2 Pirates and a Princess - Day 4


Sep 3, 2008
After breakfast at 7.45 we went back to the rooms to layer up and headed off to the parks. Todays plan was to do the Studios.

GD woke up in a better mood, teeth obviously weren't hurting her this morning, having given her some medicine for her temperature she was fast asleep by the time we had walked thro' the village.

It was still cold but we had lovely blue skies and sun.

As we neared the park entrances I started to wonder if I'd made the right decision as the crowd heading for the studios seemed to be twice the size of the one heading to the main park! But once we were thro' the gates I wondered where everyone had gone, lol.

First stop was the Monsters Inc area, we were lucky and Scully appeared just as we were doing a few photos. Me with the kids and my Minnie Mouse pushchair! (Scully's hand is rock hard - which I discovered when it landed on my head!)

Headed to Flying Carpets and I loitered with the buggy while OH went up on the photo point platform (too high for me after yesterdays experiance lol) ready to get a pic of the others as they came round. All he managed to get was a load of blurred pics:lmao:

The boys decided they wanted to go on Cars and Crush. Cars was a walk on, I left OH in charge of the buggy while I got a bit snap happy taking pics of the Cars area, I love that movie! Once they'd finished on there they went into Crush, couldn't see the queue from outside but they were in there quite a time. We stood and watched the bit where they come outside, the look on peoples faces was brilliant! Our 4 eventually came round and the look on DIL face was priceless.

As they came off Crush we noticed that Donald was doing meet and greet just behind us so we went and queued for that - not sure if GD could actually see the guy inside Donalds costume or if she just decided to stare him out lol

The others all went in Armaggdon (sp), while me and OH loitered I finally found the umberalla on the lamppost but it had no rain, prob due to the freezing weather! They seemed to be ages in Armaggdon and GD was awake by the time they re-appeared. Took GD for a quick change and then they headed into the Stunt Show. Me and OH saw this last time and altho' I thought it was good personally I found it a bit long and tedious - prob as I already knew how they do the stunts etc:confused3 so as I was feeling the cold and my back was killing me, the 2 of us headed of for a coffee so I could sit and take some painkillers. I got a few odd looks wandering round with an empty pushchair!

We ate in the cafe by the main doors as you come in, can't remember what it's called! Food was ok in here, I had a kid's meal as I wanted the mickey shaped burger lol. OH had a gourmet burger which was shaped like a christmas tree for some reason:confused3 he said it was nice but wasn't sure what the lumps of 'spicy' stuff was embedded in the bun!

After this we had planned to do the Tram Tour but it wasn't running today.

Managed to see a few characters today, Cruella - who was brilliant and well into character!, Pluto, Goofy, Chip (or could've be Dale), Lilo and Stitch.

We had missed the english version of the Stich Live so headed back to take GD on Flying Carpets, this time I managed to take the pics!

Jafar was doing meet and greet as we left here but the kids didn't want pics with him!

DIL wanted to go on TOT but no-one would go with her especially when they saw the queue!

Had a wander round the shops on the way out, managed to see Mickey and his car, I'm laughing on this one as Mickey has his hand on my bum!

After a look in the shops out here and one more photo stop we headed back to the hotel before going back out for dinner.

We had a reservation at Billy Bob's La Grange for half 6, when we arrived GD was asleep again and the CM took me and the pushchair round the side and into the exit of BBWWS, so he could take us up in the lift. I've reviewed this on the relevant thread. Basically I was really looking forward to this but none of us enjoyed it. Very quiet in there but they sat us between 2 other families so it was a bit cramped. Good selection of food and the hot food was hot. Didn't seem to be much atmosphere in here, maybe as it was early? We all came out feeling hungry, even the kids didn't seem to eat much. Can't really put my finger on why none of us enjoyed it but I won't be rushing back here. Plus 3 of us were ill during the night with upset stomachs.

Headed back and had an early night, GD actually settled fairly quickly tonight.
Another great day, shame about the meal in the evening.

Love the photos:thumbsup2
Another good day by the looks of it.

Shame about the meal though, that sort of thing can really spoil an otherwise good day
awww your GD is sooooo cute when she sees the characters and leans in to them really lookin in their eyes awwww so sweet


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