3rd day... comments always welcomed


Disney Donna

Hi everyone... Yippee... day 3 and I haven't cheated... :bounce: Last night I had a BIG steak with green beans... it was really yummy and I didn't feel like snacking last night at all... I did have one cup of skim milk, but since my carbs were only 6 grams thus far, it was okay...

Today, I brought 2 oranges from home, (I know they are high in carbs, but I plan on having fruit every other day)... I browned some hamburger and put 2 teaspoons of green chilis in it with some dehydrated onions and a little salt & pepper... I will heat it up for lunch and melt cheese on it... don't know what I'll have for dinner again tonight, but maybe some eggs or something light. I still haven't started my exercise yet, but I will... I already drank 32 ounces of water by 10:30 this morning and hopefully will have 32 more ounces down by 4:00 pm... I want to get it all in before leaving from work as I don't like getting up in the middle of the night too often... ;)

I really appreciate this "board"... it's really awesome to be able to journal and get "feed-back" and support... You all are truely wonderful... Thank you and have a great day and I'll be back tomorrow... group hug... :grouphug:
hey donna, just as a suggestion, most of us keep our journals to one thread, not starting a new topic for each day, just adding to the previous one. it helps keep things organized! you may also get more feedback that way, plus it will be easier for you if you'd like to go back and check patterns ::yes::

looks like you're doing a great job with your food and excercise! keep up the great work :)
Thanks for the suggestion... that would make it easier... :wave2:
Hi everyone... Well, yesterday I did pretty good... I ate lunch so late that I wasn't really hungry for dinner... I did however, take 3 pepperonies and the cheese off a slice of pizza last night before going to bed... tasted good and I didn't feel like eating anything else, also, drank my 64 ounces of water before 4:30 pm so only had to get up in the middle of the night once... Today, I was in a rush and didn't have time to fix breakfast or lunch, so I went to a Jack-in-the-Box and ordered off the "value menu"... I orderd 2 bacon & cheese burgers WITHOUT the bun and a coffee... It's almost 11:00 am and I'm just now getting around to eating one of the burgers... Tasting pretty good with a little ketchup. I plan on going out tonight with a friend of mine as it's her birthday... isn't Hubby nice to let me go?... LOL... he wouldn't mind some "quite" time at home I'm sure... LOL... Anyways, plan on doing dinner and a movie... We are going for Mexican food, my favorite so I know I'll over do the carbs, but tomorrow will hopefully watch extra careful on them... I stepped on the scales this morning and since Tuesday I've lost 6 pounds... I know it's probably water weight, but hey, gotta lose it too, right? I've been bad on drinking my water today though, so I will need to get that going very soon. ::yes::

Well, I guess I better get back to work... all comments, suggestions are welcomed... have a great day and group hug... :grouphug:
Great job Donna! You are doing very well! 6 lbs?!! WOO-HOO!!!!:hyper:

Make sure you get that water in, especially if you are going off plan tonight. The water intake really does help!

Enjoy yourself tonight!;)

congrats on the 6 pounds! that's great! :jumping1:

enjoy your night of indulgence :). but like sharon said, be sure to up your water intake to help offset it. especially if there's lots of salt. have a great evening out :cool:
Thanks... great suggestion to make sure I drink plenty of water... I'll do that right now... thanks and have a great weekend... I'll check back on Monday... group hug... :grouphug:
I hope you had a great time Friday! Six pounds is awesome! Keep up the good work. If you're pressed for time in the morning, you may want to consider packing your lunch at night. Make sure you're eating breakfast! I hope you had a good week; ttyl. :)
Okay... darn it... I started out good, but put on 2 and a half pounds... I went out on Friday and didn't do too bad but didn't stop through out the weekend... I tried not to make alot of bad choices, but I failed in that department anyways... oh well, I'm picking myself back up and will try again... at least I didn't gain all 6 pounds... It really is a smart and good idea to plan ahead and make lunches ahead of time, like the night before as I didn't do that last night so I'm having to bring left overs for lunch... tonight I WILL make my lunch for tomorrow... I still need to start my exercising, but haven't done that unless you count "carpet cleaning" as exercise... "my body aches"... LOL... Anyways, forward and onward I go and hope all is well with all of you... you are awesome and beautiful... group hug...:grouphug:
Donna, heres a :hug: for you. Okay, you said it - "pick yourself back up and try again". The most important thing to making all this successful is to keep trying. We are all going to have occassions where we are not OP 100%. As long as you shake it off and get right back OP, you'll be fine!:smooth:
Alright, you've got some goals:
1. make lunch night before
2. start exercise program
Come on, you can do this! We are all here to cheer you on!!:sunny:
Thanks for the support and "cheering" on... I'm going to do much better tomorrow... it's kinda funny... when I go off of my "diet", I don't feel as good... more sluggish, tired, aches and pains... maybe that's a good reason to stay ON the diet... LOL... thanks again... hugs... :grouphug:
I like your attitude--keep it up! Way to shake up a minor set back; those pounds will be off forever in no time. We're all thinking of you--have a great day! :sunny:
Well, I'm starting out again trying to be "good"... well, actually, I know I'm a pretty good person, but dieting is such a challenge at times... but it's up to me and I know this... I made some tuna fish with a little mayo, mustard, salt & pepper and garlic powder, cut up some celery and have an orange to eat... I don't know what I'll have for dinner, but steak sounds pretty good right now... LOL... I do plan on taking a walk around the block and hit the "sack" earlier tonight... Oh yes, and I plan on having my 64 ounces of water all done by 4:00 pm today... I'm back on "plan" and taking one moment at a time... thank you all for your support and kind words... this really makes a difference... hugs... :grouphug:
Hi Donna!:wave2:
Haven't heard from you in a few days. I hope all is well. Glad to here you had a plan for getting back OP.:crazy: Seriously, just keep starting over if that is what you need to do. No problems doing that! Eventually eating right will become a habit!::yes::
The walk in the evening sounds lovely! Can't wait until it is warm enough here to do that!:sunny: (It's 25 today for a high!:scared:)


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