6/12/15-6/20/15 Germany Trip Report

As a side note, when we arrived at the hotel, I asked the front desk about where to go to find some stain remover (I wanted to make one last effort to clean my jeans and jacket). Come to find out, Lexie and Marius made arrangements for the hotel to test and see if they could get the red wine stains out and launder the items. My clothes were in my room when we got back from dinner and they are SPOTLESS! There isn't one trace of the stains, and I am so thankful that I didn't have to spend the evening in the bathroom scrubbing at them! This is just another example of how the guides go above and beyond to make sure your vacation is as relaxing and stress-free as possible - even when the stress and inconvenience is self-inflicted!
This is the kind of intangible thing it's sometimes hard to explain to folks when they want to know if ABD is worth the price. The Adventure Guides are definitely one of the things that make it worth it!!

As a funny, the ABD reservation is in my name, but my son's last name is different from mine. The Kempinski seems to think he is an adult (and I guess my husband), as everything is in his name...I had to log into the Internet using his name, the in-room iPad (used for information and ordering room service) shows his name, and my laundry came back addressed to "Herr (his last name)".
:) That's funny. I've gotten a lot of things addressed to me as "Mr" when I travel solo...

We had a similar situation with the guides taking care of laundering when we stayed at the castle two years ago. A waiter spilled an entire tray of wine on a guest! Not only did she get her laundry done, but we all received free wine at that meal when it originally wasn't included. We teased her the rest of the trip to take care of our bar bills. Lol
I had some extra time before breakfast...Bunny and Professor Kitty-Kins living it up at the Four Seasons.

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Oh, and I was giggling like a school girl in the shower this morning...make sure you push ALL the buttons in the shower at the Kempinski!
Would you believe we didn't have one of those bathrooms! But, it was big enough to throw a party! How I loved that hotel!!! Champagne for breakfast!!! :-)
So, our trip is essentially over. We are leaving the hotel at 6 am for a 930 am flight home. I have a lot to share about the farewell dinner and my thoughts on our ABD trip as a whole.

But for now, I'll share a short synopsis of our day at Neuschwanstein. It rained nearly the entire time. And it was cold (50*). And it was windy. But I still had a fabulous time. I didn't quite get the photos I had hoped for, but visiting brought back so many memories from my visit in 2000. It didn't disappoint (even if I wish the weather had cooperated). I'll share some pictures and give my final thoughts when we get back to Houston. But I'm going to bed tonight with a full and happy heart.
Well done ....... Those were very informative reports ..... Time went so fast. It seemed as only yesterday you both set off

Safe home.
That's when you know it's a good trip -- when it's fabulous even in the pouring rain! Safe travels!


So, we made it back to Houston right on time today. We weren't home 30 minutes when the mother of all thunderstorms hit. The power went out at least half a dozen times, and at one point I thought lightning hit a tree just on the other side of my back fence. Things are finally settling down.

So, yesterday (Friday) was our trip to Neuschwanstein. We had a 715 am departure, so everyone was down at breakfast when it opened at 630. The breakfast at the Kempinski is lovely...not only is there a vast selection of delicious food, but the dining/buffet area looks like something out of a magazine. It is very posh. The breakfast selection included most everything we'd had at the other hotels...yogurt, fruit, eggs, sausages, bacon, a selection of meats, fish, and cheeses, a wide variety of breads and pastries, a selection of gourmet jams, jellies, and honey, and a variety of fresh pressed juices. The Kempinski has a few extras, though. Evidently, the hotel keeps bees on the roof, and the breakfast offers fresh honey from a honeycomb. The croissants are also served warm, as you take them from a small oven. I like to consider myself a croissant connoisseur, and the ones at the Kempinski were very good. But, I give the edge to Schloss Waldeck when it comes to croissants. The ones at the hotel in Heidelberg were ok (especially since I ate them BEFORE having the ones in Waldeck), but I didn't even try the ones at the Eisenhut...I could tell by their appearance that they wouldn't be up to my croissant standards. The Kempinski also had champagne and juice (for mimosas), as did the Eisenhut. The one thing the Kempinksi had at breakfast that I did not see at the other hotels was rice pudding and fruit compote. I'm telling you, those two things, together and on their own, were fantastic. Definitely try them! Ok...so that's the scoop on breakfast. Now on to the rest of the day.

We had about a two hour drive to Fussen, which is the town at the base of the mountain where Neuschwanstein was built. I did nap a good bit, since my sleep patterns were off the entire trip and we'd gotten up earlier than usual. However, the drive, especially as you approach Fussen, is lovely. You will pass through several picturesque Alpine towns, so it's worth staying awake for at least the last 30-45 minutes of the ride. We also had a local, authentic Bavarian guide (dressed in liederhosen) who accompanied us and entertained us with stories about King Ludwig II who built Neuschwanstein.

When we arrived in Fussen, our driver/bus dropped us off at the hotel where we would have lunch later in the day. I visited Neuschwanstein 15 years ago on my previous trip to Europe, so pretty much everything we visited was familiar to me. The hotel is just a short walk from the kiosk where you get tour tickets and board the bus (a Neuschwanstein tour bus, not the ABD bus) that takes you up closer to the entrance of the castle. Although, there is still a fair amount of walking (up a steep hill) even from where the bus drops you off. By this point it was raining enough to require umbrellas. And it was about 50*. Our tour was scheduled for 1055 am, but the guides like to get the group there early because there are quite a few great photo ops...when it's not cloudy and rainy. Our first stop was Mary's Bridge, which provides a fantastic view of the castle, a waterfall, and the gorge/mountains. Unfortunately, the view is not enjoyable when it's 50*, raining sideways, and the wind is blowing so hard that it turns your umbrella inside-out. Basically, JT and I were on the bridge just long enough to have our picture taken (and what a picture it is!). I have to say, the guides are absolute troopers, braving the horrible weather to make sure EVERY family got their photo op. JT wasn't too keen on venturing out on the bridge in the rain and wind, but I said something to the effect of "We came all this way, and we are getting our picture taken on this bridge, darn it!" Except "darn it" is the G-rated, Disney version of my actual statement. So, we got our pic, and I've seen it (I'll explain how in my next post), and it is quite a special picture thanks to the specific weather conditions.

After the bridge pictures, we headed as close to the entrance of the tour as we could while still maintaining cover from the rain. The actual entrance to the tour is in the castle courtyard, which also provides some great photo ops, but the courtyard is not covered. So, we huddled under a covered bench area just outside the courtyard entrance for the better part of 30 minutes before our tour started. Evidently, our photos didn't take as long as they usually do when the weather is better. There was a very picturesque overlook near the covered benches, and we were able to get a few pictures during times when the rain subsided.

Finally, it was time to head up to the courtyard for our tour, and here is where my only real "complaint" with this trip is. As when I visited 15 years ago, tours here are sold at specific times, based on what language you want the tour in (English or German). Our tour would obviously be in English, and we were assigned to the 1055 am tour. All of the tours have a 5 minute window for arrival. Unfortunately, quite a few other people were also assigned to this same tour. In fact, I thought the castle area as a whole was very crowded...much more so than what I remembered from my previous visit. I did an English tour then, and I don't think my group had more than 20-25 people in it, which was about the size of our ABD group. But, by the time the other visitors assigned to the 1055 am tour joined us, we had a group that was more like 40-45 people. Frankly, that size group is just too big to fully enjoy the rooms on the tour. Our guide Lexie told me that ABD has tried to get a private tour, but the Neuschwanstein organizers won't agree to it because they want to be sure that every tour is as full as possible. Honestly, this is one area where I think ABD should try harder to improve the experience; the ABD tour should be ABD guests only.

With that said, the tour of Neuschwanstein is excellent and is exactly as I remembered it. The castle is only partially complete, and you essentially get to tour all of the completed rooms. At the end of the tour is a balcony (more great photo ops), and a gift shop where the guides do give you time to pick up some souvenirs. After the tour, you exit the castle, and instead of walking back down the hill, ABD guests are treated to a horse-drawn carriage ride to the hotel where we have lunch. The carriage ride is a "surprise" on the trip, as the guides do not tell you about it ahead of time.

Lunch was at a lovely hotel at the base of the castle. I don't recall what all of the choices for lunch were, but I had fish. This fish was fine, but JT got some sort of breaded/lightly fried pork (I'm not sure if it was presented as schnitzel or not), and it was very good. There was no alcohol or dessert included with this meal.

Depending on how fast you eat, you have about 30-45 minutes to look around the gift shops and/or walk down to the lake (for more great photos) Be sure to look in the gift shop right next to the hotel for the clearly NOT licensed "Mickey Mouse" key chain where "Mickey" is holding a Neuschwanstein charm.

The bus ride back to Munich took a little over 2 hours, since we hit a traffic jam. Our local guide was with us the entire time, telling us stories of Ludwig II and his fairy tale castles. We had about an hour, once we got back to Munich, before we had to meet for the farewell dinner. I think the dinner deserves it's own post, so I will follow up soon. I also need to upload all of my pictures to my computer, so there will be more of those soon, too.
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Enjoying all of your reports. Thank you for doing them. I was just wondering about your flights. We are also in the Houston area and will be on this trip next year. Were there many flights to choose from?
Enjoying all of your reports. Thank you for doing them. I was just wondering about your flights. We are also in the Houston area and will be on this trip next year. Were there many flights to choose from?

So, the availability of direct flights to/from IAH was one major reason why I selected this trip.

On the trip out, we had two options for direct flights to Frankfurt (FRA). One left at 3-something pm and it was a code share flight with Lufthansa on an A380. The biggest con to this flight is that you can't select your seats when you try to book through the United website. I had also been told that the seating arrangement on the A380 was really uncomfortable (although, a few hours in, I was miserable on the 777 and the 767 that United flies).

We left IAH for FRA about 630 pm on a 777. This is a regularly scheduled flight. About a week before our flight, the plane switched from a 787 Dreamliner to the 777. The flight is 9-10 hours in length, depending on the exact route.

I only recall seeing one direct-flight option from Munich (MUC) to IAH. We departed MUC on a 767 at 930 am and arrived at IAH after about 11 hours.

Obviously, there are numerous other combinations/permutations if you add a stop-over somewhere. I paid about $1800 each for our flights. I watched them for almost a year, and I am pretty sure that was the lowest price available (I bought the tickets right around the time my final payment to ABD was due). I paid a bit of a premium because the tickets weren't technically round-trip, but were multi-city (IAH to FRA and MUC to IAH). However, I think this premium was pretty minimal compared to the total price of the ticket (maybe a couple hundred). Round-trip tickets on United from IAH to FRA and back were about $1500-$1600. I was really disappointed in the price of our tickets (I was expecting more like $1200 each), but it's hard to find deals when you are constrained by the dates of the tour.
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Back to the trip report...

Our farewell dinner was held at a biergarten that was probably about a 20 minute drive from the hotel (we went there on the bus). Unfortunately, I don't recall the name of the place, but it's probably in my travel book. We arrived to be greeted by two men in full Bavarian dress...one playing an accordion and the other snapping whips in time to the music played by the man with the accordion. We were taken to a private room where a lady joined the two men. They proceeded to entertain us for probably the better part of an hour. The lady yodeled and played cowbells, and she danced with one of the men while the other played a keyboard. The man who played the keyboard also played a horn like you see in the Ricola cough drop commercials (I can't recall the name of that instrument). The entertainment was outstanding. At the end of the show, our guides, Lexie and Marius, came out in full Bavarian dress, and we all joined them and the performers in a rousing rendition of the Chicken Dance! If you had told me I'd be doing the chicken dance on my trip to Germany, I probably would have looked at you in disbelief and insisted that I DON'T dance. But we all just couldn't help ourselves...it was a great time! Even other patrons in the restaurant were joining in!

For dinner, we again had a choice, but I don't remember what all of the choices were. I had a traditional Bavarian meat and sausage plate with chicken, pork, sausage, sauerkraut, and a pretzel dumpling. It was all very good. Alcohol and dessert were included with this meal.

The absolute highlight of the meal was a slide show, set to music, with the "best" pictures from our trip. Since it takes about 10 days for your pictures to be ready on the ABD website, it was so nice to get this preview. I was in tears a few times during the show...Lexie and Marius did a fantastic job of choosing the best pictures from our trip. The slide show is where I saw the picture of myself and JT that was taken earlier in the day on Mary's Bridge at Neuschwanstein.

So, there were several other surprises at the farewell dinner (and at various other times during the trip). I haven't posted a picture of all the pins we received, because I decided that maybe that would be too much of a spoiler. I came to really enjoy and anticipate when we would receive another pin and what it would look like. There were a couple of other (minor) surprises that I don't want to spoil because, even though they were relatively small touches, they really made the trip even more magical.

We spent some time in the hotel lobby after the farewell dinner saying goodbye to all of our new friends. Our pick-up for the airport was at 6 am on Saturday for a 930 am departure. We were at the airport by 630, but I imagine this trip takes longer depending on the traffic. Since we left too early to enjoy breakfast at the Kempinski, we received a bag full of breakfast goodies (yogurt, smoothies, fruit, a sandwich, etc).

Overall, this trip met all of my expectations, and exceeded some of them. My son and I had and absolutely fabulous time. The kids on this trip really bonded, and my son had some real quality time with them.

I will say that probably the only other con to this trip (other than the non-private tour of Neuschwanstein) is the limited amount of time you have to explore Munich. It really is a beautiful city, and I would highly recommend booking an extra post-tour night or two. Comparatively, I felt like we got to see and do a lot in Heidelberg, so I wouldn't recommend any extra pre-tour days there. A few families in our group did pre-tour days on their own in Paris, other areas of France, etc. Unfortunately, time constraints limited our tour to just the days that were scheduled.

So...the million dollar question is Will I Book Another ABD Vacation? I have absolutely NO regrets about this one. We had a fantastic time and made memories and friends that will stay with us for a lifetime. If money were no object, I would DEFINITELY book another ABD. Right now, I am looking at the Italy-Amalfi Coast trip, but whether or not I book will depend strongly on the availability of flights. Right now, we can't fly direct to Italy from Houston. I am also really interested in trips to Alaska and the Canadian Rockies, but ABD's dates for availability next summer are very limited. We can only travel during specific dates in June and August, and the 2016 ABD trips just don't fit without our schedule. If I decide to book Alaska or Canada, we will have to travel with Tauck Bridges. I also really want to visit Hawaii, so there is a lot to consider for next year.

I looked, though, and I could not find any itinerary that even came close to what ABD offers for Germany. And this trip was my definite first-choice from the time I first heard about ABD (on one of those many Magical Express trips from MCO to WDW). I can whole-heartedly give this trip a ringing endorsement from both myself and JT. If your are considering it, go for it...you won't be disappointed!
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Thanks for the great Trip Report! Sounds like you had an excellent time!

Please be sure and put a link to this report in the Trip Report Sticky at the top of the Forum! :thumbsup2

Sounds like you had a magnificent time in Germany and I cannot wait to head to the airport, unfortunately we have 1 1/2 weeks to go

Thanks so much for the trip report and pictures
Thanks for the trip report! One practical question - did you happen to do any laundry on the trip? If so, where's the best city/hotel to do it?
So, the availability of direct flights to/from IAH was one major reason why I selected this trip.

On the trip out, we had two options for direct flights to Frankfurt (FRA). One left at 3-something pm and it was a code share flight with Lufthansa on an A380. The biggest con to this flight is that you can't select your seats when you try to book through United.com. I had also been told that the seating arrangement on the A380 was really uncomfortable (although, a few hours in, I was miserable on the 777 and the 767 that United flies).

We left IAH for FRA about 630 pm on a 777. This is a regularly scheduled flight. About a week before our flight, the plane switched from a 787 Dreamliner to the 777. The flight is 9-10 hours in length, depending on the exact route.

I only recall seeing one direct-flight option from Munich (MUC) to IAH. We departed MUC on a 767 at 930 am and arrived at IAH after about 11 hours.

Obviously, there are numerous other combinations/permutations if you add a stop-over somewhere. I paid about $1800 each for our flights. I watched them for almost a year, and I am pretty sure that was the lowest price available (I bought the tickets right around the time my final payment to ABD was due). I paid a bit of a premium because the tickets weren't technically round-trip, but were multi-city (IAH to FRA and MUC to IAH). However, I think this premium was pretty minimal compared to the total price of the ticket (maybe a couple hundred). Round-trip tickets on United from IAH to FRA and back were about $1500-$1600. I was really disappointed in the price of our tickets (I was expecting more like $1200 each), but it's hard to find deals when you are constrained by the dates of the tour.

Thanks for the information. It helps to know there is a direct flight from Munich. it really sounds like a wonderful trip. We can't wait!!!


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