2 Pirates and a Princess - Day 5


Sep 3, 2008
Had rough start to the day with upset stomachs but all managed to make it to breakfast for 7.45.

Back to the room to layer up and I felt so rough I seriously considered going back to bed and meeting up with everyone else later. Eventually decided to go with the others, glad I did as was ok once I'd set off.

Decided to try to do Winnie the Pooh meet and greet first if GD was still awake when we arrived! Luckily she stayed awake and we managed to see Mary Poppins on the way in as well. Joined the queue for Winnie the Pooh, very orderly, no pushing or shoving etc and it moved fairly quickly. Our lot were almost at the front when Winnie disappeared off for a 2 minute break, but they were soon back as promised.

Wandered up to IASW but the queue was huge, GD had dozed off again following the excitement of meeting Winnie the Pooh so me, DIL and T2 headed into Alice's Labrynth, I've been in here before but for some reason never made it into the house!

Most of today was spent just ambling around the park and looking at the details! We had a booking for Lucky Nugget at 1pm but by 12 we were all hungry so decided to see if we could go in early. No problem. I'd nipped in here earlier in the week to check the opening hours and Donald was on the reception desk! Had a very surreal conversation with him in sign language:lmao:

There was one other family and a couple in when we arrived, Tigger and Pluto were on hand to assist with chairs and then they took the boys to get their food lol. We were sat right in the middle by the stage. No band today so Pluto used the stage for a bit of acrobatics.

All I can say about this place is WOW....I wish I'd booked it earlier in the week, we'd have been back every day lol. The food was great, plenty of choice, all the hot stuff was hot. We came out of here very full!

Mickey and Jessie appear after Tigger and Pluto went, as there was only a couple of in there for half an hour we had fantastic character intervention. Even once it started to fill up we still had a lot of character time. We just had these 4 on rotation but it was great. There was a table with 2 ladies and a guy on, everytime the characters went near them they shooed them away, which made Pluto agrivate them even more:lmao: , why go to a character dining place if you don't want the characters:confused3
Helping with the food!

Mickey put his finger on GD nose so she did the same to him!


We then had a wander round Frontierland and Adventureland, did a bit of shopping and slowly headed back to the hotel.

My shareholders card came in very useful during the visit, some of the shops had merchandise with 40% off so with the added 15% of the shareholders card some stuff was over 50% off!!

DS, DIL and the kids headed back into the village for a MacDonalds this evening while me and OH headed back to the park for Candleabration. It was quite packed when we got there about half 6, not long after it started someone came and stood right in front of me with a kid on his shoulders, there was no-where for me to move so I decided I'd had enough and we left. Didn't get many pics as my camera decided to play up as well. The bit I did see was good and I just wanted to see the castle lit up. We wandered back via the shops in Main Street and ended up at the sandwich place in the village, had 2 hot dogs and fries which we took back to the room. I asked if I could use my shareholders card in here, the guy went and checked, said yes and then asked me if it was 10% or 25% discount:confused3 I was too honest and said 10% lol.

We were so impressed with Lucky Nugget that I went down to reception to book again for tomorrow (our last day). I also had to go the luggage room to get some more Disney Express tags as some of them had ripped. As I came back I noticed a board with 'get your voucher for breakfast in the park, make the most of EMH', now when I asked about this when we checked in I was informed they didn't do it any more??? I wanted to do it on the Wednesday but it was no good to us on our last day!(on had EMH on the Weds and Sat while we were there)

Made sure everything was packed ready for tomorrow and chilled watching the Disney Channel.
Another great day with lovely photos:thumbsup2
Another great day. The Lucky Nugget looked really, really good.

I may look into this in March when I'm there on my own with Kacee
great trip report. i really really want to do the lucky nugget now. ash would love to meet all of those characters lol. glad you had a good time. when i rang i was also told they didnt do good morning fantasyland breakfast but they do???
They obviously do some sort of breakfast in the park for EMH but we weren't told anything about it. It was only as I saw the info board that I knew about it on the day before we left, it mentioned something about getting your voucher from reception. If they tell you it's not available I would argue the point with reception and see what happens!! Might only be available on the weekends tho'?:confused3

great trip report. i really really want to do the lucky nugget now. ash would love to meet all of those characters lol. glad you had a good time. when i rang i was also told they didnt do good morning fantasyland breakfast but they do???

I would try and ring again before going to try and book it as when we went to books ours when we arived the lady at reception told us no problem at all but they had no tickets left as they had been used that morning she told us to come back the next morning we went back but they still didnt have them and was told to try in about an hour when we went back they told us they dont do it any more and havent for a long time and when i asked at city hall i was talking to a very nice lady making reservations for California gril and just asked and some very rude man butted in talked over her and just said to me NO WE DONT DO IT ANY MORE and gave me a weird look we couldnt find the women that first told us we could have GMF


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