2 Pirates and a Princess - Day 6 and home


Sep 3, 2008
Woke up feeling sad:sad1: as we were heading home tonight.

Had breakfast at 7.45 and went back to the rooms to finish packing. Had to be out of the rooms by 11.00 and hand the luggage into the baggage room ready for Disney Express. Got a bit annoyed today as housekeeping knocked on the door 3 times between 9 and half past! Altho' the rooms had always been done during our stay we hadn't actually clapped eyes on housekeeping all week, even when we had a late start on Tuesday, so why they decided to harrass us this morning I don't know!

Finally left and handed everything in by 10.45.

I suggested going for a walk to Cheyenne first to show the others around. As we got there it started to spit with rain, as we were sorting the rain cover out on the pushchair DS asked DIL if she had the park tickets......major panic when she realised they were in her other handbag packed in the suitcase....DS ran back to the SL to see if he could have a look in the cases, he was very lucky as the guy told him the collection truck was running late otherwise they would have gone and he wasn't sure the Disney Express counter would have let him rummage in the case there. We met up with him by Cafe Mickey and headed for the parks.

Today I was on a mission, POTC had been closed all week and there had been no sign of Capt'n Jack Sparrow so I was definately going on this today as it re-opened.

As we walked up Main Street it was noticably busier than during the week but still not heaving, suddenly a person (not sure if male or female due to yellow poncho with hood up!) just stepped off the pavement without looking and was walking about 2" away from the pushchair with a cigeratte in their hand. As the rain cover was on I wasn't too concerned, otherwise I would have removed the cig from their hand! I just kept walking, I wasn't moving, they had stepped into my line! They then just cut straight in front of me without looking, now there was another family walking alongside me also with a pushchair, and this person would have just cut them up too - but - oops my pushchair caught their feet which sent them flying out the way only to be hit by the other family's pushchair which sent them flying again :lmao: I just kept walking - only to suddenly realise there was a lot of laughter behind me, I turned round to find my lot and the other family in fits of giggles about the pushchairs sending the idiot flying:thumbsup2 - OH said 'you just keep going luv' my reply was 'do I get double points for that one? come on I need to see Jack!!'

We finally made it to POTC without any more crashes and me, DS, T1 and T2 joined the queue. Quite a long queue but it was constantly moving and we were soon on the ride. They all loved it. When we came out we went to where we left OH and DIL, no sign of them? Ah maybe they are under cover somewhere as it's still raining, checked a couple of places and the caves - nope. So I rang OH, they were outside the Blue Lagoon with Capt'n Jack - argh - I just took off shouting for the kids to follow me! So I finally got to meet Jack - and I look a right state in the photo's so I'm only going to put the one of the kids on:rotfl2:

We headed over to Lucky Nugget for our reservation. A lot busier today, probably due to being a saturday and the rain. The waitress took us to our table only to discover that the group on the next table had pulled half of ours across to give themselves more room, she was not happy and very apologetic, she went and fetched her supervisor who had words with the other party but eventually we were seated upstairs. Not really a problem except it's a pain having to go up and down the stairs for food, especially when people who are waiting to be seated block the stairs by sitting on them, it's also a bit of a scrum trying to get back from the food via the reception area. We still had good character interaction tho', had the same characters as yesterday plus Geppetto, who smacked my hand for calling him Giseppie, he had to show me his autograph in another kids book so I knew his name lol. Food was good again but going quickly, kids came back and said there was no chips, as they sat down we saw the CM take a new tray out but by the time the kids got down there they had all gone again. As we left today the CM that checks you've paid on the way out gave the kids a little drawing pack - didn't get anything yesterday?
GD and Tigger


We left the Main Park and headed to the Studios, got there 5 mins before Stitch was due to start so me and OH had a wander round with GD while the others went in. They said it was brilliant, DIL got picked out and was told she could get a better boyfriend than DS:lmao:

We checked the info board and the Tram Tour was running today, so we made our way to there. Next thing I know it's just me and a sleeping GD! The rest of them are in the Q. OK no problem I can cope - bear in mind I've never actually had kids, altho' I've also got 2 god daughters and always had loads of kids around I've managed to reach the age of 42 without ever changing a nappy!!! Never had to deal with any major probs always been able to hand them back to their parents or over to my Mum! I know I'll grab a coffee and sit and people watch. Great idea, get the coffee in a souvianer mug as it comes with a lid so I won't spill it will trying to manouvre the pushchair - only the CM fills it so full the lid wont fit on! I looked a right idiot trying to balance everything and get the pushchair to an empy table:rotfl2: . Luckily GD stays asleep until they eventually re-appear.

So after having a last wander round and everyone still refusing to go on TOT with DIL we headed back to the Main Park. We made our way to Mickeys Winter WonderLand show, great timing got there 5 mins before it was due to start. Sat up the back in the middle, good veiw. All enjoyed this, GD wanted to go on the stage!

After a final amble round and last minute bit of shopping we decided to head for MacDonalds before heading into the station to collect the bags and catch the train.

We were all shattered which wasn't helped by the fact that we had a family in our carriage that just wouldn't shut up. One of the lads in the party (must of been close to 20yrs old) never stopped talking really loudly from the minute we got on to when we got off! Got a taxi really easily and finally arrived at the Premier Inn just after 10pm. Checked in and collapsed in the rooms. At 12.30 I was woken by doors slamming, loud voices and people running down the corridors. This went on, on and off until half 3. It was coming from the room above us and either next door or across the corridor. I can even tell you how many times they had sex - but at least he was quick:lmao: There are no telephones in the rooms and I couldn't be bothered to walk to reception but I did mention it the next morning.

The guy on reception was brilliant, he checked who was in the room above us and discovered that they were with someone in the room opposite us. He refunded the cost of our room so we only had to pay for the breakfast:thumbsup2 We had breakfast which was good, full english breakfast which you order and they cook while you have cereals etc.

Having checked everything was packed in the car we set off for home. Got back to Four Oaks in 3 hrs. Arrived back at my Mums to find that our dog had had to go to the Vets on the Wednesday after having a colitus (sp) attack during the night, lets just say my dad has no sense of smell but he suddenly did on Wednesday morning when he went to let her out:lmao: I was annoyed that they didn't mention this when I rang them, I know I couldn't have done anything but I'd still rather know if she was ill. So after getting over the shock that both dogs are loose in the house and getting on ok, plus finding out it had cost £60 at the vets and she was on some pills for another week we finally packed the car up and set off. Finally arrived back in North Wales 3 hrs later after travelling thro' hail storms, a snow blizzard and heavy rain.


We all had a fantastic time and it was great being able to spend time with the kids. I still haven't got over my balloon flight:lmao: but at least I can add it to my 'things I've done' list. We were told they didn't do GMF breakfast but they obvioulsy do some sort of breakfast in the park which we weren't told about. On day 5 DS announced he was a 'Disney addict', he'd been reading the DLRP books I gave to the boys as part of their pre-trip package and spent the rest of the trip qouting things, like Walts birthday:thumbsup2 DIL rang me last week to see if we were ok or depressed, apparantly she is happy to be home but missing Disney, said she's never been on such a downer after a holiday before! I did admit that by the Monday night I'd already been on the Disney site to price up going back for my Birthday in March, more depressed now as I can't afford it! I mentioned it to OH who's only response was ' I have no holidays left', when I said I didn't think he'd want to go back so soon he said yes he would:cool1: Although when I suggested cancelling and getting a refund on our 2 weeks in Cyprus in May he did go a bit pale and say no-way:rotfl2:

A few final pics



veiw from the balloon
Thank you for sharing your wonderful trip. Glad you all had a lovely time.

:rotfl2: at the quick comment :thumbsup2
Thank you for sharing your wonderful trip. Glad you all had a lovely time.

:rotfl2: at the quick comment :thumbsup2

OH slept through it all!!

The Premier Inn leaflet in the rooms says they have a money back guarantee for a good nights sleep. I didn't ask for a refund they just automatically gave it me:thumbsup2

I'm looking forward to your next TR as well - not long now eh?
thanks for sharing & lol @ being quick!! guess his oh prob wasnt happy about him bein so quick so thats maybe it was more than once??? :rotfl2:

meant to ask - where in four oaks r ur parents, as thats where mine live (and where i was brought up!!!)

love all ur pics and well done on the balloon - seein as im scared of heights, i thinkill def give it a miss as i wud be the same as u i think!!!!!!!
I've really enjoyed reading your reports. :thumbsup2

You should take advantage of your husband's willingness to revisit. My husband came home from our first trip and wanted to rebook for 2 months later. Unfortunately that desire wore off after a few weeks, so get in now! Cyprus -pah.......get Dising instead. :teeth:
Aww that was great - lots of lovely days to read about :goodvibes .
A great report, some of you comments have made me laugh especially with the balloon ride. Love the photos:thumbsup2
Scampbunny - re Four Oaks - I'll PM you :thumbsup2

I've really enjoyed reading your reports. :thumbsup2

You should take advantage of your husband's willingness to revisit. My husband came home from our first trip and wanted to rebook for 2 months later. Unfortunately that desire wore off after a few weeks, so get in now! Cyprus -pah.......get Dising instead. :teeth:

Believe me if finances allowed I would have already booked lol. I was already thinking of a suprise trip for his 50th in November but thought maybe he wouldn't be too impressed - at least now I know he'd be reasonably happy if I did book it, so at least I can start to investigate and work out if it will be financially possible:thumbsup2
Great report and pics (your GD is gorgeous!)- hats off to you for the balloon ride, there is no way you'd get me up on it :scared1:

Definitely get in there quickly and book another trip! It's the only way to cure the 'being back home' blues ;)
LOL at your comment about the guy being quick!! ha ha!

Lovely report thankyou for sharing!


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