2009 ~~ Project 365 Progress

Its here, Its Here, Its here!!!!!! My 365 kit came today. I have all the page protectors in & day of cards. My baby kit was also delivered. WOW its a good day for me. I'm in scrapbook overload & lovin' it. Now got to get my pics printed & journaling done. :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
my shutterfly book came today, I really like it. :) the pages all match up nicely and I even finally figured out how to get the darn picture on the cover! :) I think that I will use the 8x8 book again for the rest of the year. 2 month increments is very manageable. :)
Maggie, I'm glad to know you like the shutterfly book. I had that free code, and I forgot to do it! Maybe next time!!

I'm caught up again through 3/14, so I'm pretty happy with that. Is anyone else having trouble believing it's MARCH?? And not just that, but halfway through MARCH?!?!
so with ya on that! march really has just flown by! still caught up though! :) maggie
Progress to date:

All photos since Jan 1 ordered and labeled and organized.

Journaling through Jan done

Today I will journal to date and get the stuff in the album

I had 2 dates without good photos. I wanted to share my idea no how to solve the problem -- my sister doesn't live close by - -I told her about the project and asked her to send me a photo of her kids/family and 2-3 sentences.

Update: I have all the photos now and I just finished up the journaling. Time to put it altogether. Hopefully I'll get it done tonight.
Finished! Except for the 8th journal spot. I will look for an extra photo to use before just filling in with those extra cards.

Now that I am up to date, I can see that I would like to start thinking about changing things up a bit. I definitely need to plan weeks of "all about me" for each family member. I also need to get the others to do a few more journaling spots. Last, I'd like to think about changing up the pages -- use some of the ideas that came with the project and also some of the ones posted on the KOTM blog.
Hey, I didn't realize people were doing Project 365 here on the DIS boards. I've been doing it, too, but scrapping it digitally. Here are some of my weekly pages, all done with the Life 365 collection at www.weedsandwildflowersdesign.com



HLDisney - Welcome to our thread. There is also a thread posted daily for people doing 365 to post what they took their pics of for that day. You'll just have to go to the scrapbook section & find it. I went to the website you listed & LOVE a ton of the stuff there. Also, took a peek at the gallery & saw how everyone is doing their 365. Very neat & creative. I really like the "entire month on one page" idea. I would never be able to do it b/c I love to write.

FYI, In case you haven't found it yet either: There are a monthly & also a yearly page count threads on here. You just go post how many pages you've completed & they keep track. Digital counts the same as paper. Whoever does the most for the month gets to host the following month. Its a lot of fun & keeps me way motivated. At least you'll know you'll have 104 for sure for the year doing 365.
M29: ?
M30: Dog peeking out of a 2nd story apartment
M31: Peter Shickle (PDQ Bach) at school
A1: April Fool's for the horn teacher
A2: My christmas cactus in bloom
A3: snowing
A4: and snowing

A5: lunch at biaggi's with mom and dad getting my computer back
A6: gryphy the snake
A7: at chipotle, saw guys taking random pics...turned out to be for student rep council flyer
A8: the string rapture - they all disappeared on me!
A9: Roommate's birthday
A10: Skate shop opening
A11: Birthday card I made for my sister and sent out today

A12: my easter basket!
A13: squirrel in a trashcan!
A14: The picture from the front of the card for my sister's birthday
A15: down in the pit orch
A16: our backstage area
A17: the opera
A18: the t-shirt my roommates mom bought for me at the thrift store - cheap Disney shirt hooray!

A19: pretty dandelions
A20: beautiful sunset before a recital
A21: feeling stylish
A22: my roommate's birthday
A23: and her recital
A24: concert in the park - super cute shot
A25: belly dance workshop with a potential bellydance superstar! (She didn't make it in...)

A26: llamas at church - no, I don't know why
A27: roommates distracted me with the Mario party
A28: I got a nice compliment about my conducting today
A29: beautiful flowers on the crabtree
A30: dolled up for my jury
M1: Birdies in the tree
M2: The play we went to
And May

M3: My henna that turned out okish
M4: My (pre)birthday dinner
M5: Pretty aspen trees
M6: paper plate on the wall of our dance studio...painted on
M7: We went dancing!
M8: Mom's flowers for mother's day
M9: the stuff I made for mom

M10: Mother's Day
M11: My birthday
M12: My new handsfree bluetooth
M13: the pinwheels in the garden
M14: the first sprout from the potatoes
M15: Dad's newly renovated elfin house
M16: Lilacs!

M17: Mom at her fountain
M18: Lunch at biaggi's or the movie?
M19: getting my pictures freed from the camera
M20: ?
M21: Dad's birthday
M22: My friend in town for her wedding preparations
M23: going to her shower

M24: My sister's out here too
M25: my hibiscus opened!
M26: My shower prizes for winning!
M27: Renee's badass chicken - survived a fox attack!
M28: Star Wars figurines on the dinner table
M29: Snowpeas!
M30: Up!
so how's everyone doing on project 365? I haven't put my pictures into layouts since um mid april but I do have them all saved by week in photoshop. :) I'm thinking now that graduation is over, I may have a little more time to get the layouts done. :) I'm just excited that I actually HAVE pictures for every day! :) maggie
Still rocking the taking and posting pictures..
Printing I now have everything either printed or loaded to Walgreens to wait for a great code

Scrapping- sigh that is my downfall

2 out of 3 isn't bad...
As you can see from my posts, I'm slowly catching up on the pages themselves, but sometimes I've forgotten to take pictures, and am trying to fill in the gaps now. I've been pretty good tho, and it hasn't been too hard to fill in.

M31: Poppy by the dance studio
1: Went to noodles!
2: rainy cruddy day
3: ?
4: ?
5: Dancing
6: and dancing

7: crazy hail, but at least we didn't get the tornadoes
8: the hibiscus plants liked the rain
9: chocolate fondue for dessert
10: even crazier hail - destroyed all of our plants
11: my new harem pants! so cute
12: an elephant creamer - mom bought something for herself!
13: dancing

14: Went to see Grandma
15: Our ice cream dinner
16: Trying the Chocolate Cafe
17: The dvds i bought at Target for cheap
18: Madison's graduation party
19: The play
20: Jena's in town, out and about

21: Father's day
22: Pool time
23: Iced Chai at Margies
24: Solar fountain running in the rain
25: WDW enjoying my pool time
26: WDW Sheriff of Rottingham
27: WDW tea at the GF

28: WDW Time on Coco Beach
29: WDW Hall of Presidents baby!
30: The weird sculpture in Houston
July 1: Mom's birthday
2: Going to the Wizard of Oz dinner theater
3: ?
4: ?
I have my list of photos...things got crazy this past week and I didn't have time to catch up...but I have a free week from work so I will be catching up this week!!!
I am completely up to date through May 31. 4x6 photos are current through yesterday, I just have a few journal cards and the 8th little spot to deal with for June.

This has been a great project. Anyone know if Becky Higgins intends to have a new kit for next year?
I'm current as of today.. I have about 5 photos being printed as we speak but they'll be in the book tonight... But I am current!!!!! Yeah!!!

Now, I need to come up with a good opening title page...since I'm doing traditional scrapping I haven't found anything that just says "that's it!"


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