2010 Tri Thread

BigEeyore I don't even know you, but already I am jealous! I haven't timed myself, but I'm not sure I could swim 100m in under 2 minutes. I don't know what it is. Even when I do drills, and work on my swimming, I still am a slug. Maybe being 5'3" is a bit of a disadvanatge--arms aren't that long (that's my story and I;m sticking to it!)

Anyway, the nice people at Xterra wetsuits let me order a second wetsuit-one size up-at the same bargain price. It just came today, so after dinner we'll do the A/B comparison. I'm glad to be able to make the decision this way.

Also, I really need to fix on a training plan. I'm just crusiing along, which isn't good. I feel like a 16-20 week plan is too long. I'm in the middle of a 10k race plan, and I just can't see to get it together. Oh well, as Tim Gunn would say....."Make it work!"

And in closing, I am glad that "the girls" as Stacy and Clinton say, are quite happy in a tri top with no other support needed. It does occasionally pay to be flat-chested!

Okay, enough reality TV references!

Jen - I'm glad your bike guy said he'd sell your bike - that does mean I will likely find something used nearby! Thanks!

BigEeyore - your swimming time is awesome! And I'm flattered that you followed me - I must ask good questions... or have a big mouth... or both! ha!

Maura - I'm 5'4" so I'm sticking with the short arm theory, too! I'm slow because I'm short!

So, does anyone really change their diet much when they're training for something?
BigEeyore - I am so jealous! I have been doing tri's fro 2 years and still gasp for breath with every stroke. Hoping the swim clinic will finally help me improve. Great job on the swim!

mgsmom - Have you tried Moving COmfor bras? the maia and Fiona are the ones I hear of most. I use one of them. Never remeber which. The one with the wire. Anyway, I am larger than you and, except this January when I didn't pack well for marathon :upsidedow, have never had to double up.

Maura - Congrats on teh suit! I woman in my swim clinic reminds me of you. I just pretend I'm swimmign with my WISH buddies. lol. BTW, you doing Martian?

Jen - OMG. That's crazy! Hope those arms/shoulders recover soon!

Wow, didn't realize Trek had such a reasonably priced road bike. Of course, I can say reasonable after being around this sport a while. :p
thanks everyone for the compliments about the swimming. Oh, I am 5'3 too, so no excuses for the short girls!
mgsmom asked about changing our diet when training for an event - all I've changed is I eat way more b/c all that exercise makes me hungry!!! :rotfl2:
But really - my only diet plan right now is just making sure I get a good heathy hi energy snack before training. When I used to just hit the gym for 30 min on the old stair stepper or something, there was no need to make sure I had something to eat beforehand. But I get so much more out of my tri training if I eat a bit 30 min or so before.
A snack is a good idea - I'll have to do that. I'm a big milk drinker, so maybe I'll drink a small glass of milk 30-45 min before and see if that helps.

I don't need to train for my appetite to kick in - I'm always hungry all the time! Hubby makes fun of me because I eat small meals, but I know I'm going to be hungry anyway in a couple of hours so why bother eating too much??? Seriously, I can hit a buffet and leave STUFFED - but I promise you, 2 hours later I'll be ready for a snack... :confused3
Great conversation although I don't have a problem with "the girls" so I cannot help on that one. Also, I am not speaking from race experience because my first sprint is this Sunday. I'm pretty comfortable except for the swim. And it's not the swimming part of the swim but it's the water temp part - it's going to be 65 degrees - but only if it warms up this week. I have borrowed a sleeveless wet suit so that should help. I just HATE cold water though.

I'll tell you though, biking is an expensive sport! Nothing cheap about it. The rest of the tri is not that bad. The best thing I did was join a Tri club. We swim 2 days a week and also do run drills on one of those days after the swim. Bike on Sat and run on Sun.

For the race I'll wear a pair of tri shorts and an tri top (from my tri club). I'll wear that through the entire race. No change necessary.

I can't wait and I'll report back. Actually going out of town today so I won’t be back online until probably Monday.

I am so glad to see mgsmom you took my advice and wandered on over here. I knew there were probably some ladies who are literally in the same shoes and were more than happy to share their experience.

Just some notes and thoughts:
It's been my experience the bike shops usually have some type of spring sale. It's worth checking out. Some of them are trying to get rid of their '09's but with the recession some of the big bike manufacturer's underestimated the demands. That's on the high end, though. I don't think it will affect entry level.

The Trek bike you're looking at seems a good value for 659. As I said earlier, fit is the most important thing. Your LBS should be able to fit you on the bike in regards to saddle height, stem spacing and riser. Don't know about the white saddle and bar tape, though!

It's highly unusual to hear about LBS offering to buy a bike or sell used bikes. Not around here, anyway.

At my level and with my experience as a lifetime ww member, nutrition is a part of my daily life. One of the defining characterisitcs of the top triathlete is this: discipline. It's a word very rarely discussed but essential at that level. For me, what I eat and when is part of my training. In a word, fuel.

WW for me isn't a diet and my success isn't measured by weight loss...not for a long time. I lost the weight, hit goal, then life, then moved on. Very, very few people are driven. I consider myself extremely fortunate in that regard.

I wouldn't suggest milk before a long distance/endurance event. I do on occasion, drink chocolate milk after a hard race. It's common knowledge it's good for recovery. I don't change my nutrition before a race and I'm not about to start now. My bonking/blowing up 2 weeks ago happens but I'm about 95% sure it wasn't because of something I did or didn't eat. It just happens.
Duane - Have a great race!!! Can't wait to hear how it goes!
Duane - Have a good race! I can't wait to hear how it went!!

Stego - I know what you mean about discipline. I am a pretty disciplined eater most of the time. If I want to lose weight, I just count calories (1400 a day) and it will come off. Otherwise, I just eat smart and if I start to feel "puffy", I'll count calories for a couple of weeks to make sure I'm "in range".

What do you think is the best thing to eat the morning of the race? I think I hit the water at 8 - have to be there at 7 or so.

Last time I ate a banana and cup of milk right out of bed (6ish). Maybe that's why I pooped out. I'm sure it having NOTHING to do with my fancy bike... :rotfl:
mgsmom - We all differ. I must eat some kind of poerr bar adn drink powerade/cytomax, 1 hour before competition starts. My dh cannot eat anything within 2 or 3 hours of starting. It's really best to play with this druring trianing, especially during bricks and long work outs. It' snot an answer you can run iwth, but nutrition is one of the hardest porats of this world.
I read your earlier post and you have a great foundation: breaking your day into small meals/snacks. I've timed my body so well that within an hour of not doing this I begin to pay the price. People in the office can set their clocks by my eating habits. I always say: I enjoy the results. We all have bad days but I have worked for years to develop my foundation...quite simply, it works!

The PP was dead on: try your nutrition during your training. The sprint tri I do is right at 1:20-1:24 so that's not a long time...for me. You'll get many different replies so stick to what works for you. Banana and oatmeal are good. Maybe 1 cup of juice. I stay away from coffee: diuretic and milk upsets my stomach. I set up a gatorade bottle on the bike and that is all I take. Maybe 30 min. before the swim I'll do 1 gel and 1/2 bottle gatorade.

I know you are saying: how do your know your time 3 months ahead? That comes with time and experience. I've reviewed my past 2 years and looked at the podium times and splits and I am dialed in to what I need to do to get top 5. It will be tough, though.

Tri's are usually very early in the morning. Most people can't sleep too well the night before and they're up by 5am. The key is to get a good night's sleep the night BEFORE.

With an olympic distance tri the nutrition changes a bit.
stego - great info! Great job on keeping on otp of your daily nutrition too. It's so hard.

Just to add on. For sprints and smaller races, it's not a big deal. However, as you get into longer races another aspect changes. DH adn i were completley shocked to hear how much time would be between our having to leave teh transition area and startign the swim in Chicago. 3 to 4 hours. :scared1: I knwo how often I need to eat adn luckily had enough extra to adjust. DH does not eat before races and had a rough time. he should have that morning. So, do what you can to scope out size of field and be prepared.
I think this year that I am better prepared to train and finding a bike will be key! Those two things will help me a lot, I'm sure!

Yesterday I ran 3 miles and felt like I could have gone on forever (luv my new Muzunos) - I should have jumped on a spin class, but was too hungry! ha ha ha
My usual workout is running, but I usually only do 2 miles then go inside and lift weights. So, the challenge for me is having enough steam to have a decent run after the first two events. The swim (.5 miles) is really not a big concern of mine since it's first and it's short. If I get tired, I can side stroke a lap and keep going. The pool got really rough when I did it last time - stupid me put in a slow swim time so I wouldn't feel pressured - but that put me toward the end of the line - and I had to deal with passing people and the rough, warm pool water. I think this year, I'll enter a quicker swim time - I think it's easier to be passed than to do the passing.
Everyone had really good pool etiquette, so that was really nice.

I'm so glad I found you guys - I'm feeling so much more excited about this!

Lots of great discussion, too bad I haven't been back to this thread in a week or so.

As I rev up my training for my 70.3 (Ironman 70.3 Texas on April 25th, one month away from today!) I’ve enjoyed reading the nutrition comments here as I rework my nutrition plan. I am finding that my nutritional needs have changed from last fall’s preparation. I think this is due to two factors: cooler weather and weighing 20 – 25 pounds less than I did than for my October 70.3. I’ve also discovered that my tastes have changes, I used to guzzle Gatorade for all my liquid calories and now it seems too sweet. So far I have dealt with that by diluting it down with water and taking in extra food nutrition (usually a Cliff Bar or a Bonk Breaker bar). One thing I know is still true, for my best performance I have to eat 200 – 400 calories in the morning before training/racing. I seem to do equally well with fruit, yogurt, prepacked bars or bagels, it just seems that I need enough calories of any kind to keep me going.

Keep up the good work, everyone!
I have been concentrating on the swimming and biking (spin class for now til I get my bike and the weather improves), I haven't done any running mostly because my knees bother me when I run. They don't bother me any other time, I can walk, swim, bike, anything but running and knees are fine. I can run about a mile before the pain starts. Anyone else dealing with knee issues? Any tips?
I should go to a dr, but it seems silly if they don't bother me any other time!
I really want to do well in my tri, but no matter how good I am at the biking and swimming, I feel like the cards are stacked against me on the run.
I used to run track in HS, 2 mile race and lots of 5K's, but no more.
BigEeyore Ah, knee problems. Seems like everyone has one. First thing to know is: Where is the pain located? I am only familiar with IT band issues--which presents itself as a pain on the outside of the knee. It's not a knee problem, it's tightness in the iliotibial band. If that's your issue, let us know. This is pretty common, and there are things you can do to help.

I am feeling foolish right now b/c I can't say I've ever bothered to concentrate where exactly around my knee it hurts! They just start to hurt and I start walking. Hmmm. I will go for at least a short run this weekend and have an answer - I am at least a little encouraged that there might be some hope!
My right knee has always been an issue for me - I was a gymnast through high school and suffered an injury that just won't quit - even surgery didn't completely fix it.
My pain is on the front - "patella pain" - focused around the knee cap. As long as I do leg lifts every other day, it really helps. I sit on the floor with one leg out straight and the other bent with foot on the ground. The straight leg I flex REALLY hard, as hard as I can (you should be flexing your foot) and lift your leg about 6 inches off the ground. Lift and lower 20 times - really keep the lift short and keep your leg tight. Concentrate on keeping the muscles right above your kneecap tight and engaged. Then repeat on the other side.
It really doesn't sound like much, but it makes a big difference in how my knee feels after a run. And when I don't do it, the pain returns within a couple of runs.
Like I said, this works for pain associated with the knee cap.
Oh, yeah, and I am not a doctor and you should consult your physician and not sue me and all that.... ha ha ha :rotfl:
It is spring break at my house! It is also 16 weeks until SheRox Philly, so Monday I am embarking on my own personal, self-directed Tri Training Camp. I took the week off of work to hang with my boys and I will not let life get in the way of my workouts! I have new running shoes and my bike will be tuned up today. I will swim, I will bike, I will run, and I will complete all of the times and distances in my plan! I will! :)

I have been concentrating on the swimming and biking (spin class for now til I get my bike and the weather improves), I haven't done any running mostly because my knees bother me when I run. They don't bother me any other time, I can walk, swim, bike, anything but running and knees are fine. I can run about a mile before the pain starts. Anyone else dealing with knee issues? Any tips?

I have a bad knee from a pretty severe dislocation when I was in high school. Sadly, I also discovered that I had "runner's knee" befrore I ever started running. :confused3 I'm not a hard-core runner, so I can usually get through my workouts OK...it's the hobbling around afterward that is annoying!

Can y'all stop talking about open water?!! I just remembered my tri is in open water in the OCEAN... and not Jeff's pretty ocean, no the brown, murky, who knows what's down there ocean... :eek: And note to self: work on bilateral breathing...

I'll be swimming in the Potomac River. :eek: It is lovely that they have "misting showers" at the swim exit, but I think they might need something more like that scene from Silkwood.

I do want to ask some advice if you can help me out:

1. I want to purchase a bike. Nothing too expensive - I'm likely going to do this sprint-tri every year and other than that I just run. Suggestions? I've seen road bikes and hybrid bikes - which is better for me?

2. I want to purchase a new suit. Our swim is always in a pool, no wetsuit necessary. I would like to find a TWO-piece (long torso, long story) but one that the top will have enough support for the run (36C). I'll put on my regular running shorts this time, even if they don't match (hee hee)


I love my bike, but I don't know what falls in to the "too expensive" category. I bought a 2008 Specialized Dolce Elite last summer (so it was the previous year's model) for about $850. I absolutely love it & it makes a world of difference for me. Until then, I rode DH's old bike. He's almost a foot taller than me, so even if I dropped the seat and handle bars, the bike was too big for me.

No matter what you want to spend, go to a bike shop. Just like most runners buy their shoes from a store with staff members who can help you with fit and analyze your gait, etc. in different shoes, a real bike shop will help you find a bike that fits and watch you pedal on a trainer to adjust everything for you.

I love Skirt Sports. It is a line designed by a pro triathlete. The list prices are pretty high, but they usually have good sales and well stocked "outlet" online.

What do you think is the best thing to eat the morning of the race? I think I hit the water at 8 - have to be there at 7 or so.

I'm not the best role model, but I have a cup of black coffee (if not, I get a caffeine headache) and two toasted frozen waffles with peanut butter. I can't handle anything with fiber before I work out and this gives me a good mix of carbs and protien.

You probably shouldn't listen to me, though...I hate power bars and whatnot, so I use fun-size Snickers bars as my mid-race fuel!
Ran 2 miles today, and determined the knee pain is mostly on the front lower part of the knee - sounds like might be patellar? A little pain up the outside above the knee. Strangest thing is that as soon as I start walking the pain disappears.
Has anyone tried tape or a knee brace? Do you think that would help?
mgsmom - I will try your leg lift idea! Thanks!


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