5/27/06 "Il pochi il fiero i blabbermouths" We *will* sail again Part 7

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scuba diver said:
I can't say that I have ever heard HH snooooring. Since he is not here to defend himself.... I'll help him out.
Thanks, buddy!! Appreciate the "watching of the six"!!
Dancind said:
hmmm, i didn't know you guys have been sharing rooms. the wives are always the last to know.
Ehhemm!! I thought you couldn't type in the dark??? This is more posting than you've done in a Looooonnnnnnngggg time!! :lmao:
Dancind said:
yeah, we all need to move closer together. it would simplify the dis meets.

Its got to be somewhere warm... Florida sounds good... there are already quite a few Double Scoop families here... so I say majority rules!
kikipug said:
Its got to be somewhere warm... Florida sounds good... there are already quite a few Double Scoop families here... so I say majority rules!
Works for me!! :thumbsup2 :sunny:
kikipug said:
Its got to be somewhere warm... Florida sounds good... there are already quite a few Double Scoop families here... so I say majority rules!

Good Morning! It would work for me, too...if you could get rid of the hurricanes!
tinksdad said:
Our LDS is going back to Catalina and San Clemente in July. It's the supposedly last trip on the Bottom Scratcher as the owner is retiring. Alicia and I are going, I'm leading the trip for the group. Should be fun and surprisingly, is sold out!! Guess everybody wants to go....

LDS? Latter Day Saints? :confused3

Wow...a VERY early morning T.O.P. for me...I'll share with Kevin...but bringing my own monkey.


pixiedust: pdfg
I am up this early only under protest. The gang left this morning and forgot to put up the doggie gate, so I awoke to a hairy little face staring at me. :dog2: :dog:
dobelover said:
Professions - Jeanne is a retired school teacher. She taught business ed in high school. I am retired from Verizon and now take care of Jeanne.


If I'd had any idea that I wasn't ever going to be teaching, I would have taken more of Jeanne's classes, and not the Early Childhood Education classes.

Did you tell BIL that he's lucky you didn't call 911?
justmestace said:
Here he is, doing his best to embarrass his children tonight:



Oh yeah...he has his "winter beard".

Hey, DH has a "winter beard" too. Soon to come off. As soon as we can get rid of this COLD weather....
Dancind said:
you know, pam is on our time zone. guess she's not an insomniac.
Hey, I'm in the same timezone :wave2: Although, we stay Mountain Standard Time year round. Daylight savings time is coming up. For now Stacey and I are the same time as New Mexico, but next week we'll be the same time as California. :sunny: Does it confuse your out of state family as much as it does mine Stacey???? :teeth:

I'm a night person and I really don't like Shane being in high school. He has to get up too darn early :goodvibes I have to get up to make sure he wakes up. Both boys sleep waaaayyy toooo sound!!! I've even bought a couple different "loud" alarms. We were in Las Vegas a couple years ago with a bunch of friends for a 25th anniversary/wedding renewal event. The couple said their first wedding was so stressfull and busy that they wanted one they could enjoy. They got remarried at the Viva Las Vegas Chapel with Elvis (it actually was guite fun). Anyway..........we came back to our rooms about midnight to check on the various kids after whatever show was in our hotel (the husbands were all pleased as there were lots of bare breasts!!! :teeth: ). Our boys had put on the little inside locky thing (I just love technical terms). We knocked on the door, then pounded on the door, for quite sometime it seemed. Someone else in our group went into their room and called our room. I think it was something like 16 times (have to restart after it went to voicemail). We also had walkie talkies. We're in the hallway and you can hear the phone, hear the walkie talkies......I was getting a little worried. I figured they had to be in there if it was locked from the inside. I figured if they'd fallen out the window there'd have been some ruckus going on and we'd have found that out already. I came to the conclusion that they had killed each other. We finally had to call security. They have a way to undo that inside lock thingy from the outside. We all went inside and there the boys were, either asleep or dead. We checked to see if they were breathing and they were. Alan picked Bryce up by his ankles and hung him upside down. He didn't even stir. :cloud9: I'm not quite sure what that security gaurd thought! So, there's a really long explanation of why I have to get up early on school mornings! At least DH can get himself up, but for some reason he can't get DS up. At least he takes him to school on his way to work.

It's almost time to get the other kid to school. Between typing all this and a phone call I've run out of time. Gotta run for now.
justmestace said:
No, but I keep expecting Maria to show up! :teeth:

Funny you should say that, cause I WAS up at that time, but decided to close my eyes and try to get some sleep. I was on the couch cause DH is having trouble sleeping. I don't know if it's the medication he's on or what. He's so sensitive to medication. Can you believe that Nyquil keeps him AWAKE??? Tylenol PM doesn't help him. He just gets jittery from them. Go figure. So, I decide to come down to the couch cause he can't fit on the couch. Being he's 6'2" and the couch is about 5' long. So am I!! It's just my size. Anyway, I'm going way :offtopic: . I'll stop babbling.
kikipug said:
Its got to be somewhere warm... Florida sounds good... there are already quite a few Double Scoop families here... so I say majority rules!

Count me in. Too bad DH can't make the kind of money he makes up here, down there. I would be down there too. Maybe not Florida...how about Myrtle Beach area....golf, golf, and more golf.
justmestace said:
There you are! We were waiting up for you last night!!!

You missed me? Aww, see I am loved. I missed you guys too. I had to read way too many pages this morning. Holy cow!!! I'm caught up now though. Note to self: don't stay away from DIS too long.
Maria, you poor thing! I hope for your sake as well as your husband's, he gets to feeling better REAL soon!! I have heard that there are many people who react in reverse to those "night-time" meds. So sorry your hubby happens to be one of them.
dzneprincess said:
Well I am watching the season finale of the L word, and b4 that I was watching Big Love, anyone else?

I love Big Love. It's become part of our Sunday night routine (after The Sopranos, which, surprisingly, I actually like this season). I think Big Love is a really unique and well-done show, and I hope it's picked up for another season.

OK, a while back someone asked what we all "do". Here's our story:

DH, Augie, is a Union Plumber in NY. Has been for 25 years now (he started when he was 12 years old :rotfl2: ) Boy time flies when you're having fun.

Me, I am in-between jobs right now :rotfl: . We have 2 boys, 10 & 6 and I'm a stay at home mom. I used to be an Executive Sect'y, Medical Transcriptionist and was co-owner with family in a Men's clothing and tuxedo store.

How's that?
RachelTori said:
Maria, you poor thing! I hope for your sake as well as your husband's, he gets to feeling better REAL soon!! I have heard that there are many people who react in reverse to those "night-time" meds. So sorry your hubby happens to be one of them.

I feel bad for him, and then it's annoying at the same time. He hasn't found anything that really helps him. I'm this close to calling the Dr. and asking for a sleeping pill like Lunesta or something. He said he did sleep for a little bit last night. Thank God.
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