was just about as entertaining as Harrison himself. ;) She is the other person who really took an interest in Goofy. While the Park West fufillment end of things was slow, I have nothing but glowing comments about their onboard staff. :thumbsup2

My art buying has it's own savings account right now. :rotfl2: I didn't come:rotfl2: prepared this trip. I will not make that mistake again! I think we will sail again in 2010. I am really eyeing a Christmas cruise! How magical would that be!!!

You have no idea how excited I am to 'meet' you! I always hope that somewhere out there is someone who was part of our vacation and will post. :):):) You just made my day!

You didn't happen to take any pictures of him while he was painting outside of the show, did you? I would love to see them if you have any!

THANK YOU AGAIN FOR POSTING! I cannot stop smiling!

I always wonder how it is possible that I so rarely encounter other DISers in my travels! :cloud9:
Great installment! I'll miss all of your great pictures and great information about all things Disney! princess:
Looks like you had a fantastic time at Castaway Cay, the snorkelling with the sting rays looked great!

I love how the kids all had so much fun at the clubs especially Aladdin :rotfl: And how sweet was the CM there!
Jay, I have really enjoyed reading this trip report. What an amazing vacation with your family - I am sure you will remember this trip for the rest of your life.

By the way, you should be in more photos with your family - you look gorgeous :thumbsup2

Have fun when you head to DW next week.
I just speant 4 hours on a Saturday night reading your trip report and it was fantastic. Your boys are beautiful and your relationship with your friends is wonderful. We have our Disney September 2009 vacation booked but will now start researching a cruise for 2010. Hope to read your next trip report but while I wait I will read your older ones.
After hours of reading just a small portion of the land trip report and ALL of the cruise report I can't believe it has come to an end. My arm can't take any more reading tonight or I'd get right into the other reports.

The thing that touched me just as much as your relationship with your dear family was your relationship with your dear friends. We have some close friends who "do Disney" with us every year. We all lived in Indiana until last summer when we moved to West Virginia. There is nothing quite like good friends who are so close to being family that you trust your children with them.

Our oldest daughter and their son remind me so much of your son and Cinderella. The closeness of that childhood friendship will be something they will always treasure (and you will too).

Can't wait to read your other TR's.

So fun to get to know you. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful part of yourself!

What an absolutely perfect last night. You have so many special memories this trip. I cant believe it is coming to an end. Sad for us avid fans of your trip report. Now I am just dying to try a cruise but I dont like boats. I am very close to trying after reading this report though. LOL. I see you are leaving for another trip very soon. I cant wait to hear all about that one too!!!
Another great update. I think we're all going to be as sad as you were to see your trip come to an end!!!
Very soon I will have more WDW to share. :) I am so excited!

Wonderful updates.
The beach at Castaway Cay looked so inviting. I'm glad to see they have an adult area that you can escape to.

I can't believe you are almost done. This has been so much fun to read.
I loved the adult area. It was such a refreshing break! Although, I have to admit, I did miss my little guys after a bit. ;)

Your day at Castaway Cay looked wonderful! I cracked up at your "long lost Aladdian" comment on the one pic. :rotfl: I bet he is taking away a ton of memories and new friends. I hope someone out there recgonizes that boy and they can get back in touch!

And what a GREAT CM!! Only at Disney do you find people like that! It's so wonderful.

I can't believe your trip is ending. :sad1: It has been a complete joy to read! The entire time I've been thinking "We must go on a cruise, we must go on a cruise, we must go on a curise." Which I know we will, in a few years when Henry is a bit older...but everytime I read your TR, I want to do one NOW! :laughing:
Ha, you must cruise, I think you guys would very much enjoy it! :) Thank you for your sweet words. :)

Great installment! I'll miss all of your great pictures and great information about all things Disney! princess:
I have another installment yet to come. :) And, thanks! :)

Looks like you had a fantastic time at Castaway Cay, the snorkelling with the sting rays looked great!

I love how the kids all had so much fun at the clubs especially Aladdin :rotfl: And how sweet was the CM there!
Edson is amazing with the kids. I hope he is still there when we cruise again. So many of the CMs are just out of this world amazing!

Jay, I have really enjoyed reading this trip report. What an amazing vacation with your family - I am sure you will remember this trip for the rest of your life.

By the way, you should be in more photos with your family - you look gorgeous :thumbsup2

Have fun when you head to DW next week.
Ha ha ha, I like it behind the camera. That seems to suit me. ;) But thank you for your kind words.

I just speant 4 hours on a Saturday night reading your trip report and it was fantastic. Your boys are beautiful and your relationship with your friends is wonderful. We have our Disney September 2009 vacation booked but will now start researching a cruise for 2010. Hope to read your next trip report but while I wait I will read your older ones.
WOW, that is dedicated reading! ;) We do very dearly love our friends. I count their entire family as one of our family's greatest blessings. I hope you enjoy your family trip to WDW. And your potential trip with DCL! Thanks for reading!!

YES WE DO JAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YES WE DO! So...It's not to late to hop on a plane later this week. :laughing:

After hours of reading just a small portion of the land trip report and ALL of the cruise report I can't believe it has come to an end. My arm can't take any more reading tonight or I'd get right into the other reports.

The thing that touched me just as much as your relationship with your dear family was your relationship with your dear friends. We have some close friends who "do Disney" with us every year. We all lived in Indiana until last summer when we moved to West Virginia. There is nothing quite like good friends who are so close to being family that you trust your children with them.

Our oldest daughter and their son remind me so much of your son and Cinderella. The closeness of that childhood friendship will be something they will always treasure (and you will too).

Can't wait to read your other TR's.

So fun to get to know you. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful part of yourself!
Thank you! I have a big smile on my face after reading your post. You also have a PM response. Thanks again!

popcorn:: excellent!!!!!!!
Thank you! :cloud9:


What an absolutely perfect last night. You have so many special memories this trip. I cant believe it is coming to an end. Sad for us avid fans of your trip report. Now I am just dying to try a cruise but I dont like boats. I am very close to trying after reading this report though. LOL. I see you are leaving for another trip very soon. I cant wait to hear all about that one too!!!
That trip is one that I will never forget. Then again, they all are.:laughing: I really treasure our vacations, actually, I treasure all of the family time I have been blessed with. :cloud9:
One Final Morning...

Morning came all too soon. Not one of us was ready for either a. peeling our eyes open after such a short sleep or especially b. coming to the end of such a magical vacation.

Before we walked out of our room, I snapped one last picture of my favorite picture from our room. It's of Mr. and Mrs. Disney enjoying some time aboard a ship themselves.

And then, within an hour of waking, we were shutting our cabin doors for the very last time. *Sigh*

When we arrived we were so happy to see that Gavin was well enough to make an appearance for this meal. Here is a picture of Aladdin with two of the very best servers anywhere.

One very tired Little Prince.

Gavin took a lot of time saying goodbye to our Little Prince. He had doted on him all week long and it seemed he truly was sad to say goodbye.

I don't remember what anyone had to eat. It was way too early in the morning and I was honestly too absorbed in trying to squeeze every little bit of joy I could out of my last little bit of time on board. However, all of that said, it was VERY VERY good. :cloud9:

After breakfast, we took time to stop for a potty break before we disembarked. We had a l-o-n-g drive ahead of us and I wanted to have the kids set for as long as possible before we got underway. After our short pit stop, I couldn't help but sneak out on to the deck for one last quick snap shot and to take one last deep breath of the ocean air.

A sad walk.

And a bittersweet sign. But one that I hope does come true.

**TIP- Use a porter...they have a way to sort of fast track you through the lines (the faster they go, the more people they can tote bags for, the people they help, the more money they make in tips). It was well worth being zipped ahead and not having to struggle to lug your own stuff out of the terminal and through customs!**

As we walked out to our waiting vans, we said goodbye to our friends (they had one last night in FL with some family). We then spent a good ten minutes trying to puzzle out how to fit all of the stuff we had accumulated back into the van along with all of our luggage and family. :rotfl2: I am lucky that dh is such a good Tetris player. It was jam packed by the time we finally did get everything loaded in. Sad boys all loaded up (like sardines in a very small can).

And finally, as we drove away...one last look back at our magical floating home for the past week...The Disney Magic.

And after a very long trip, we finally drove up our drive, over our bridge and up to our house. Although I very much wished we still had more vacation left to enjoy, I was very happy to return home. There is something wonderful about simply coming home after a long trip. As we all climbed out of the car (late in the evening) it was with tired bodies, happy memories and a very comforting feeling of home greeting us. :cloud9:
I will have a short 'reflection' installment to post soon. I may not get it up before I leave for WDW (less than a week now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) but I promise not to forget and to add it as soon as possible.

Thank you all for reliving our vacation with me. You have all gifted me with such kind words, wonderful insights and unique perspectives. I cherish your comments and friendship.

My trip reports wouldn't be even half as good without such great trip report reading DISers being a part of them. For that, you have my gratitude. You all added (in your own special ways) to the magic of my vacation memories. :grouphug: THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!! :grouphug:
Thank you for sharing yet another one of your wonderful family vacations with us. You have such a charming family and always have such a wonderful way of writing about your fabulous and magical vacations.
Oh Jay, I have LOVED reading all about your vacation!!!! It brought many smiles to my face. Your family is beautiful and your trips are amazing. I am sad to see this one end but I am excited to hear about the boys upcoming birthday bashes!!! I can't wait....!!!! Thank you for sharing your family and your memories with all of us!!!!
Thanks for taking the time to share this with us! It was so much fun. I do hope to take a DCL trip one day. I'm actually looking at the European tours.
I'll be waiting for your wrap-up!

"Happy Birthday, Stitch!"

I hope you have a wonderful birthday trip!!
Aw Jay, that was so sad! I hate the last day :sad2: Thank you so much for sharing your trip with us. I always absolutely love your reports and this was a truly amazing one. You're all so lucky to be able to share such great family memories :goodvibes That picture of a tired LP was TOO CUTE too!

As sad as this update was... you leave again in 4 days!!!! Ahhh! How exciting :woohoo: Are all the week-long birthday bashes in your signature being spent at Disney? What an amazing year this will be for all of you! Have you started a pre-trip for your trip this week?
Aw! i can't believe it's over!! What an amazing trip you had!!

You will be doing a TR of stitch's birthday trip, right??? :thumbsup2
I truly loved reading every second of your trip report. I can't believe it's over. I've been on this ride from the very beginning, so I am sad to see it come to an end. However, I always look forward to hearing about your new adventures!

Thank you again for sharing this wonderful vacation with us! :hug:

What a wonderful vacation ! I truly enjoyed your trip report. I should have posted sooner. You have a beautiful family and are a great storyteller.

Can't wait to hear about your next trip ...


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