A (2019) HalloXmas trip to Asia - Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo! - COMPLETED 5/1!!!

Then I went back to Tomorrowland to get some more rides in over there!


The Stark Reactor was cool at night, though my photos don’t do it justice! I hope once they finish up the final Avengers ride they can get this area really hopping with cool lighting!


And I promised you photos of the planet lights at night!


I decided to get recruited by Ant-Man and the Wasp again!


I love the details with the egg tart!


Various queue photos (remember no line so I was sort of moving, which didn’t make the best photos)


On-ride photos (again, taken while shooting…). One thing you can't tell from photos is when you got into the computer processor, the temperature increased like real technology!


In this one you can see some lit up targets which you are aiming for, while others are shut off since they’ve been hit recently!


Not as good as earlier, but again I was taking photos at the same time!


I checked some of the merch items which I really liked. Unfortunately I didn’t get any. At certain points in the trip I was a bit overwhelmed with all the merch options and would just walk away even though there were things I liked!


The shop is pretty cute though!


This was some food offered, which was a regular big burger and a smaller slider (Ant-man themed). I didn’t get it but they have examples of the food dishes outside restaurants, so I snaped a photo. Excuse the fuzziness, the cabinet was rather fogged over!


I wasn’t super hungry but I knew I needed to get something to eat for later. So I stopped in the Main Street Bakery to pick up some things.


I believe I ended up getting two of the meat pies (BBQ Pork and Chicken & Mushroom). And for “dessert” I got a Golden Pineapple roll (Pineapple and custard). (I regret not getting some of the other snacks but I guess I got overwhelmed and just picked some options I knew I would like.)

Close to park closure, but first, I planned to catch a couple nighttime shows! Unfortunately due to Halloween schedules there was no Paint the Night while I was visiting, which is a shame because I would love to see the original since the one in California is so awesome!

I did check out some nighttime decorations!


Instead they have a main street projection show (We Love Mickey). I didn’t have the best view of it and didn’t realize Mickey only comes out on a float (a la Move It, Shake it at WDW) at the train station end of main street, not the Hub end)


Coming up: Jack's Villanious Gathering!
Omg I would've hopped in line immediately if FROLLO was out. Gosh, more reasons to go to the Asian parks WHEW

That's so weird that they have the Dormouse off to the side. That makes zero sense to me. Whatevs, Disneyland still has the superior tea cups.

Ok, I knocked HKDL off a point for removing PTN on your visit because that's just not cool. If that happened to me, I'd ask for a refund. You better give me Paint 365 days a year OR ELSE.

Those little buns or donuts themed to the characters are so cute. GAH! It makes me miss when the main bakeries in the US parks weren't Starbucks... although I didn't really stop in them UNTIL they were Starbucks... I should be quiet.
Love the lights on the nighttime tour! Looks like lots happening for Halloween
Wow, all caught up again!

It seems surreal to me that you were in Tokyo less than a year ago and everything was so normal then.

I must have missed something, but what's the story with the castle? Was there never one there or are they redoing an existing one? It looks like it's going to be beautiful 😍

As I was reading your chapter about IASW, I was thinking how fun would it be if the characters just popped up in there in WDW someday? It doesn't seem to take away from the attraction at all.

Also, that Grizzly coaster looks like so much fun!
Omg I would've hopped in line immediately if FROLLO was out. Gosh, more reasons to go to the Asian parks WHEW

That's so weird that they have the Dormouse off to the side. That makes zero sense to me. Whatevs, Disneyland still has the superior tea cups.

Ok, I knocked HKDL off a point for removing PTN on your visit because that's just not cool. If that happened to me, I'd ask for a refund. You better give me Paint 365 days a year OR ELSE.

Those little buns or donuts themed to the characters are so cute. GAH! It makes me miss when the main bakeries in the US parks weren't Starbucks... although I didn't really stop in them UNTIL they were Starbucks... I should be quiet.
Next year you need to come out to do a short trip to Disneyland for Halloween and Oogie Boogie! I think you would DIE for all of the stuff, including the villains greetings with Frollo and all the other rare characters!

And totally agree about Disneyland's teacups! I think it's the only one that is actually uncovered. I love our lanterns too!

At least I knew way beforehand that PTN would probably be dark while I was there. But Dreamlights more than made up for it!

The little treats and buns were so cute!
Dang, HKDL blows the socks off of both WDW and DL in my opinion... They got all the cool stuff!!!!
Haha, yeah it certainly has its special moments!
Love the lights on the nighttime tour! Looks like lots happening for Halloween
And so much of it was unique offerings!
Wow, all caught up again!

It seems surreal to me that you were in Tokyo less than a year ago and everything was so normal then.

I must have missed something, but what's the story with the castle? Was there never one there or are they redoing an existing one? It looks like it's going to be beautiful 😍

As I was reading your chapter about IASW, I was thinking how fun would it be if the characters just popped up in there in WDW someday? It doesn't seem to take away from the attraction at all.

Also, that Grizzly coaster looks like so much fun!
I know, everything was so normal, and now...not so much!

So the original castle was an exact copy of Disneyland's castle. A few years ago they decided to upgrade it and are basically building above and to the sides, so the original castle is still there, it will just be incorporated into the new one with different princess towers. It's definitely divisive in the theme park world, but some photos came out when HKDL had reopened and it really shone in the sunlight!

That would be fun if they just showed up! See how long it takes for people to really notice!
OK, my quotes have disappeared, BUT I remember I wanted to comment on the adorableness that is a Duffy donut!!!!! :) Love the nighttime tea party pictures. Just beautiful!
Yeah those donuts were so cute!
Part 14 – Jack Skellington’s Villanous Gathering

But I was also planning on seeing Jack Skellington’s Villainous Gathering, which sort of reminded me of the DHS star wars show but with villains. Fun and cool to see all the villains together! Rather than try to get up front with the crowds of people, I stayed further back at the edge of the curb behind someone short!


Our hosts for the evening, Jack and Sally


The Evil Queen


Captain Hook! I think he was my favorite on stage! Though I don’t think any of my videos turned out ok because I couldn’t find them!


Now the park was closed and it was time to leave! The short park hours were a shame, though it was appreciated to be able to rest a tiny bit!

On the way out I checked some of the Main Street Windows and particularly liked this Winnie the Pooh one!


And I stopped to check out the gorgeous fountain outside the park entrance!


There was a little show, but I don’t think my video really picked up the sound that much!

Donald doesn’t seem to be having fun!


All in all, a great first day at the park!


I went to catch a bus back to the hotel and this is going to blow your mind....flip down seats in the bus queues! So helpful after being on your feet all day!


I believed I went back to the hotel, ate my meat pies, cleaned up, and crashed to bed!

*Oh and one thing, I know some point in this day I bought myself a Cookie Plush! She’s just too cute! I just don’t have photos of her…I know, very lacking in taking photos of merch I actually bought!

Coming up - Another day at HKDL!
They definitely are trying to replicate the success of the Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular from WDW with shows like this. It's too bad the Sanderson Sisters aren't as popular around the world as they are in the United States, but I love how they do things like use an Iago puppet. That's cool. Definitely looks like a lot of fun.

That fountain is so pretty. I definitely would find myself watching it for awhile.

OMG, SEATS IN LINE?! We would love to see it at WDW especially.
I realized I was standing near the walkway they would take to leave so I hurried over there to get some candid shots!


Awesome vantage point!

The short park hours were a shame, though it was appreciated to be able to rest a tiny bit!

Good practice for your next WDW trip :P

I went to catch a bus back to the hotel and this is going to blow your mind....flip down seats in the bus queues! So helpful after being on your feet all day!


Omg, awesome! How much would we love these here??!!
Wow, love the flip down seats, can we make those a thing literally everywhere?

Also it's kind of insane how much you were able to get done in one day!! It seems like if you were doing a trip to Hong Kong not specifically for Disney it would be easy to knock out this park in one day and still get to experience the best parts of it.

Excited to see how the next day goes!
Catching up! The Halloween decorations in HKDL look so cute, and I'm loving how much they use the Villains. Seats at the bus stop have BLOWN MY MIND--we need this concept to come to the U.S. parks immediately!


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