18% Gratutiy

is this dead horse still being whipped... if the servers do not like the pay, maybe they should have turned out and voted down the union contract... or they could get better jobs.
Hey neighbor!

And that's fine.
- Start an e-mail campaign to get Disney to use the correct terminology.
- Keep it brief and to the point.
- Use bullet points.
- Have all participants use the same format, or even wording.

But Disney is NOT going to change the procedure. As for prices going up - yes, they did, do, and will. Price increases generally reflect cost increases

emial campaign - That is way more sophisticated than I want to get, anyone wishing to go all out, I support, I think a brief to the point email will more than suffice. :surfweb:

and "generally" is a pretty broad term. I beleive there is a much larger picture... WDW is not the only part of this Company, it functions with a cumulative bottom line from many sources. When something goes wrong in one area, often others are tapped to make up for the shortcomings, especially in profit. If Disney is not making a signifigant profit on their food division there is a much greater problem. Unfortunately Co's usually destroy the "moneymakers" by straining them to make up for these other area shortcomings. I always go back to projections and actual reported profits, management and mismanagemnt and who pays in the end... the customer
As a company you can't make everybody happy, but the concensous across the board from anyone I have ever talked with or read a posting from is that mandatory gratuities are stongly disliked. My personal preference is somewhere in the middle, I love it for large groups, not so much for smaller ones, it probably does save me money. :flower3:
I do object to being taken advantage of, call it what it is when you mandate a cumpolsory charge on my bill. I think like most, I feel it is deceptive reagrding what the true "cost" of my meal is. I will admit, it comes out the same either way usually, but being forced to leave a tip when service can be poor and having to make an issue of it if it is not, is not what I want to do on my vacation with my two children present.. leaving a smaller tip would be just as effective and less confrontational... I'm not at work... I'm on vacation :cloud9:
Can any company really afford to loose potential customers? As someone who has a business, I don't think so, that's lost $$$$.
wow sorry I got so long winded... feeling pretty strongly about this... :cool1:

is this dead horse still being whipped... if the servers do not like the pay, maybe they should have turned out and voted down the union contract... or they could get better jobs.

I strongly agree... I've always said that and lived to put my own words into action when after not gettin a raise through my "union" for SIX years, I left my job. sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do... :woohoo:

I also wonder, just what does the pay structure for disney wait staff look like and what are some final figures after tips for a 40 hr work week...
Most of my working life my pay was public record, I supported that, knowledge is power... anyone who doesn't want you to know what they make probably makes more than you think ;)
I really don't understand the problem with adding a 18% gratuity.
I don't understand the problem if we are talking about the money, i do understand if we are talking about principles.

If you only look at the money then it doesn't make that much difference, almost everybody is paying a 15-20% gratuity.
We always pay between the 15% and 20% we do just a round amount, sometimes that's a 19% and sometimes just 16.5%.

If you have a DDE then the discount you have is still 20% but it depends on how much you used to tipp, if you always tipped a 15% then you loose an extra 3% with the 18% they now apply. So you still have a saving of 17% each time you use a TS.
And the other way around is you always tipp 20% then you save a 22% instead of the 20% that you used to save.

Another point is the principle of adding gratuity.
I hate that. I can add gratuity by myself pretty good, i don't need the help of the waiter to do so.
I totally agree with Pete's opinion about when is 18% the regulation??
And also about the fact that i want to be boss over my own money, if i want to give 15% then i give 15%, and not by first asking the waiter to have the 18% scrapped off my bill......

Moneywise there's not much of a change for me.
Principlewise i hate them for doing this....
Another point is the principle of adding gratuity.
I hate that. I can add gratuity by myself pretty good, i don't need the help of the waiter to do so.
I totally agree with Pete's opinion about when is 18% the regulation??
And also about the fact that i want to be boss over my own money, if i want to give 15% then i give 15%, and not by first asking the waiter to have the 18% scrapped off my bill......

Moneywise there's not much of a change for me.
Principlewise i hate them for doing this....
I think for everyone that objects, this IS the reason. At least it is for me and seems to be from the comments I've read. It isn't the money, IT'S the principle. Disney needs to wake up and smell the coffee, they can only whip their cash cow for so long before it starts costing them money. People will eventually get fed up and start going to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter instead!
is this dead horse still being whipped... if the servers do not like the pay, maybe they should have turned out and voted down the union contract... or they could get better jobs.

Do you really think that Disney does this to placate their servers? Last place i worked we all got to pay a "privilege for working for Marcello" tax whenever we had a tip come over on the credit card machine. If you think this increase is simply going into the servers pocket, well you better think agaiin. Disney isn't doing this to help out the "poor server" (where, bytheway. is there a server's union? Just in general or as part of a Disney union because I have never heard of one in NJ) For most of us, serving is a part time job in addition to another job or used to suppliment income of a stay at home in the daytime parent. To cavalierly state that the person should get another job just goes to show you have always been "the horse beater" not "the horse". Kudos for you, must be nice. May your good fortune continue:hourglass.
(where, bytheway. is there a server's union? Just in general or as part of a Disney union because I have never heard of one in NJ)
There most like is at least one union specifically for food service workers; however, apparently all the servers at Disney belong to the same union as many thousands of other Cast Members - and that's the problem. Despite most, if not all, servers turning out and voting AGAINST the contract, they are VASTLY outnumbered by non-food service CMs - who, frankly, seemed not to care that the servers got dumped on.
I am going to start off by apologizing, I did not read through the entire thread. Sorry if these points have been brought up before.

First, I'll say that I don't have a problem with the 18% gratuity being added. We tip 20% so it will actually save me a little bit. I also think some servers were getting shorted on a bill with DDE because perhaps some people forgot to pay the tip on the original total and only paid on the after 20% off total.

My problem with this whole thing is the email we got. I really felt like I was being talked down to or as if I am stupid, and that's what I told them in my email back. ( I got no response to my email BTW).

This sentence bothered me....Gratuity will not be added to any counter service, food cart or quick service locations. It bothered me because DDE is not good at these locations so what does that have to do with anything.

Also this sentence....This adjustment to the program has been implemented in order to align the Disney Dining Experience Program with other dining experiences where gratuities are included. This bothered me because they just stopped adding gratuity to the DDP. What other programs is it aligning with?

I feel like Disney thinks I don't do any research and know what else they have available. In other words, stupid.

Again, I apologize if I am reiterating something already talked about here.
Just a note because I didn't state it in previouse posts:

Whenever you tip by cc remember that the full tip does NOT go to the server, the restaurant gets a piece of the pie from that tip EVERYTIME someone pays with a cc. They call it all kinds of things but one thing is for sure, they make some money off it. That's why I always try to tip with cash.
Just a note because I didn't state it in previouse posts:

Whenever you tip by cc remember that the full tip does NOT go to the server, the restaurant gets a piece of the pie from that tip EVERYTIME someone pays with a cc. They call it all kinds of things but one thing is for sure, they make some money off it. That's why I always try to tip with cash.

I am assuming you are referring the the cc fee that the buisness has to pay. I find it hard to believe Disney makes money off this.
My problem with this whole thing is the email we got. I really felt like I was being talked down to or as if I am stupid, and that's what I told them in my email back. ( I got no response to my email BTW).

This sentence bothered me....Gratuity will not be added to any counter service, food cart or quick service locations. It bothered me because DDE is not good at these locations so what does that have to do with anything.

When this was first announced, there was some information that indicated that this DID apply to CS locations which of course, made little to no sense. But the information was out there and people were getting upset about it. Disney was attempting to put those rumors to rest.

Also this sentence....This adjustment to the program has been implemented in order to align the Disney Dining Experience Program with other dining experiences where gratuities are included. This bothered me because they just stopped adding gratuity to the DDP. What other programs is it aligning with?

I feel like Disney thinks I don't do any research and know what else they have available. In other words, stupid.

I agree. This sentence was useless and factually questionable. I understand there are some dining experiences that DO include gratuity still, but that point aside, I wish they had said the truth, "This change was made as a concession to the union during labor negotiations." :confused3

This is the E-mail I got from Disney............

On Nov 26, 2007, at 12:26 PM, WDW Guest Communications wrote:

Dear Ms. P

Thank you for your reply.

Please know the gratuity will be assessed on the full bill, then the 20%
will be discounted. However, Guests will not be able to dispute the
gratuity. If a Guest should have a concern with the service or food
received when using their Disney Dining Experience Card, we recommend
they speak with a manager. Each individual situation will be reviewed
by the manager at the location, on a case by case basis.

We hope this additionaly information is helpful.


Executive Offices
Walt Disney World Resort
This is the E-mail I got from Disney............

On Nov 26, 2007, at 12:26 PM, WDW Guest Communications wrote:

Dear Ms. P

Thank you for your reply.

Please know the gratuity will be assessed on the full bill, then the 20%
will be discounted. However, Guests will not be able to dispute the
gratuity. If a Guest should have a concern with the service or food
received when using their Disney Dining Experience Card, we recommend
they speak with a manager. Each individual situation will be reviewed
by the manager at the location, on a case by case basis.

We hope this additionaly information is helpful.


Executive Offices
Walt Disney World Resort

I think that answers the question of being able to dispute the service charge. You may speak to the manager for a canned response...... just like we get from MS or GC.

Mark my words....in the future this IS coming across the board.
I am assuming you are referring the the cc fee that the buisness has to pay. I find it hard to believe Disney makes money off this.

Why not, they make money off of everything else:lmao: Its what they do. Just be cause they are Disney doesn't mean everything they do is ethical. As simple a thing as taking the percentage use charge for a credit card off the full charge of the meal (including tip) is skimming a few bucks a day, and plenty of places do that. Whether or not Disney does, can't say for sure, but it is possible. Even if it saved them $1 per meal charged per day, it would add up in year, wouldn't it?

Regardless, by enforcing and 18% tip rule, they effectively curtailed any raise issues for the service workers, didn't they?
I don't have a problem with the new rule, I tip 20% anyway, on the total including the taxes. I'm just happy someone else is doing the cooking, serving and cleaning for me. Well worth the 20% tip to me.

I do, however; have a problem with most people assuming that the servers/waitpeople will automatically start giving inferior service just because of the new rule. I don't think that's true. I think that a good server will remain a good server and a poor server will stay a poor server. I think it's the way a person is, their personality so to speak. This won't change them and the way they behave, for better or worse. It's hard to explain what I mean, but a "good" (not sure if that's the correct word) person won't let this affect them into giving bad service just because they know they're going to get a tip anyway. Maybe it's the way I was raised and I know many people just like this. Someone said earlier that the "me generation" might have this mentality, but not so much the older generation; work ethic wise.

I think we should give the servers the same consideration we did before this rule before we pre-judge that they will all give poor service automatically. I'm not trying to offend anyone, just want to give everyone a chance.

I have no problem tipping for good service but I'm tipping for good service and not because the server is making less than minimum wage and I'm supposed to somehow supplement their wage. If the service isn't good then the tip should be lower.

I do have a problem with the automatic 18% being added to the bill as this isn't a tip, it's now a service charge especially if you won't be able to dispute it as indicated by the reply someone got from Disney dining. I only hope that they then change the wording on the bill to read "service charge" and not "gratuity". A gratuity is under my control and a service charge is under Disney's.

I think this approach that you can't dispute it if the service is poor will be interesting.
Why not, they make money off of everything else:lmao: Its what they do. Just be cause they are Disney doesn't mean everything they do is ethical. As simple a thing as taking the percentage use charge for a credit card off the full charge of the meal (including tip) is skimming a few bucks a day, and plenty of places do that. Whether or not Disney does, can't say for sure, but it is possible. Even if it saved them $1 per meal charged per day, it would add up in year, wouldn't it?

Regardless, by enforcing and 18% tip rule, they effectively curtailed any raise issues for the service workers, didn't they?

How is that skimming? That is a LEGITIMATE buisness expense. It doesn't SAVE money, it is a cost of doing buisness.

It still amazes me how EVERYTHING is Disney's fault. The union, the servers are members of, contracted this for them.....even if the servers didn't want it. They need to take it up with THEIR union. It is ultimately their responsiblility because they are members of this union. And for GOODNESS SAKE! 18% almost across the board? Still not happy?
I think that a good server will remain a good server and a poor server will stay a poor server.

Dh and I had an indepth conversation with an older CM years ago. We were discussing the decline in work ethic. Many new CM's felt entitled and there wasn't much incentive for improvement. He felt this was due to that five letter word.(and no...Disney has 6) It made it harder to reward a good employee or dismiss a poor one.

I agree with your comment above....
Dh and I had an indepth conversation with an older CM years ago. We were discussing the decline in work ethic.

I understand your point about work ethic. I work with the biggest cry babies in the Auto Industry. The UAW mentality is that the company owes them a job and how dare they lay anyone off or try to fire anyone for poor performance. I am not in the union and I have to perform and get no raises year after year. The UAW gives poor performance and they get gauranteed raises because of their contract. They are getting a bigger raise over the next 4 years than I have seen in 12 Years. :confused3

I guess my point is that the unions all treat things this way and it won't change until all of our jobs are done by lower wage illegals or they move all of our jobs overseas or south of the border.

Just my 2 cents.
How is that skimming? That is a LEGITIMATE buisness expense. It doesn't SAVE money, it is a cost of doing buisness.

It still amazes me how EVERYTHING is Disney's fault. The union, the servers are members of, contracted this for them.....even if the servers didn't want it. They need to take it up with THEIR union. It is ultimately their responsiblility because they are members of this union. And for GOODNESS SAKE! 18% almost across the board? Still not happy?

Its skimming if they take a percentage out of the amount left as a tip, that's not supposed to happen. Servers aren't paid minimum wage so tips are counted (by the restaurant) as part of their pay so you get paid about 3.50 an hour (more or less). There are places that do that, there are places that don't. EVERYTHING is not Disney's "fault", they are there to make money, big money, and that's exactly what they do. As far as unions go, case in point, Internation Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, certain chapters are great, certain chapters stink. It's all in your representation. Just because you "belong to the union" doesn't mean you are on the gravy train and have things go you're way all the time. You can have all the servers show up and vote something down in the Disney Union, but if all the janitors, characters, retail workers etc. want to vote FOR it to get something else,, the servers will loose. You also have no idea exactly HOW MUCH of that 18% goes to the actual server. Who makes the drinks, clears the table, pours the water? All these people get a "piece of the pie" as well. So now 18% could become12 or 15%.

Any way you slice it, good servers rarely make the money they deserve, and bad servers make more than they deserve, and its not an easy job to have. There are alot of jobs like that around...its the way of the world.
Its skimming if they take a percentage out of the amount left as a tip, that's not supposed to happen. Servers aren't paid minimum wage so tips are counted (by the restaurant) as part of their pay so you get paid about 3.50 an hour (more or less). There are places that do that, there are places that don't. EVERYTHING is not Disney's "fault", they are there to make money, big money, and that's exactly what they do. As far as unions go, case in point, Internation Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, certain chapters are great, certain chapters stink. It's all in your representation. Just because you "belong to the union" doesn't mean you are on the gravy train and have things go you're way all the time. You can have all the servers show up and vote something down in the Disney Union, but if all the janitors, characters, retail workers etc. want to vote FOR it to get something else,, the servers will loose. You also have no idea exactly HOW MUCH of that 18% goes to the actual server. Who makes the drinks, clears the table, pours the water? All these people get a "piece of the pie" as well. So now 18% could become12 or 15%.

Any way you slice it, good servers rarely make the money they deserve, and bad servers make more than they deserve, and its not an easy job to have. There are alot of jobs like that around...its the way of the world.

You complain about the 18% becoming 12% or 15% because you have to tip out the bartenders, bus persons, etc. Look at these people as your employees. They are as dependant on tips as the servers are. You obviously have no idea what it takes to run a business. Someone has to pay the lease, the light bill, repairs, light bulbs, toliet paper, etc....payroll tax, health insurance, unemployment insurance, wages, credit card fees, as well trying to recoup their original investment......the list goes on and on.

I know this is way off topic...sorry. It's just not as simple as some want to make it.


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