365 days of healthy choices... Year #3 starts with post 356, comments welcome!

Yesterday I did weights at the gym and did a bit more than usual. The weights were just a bit heavier. My arms are sore!!! Not bad, but enough to feel good... KWIM? That makes me very happy. I am within my calories for the day and plan on doing the stairmaster tonight while watching the first part of the biggest loser. LOVE makeover week. I would love to have one of those makeovers.

I am also again thinking about the marathon. Can't decide if I want to set my sights for the Princess or the regular marathon weekend to do the 1/2. I really want to do it. any thoughts?

Desiree, thank you so much for the belated birthday wish, and you are right... I am back on track!:banana:
I am also again thinking about the marathon. Can't decide if I want to set my sights for the Princess or the regular marathon weekend to do the 1/2. I really want to do it. any thoughts?

Hi Vija! :wave2: I don't post much but I do follow along and you are doing great! Very inspiring! :flower3: My vote is do the 1/2 during regular marathon week-end in 2013 because I am selfish and doing that race myself. I would love to meet you in person after "following" you all these years. :cool2:
Hi Vija! :wave2: I don't post much but I do follow along and you are doing great! Very inspiring! :flower3: My vote is do the 1/2 during regular marathon week-end in 2013 because I am selfish and doing that race myself. I would love to meet you in person after "following" you all these years. :cool2:

Thank you for following along! I really do appreciate it, simply more than you know!!!!:goodvibes I have no idea which way I want to go for the marathon, all I know is that I WANT to do it! I now have to find a way to DO it!

I have to admit that it would be fun to meet everyone at the marathon. I just don't know yet...:scratchin
:sad2: I have to admit that I am not happy about having to play catch up again. I need to recommit to daily logging. Too many times at night, I am just so tired, I just can't think, just want to fall in bed, but in the end it isn't helping me if I skip days, so I am going back to commiting to daily logging.

Soooo, catching up....

Day 178 Wed. 11/30 supposed to go workout
But we didn't. Very tired after work, worked extra and then ran to get some things at the store. I was frustrated with not going to the gym.

Day 179 Thurs 12/1 Happy December!
I LOVE December and all the Christmas glory!:santa: it really does make me smile and have a smile in my heart.
I worked out for 30 min. on the treadmill and ate pretty good. At night drove to church and the kids made gingerbread cookies that they will distribute to some elderly church members. Really liked that night. The cookie smell and taste brought me right back to being a kid again.

Day 180 Fri 12/2 Shopping for DD
Went shopping for DD, I was looking at some of the clothes and how I wished I could wear some of them. I hate going to the ladies department and searching for that 1 item that actually fits on my body. Lets not even discuss if it is a color/style/material I like, that's not even an option, just praying I can find something that actually fits. I can't wait until I can actually choose what I want to wear, and have options! I am so sick and tired of always wearing sweatpants and tshirts. That is my "uniform" in winter. and it is getting old.

Day 181 Sat 12/3 EXERCISE!
Woke up early on my own and decided to go exercise. I did one of my favorites. It is just putting in my music CD's (80's music) and just doing old aerobics routines, and dancing and just having fun. I also practiced a little taeKwonDo. Later in the morning DH and I went to the gym. I did a little on the treadmilll and then did the weight machine circuit. It felt great.

A little sad today as I also did bills and I am tired of trying to stretch the money. Ughhh, money stress is not good. :headache: I have to admit that I did munch a little today because of the stress. I did stop it, and reign it in when I made myself aware of what I was doing, so that actually is a step in the right direction. In the past I would just have eaten without an awareness, but I am learning to pay attention to my triggers.

Also decided to sign up for the December exercise challenge on WISH. I am shooting for 1000 minutes. I haven't completed a challenge on WISH like that. I have tried several times but gave up... not this time! I have to be accountable to that so ladies PLEASE ask me how it is going! I need your help on that. So far I am at 125/1000
Here are my multiple titles for today...

1. Why does it always come in Three's?
2. Eagle Scout Ceremonies are amazing
3. WHY didn't I just stop, drop and roll... or at least stop, drop the chips and wait for 10 minutes????

1. Why does it always come in Three's?
When I first started my journal I was motivated by three things. Well, last night to this morning I had 3 things that made me "see" how big I really am.:sad2: 1. I decided to pamper myself a little yesterday. I hadn't taken a bath in probably 2 years (shower yes, not bath). I used to love bubble baths, so I decided to take one, I felt great about myself for exercising and eating right so why not pamper myself.... right? My first clue that this wasn't going to be a good idea was that I didn't have any bubble bath items. So I am filling the bathtub with water and I am having a hard time getting into the tub. As soon as I sat down, I felt like I "filled" the tub, it was a very tight fit and almost felt like I was a cork. Not really too comfy, then I am starting to worry about how the heck I was going to get out. Really not fun. I wanted to pamper myself but ended up just feeling pretty bad. 2 THEN I started to try on clothes last night for an event for today. UGHHHH, I was so disgusted. TMI coming your way... but my tummy is now hanging down...:sad1::scared1::sad: It has been big for a long time, but NOT hanging down like that. I could tell my body shape had shifted, but I truly did not realize to the extent. Those clothes that used to look perfectly fine, look hideous on me. I really am not exagerating. Just being honest, which is hard to admit to that. I just wanted to cry. 3. and then yes, today i cried. I was watching a few minutes of the blind side just before going to exercise, and I just admired Sandra Bullock's figure. So beautiful, I just felt so ugly and hideous. Like I said it came in three's and I was upset. Good thing was that I went to work out instead of just throwing in the towel.

2. Eagle Scout Ceremonies are amazing
Went to an Eagle Scout Ceremony today. We had the priviledge and honor to help this Eagle Scout with his project. I wrote about it on day 36 here in this journal. Part of the ceremony talked about the challenges he faced, he was diagnosed with a chronic illness and about how he faced the challenges with courage and determination. During his speech he broke down, and cried. I don't think there was a dry eye there. I certainly was crying. Eagle Scout ceremonies are amazing, these young men work so hard, it is a journey that is amazing, and it is a priviledge to witness the Eagle Scout Court of Honor. I was really looking forward to this one. If you ever have the chance to go to one, please go... It is a wonderful experience. DS is working on his Eagle Scout project right now. I look forward to the day that he can have his ceremony. Then I start to get all emotional considering my past health history and THANK GOD that I am still here to experience these milestones with my kids.

3. WHY didn't I just stop, drop and roll... or at least stop, drop the chips and wait for 10 minutes????
Tonight we then came home and watched Amazing Race. I got caught up on the race, was hungry and mindlessly ate too many chips. Finished the container. Ughhh, I am SOOO angry with myself!:furious:WHY didn't I just wait a few minutes and then head upstairs??? :mad: WHAT was I thinking?

I know I have been doing better and better, and I am learning alot about myself, but what is it going to take to put it all together????
Yesterday's gone Vija.

We can drive ourselves crazy with the would haves, should haves, why didn't I's.

Your intentions were good, you can't be a duck until you learn to quack and you can't play hockey til you learn to skate.

You can't swim til you test the waters.

Sometimes you try to get in too deep. That too will pass.

Tell me about today and don't worry about what you will do tomorrow. As a lawyer friend of mine says - that's tomorrow's problem.

Sorry I am not around more lately, still having a bit of a battle. But battles and trials are but for a season - that is a Biblical promise.

I am holding onto it.

Take care and have a magical day.


BTW - you know which half marathon I want you to do - if you have time drop by my blog today for more news on my efforts.

If not, look forward to your next post.

Thanks Linda, you are so right. I have had a problem of always looking back or dreaming of the future. I often miss being in the moment. I am getting better at that. And it doesn't always happen. I will keep focusing on my daily accomplishments and go from there.

and by the way.... lots of hugs to you! I did post on your journal too. But sending lots more hugs your way here too!:hug::flower3::hug::flower3::hug::flower3:
Can it really be??? 183 days????? How fast does a half a year go by???? REALLY FAST! That makes me realize how fast the second half is going to go by. I've been learning alot about myself during this time. It has been an amazing journey of self discovery. I thank you all for coming along on this journey. It hasn't been perfect, it has had a few bumps in the road, and I have had amazing days too.

Here are a few things I have learned:

1. When I put my mind to something I can accomplish it.
(I've tried to get a journal going here many times, but haven't been commited, not sure what changed this time but I've kept up with it, and it has been a friend to me, AND you have all been a great support!)
2. I need partners in crime to help me on the journey.
(DH is AWESOME! and I have needed him to join me in this journey. the accountability and support he gives me is what I need to be successful. He also has some fitness goals and I find myself wanting to do things to support him as well, works great when we are working it together)
3. I LOVE you guys!
(I can't tell you how much it means to me to read your comments along the way, the support, encouragement and "kicks in the pants" really mean alot to me)
4. When I work the plan, the plan works
(I need to be just as commited to my own plan as I am to this journal. It will work for me, I just need to keep it going)
5. Time really does fly by fast
(Enjoy each day, find the joy in each day whatever it might be. I just started reading "find your happiness" from Chicken soup for your soul, and it is true, there is joy and happiness everywhere, we just have to look for it.
6. Exercise just feels good
(I am noticing how much better I feel when I exercise... it just isn't to loose weight, but just to feel better!!!)

So for the next 183 days...
1. continue writing in this journal
2. Keep up with the exercise (love that I am in the December exercise challenge, I like the idea of reaching for that goal, keeps me wanting to do just a bit more each day to reach 1000 minutes exercised this month
3. keep counting calories. Try to stay within the calorie range on a daily basis
4. keep your hands and mind busy with projects so they don't stray to the food cupboards.
5. GO BACK TO TAEKWONDO In january I do plan on going back, I am going to make earning my black belt a new years resolution. It is time to complete that mission.
6. Keep supporting DH in his journey
tonight I was sitting on the couch watching tv with DD. Providence stepped in because I was going to start baking cookies with her, but we didn't have all of the supplies. Instead we watched a bit of the Christmas Carol and then came the Biggest Loser. I was going to settle in and watch it on the couch but at the last minute, just as it is starting I decided to get up off the couch and go exercise!!!!:banana: I really was thinking that I enjoy the way I feel after I exercise... so just get up and do it!

Did 45 minutes on the stairmaster and then I started to work on my push up position for Tae Kwon Do. Feeling very proud of myself for getting up and getting moving!:thumbsup2

Meanwhile the Biggest Loser is onto the marathon. As the contestants are finishing and some are getting pulled, tears are just rolling down my face. I feel SOOOO bad for the contestants that were pulled, especially Joe, he just wanted to finish, only 5 miles away... I cried for his lost dream. As the contestants finished I cried for their accomplishments and the inspiration that they are placing in my heart.

Definitely dreaming of when I do the 1/2 marathon. That right now is my goal and my focus.

I don't remember if I started a bucket list on this journal but I am going to start one now...

1. EARN MY BLACKBELT!!! It is time to complete what I started years ago.

2. Complete a Disneyworld half marathon. something I have dreamed of for years, now it is time to put into action

3. Complete a Disneyland half marathon (I want the coast to coast medal!)

4. Loose 1/2 my body weight!
I had a vacation day from work today. I got a lot done and had a great day. I did Jane Fonda's step aerobic tape from a long time ago. It really kicked my but today! BUT, last time I tried it I couldn't do all the stepping up and down, so I am proud of myself for doing it all the way through. What a blast from the past for me.

I worked on cleaning, laundry, getting started for DS's scout scrapbook album, watched alot of stuff I DVR'd, read a little, went shopping, and had a great day. Then DH and I went to the gym and I did the weights. I just love how I feel!

AND I get the pleasure of changing my clippie again... finally! I could have changed it sooner, but I was bouncing around a 2pound variance that I wanted to wait until I knew for sure I was passed the 10# mark. I am actually down 12#!!!!:banana:
That new clippie looks WONDERFUL on you Vija!!!!!
got my exercise in! 45 min. on the elliptical. I am very motivated to get the exercise minutes in because of the December wish exercise challenge. It made me opt for 45 min. instead of 30!

Last night I spend alot of time on YOUTUBE looking at 1/2 marathon videos from WDW. I am really excited about the Princess. It just looked like more fun, and I'm all about the fun. So that is the one that I am planning on doing. The only thing that would change it is if #1 I can't get off of work, and #2 DS decides to do the regular 1/2 marathon with me. He won't do the Princess! ;)

It did get me very excited about it, I chatted with DH and he is going to be a great support for me too. He was cautioning me about doing this race... He knows how much I have to loose before I can even start running... But today I told him all the stuff I had read on the DIS and Disneys website and I said "I CAN do this", and he said "I KNOW you can, and I'll be dissapointed if you don't". He is totally supporting me and doing all that he can to help me!!!! I just love him so much! He is awesome... So much support and love!:love: How did I ever get to be so lucky to have him in my life?:love::love::love::cloud9::cloud9:
It has been a long time since I got my hair cut and highlighted. The grey was really coming through! It is a bit shorter than I had and I LOVE it!!!! It feels really good to get pampered a little!

I also got a book, I decided to reward myself for getting going and keeping it up. I am proud of myself, so time for a little non food reward.
Last night I knew I wanted to watch tv before bed time and I also knew that if I watched it downstairs that I would eat, and eat badly, so I made the conscious choice to watch tv in the bedroom so I wouldn't eat. GOOD CHOICE!:thumbsup2

Woke up early and exercised! GOOD CHOICE!:thumbsup2

Had a quicky little something for lunch because we were running out the door, and the smells got to us when we were in town so we got a whopper jr meal. bad choice because I should have just said no, but good choice in that I didn't get the bigger whopper meal.... still I put it in the bad choice area:sad2:

AND THEN Olive Garden... Oh my...

The only good choice I made was that I asked for a take home container and put 1/2 the main course away right away.:thumbsup2

Followed by way too many breadsticks:sad2:, got the soup:sad2: (originally planned on just eating 1/2 of the main course) Did I mention the breadsticks????:sad2:

Another good and bad choice... wanted a dessert, we almost NEVER get dessert, I mean, seriously maybe in all of the times in all of the years we have eaten out we have gotten dessert maybe 4 or 5 times total!!! So what possessed me now??? The only good choice was that I split it with my kids. Still gets a sad face:sad2:

and... hangs head in shame... chips tonight...:sad2::sad1::sad2::sad2::sad1:

So, some GREAT choices, and some terrible choices. We don't eat out often anymore, but DH really wanted Olive Garden for his birthday. I will just have to be very careful moving forward. I DO NOT WANT TO RELAPSE!!!!!

I will be exercising tomorrow and eating way better...
Not feeling good today, stressed about why I am not feeling good, stressed about $, stressed about lots of other things, and what did I do... ate, didn't exercise, ate and ate some more...:headache: Leading to more stress and now I am sad, mad and depressed.
Yesterday did not get back "on the wagon", no exercise, but the eating was slightly better....

today I am doing a little better with eating again, but I don't feel the greatest, so I am sure that is helping as I really don't have an appetite right now.

No exercise, but I plan on getting it back tomorrow, hopefully I will be feeling better. I really want to complete the December exercise challenge.
so.... I had some health issues this past week. I am OK, but I have to admit I did get scared and went to see a doctor. I would say that was a healthy choice! We are going to do some work ups and go from there. I don't really want to post what was/is going on, but I am sure I will at some point. I didn't feel safe exercising, so that was frustrating for me. I ended up eating out of fear, i.e. stress eating.:sad2: and put on a few pounds. I have to take those back as I am in the maintain don't gain challenge for DH's work. Some work ahead of me for that. I did exercise yesterday, and today I am going to run out of time. tomorrow I have a test later in the day so I am sure that I won't feel like exercising. Hopefully I can get some exercise time in on Thursday.

If you are reading this, please send some prayers and happy thoughts my way!
I'm so sorry Vija, thinking of you during this and hoping that everything will be ok. Take care of yourself right now and don't sweat the exercising. You will get back into that when you feel better. (((((HUGS))))))
A quick pop in to say hi to Vija and the others.

I had my surgery on December 13, and there have been some complications.

Home since Monday, gradually feeling better.

Hoping to start back to work next week and training again the week after - though it will be slow but sure in the beginning.

The drugs I am on are making me sick but I know they are temporary.

Congrats, Vija on doing so well and on deciding to do the half, it will be the January event for me, hopefully, January 2013, that is the plan and 2012 is the the year.

Will do a full reading catch up later.

Merry Christmas everyone and Vija hope the health issues are not serious.




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