5/17/03 Eastern Cruise.. Who is going?

One of my guidebooks says the St. John Tour is at 7:45. What times are breakfast served on Port mornings? And does anyone know if any food is part of the St. John tour? We were planning to pack a room service picnic. Is there a beach on that excursion?
I've got my green aliens all ready and my kids are all packed. Things are looking up! I'm going to pack my things this weekend and finish up my last minute shopping. I am good to go! I can't wait!

Is anyone going on or have been on The Duck Tours in St. Maarten? I'm getting ready to book that excursion now. It isn't offered through Disney, so I hope it is okay.

Happy Mother's Day to all the DIS Moms out there!

Hi, Matt's doing fine today. Ended up being a bad case of streep throat. Wasn't able to keep anything down, or to drink. Today he's running around. We've got his brother overnight tonight, and his sister has gone camping with Girl Scouts. All the grandkids have already put in their orders for their DCL tee shirts. They told me Nana, you have to get us diffrent ones than the last time.

We should be at the Raddison about this time next week. We were just sitting out on our deck with a fire going. Still had to have on a jacket or sweat shirt though.

Well, it's near bath time for Zach. Have a great night.

So glad to hear Matt's runnin around like a little boy should be!!!!
(I for one am a true believer in the power of prayer) So glad to know he's fine. Strep can be a nasty infection, glad to hear he's bounced back!!!!

One week from right now, we'll all be turning in, thinking about boarding the ship the next morning. Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!

UKAngel- Happy Wedding Day!!! Prayers and thoughts for a wonderful day and many happy memories!!!!!

Happy Mother's Day to all my fellow DISer's. Especially to you, ILuvDisneyCruise as this is your first!!!!!!!!!!!

See you all very soon!!! Wish us luck, the DS is pitchin tomorrow!!! Go Yankees!!!!

Terry, Pat & Ian

2003 5/17 Eastern
2002 Western Innaugural
2000 WDW Shades of Green
1982 WDW Off site Honeymoon
We're next.

Thanks BunnyMom I agree that we all need prayers. Some of us more than others.

UKANGEL- Happy Wedding day, we will all be thinking of you at 8:15 our time. Hope your day is everything that you imagined it would be.

Well, off to try to get some of the last minute things done, after all I don't even have a week left. The problem with leaving the husband home is that he will still want to eat, and have everything done for him as if I were here.

Have a great day,

Well guys, next week this time we'll all be on board--making reservations for Palos & messages, etc. & of course EATING:tongue: that wonderful food for lunch!!:Pinkbounc. I've now got out all of my suitcases & have them all sitting on chairs around my dining room waiting to be packed which I'm starting to do in a few minutes.

donnabres, so glad to hear about your grandson. Prayer does work! Now that your mind is at ease you can get back to packing!

bunnymom, I agree, I too believe in the power of prayer! All the different things our family has been through, through the years, if it hadn't been for prayer we wouldn't be where we are today!

squiggle, you're right, our clocks are just about alike! Actually it really is off a few hours--we hope to be at Radisson around 12:00 or 1:00 Friday!

Will be so happy to start meeting our new friends there!

Better go & start packing!:Pinkbounc :smooth:
Got the last birth certificate in the mail today... just need to start packing!! Where to start?
donnabres: So glad to hear your grandson is doing better! :teeth:

bunnymom: Thank you for the Mother's Day wish!

I'm so excited I can't stand it. I am not as far a long as my mom with the packing bit, but I will soon follow (maybe tomorrow).

Just got the last of my ironing done. I've got shorts and tee shirts, underwear, and small stuff all packed. Left dinner clothes till last. They are all ironed and hanging. One problem though, I can't make up my mind what to take, and I can't take all of it!!!!!

I've put on a few pounds last few weeks, and everything seems tight. A lot of stress but I won't go there. Just looking forward to getting on the ship. Can't imagine what will happen for formal
night, seeing that it's been moved to end of week, and as was just mentioned in above post, all that good food.

i read somewhere that you should lay everything out, and then put 1/2 of it back. Maybe I should do that. Good thing I only have to pack for myself.

Hope that UKANGEL had a Magical wedding day.
ILDC-and the rest of you moms have a happy day tomorrow.

Have Magical dreams tonight, and think, 1 week from now, we will be out to sea.

See all you kids very soon!!! Hope all the Mom's have a love and relaxation filled day!!!!

Donna, you've got the ironing done!!! You're way ahead of me!!! I'm jealous!!!!:bounce: :bounce: (jumping up and down) hee-hee

ILDC- Of course!!!!!!!

ToDisney- Start at the bottom of the empty suitcase!!!:rolleyes:

G'nite all!! See you in just a few days!!

Hee hee, I'm so excited!!!!!

Terry, Pat & Ian

2003 5/17 Eastern
2002 Western Innaugural
2000 WDW Shades of Green
1982 WDW Off Site Honeymoon
Well, it's off to DBIL's graduation in Boone ( :bounce: ). We're just driving up for the day, but have to bring the big dog with us.

I've finally gotten ahold of the DCL Passporter - we've had it for over a month but it's been hoarded by DW and DMIL so this is the first chance I get to read it.

Everyone, have fun on your last weekend day-off before the REAL fun starts!

- Jim
GRANNA, If it is the 5 star Tour to St. John they don't include food. You can buy chips and stuff on the boat ride back. I believe they include punch and rum punch on the way back to ship. As far as breakfast my husband ate at Topsiders and brought food back to our room that morning for me and my daughter as that was way too early for me. I think this time I will order room service. We are also taking that excursion again. Going with friends that have never been on the cruise so I thought they should see how beautiful St. John/Trunk Bay is.
Happy Mother's Day to all Mom's, Grandmom's and future Mom's. It's a beautiful day here so far....maybe rain this afternoon. But it won't put a damper on my spirits as we're off on Friday. Isn't it great not to have to say, next, or in xxxx of months, weeks etc?
Also, about the ironing, don't forget there is only me going. Thank God I don't have a whole troup. Would never be able to get into the car, there would be too much luggage. You can tell I'm a Gemini, can't make decisions, so I bring everything.
Who's in charge of getting us all together? We need a leader!!!!
Have a great day,

:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

I second the wishes for a Happy Mother's Day to all our Moms, Grandmoms and especially our own Future Mom!
donnabres - so glad Matt is ok.
I have to go start packing! Isn't that a wonderful statement we can now make. Just think when the Magic comes back to Port Canaveral it will be to get us!!! WOOO HOOO!
Don't think we have a leader. Just hoping to see everyone at the Sailaway Party - Deck 10, Starboard side (side nearest to terminal )
Sounds like there are quite a few of us on the St John Island tour too.
Everyone have a great day.

:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Hi Everyone-

I took my DD(5) to get her ears pierced today. She wanted to get them for the cruise. She is so excited. We just told her on Friday that we were going and she couldn't believe it. How much excitement can we take?!

Donnabres, glad your grandson is better. We had a terrible time with strep throat this winter. My son had it six times and was one more diagnosis away from having his tonsils taken out. Fortunately, we didn't have any more cases and summer's here, so we should be good to go. It is a very dangerous virus and I'm glad everything worked out.

Anyway, I should go iron, even if it is Mother's Day!
Guess I will still be asking question right up until Friday. DD asks if there are any restrictions on bringing your own kid innertube [small] or float devices. Which pool is best for 3 1/2 yr. olds not really swimming yet, but very brave!!
I have a feeling that DCL will not let you bring any personal water floats in the pools. I thought I had read that somewhere. They allow swimmies for the arms...but I think that might be it.

To be sure call DCL and check. No sense in packing one if you can't use it onboard....although you may be able to use it if you do a beach day in one of the ports.

Happy Mother's Day to everyone, and thanks for the happy wishes you all have given me!:) :jester:

I am so glad I only have 4 more working days. I still haven't packed anything. I will get started on that tomorrow after work. I am one of those last minute packers. :rolleyes:

The weather here has been preparing us for our cruise. It has been hot (~90) and humid. :smooth:
ILDC- we have the HEAT on!!!!! It's May and we still have to turn it on sometimes. Can't wait for a little natural warmth. We have 1 nice day, then a couple lousy one's. Except for getting summer clothes ready for the cruise, I never put any on. The closest I got was putting on my Berkinstocks.

I will be looking for you all at the sailaway party. Granna, I love your Mickey ears, I should have "Nana Donna" put on mine. Maybe I will when we head to Disney after the cruise. I'll be wearing a lime green tank top with blue poka dots, and a small Mickey on the front. My sister also found hers. There's 11 mos. diffrerence in our ages, but our shirts will be the same. Last cruise, I had people who didn't even post coming up and saying hi, they recognized the shirts.

Well, have to get up to be at my sons at 6:30 a.m. to babysit. Have many Magical Dreams.

Wonder how UKANGEL's wedding went?


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