Looks more like a "blanket sleeper" than a "union suit"........ count on being hot, hot, hot.....(and it's polyester!) yikes.
Hi, we did the first of our two MHP's last night. Background- We are here for 8 days & arrived on Wed AM. Spent the first 2 nights at DLH which was pretty good. This morning we left DLH at 6am & took an Uber & dropped our bags in our room at D.I.&S. We were originally staying here the whole time before I booked DLH for 2n so I just left the booking as is. I came & checked in over here on Wed PM so we had our keys ready to go.
It made for an early start on our MHP day but I thought it worth it to take advantage of our EMH at DCA. We dropped our bags & were over at the gates at 6.30am. We stayed till 1pm and got so much done - several rides on GoG, Screamin, Grizzly, Soarin (both screens back up now although one side went down briefly yesterday), Toy Story, RSR was down at opening - up at 7.25am - so only rode once before it backed up. Back at hotel ~ 1.15 to rest a bit.

I'll just post some random thoughts / info in no particular order.

Headed back into the park at ~ 3.30pm - ran into the parade but had no problem heading up the RHS of Main St to Tommorowland. NB. There were long lines out front to get in, as opposed to Wed when we saw at 2.30pm there were minimal people lined up waiting, so we entered the park on our regular 10day hopper rather than wait in the lines.
I had hoped to p/up our MHP bands then but they are not distributing till 4pm & there was a long line so we headed to our 4pm reservation at Cafe Orleans. Not a great meal experience unfortunately but that's another story.
Had booked a HMH FP via MP from the hotel so we did that after - FP line is pretty long at the moment but not too bad.

Then went & got our MHP wristbands - no line now & walked straight in to Starcade (on the RHS at SM:GG exit).
As we headed out of TL it was just before 6pm. I had intended to be at TT entrance at 5.30pm but with not getting bands before CO dinner that didn't happen. Decided to head there now & people were walking in as we got there.
I had read to bypass the crowds ToT at entrance & head to back of TT. There were CM's there at front letting people know what was where. ToT trails to right and left and M&G's at back - ? Daisy & ....... over to left and Mickey / Donald at back around to left of RR with the line extending all the way down past RR.
I lined up there while my son did the ToT trails. 45min wait for photo. They do 1/2 hr shifts and swap out - Mickey was first then Donald. CM's are very clear about this going up and down the line letting you know you will meet one of them. I don't really think it's worth waiting an hour here for photos but in the end it was lucky we met Donald as we got to see MM after.

Left TT after that and headed around Big Thunder trail to Frontierland- there are ToT trails here on the way that aren't on the map. I knew there were photo ops round here at the dock. NB. The lines here were short - it is not overly obvious they are there if you don't know. We lined up maybe 10mins max. (Pirate Wharf - Frontierland Dock)
First was PP, Wendy & Capt Hook - they really took their time and interacted with each guest. You then go round the back of the dock & meet Mickey & Minnie - dressed in pirate costumes. Photopass photographers were at all locations. Few times we walked past here the lines were never long.

Did some more trails. Headed back to hub ~ 7.50. I think we were near the entrance to the ? Wishing Well on the railing near the corner. (People were saving spots with unattended strollers too) Parade was REALLY good and the Headless Horseman before - I'm pretty sure this parade was very different to the one I saw in 2014, seemed a lot more extravagant and the floats really were amazing.

The crowds were following the parade down. We quickly jumped across as it passed. I made for the opposite corner in front of the roped off VIP area. Got an amazing view just on the curb. People who were sitting on the curb in this area, the other side of what had been the roped off area for the parade were really peeved when this surge of people came in to what was already a crowded area. Many were still sitting in that area on the roadway in front of the castle & frankly it was quite dangerous. It was dark. People were trying to stream through that area - lifting strollers over people. I was on what had been the parade route before they took the rope down so next to these people - personally, I am not someone who can walk up and stand in front of people who are already in place.
Plenty did and people sitting on the curb weren't happy but they can't have realistically expected that wasn't going to happen. They tried to get these people to sit but they refused. Turned out a CM came along a few mins before the fwks and told everyone they needed to stand.
Our perfect view was somewhat ruined when a guy came & stood directly in front of me. I am tall and this guy had 2ft or more on me - COMPLETELY blocked our view. What do you do? It's not his fault he's tall but he completely blocked the view of those of us who had been standing there.
My son stood on the VIP curb & to the side and managed to see some. I had to wiggle around a bit to see but it was incredibly crowded and hard to move as you can imagine.
Fireworks / show were amazing though.
Waited for crowd to clear a bit then walked back around FL / BT path. We've never done Storybook Land so did that on the way.
BTW - both times we were around ROA we saw the 'characters dancing on the raft' - it was Goofy, Pluto, Donald, Chip & Dale. Missed the Cadaver Dans though.
Feeling pretty tired & sore now. Went on PotC - both of us nodding off. Ride broke down AGAIN on us, both times we were back 'up top' heading towards ride U/L. 15-20min delay again. Son fell asleep, had to wake him up to get off.
Decided to head out. It was just after 11pm. There are amazing projections on the Main St buildings as you walk up. Main St train station was also done up amazingly. There were character M&G's here but we didn't do any & a last ToT trail here around the flag pole.

So...we didn't really do any rides but that wasn't our main goal with plenty of other days to do that.
Loved the decorations, amazing costumes, entertainment, atmosphere, generally good nature of other guests.
Had intended to have a sleepin today, my son did till 9.30, I slept till 6.30am - better than the 2am the last 2 days!
Was going to do late entry to parks this AM but have decided to have late B/F at Denny's, go to Target for a look and just head in to D/L ~ 4.30 - 5pm for our 5.30 BB Fantasmic pkg. Need a bit of down-time!
Sorry for such long post - didn't intend for it to be so : )

Great post! Would love to hear why you had a bad experience at Cafe Orleans- we ate there 9/18 and I was very happy with the food and service.

Also, yes, the parade was brand new last year (2016). They did add Mickey and Minnie to the front and a few other small additions this year (Ursula, Gaston). I think the folks walking along with the HH were new too.
IMG_0224.JPG We had a great time last night at the party. Parade was pretty tamed down it seemed - a less "scary" version than last year, I suppose. Fireworks did not disappoint, as usual. The party, itself, didn't seem less crowded than years before but the crowd levels in the park the whole day were great, IMO, undoubtedly less crowded than last year when we went for Halloweentime. Last year we accidentally hit some fall school breaks and saw massive crowds, so I was super stoked with the low crowds.
View attachment 273800 We had a great time last night at the party. Parade was pretty tamed down it seemed - a less "scary" version than last year, I suppose. Fireworks did not disappoint, as usual. The party, itself, didn't seem less crowded than years before but the crowd levels in the park the whole day were great, IMO, undoubtedly less crowded than last year when we went for Halloweentime. Last year we accidentally hit some fall school breaks and saw massive crowds, so I was super stoked with the low crowds.
great costumes, love the candy corn ears!
Figment, What is the best strategy for viewing fireworks in order to see the orb and Zero flying. I don't necessarily have to see the first parade as there are two of them but want to see both fireworks and parade.

I would try to watch the first parade (or be in the area) from up near the Hub. Then as soon as the parade passes, move to the fireworks viewing spot. That being said, I don't know if you move further back on Main Street whether the trees become less of an issue (i.e., does the angle improve). I just know that if you pick a spot where you can't see to the left of the second turret (see the photo further up this thread by Tom Bricker), you'll have trouble seeing the orb.

We had an early ideal space one other night for the fireworks, almost in line with coke corner directly behind the rope the use to create a walkway between that space and the hub area.
It was nice because the gap made it easier to see over people's heads.

A previous trip we ended up way down Main Street almost near the big pumpkin and to the Tomorrowland side, we had a clear view of the orb and could see projections along the Main Street buildings as well.

Another time this trip we watched from the train station, great view except the flag pole in the middle, no crowds, east to exit from (not that you may want to during the party)

When I have time I will try to dig out photos from the various locations to give you an idea.

However I am feeling a bit crazy, it is Monday here (landed in auckland waiting for our connection home)
And DD6s Nightmare Before Christmas Party is on Saturday eeek who thought having a party so close was a good idea!!!

DSC00774.JPG DSC00774.JPG
View from the middle of the road in line with coke corner in the first row behind the rope.
View from the train station
Viewing directly behind the hub(on the "road")
Has anyone seen any fun costumes? We saw someone dressed as the Storytellers statue. He was completely bronzed and even had a little bronze Mickey on a suitcase. Great costume! We also saw someone dressed as the Bird Woman from Mary Poppins. She had a stuffed pigeon on her shoulder. :) Very original. There was a Snow White group with someone dressed as the poison apple. And a couple dressed as a Dapper Figment and Dream Finder -- very nice!

I can't see the orb in any of these photos? I'm trying to figure out where we should try to get a spot without waiting forever. In the disney tourist blog, they said they were halfway down mainstreet and the photo posted had the orb way over the trees. My daughter is 52 inches, so while she might not be able to see the castle well, I thought if I was along main street, she could enjoy the projection effects along there during the show?

Can anyone speak about how the crowds have been for the 2nd parades? Are they still easier to get a decent spot than the 1st parade? Do they vary in times on tues or fri nights because of the different closing times?
I can't see the orb in any of these photos? I'm trying to figure out where we should try to get a spot without waiting forever. In the disney tourist blog, they said they were halfway down mainstreet and the photo posted had the orb way over the trees. My daughter is 52 inches, so while she might not be able to see the castle well, I thought if I was along main street, she could enjoy the projection effects along there during the show?

Can anyone speak about how the crowds have been for the 2nd parades? Are they still easier to get a decent spot than the 1st parade? Do they vary in times on tues or fri nights because of the different closing times?
Did someone order an orb? :teeth:

Going Green by mom2rtk, on Flickr

Red Halloween Screams by mom2rtk, on Flickr

Halloween Screams by mom2rtk, on Flickr

Sorry but I can't help you with a place to watch that won't require investing time to stake out a spot. Definitely something to the left as you fact the castle, but no idea how early you would need to arrive. We were right up in front of the hub so no trees to block our view. We got there pretty early, but lots of people filled in space right up until the last minute. It would be worth at least checking out to see how packed it is closer to show time.
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Did someone order an orb? :teeth:

Going Green by mom2rtk, on Flickr

Red Halloween Screams by mom2rtk, on Flickr

Halloween Screams by mom2rtk, on Flickr

Sorry but I can't help you with a place to watch that won't require investing time to stake out a spot. Definitely something to the left as you fact the castle, but no idea how early you would need to arrive. We were right up in front of the hub so no trees to block our view. We got there pretty early, but lots of people filled in space right up until the last minute. It would be worth at least checking out to see how packed it is closer to show time.

I LOVE those photos!!
Great post! Would love to hear why you had a bad experience at Cafe Orleans- we ate there 9/18 and I was very happy with the food and service.

Also, yes, the parade was brand new last year (2016). They did add Mickey and Minnie to the front and a few other small additions this year (Ursula, Gaston). I think the folks walking along with the HH were new too.

Hi - we have eaten at CO a few times and liked it. I thought we would order the Monte Cristo and Pommes Frites to share - I forgot that he didn't really like the MC last time (he's 11) so we were going to order something else. My son wanted to order the steak and potatoes but on ordering the server said it could only be served medium. He questioned her on that saying he didn't like any blood. She said it is served very pink. I said can we have it cooked med - well and response was - no, we can't do that. Ok then....
I'm not a huge fan of chef's telling you how they will only cook your steak a certain way. We have a couple of places at home 'like that' but generally it is 'we recommend it medium - if you want to order well done it's at your own risk - no complaints' - or the like.
So.... it was their loss. We intended to order 2 x entrees but instead just had a couple of starters - pommes & house salad - which were both very good BTW.
I thought we were going to run in to the same problem at BB last night & told him we would have to make do do & find something to order (he's actually not very fussy, he just - like me - doesn't like red / pink steak).
No problems there though - they were perfectly happy to serve the steak (surf & turf) any way requested.


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