~ 6 Hit the World for XMAS ~ UPDATED 06/19/08

So after we ate at the whispering Canyon We went back to start packing. The kids went to the pool again ! After we packed a lot we headed to DTD. I couldn't wait to get shopping. I wanted to go to the Scrapebooking shop and spend money!!! One problem the kids don;t want to shop they want to do rides and anything but shop! I make a deal with them. We will go to the toy shops and look around and then we will do some mommy shopping! So with some more negotaitions we were off to Lego Land! Negotaitions were a little tough because zac's blood sugar as for the whole trip was way out of wack and he gets a little cranky when it is like that. We stopped at the World of Disney and tried to talk him in there nope wasn't happening, yes I am one of those mothers that caves and lets her kids do as they want within reason if it saves my face in public! Bad mommy! So as we talked Zac into WOD I tried to take a picture of Stitch the one hanging over the door. Well guess what he spits! He spit right at me and got my camera lens. Well it must be some strange alien thing because there was grease in his spit! So the blurr you see on the following picture is Stitches spit! JOY! So as promised we were off to LEGO LAND MANIA!

I thought the people were so cool!
The kids loved the lake monster! Since we have one in our lake here we thought we would take a picture since there are limited pictures of our Champy (we live near lake champlain).

Rainforest cafe I haven't heard much about here maybe we will try it out next time!

Goodness the boys found the playset! It took all I had to get them out of here! They would have stayed the night. If DH hadn't been such a pain in the butt that night I would have left him there to watch them while I shopped! But he whined that he wanted to shop too! How to ruin my fun.




Finally I talk them into going into the store. Now my boys are on the younger side for legos, how do I know that because I tend to step on them on the floor! Pieces are left EVERYWHERE! So we take pictures of what you can make with legos when you don't loose the pieces!AHEM!



OH MY a wall of legos every little /big boys dream. I kept my boys away from here can you just imagine the legos all over the floor!

Sam thought this was cool and wanted to show her friends so she very nicely asked for a picture. Granted! niceness gets you everything!

More things you can build when you don't loose pieces!


So now we are getting hungry and we start looking. I really tried to get the kids not to see the Mcdonalds but Sam said can we eat at McDonalds again. It was cool the last time! I had to put my foot down this time and say NO because last time we paid OOP and that was a cheap meal this time DDP we were not paying OOP for anything! So I had heard about The Earl of Sandwich and decided that is where we were going..... So didn't everyone else in DTD. It was packed. DH and kids found a place to sit and Mom and I went to order. That was fun with at least 2 cell phone conversations and sam running back and forth we finally got our meals ordered with a lot of confusion. Again the kids didn't want what was on the kids menu! It had been about a half hour from entering the line and getting our food, and this is what I found back at the table!

I tell ya this kid can sleep anywhere!


Zac reminded me to take pictures of the food: He had the Cobb wrap. Yes it is HUGE and he ate the whole DARN THING! yes his blood sugar was out of whack again!

Mom got the cobb wrap for her and zac actually had the pizza but they traded

Sam and I had the Cannonball sub I think Dh had ....the Earl club ...no pictures to remember by!

Finally off to WORLD OF DISNEY! We had to make it fun by going by stitch again, and through the pirates enterance.

We spent at least an hour or two in there well you kinda have to to fight the crowds. We ended up loosing my mom and lucy(sam) and then mom phoned us and asked if we had seen Sam I was like no and I turned to look and there she was she had found us! We bought about 6 coffee mugs and then the kids had their own stuff to buy what a pain at check out. Then I had to be difficult and have it all shipped home! That took some more time, But I did find the watch that I had so wanted at POR and I got it cheaper at WOD, Disney Visa! woohoo!

Finally we left there and grandma and zac had a picture taken with the Captain.

We walked byGhiaradeli's soda fountain and boy did it smell GOOD! I couldn't ask my son who's blood sugar was already sky high not to get anything so I was a good mom and kept walking!
As we walked on our way to the scrapebooking store the kids wanted to look at the pins and they wanted their picture taken with the statues. lLook at Ty's face. He wanted to be like DONALD!

So ofcourse I had now dragged my kids into another store! what Drama we had! We diverted a melt down with a bribe. BAD MOMMY AND GRANDMA! We told Zac to pick out a few things for his scrape book the was waiting for him at home. Grandma bought them each one and stuff to go in it! Mom and I went kinda overboard not that they had much but still we went overboard. I told mom put it on your disney visa and save .... CM says only at WOD can you save money! I almost said put everything back and we will head back to WOD. but we didn't and we had everything shipped home from there too!
Dh says he is tired and we should go! So as we leave the kids find a few more picture taking spots.

For some reason or another zac had a melt down and we said FINE YOU SIT THERE AND WE WILL TAKE THEIR PICTURES and that is what I did. notice him in the bottom left!

Final day coming up next : no pictures!


We thought it was funny and like to remind her of it quite often. I told you I was a mean MOMMY!
This was FREAKIN FUNNY!! Good for that CM. A memory that will last forever.

However, it looks like the hubby was enjoying himself way more than he should!!! Not really, but man is he cracking up!!!!! His face is RED!
OMGOSH your Earl sandwiches look WONDERFUL! I love that place.

What a bummer it's almost over. You got some great pictures at DTD.


This one is so cute!! Poor little guy. You tuckered him out mom!
Laughing at the Sam and whispering canyon cafe story. I am nervous about trying this place when I go, but now I know if they aren't performing don't ask them too.

I really wish they would get more variety of scrapbooking stuff there, it seems like the only thing that really changes in the kits is the year, which is nice but everything else stays the same and it gets boring. I still buy it though and will probably buy it again in 2009.

I bet that was a fun trip to scrapbook, Christmas at Disney!!! WOW! I am only on day 2 of my trip in my scrapbook and I can already tell it's going to take 2 scrapbooks. Have you started yet? IT makes me want to go back this minute, I usually watch the videos we took while I work on it, inspiration ya know?!

Will you be posting a few pictures of the pages you scrapbooked?:)
Laughing at the Sam and whispering canyon cafe story. I am nervous about trying this place when I go, but now I know if they aren't performing don't ask them too.

Yes it was too funny she got mad at us because we were laughing so hard. I was like you asked for it!!!

I really wish they would get more variety of scrapbooking stuff there, it seems like the only thing that really changes in the kits is the year, which is nice but everything else stays the same and it gets boring. I still buy it though and will probably buy it again in 2009.
Yes I think Michael's has a better selection, that is where we got most of our stuff

I bet that was a fun trip to scrapbook, Christmas at Disney!!! WOW! I am only on day 2 of my trip in my scrapbook and I can already tell it's going to take 2 scrapbooks. Have you started yet? IT makes me want to go back this minute, I usually watch the videos we took while I work on it, inspiration ya know?!

Will you be posting a few pictures of the pages you scrapbooked?:)

I haven't started yet! Don't know what we are waiting for. Anyway I will be moving in with my mom for a month while our house is being built so most likely we will start then. YEAH CRAFTING at night!!!! When I get some done I will probably post them!
Today was Zachary's trip to Parc Safari in Canada. It brought back memories of the safari well kind of.... Animal kingdom is sooooooo MUCH BETTER!!!
These poor animals looked rough! I did get up close and personal with a giraffe. Boy what a HUGE TONGUE they have! I was mad because not only did I run out of space on my SD card but my battery died, great planning ahead.
This is the Safari part there is also a part that you walk around and there is deer to feed and OLD rides. My kids I guess are ride snobs:snooty: they are spoiled from Disney
Anywho here the pictures from the Safari part.
























Mnnmmmmmmmm. Buffalo! Did you feel closer to the animal because you had him for DINNER??????:rotfl2: :lmao: !!!

Great pics. What do they do with the animals when there is 10 feet of snow? A safari in Canada. Who'd of thunk??

It looks like you got up close and personnel with a camel too!

Yeah when you have carrots in the car anything gets really close. We even had to put up the windows while the ostrich was around I didn't trust them. I had zebras and giraffes and camels oh and don't forget the buffalo sticking their massive heads in the window.

Mnnmmmmmmmm. Buffalo! Did you feel closer to the animal because you had him for DINNER??????:rotfl2: :lmao: !!!
It was funny that you said because as I was patting the buffalo I was saying that... I ate your brother for lunch in Disney!!! The other parent in the car was laughing so hard

Great pics. What do they do with the animals when there is 10 feet of snow? A safari in Canada. Who'd of thunk??
That is what we were wondering! I know there is houses for some of the animals but like the Rhino and the yaks and all the buffalo I don't know what they do with them. They get the same amount of snow there as here because we were only 15 mins from home, but sometimes that can be a lot.

This place used to be awesome, I must say it is showing it's age. The first time we went there I was four. YES THAT IS 30 YEARS AGO:rotfl2: but the animals used to roam freely including the lions, then some stupid guy didn't listen and got out of his car and guess what... he got mauled by the lion. So Lions got put in cages and now it is all different there are no more monkeys they used to climb all over the cars. One time all the monkeys escaped and they were in my cousins back yard hanging from the trees. I think they have the same rides there that were there 30 years ago!:rotfl2:
OK so I better finish this bad boy up!

December 31,2007

We were procrastinating! We did not want to leave our Little cabin in Disney. Heck who would! We all knew that this was our last day in Disney! We slept in till 830. We started packing and decided that we needed to eat. So we were off to Trails end. We had not finished packing just so you know. We got seated right away. I think we were all in mourning of our trip being over because no one ate all that much. We asked for the bill and now we have used all of our table credits so this one is on us! YIKES!:scared1: $164.00:faint: Now I know why we did the DDP!
Back to the cabin, we finish packing and repacking deciding what was being sent home in the box and what was going in the suitcases. Let me also remind you that it is 80 in Fl and 30 back in NY. So it was necessary to have warm clothes in our carry on. We call the front desk to have someone come and help us with our box being shipped home via UPS and out luggage. The phone rings and it is the mousekeepers asking when we are leaving because they want to get in there in CLEAN for the next family. I wanted to say thanks for rubbing salt in the wounds! I told them we are just waiting for the shuttle to come pick us up. The shuttle comes and brings us and all of our gear to the outpost. Mom checks us out and I ask about shipping the box back home and they respond with HMM I don't know who you do that because we never have packages shipped out of here. I call UPS to schedule a Pick-up. I wait and wait with crappy music playing on the line. Finally I get a person. I tell here that I have a box going back to NY she says well the only way you can ship it is to do it overnight because today is a holiday and they aren't doing regular pick ups! HUH????:confused: But today isn't a holiday! Oh but for UPS it is she said. Well, how much is it going to cost me to do it over night??:scared1: Sit down for this!:scared1: $171.85 ARE YOU NUTS!!! Well, can I schedule it for another day. It isn't things we need tomorrow! I am sorry she said No can do. I tell her that I will figure another way. Now it is almost Noon and our bus comes at 3 to pick us up! Looks like we aren't getting into a park today! Another call to UPS still no luck! I ask at the front desk do you have a computer that I can get on to UPS and maybe get it scheduled that was. Gee no we don't you would have to go to over to the boardwalk or contemporary . I don't have time to do that! So I ended up calling back UPS and Paying the $171.85 to have it shipped home. I scheduled the pick up for that day. We now have less than two hours before we have to be loaded up on the magical express. We decided that there isn't enough time to do anything really. So we headed to the settlement depot and buy a few items and have them shipped home since all luggage was FULL. Then off to the playground to let the kids run free. We are getting somewhat thirsty and I said I will go and get us each a soda. I was thinking that we had some snack credits left. So I got us each an ice cream and a soda. I still have 16 snack credits left. Yes, I didn't use them wisely to have that many left over. We sit and watch the kids and I got to thinking I didn't bring home any gifts for the nieces and nephews. I sent Sam into get Lollipops with the remaining credits. It is now 215 and we decided to head back to the outpost and wait for the bus. Our day had been a very crappy one. With no excitement and we spent a lot of MONEY!
At the outpost we asked for our luggage and assured that all paperwork for the UPS shipment was OK. The CM told me please don't put your credit card # on there for reasons that everyone knows. So I skip that step because I have already paid for it over the phone. As we wait the CM that brought out of luggage talks with us and tells us different things FW and we asked where did all the peacocks go? He tells us that they were a nuisance and were roosting on the RV's. Then they decided to get rid of a lot of trees because of the danger of them falling during hurricanes. What a shame. The bus was running late so we talked some more about the college program and how a lot of the kids don't get that if they call in and they swipe their card to get into a park it is noted somewhere and they get in trouble or FIRED!

Finally our bus is there, we load on and just sit and relax. This has been the most stressful day of the whole trip! As we are sitting there I over hear the radio Disney's internal radio and they were stating that they were SHUTTING DOWN THE MK. NO MORE GUEST ALLOWED IN! I was glad we were leaving! And with that we were off!

AS we get to the airport I told the boys we need to change. I stripped them right there in the terminal. WE older folk each then took turns getting changed in the bathroom. As we get through security I forget to mention that there are diabetic supplies in the bags and no one ever said BOO about them. We rushed through and realized that we need to eat! We have about 45 minutes till the plane takes off. I jump in line for Hot dogs that is what everyone is getting no crying or whining!:laughing: We get our food and I tell everyone lets go sit at the terminal gate and eat there. So all inhaled our food so that we were done before the plane gets there. We waited and waited no plane.. Oh wait here it comes 20 minutes late. Wait no one is getting off. What is going on look at all the security come? I guess there was a drunk gentleman that was causing a stir and they let him depart first with security following close behind. So in all now we are an hour late. That just ate up our lay over in DC. We have a non eventful flight to Dc. The captain announces that all flights are being held for us and gives up our gate numbers. We each take a child by the hand and we run. We get to our gate and they announce that the family that they were waiting for has arrived BUT they are now HAVING TECHNICAL difficulties with the plan! OH GREAT! I am now thinking how long are we going to be stuck in DC. I promptly called my work and said that we are stuck in DC and no ETA on arriving home so I would not be into work On jan 1. I hang up and low and behold all problems with the plane are resolved. Gee now I get a day to recover. Again another uneventful Flight, we drive home I think I fell asleep on the ferry across Lake Champlain , why not everyone else in the car was. Finally we make it home it is now almost 2 am and we were bushed!

Fast Forward 2 days, mind you I am still waiting for my package that was shipped next day air to come! I was in the shower getting ready for work and my DH comes and says Fort Wilderness is on the phone for you! I get out of the shower and the CM says that UPS won't take the package because my CC # isn't on the package. I was like ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! That should have arrived here today! We know and we are very sorry. No mind you I am soaked and it is -5 outside where is my purse with the credit card # in my CAR OUTSIDE. She says she can wait! I was said no you don't understand it is 5 below zero and I am SOAKING WET. I find Dh wallet and pray that we have the same number and at that point I really don't care if it is or not. Now here is my question if they weren't planning on picking up my package for two days then why couldn't I have scheduled my pick up for then??? And then I wouldn't have had to pay all that money! I did get my package the very next day though.

Over all we had a great time and know what to do and not to do with Zac's sugar (we think) the next time.
We loved the dining plan, I haven't tried the new one because it started the day after we left so we will try it the next time.
We have also all agreed with the exception of mom that we will try somewhere else to stay. We loved FW but we would like to try other places.
Everyone is excited to go back and we have decided to go back in September of 09.
We have now talked my Brother (it wasn't hard) into going with us and are now trying for my dad and his Girlfriend and I have dropped many subtle hints to my In-laws.
AS by HINTS I mean I have calculated the cost at 08 prices and emailed them all the cost with flights included. Like I said SUBTLE HINTS:rotfl2: :lmao: .
This will be all their first time going. My brother was supposed to go on this trip but his girlfriend at the time forbid him to go because that is where THEY WERE GOING ON THEIR HONEYMOON!! They had been dating 7 months when we made the plans. And he had Not asked her ANYTHING!

I HAVE MADE A LIST OF THE RESTAURANTS THAT WE WILL DO THE NEXT TIME already! We are hoping for free dining! We are also hoping for low crowd levels anything after the christmas crowds anything will feel low and I think I am going to give tour guide mike again.

Thanks to everyone that read my report! It has been nice!
Yikes about the UPS package, that was a lot of money!

So when are you starting your pre-trip report? ;)

I don't know or as my daughter would say IDK. I might start it in a few months when we figure out the pricing and who going. Then again I may start it sooner!!
Holy Carp about the package! I would have com plained to UPS and made them give you some kind of refund! Jeez! Great report tho!
Holy Carp about the package! I would have com plained to UPS and made them give you some kind of refund! Jeez! Great report tho!

I don't think it bothered me about the price what bothered me was the fact that I couldn't schedule a pick up for two days later and it still didn't ship for two days. But you just brought up a good point I should bring up with one of the guys I know that is the head of ups up here!
that price is ridiculous.

funny about changing in the terminal. I saw others doing that too.


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