40 pounds to get to Disney (Comments Welcome and Needed!)~!


Earning My Ears
Feb 5, 2007
Hello! My name is Candie and this is one of my first ever posts on DIS! I have been on the boards many many times but never posted myself. I have been going to Disney since I was a kid. I went for the first time with my husband last month. After we got home and saw the pictures I was mortified with how much weight I have put on. This might be a good time to give you some background about me.

I was an athlete all my life. I played Junior Olympic Volleyball and coached little girls. My senior year in High School I hurt my shoulder very badly and could no long play. I was going to play in college and all that was gone before I new what was happening. At that point I hung up my running shoes and have not really worked out since. I think the gym just made me to sad….. I am now 24 and have put on way more weight then I ever thought I would and it is time for a life change.

My husband and I made a deal that when I loose 40 pounds he will take me on another trip to retake all of the picture that make me cry today. My husband is supportive but he is really the only one in my life that I can turn to. My mom is obsessed with her weight and is the opposite of helpful with this process, so I am not telling anyone but my husband that I am doing this until I loose 20 pounds. I do not want them to get their hopes up that the old candie is back until I know for sure! That is why I am turning to this forum. I could really use support with this and anyone who has made it through this crazy long post must care at least a little! My goal is to loose 2 and ½ pounds a week and two weeks into the process I am down 5 Pounds! Thank you all for your support and I hope that I can support you with your health goals! :cool1:
Hello! So yesterday was a good day. I worked out in the morning and made very good food choices. I work at a college and eat at the school everyday for lunch (the school provides me a meal plan, so its free!) This is what my day looked like

Monday the 8th

6am Workout
Elliptical for 25 minutes – burning 250cal
Lift for 30 min – Upper Body
Drank – 24oz water

B- Protein drink at 8am

L- Two hamburger patties with two slices of cheese no bread or condiments and a salad with light dressing, one small peanut butter cookie (my cheat for the day!) 12noon

Snack – Cup of Grapes 2pm

D- Enchilada casserole made with Shredded chicken, FF Refried Beans, FF low cal Wraps, and 2% cheese. I had light sour cream and a hand full of wow tortilla chips on the side. 6pm

Snack – handful of checks mix and Light Fudge sickle 8pm

Watter - another 24oz for the day

Over all it was a good day and I snuck a peek at the scale and I am down another pound! I think by the end of the week I will be under 200! WOO HOO :banana: for that. I have my workout clothes with me and I will be going to the gym after work, normally I work out in the morning but I just didn’t get there this morning. I am learning that sleeping in does not really work for me I feel much better when I get up and work out. Owell I am learning more and more about myself.
Hello! Yesterday was an ok day. I got my work out in after work but did not have a great lunch. I did find out that I HATE working out after work. I was shot for the rest of the night and I did not have a fun time working out. I got up this morning I did my work out and I feel great! I think that the reason this time is working for me is because I found my perfect work out time! I though that a 6am workout would be really horrible but it’s great, I feel good and am really motivated for the rest of the day. Eating yesterday was ot the greatest but could have been a lot worse. I was my very good friends B-Day and we had a lunch out. Not only did we eat out we went to an Italian Place and I LOVE pasta with creamy sauce. Yes that evil evil stuff that is ssssoooo bad for you. So I made good choice and did not get the dreaded white sauce!! This is what my day looked like

B- none
L- A 6inch oven sub with stake, provolone cheese, onions and lettuce no sauce, with a side of fries. The fires were not the best choice but I did not want to get a salad with full fat dressing and I really don’t like Italian dressing and that’s the only FF they had. So the fries won.
Snack – one piece of B-day cake (I know not another great choice! But it tasked O so good)
D – two cups of raw carets with light dressing to dip in, one D-lights sandwich and a bowl of shredded wheat.

62oz of water throughout the day

Over all it was an ok day.
Ok so I have been sick for a few days :sick: and then really busy so I have not been on here. I have not been doing so well for the past few days. I have not worked out for three days this is the longest I have gone with out going to the gym in a month. I really need to find my motivation again. I am getting back on the path today and going to the gym in the morning. I can still work out three times this week if I get my but in gear.

Owell send me good karma!:hippie:
Hi Candie,
Way to go! Keep up the great work.I know the feeling of seeing those pictures and saying who is that? At least you are only 24 you have time to regain some of what you had.A WDW trip is a great incentive.

Hi! Just wanted to let you know I'm reading your posts and am sending encouragement your way! :banana:

I know what you mean about just telling your husband about what you're doing. I am the only one in my family (both immediate and extended) that has a weight problem and I sometimes feel like I don't really want to talk to them about it. Not that I think they wouldn't be supportive, because I know they would, but I also don't want them analyzing everything I eat at every family gathering. :) I'm joining the "Biggest Loser" here on the boards and want to whip myself back into shape. I'm 26 and know that even though I will never be a super skinny girl, I do want to be healthy, which is more important to me.

I can also understand what you're saying about looking at pictures. It's kind of a kick in the pants, isn't it? But maybe that's a good thing, it get us motivated to do something about it.

Good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing!!
Well hello WISH! I have kind of fallen of the boards but did not fall off the plan I am down about 10 pounds and at least one maybe two pants sizes:banana: ! I am starting to lack some motivation though so I though I would get on here and see if I can keep the motivation up! I have not fallen off the plan but it is definitely getting harder.

I am working out 3-5 times a week. Three times every week and most weeks I get in more. I do 30miniuts of cardio and 20-30 minutes of lifting. I am feeling better and am less tired. If anyone has any words of advice on keeping motivated I see a wall coming and im trying not to get hit by it!!
Hi there! I was just reading your journal and wondering how you were doing? I am 25 and a little over 200 pounds, so I feel your pain. Good luck to you and hang in there! We're all in this together. :wizard:


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