2010 dISBrides what have you planned?

Hi Everyone! :flower3: I was just wondering if any of you have actually called disney yet. if so, what did they tell you? will they send me info if i call? i know i can't book until a year but i'd at least like to see some info rather than just what they have online. tia! :thumbsup2
I've called Disney several times.... and even before that i requested a video 2 or 3 times... i never got the video or information packet when i requested it online... i read here that they are currently working on a new video but it has not been relesed yet. As for calling Disney, lots of people have their own experiences, but mine has been great so far. I called and talked to someone who took my general info and could answer easy questions. They did send me a folder with a tidbit of outdated material, but at least they sent something! I have read here though that the info the first people give you over the phone can be unreliable so dont count much on them. They pass your info on to a coordinator (is that right?) anyway... to someone a little more knowledgable who can answer more questions and who may be signing the contract with you a year out. I called them today and asked to talk to my coordinator (Brianna) who wasnt in, but hopefully will call back tomorrow... I am very concerned because I read here yesterday that they are not signing any contracts for 2010 brides till aug 2009... i'm hoping for a 2/2010 date and that only gives me a little over 6 mths to get everything figured out... so I called to ask if that is true. (They say because there will be another price raise for us 2010 brides) .... so I will let you know what I hear. Anyway, once the contract is signed you are handed over to a planner who helps you get all the details firmed up, but that doesn't happen till about 8 mths out. That is where you will get all the info and choices all us brides really want to see! So, hope this info helps!!
Best of luck to all of you!!!
I made my very first call to DFTW today! I talked to a really nice girl who just took all my contact info, date/location choices, approx. guest count, and any special items I just "had to have". Then she said I'd be assigned a planner and would hear from him/her in a few days!

Hi guys!
I love reading all of your plans! So exciting!
My partner and I are having our ceremony Jan 2010. We are shooting for Jan 5th. We will be doing an Escape Wedding hopefully at Sea Breeze Point at the Boardwalk Resort. I would love to have our ceremony at Sunset Point at the Poly, but I just have way too many people in my immediate family for that. So, yeah!
Just a question, though. Does anyone have any ideas of something we can do as a thank you for coming type of thing? It's mostly immediate family plus a few. It will probably total out to 16 or 18 people.
I still can't believe that 2010 is just a year away..... yay for 2010 brides :cheer2: Im so excited to hear everyone's plans and read their PJ :coffee: I read you can call 18mos in advance and get "penciled in" think it's too early to call if I'm looking at Dec 11?
When I called for the first time yesterday, the receptionist said you can call up to 2 years before your event. Then you can book your date at either 12 or 8 months, depending on your location.
Hi I am another 2010 Bride. We got engaged at DW in October and I am so excited about planning our Disney Wedding. We were orginally planning on a May wedding but we are now thinking of a Dec wedding so we have more time to save money. I have moved to the UK to live with my Fiancee for a year. I found my dress in Canada before leaving so that is one thing off my list. We keep going back and forth between a wishes and escape wedding. I have heard rumours of another price increase so we will have to wait and see what we can afford. Congrats and good luck to my fellow 2010 DisBrides.
When I called for the first time yesterday, the receptionist said you can call up to 2 years before your event. Then you can book your date at either 12 or 8 months, depending on your location.

But what sort of information can they give you? I've already gotten the DVD, I'd like to see some options and what not...
I called and spoke with a receptionist who took just some general information. The next day a coordinator (Diane) called me back and asked me for a few specifics. She already had my wishbook pulled, so she knew some background. She then sent me an email with a few attachments for me to review including:
DFTW Wedding Timeline
Photography & Videography info package
Special Venue Guidelines
Sample Menu & Bar Packages
A sample of the DFTW Save the Dates
A List of Vendors and Resources not Disney-affiliated to help in planning.

She told me to look everything over and if I wanted to we could set up a conference call to talk in detail.

If you are interested in a copy of the attachments, just PM me with your email and I'll forward it to you.
Hi girls! I'm new to the whole "dis board" thing! I'm a 2010 bride too! SUPER excited...We are planning a DCL wedding in Nov. and then a "post wedding" celebration at home in Dec. Still in the early phases, Disney won't let me book anything until this fall...:wave2:
We're hoping for August 12, 2010 :)

I'm so excited to take my family to WDW! We haven't really done much yet - we're starting to save this month, and I'm working on our Save the Dates. I'm planning to send out a preliminary RSVP so we have an idea of who is coming.
I'm new here too! We're hoping for January 2010 Escape VR (possibly early February), my husband tentatively booked it (before he asked me about it!), and we are planning the WP, so we have to wait until May to have it official. He's talked to someone- I think Diane, by phone and several emails I had forwarded him with questions. I'm hoping to talk with her more once we get closer to May. Right now I'm just confused about the date. I'm really unsure- mid Jan-mid February 2010 is all I've got. Our actual 10th anniversary is christmas eve, but we both felt we wanted to do it earlier in the year (for several reasons, long story), but don't have set date. As of now we're thinking the 20th of January as our best date.

In terms of the first post, what have 2010 brides sorted out? We have rings (just was asked and he got us rings- which really surprised me!- just last week, so that was really easy for me!). I have a dress, although I didn't plan to, I went to just try on to see what style was flattering and I found one on clearance I was in love with and couldn't find one anywhere else as it was discontinued so I went for it. And... let's see, we want to do wedding pavilion, red roses, just us and our two kids (who want to dress and a knight and a princess), and definitely the epcot fireworks dessert party. But that's all I've got right now. I have no idea where we'll stay, and I'm really worried about what we'll do with the kids in the morning to do the photoshoots- do they have babysitters in the resorts at 6am??

I just can't wait until I can book it! I'm sure you all feel the same way:)
I called and spoke with a receptionist who took just some general information. The next day a coordinator (Diane) called me back and asked me for a few specifics. She already had my wishbook pulled, so she knew some background. She then sent me an email with a few attachments for me to review including:
DFTW Wedding Timeline
Photography & Videography info package
Special Venue Guidelines
Sample Menu & Bar Packages
A sample of the DFTW Save the Dates
A List of Vendors and Resources not Disney-affiliated to help in planning.

She told me to look everything over and if I wanted to we could set up a conference call to talk in detail.

If you are interested in a copy of the attachments, just PM me with your email and I'll forward it to you.

Hi there! I'm very new here (apparently too new to PM folks, as I just tried and was denied). But if you could possibly send those attachements to me at bridget[dot]bowen at gmail.com I would certainly appreciate it. I'm planning on a Feb. 2011 wedding and very excited that two years out isn't too far ahead to start!! :goodvibes Thank you!
Another 2010 bride. We're 9/6/10. We're planning on our ceremony at Epcot's Italy Isola and reception we haven't singled anything out yet, but we have a short list. I've found the cufflinks I want DFi to wear, just have to win them on ebay. I've planned quite a bit for how far out I am, I think. honestly if I could afford it. I think we'd push our wedding up to this year, but I don't want to give my dad a heart attack when I tell him about the change.
Not sure if I can join in but dbf and I have agreed on a DFTW next year (hopefully) I'm still waiting for an actual proposal but I think we are pretty set on next year. We were hoping my brother would be our officiant but he is currently living in Korea only to return this September for 3 weeks...I think we may try for next Septemberish to see if we can turn that into a reality!
Hi Everyone

I'm so glad that there is a 2010 tread now!

We have contacted Disney and we are hoping for 6th May at the Wedding Pavillion and then Living Seas with a DP at UK Lower.

I havent done anything yet. At the moment the number of people coming is going down all the time :confused: But hopefully if the credit crunch starts to get better more people will come.

Congrats to everyone having a 2010 wedding!!:woohoo:
Hello i am sort of new on the Disboards i have been reading every thread on here because i want to know the ins and outs befor we get married down in Disney. We are planning on getting married 7-27-2010! :cheer2: i'm soo pumped there are so many 2010ers on here!! I just called my DF because reading this and ppl saying you can "pencil in' 18 months out we are at that!!! :) but want to get married at the WP and have a reception at the GF too :cool1: So pumped for everyone on here tho!!! keep me updated on all you ideas it is great to bounce ideas off others!!!:grouphug: i'd love the help!! :worship:
Hi 2010 buddies!

We are after the 9 December 2010 at the Yacht Club Gazebo, with dinner somewhere :confused: and a Grand1 wishes cruise :goodvibes


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