2012 Beach and Yacht FAQ, Part 3- Don't Post Here!!! New Thread, November 2012

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I believe only when you're staying Club Level. I'm hoping one of the experts will chime in if I'm wrong.

I am not an expert, but I know on the list of benefits of the Club Level, they list Turndown Service. So I would presume that's not the case in regular rooms?
Turn down service is standard for club level rooms. You can request it though if you are in a regular room.
I am thinking it overlooks the FRONTof the resort. Like the Walkway area.Pretty view but Wedding Gazebo is prettier. Tricky thing on this view is the rooms that are further from the lagoon have a better view b/c there is this pillar that is on the balcony of the 2nd room from the left thatsort of screws up the lagoonview. You really have to lean. But still a pretty view.I would just request WEDDING GAZEBO - your chances should be excellent....

Thanks for your feedback. We have officially switched to YC CL GV with a request to face the wedding gazebo! My husband and I loved the YC when we visited in 2010. Aside from thinking the kids would enjoy the BC atmosphere more, we sort of wanted to keep the YC to ourselves and not share it with the kids. Is that bad? :rolleyes1 But, now that I've taken the room into account, I guess we will make an exception! :cool1: And, the trip is going to be a Christmas surprise for the kids. They have no clue we're going....

:cool2:As one of the resident 'Doods' on this board I do think this waaaaay cool.:cool2:

I think it's pretty cool too. But to be very honest with you, once you get used to working there it's just like any other workplace. Mostly regular workdays (interspersed with the very rare out-of-the ordinary occurrence). I'm just thankful he has a job in this economy. And, if it's one that gets me closer to Disney then I will be grateful :goodvibes
Arriving at the BC 2 weeks from today and really hope the chair saving thing gets better. We'll never be able to get a chair since we hit the parks for RD and take a mid day break for a swim. :eek:
SuzieQ811 said:
US TOO!!! Arriving (hopefully) at MCO at 8:45 am - boy are we gonna be tired - flight leaves at 6 am! Was I crazy or what?

I booked a 6 am flight too!! Getting into MCO at 10am Eastern time! 9/8
barbliny said:
The only way to arrive at Disney is on the first flight in -- nothing cures the tired traveler faster than driving under the Welcome sign - it's instant adrenaline

Suzie - love your signature - Jimmy Buffet and Zac Brown - what a perfect pair!! We just saw Zac Brown Memorial Day weekend in Saratoga - I think he's playing in your neck of the woods the first week in September?? Going?

And I think based on all of the chatter on this board about Grey Goose Slushies that the line from Kenny Chesney's Rockstar 'With the juice in the goose or the coke in the crown' - is a recurring theme for many of the BC/YC fans -- wait it just occured to me .... Candada is often an overlooked country in Epcot -- we can change that if they put in a Crown Royal Coke Slushie machine!!! :dance3:

My DH would love crown royal coke slushies!!
Just checking in while I have a minute!

Erika~ we are here but we have been park commandos for some reason. You would think this is our first trip!! If I see you, I will definitely say hi! :)

All is going well in our new room. Sleeping well without any noisy neighbors. We have been in the parks all day everyday but the kids are having a blast. We are getting ready to visit over at the boardwalk. It looks like it will be a nice evening to go. However, I really hope to be back at the resort and relaxing before 11:00 tonight! We have been closing the parks and getting to bed very late. I must be getting old because this late night stuff is killing me!! Lol

Take care everyone! I will check in again soon. Oh, and for those who were asking the BC is still offering H2O Aquatics toiletries. And the soap bars are sea salt. They are great!!
I have to say that these prices are all over the place! For instance, my husband charges $3 to wash my bras so it might be cheaper for me to have 'em done at the Beach Club.

The big disappointment however is the $20 PLUS to clean the jumpsuit. I was planning on having JanetMom make me a Beach Club "Super Groupie" jump suit so I could run around Storm Along Bay and rescue pool towels from unattended chairs. This jump suit would have to have a very intimidating design to ward off all the drunks and crabby people hogging up the chairs that no one will sit in. Perhaps something along the line of thunder bolts and references to menopause, that way nobody would mess with me. My slogan could be "If your fanny ain't in the seat, it's up for grabs on my beat!"

Unfortunately, super hero jumpsuits like these are definitely not wash and wear so I'm looking at a big dry cleaning bill. Bum me out!

I'm sure between the two of us we could come up with a suitably intimidating (yet comfortable - can't forget the comfort) design. The suit could be made out of neoprene. We could machine wash it on a gentle cycle, and it will be like a wet suit if someone pushes us in the pool.

We can come up with a series of slogans so that everyone from this thread could have their own. Mine could be "I will run afoul with anyone who saves a chair with a towel."

Any other slogan suggestions?

And I think based on all of the chatter on this board about Grey Goose Slushies that the line from Kenny Chesney's Rockstar 'With the juice in the goose or the coke in the crown' - is a recurring theme for many of the BC/YC fans -- wait it just occured to me .... Candada is often an overlooked country in Epcot -- we can change that if they put in a Crown Royal Coke Slushie machine!!! :dance3:

A brilliant idea.

Crown Royal would be an excellent way to make the Canada pavillion more attractive!
I sure between the two of us we could come up with a suitably intimidating (yet comfortable - can't forget the comfort) design. The suit could be made out of neoprene. We could machine wash it on a gentle cycle, and it will be like a wet suit if someone pushes us in the pool.

We can come up with a series of slogans so that everyone from this thread could have their own. Mine could be "I will run afoul with anyone who saves a chair with a towel."

Any other slogan suggestions?

Neoprene! That sounds HOT! I hope we get pushed in the pool ALOT! I like the slogan BTW. Now that you have a slogan you need a superhero name. Beach Club SUPER Groupies will serve as a title, kind of like "The Justice League". Ninja Mom has obvious Superhero connotations but JanetMom sounds kind of like plain vanilla and not very intimidating, even for a Canadian. Nope, we're gonna have to fix that...

Here is the next ever helpful "Storm Along Bay Summer Survival Slogan".

"Not sittin? Then you should be fittin your stuff in a locker, okay? Hurricane Hannah's has more than bananas so be sure to get your locker key today.

"Or Move the chair or beware of the bear, that will return and claim it to lay. Hide it 'round the corner, out of sight of previous borders so no one will have anything nasty to say".

PS Janet, you'll need a superpower too. What with the beans and all everybody knows mine....
The only way to arrive at Disney is on the first flight in -- nothing cures the tired traveler faster than driving under the Welcome sign - it's instant adrenaline

Suzie - love your signature - Jimmy Buffet and Zac Brown - what a perfect pair!! We just saw Zac Brown Memorial Day weekend in Saratoga - I think he's playing in your neck of the woods the first week in September?? Going?

And I think based on all of the chatter on this board about Grey Goose Slushies that the line from Kenny Chesney's Rockstar 'With the juice in the goose or the coke in the crown' - is a recurring theme for many of the BC/YC fans -- wait it just occured to me .... Candada is often an overlooked country in Epcot -- we can change that if they put in a Crown Royal Coke Slushie machine!!! :dance3:

LOVE that Goose in the juice and coke in the crown line".
but no, alas, cannot make the Zac Brown concert in Buffalo.
But I AM going to the Brad Paisley concert on Saturday!!!!

I have to say that these prices are all over the place! For instance, my husband charges $3 to wash my bras so it might be cheaper for me to have 'em done at the Beach Club.

The big disappointment however is the $20 PLUS to clean the jumpsuit. I was planning on having JanetMom make me a Beach Club "Super Groupie" jump suit so I could run around Storm Along Bay and rescue pool towels from unattended chairs. This jump suit would have to have a very intimidating design to ward off all the drunks and crabby people hogging up the chairs that no one will sit in. Perhaps something along the line of thunder bolts and references to menopause, that way nobody would mess with me. My slogan could be "If your fanny ain't in the seat, it's up for grabs on my beat!"

Unfortunately, super hero jumpsuits like these are definitely not wash and wear so I'm looking at a big dry cleaning bill. Bum me out!

Thank you.... but I don't think I need a 'Thunder sound button'. The Beach Club Super Groupie is powered by beans.

Nuff said!

PS. Think of THAT as my hidden super power and an excellent deterrent to boot!


I laughed so long and hard my DH came from downstairs to see if I had finally LOST IT!!!

:rotfl2: :rotfl: :rotfl2:
I'll take it!

MickeyT, I never knew you could sew! See, this is another reason we need more men on this thread!


That does it. MickeyT is in charge of wardrobe.

From this moment forward I would like to be known as the "Ruby Lion". (just because)

My super power is to be able to drink a GGS super fast. :) Mmmm
This time tomorrow we will be half way through our 9 hour flight to sunny Orlando. :cool1::cool1::cool1:
Congratulations!!! So exciting!

:cool2:As one of the resident 'Doods' on this board I do think this waaaaay cool.:cool2:

Not a "Dood", but I agree. I am huge sports fan and I always remind hubby how lucky he is to be married to me because I am just as big a fan, if not bigger fan, than he is. My mother used to tell me that I shouldn't let guys know that I knew so much about sports because it intimidates them. I said "too bad. If they can't handle it, I wouldn't want to be with them anyway."

I also have to agree...I adore sports and actually commented to my husband, "How cool...this woman's husband works at ESPN!" :)

I'm sure between the two of us we could come up with a suitably intimidating (yet comfortable - can't forget the comfort) design. The suit could be made out of neoprene. We could machine wash it on a gentle cycle, and it will be like a wet suit if someone pushes us in the pool.

We can come up with a series of slogans so that everyone from this thread could have their own. Mine could be "I will run afoul with anyone who saves a chair with a towel."

Any other slogan suggestions?

A brilliant idea.

Crown Royal would be an excellent way to make the Canada pavillion more attractive!

Neoprene! That sounds HOT! I hope we get pushed in the pool ALOT! I like the slogan BTW. Now that you have a slogan you need a superhero name. Beach Club SUPER Groupies will serve as a title, kind of like "The Justice League". Ninja Mom has obvious Superhero connotations but JanetMom sounds kind of like plain vanilla and not very intimidating, even for a Canadian. Nope, we're gonna have to fix that...

Here is the next ever helpful "Storm Along Bay Summer Survival Slogan".

"Not sittin? Then you should be fittin your stuff in a locker, okay? Hurricane Hannah's has more than bananas so be sure to get your locker key today.

"Or Move the chair or beware of the bear, that will return and claim it to lay. Hide it 'round the corner, out of sight of previous borders so no one will have anything nasty to say".

PS Janet, you'll need a superpower too. What with the beans and all everybody knows mine....

Truly, you two are killing me! I love this thread. :)
Not to be a wet blanket, and w/ all due respect to NM's and Janetmom's volunteering to assume SAB seat patrol (SABSP for short) I really think we need to do more, maybe we need to start a 'free the SAB seats' movement. Think of it from the seats' perspective, there they sit, some in prime shade locations, others near perfect toddler watching stations, others forming an obstacle course for those who've had one too many GGS or STs - masses of abandoned, forlorn, lonely, towel draped seats who are yearning for the touch of a wet hominid behind. Yep, a free the SAB seats movement is definitely overdue.
Not to be a wet blanket, and w/ all due respect to NM's and Janetmom's volunteering to assume SAB seat patrol (SABSP for short) I really think we need to do more, maybe we need to start a 'free the SAB seats' movement. Think of it from the seats' perspective, there they sit, some in prime shade locations, others near perfect toddler watching stations, others forming an obstacle course for those who've had one too many GGS or STs - masses of abandoned, forlorn, lonely, towel draped seats who are yearning for the touch of a wet hominid behind. Yep, a free the SAB seats movement is definitely overdue.

:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

Rust free little seats!

Rust free!
Count me in on the "Free the SAB seats" mission. I bet BC valet service would be able to wash the neoprene suits in a jiffy! Sure, it may cost a pretty penny, but aren't the seats worth the expense?

I may stand guard over the seats and be the General Inquisition to each pool-goer....."whatchu talkin' about leaving that towel there....MOVE IT, MOVE IT, MOVE IT!" Kind of a cross between Arnold Jackson on Different Strokes and the Green Army Guys from Toy Story.

I think we need to come up with our own superhero drink......suggestions?
I can't just sit down and take all this discussion without standing my ground...

For a signature drink, I suggest calling it "The Sitting Duck"

I would like to make up hundreds of signs that say

"X hours since this chair has been occupied by an actual person" and place them on loungers only occupied by towels. Then, if the chair-hogging offenders dare to reclaim their seats, we just let nature, and surrounding guests, take care of it.
I guess I might as well start this quick post off with a bro-hug :grouphug: to all the fellow dudes!

To add a further complication into the pool towel debacle, this is something I saw first hand yesterday. While we were sitting on our 1 chair ;) I noticed a family start packing up. I could hear their conversation and they were talking about what park they were going to and their late ADR. Now it sounded to me if they had no intention at all at coming back to SAB. Keep in mind this was around 4ish in the afternoon. And they left every single towel on the 4 chairs they were using. I got the impression that they thought a CM would pick them up! I of course could not verify this theory but I really think that's what they were doing...:stir:
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