2 YO in a Bunk Bed?


Feb 6, 2000
We are headed to WDW in less than 3 weeks and I'm concerned about where our DD will sleep. She has just turned 2 years old and never slept in a "real" bed. We plan on getting her a toddler bed for Christmas.

We will be staying at Fort Wilderness in a cabin for a week and I thought she might be OK in the lower bunk bed using a bed rail. She slept in the pak 'n play this past March but she might be too big for it now but, since we don't have one at home, I don't know if she'll fit in one.

Is one bed rail enough? I mean, is one long enough to cover the whole side of the bunk bed so she doesn't fall off?

I'm kinda nervous about this. My DH suggested taking her regular crib but who wants to haul a crib to WDW? She has never slept with us and I don't want to start that during our trip. I'd never get any sleep!

We use the Aero Sleep-Away bed for our toddler when we travel--and it is often her bed of choice at home, too! It inflates with battery power and has raised sides to help prevent the dreaded roll-off.

It fits nicely in the motorhome and deflates quickly. We found it on the Aero site but did some looking and found it a little cheaper on other sites and got free shipping, too!
I wouldn't feel safe putting a 2 yr old in a bed with rails - those rails are designed for older kids. There have been several deaths from small children getting trapped in those rails and suffocating. (Sorry to be so gloomy, but I know someone who lost a child in a similar way.) I would try the portable crib or consider buying one of the travel beds that you put on the floor. I've never tried one, but they look like they could be handy for traveling.
When we travel my DD who is now 5 is usually quite comfy on the floor, on a blanket of course ,or we sometimes use the cushions from the couch. Maybe you could use a blow up floating mat like you would use in a pool, with some pillows around it or blankets rolled up so he stays in one spot. Good Luck.
When we travel my DD who is now 5 is usually quite comfy on the floor, on a blanket of course ,or we sometimes use the cushions from the couch. Maybe you could use a blow up floating mat like you would use in a pool, with some pillows around it or blankets rolled up so he stays in one spot. Good Luck.
P.S. - A 2 year old should fit in the resorts crib with no problem.

I just reread the thread, I wouldn't use a blow up mattress, since you have the bunk bed maybe you could just use the mattress on the floor.
Bunk beds are not recommended for kids under 6.

My problem with a bunk and both my kids at two years old would not be fear of suffercation, but them scooting up to the top bunk while I was distracted by something like putting my shirt over my head and falling off before I could reach them.

(Sometimes I don't know if I have kids or monkies).
I would try the port-a-crib first. If she has never slept in a regular bed, a vacation is not the best time to try it out. Many kids decided to wonder if they wake up and can get out of bed. Your cabin may not be child proofed like your home. My second choice would be to take the matress off the bed and put it on the floor. Roll blankets and put on all side to block a fall. If you use the matress on the floor,I would put her in your room with the door closed as well as the door to the bathroom closed just in case she decides to get up on her own. I agree not to put her in the bunk beds.

Jordan's mom
I had a similar situation with my DD, and tried the 'real' bed on vacation. . . disaster. Jordan's mom is correct with the 'getting up and wandering' advice. After two nights of trying DD in the 'real' bed (and no one getting any sleep) I rented a crib from an Orlando company there. It 'contained' her like at home, and was the best money I spent on vacation. The rest of the nights were great. They have a website with photos, www.abbf.com, and I am a big fan! We still use them for strollers and stuff.

Hope this helps.
Have a great trip!
We put our 2 year old in bed with us. She wasn't about to sleep in a strange bed or crib so that was our only option.

Regardless, I would not have allowed her to sleep in a lower bunk because I would not have trusted her not to climb the ladder :).

Good luck

We went to disney with our 2yr old ds and he slept in the bottom bunk just fine, (WL) the rails do not have slats, its mesh like material but stronger there was no way for them to get stuck anywhere~ this was the first time he slept in a bed and he did great~ as for climbing up the ladder he didnt even try he doesnt do that at home either though~ we have the aero toddler bed also which is nice because you can try it out at home before you go~ if you worry about the bunk beds just pull off the mattress and put it on the floor.
I forgot to mention. . . in subsequent trips where I used a crib, I took DD's fitted sheet from home. Even though the rental company's linens were great, my taking one from home gave her that familiar "home" smell!
Good Luck in whatever you do!
Gosh, imagine my surprise when I came back to see if anyone had replied! Thanks to all who replied. I don't have any experience with bunk beds and I didn't think about her suffocating! She loves to play on her crib mattress when it's on the floor (thanks to DH! UGH!) so I don't think sleeping on the mattress on the floor will work.

I have tried several times to get on the abbf.com website with no luck. But, I will look into the aerobed and, if I purchase it, try it at home before we go.

Is there room in the bedroom at the Fort Wilderness cabins for a crib (regular or portable)? Also, does the ladder detach from the bunk beds? Lordy, I just know that she'll climb that thing because she tries to climb everything else in the world she has come in contact with already!:rolleyes:

I'm sorry, Denise, I put a comma in after the web site (forgive html gods!!!).

Try www.abbf.com

Geez, these computers are picky!

What about bringing a sleeping bag for the floor? Target sells themed ones, like Winnie the Pooh and Mickey. I have a 22-month-old who will no longer sleep in a PnP...he will either sleep with us or in a bag!
We stayed in a FW cabin with our 2 sons 2 and 5. Our 2 year old slept in the pack-n-play crib supplied at FW. It was a little small, but he was used to sleeping in them so he did fine. In the bedroom, there is hardly room to set up the pack-n-play. I believe we set it up at the end of the bunk beds. It was landlocked on 3 sides, and we got him out by lifting him over the short end (the only side of the crib which is accessable. I wouldn't put an inflatable mattress on the floor in that room. There isn't hardly any room to walk, and if you put it at the end of the bunks (where we put the pack-n-play), your child could roll off the mattress and end up under the bunk beds. If you are using the Murphy bed at night, the only other location would be in the kitchen. There would be plently of room there, but the floor is not carpeted in that area.

We really enjoyed the cabins, and they worked out great for us with little kids.

Have a great trip!
When we go to visit MIL we bring the pak N play for our 2 1/2 year old. She is in a bed at home but still likes to sleep in this while at Granny's. Sometimes our 4 year-old will climb in as well. I think it is nice and cozy for them to sleep in.


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