A case of Disney®? You be the judge!

Well dscoop from what ive heard and read and been told the public schools in FLA are horrible and people who live in Celebration would more than likely have the ability to afford a good private/parochical education for their kids. And 6 houses in the city of celebration under 199,000, man we are dealing with hard core poverty here!!!
Families will gladly spend money to make sure their kids get a good education and are in a proper enviroment to do so and busing doesnt enhance that enviroment at all!!!

With regards to your questions, I assume you wish to know what my thoughts are on the article in the Orlando Sentinel by Mike Thomas. Honestly, I could care less what he, or Mike Pino, (another Sentinel writer) say about Celebration. Those two have written many a negative article on Celebration and are the type of people who wait for you to fall on your face, just so they can say "I told you so". People like them can continue to live in their dull, cookie-cutter subdivisions and write all they want about the town.

I do think that many of the people who originally moved here in 1996 had been given a different picture of what Celebration was to become. As the town has grown, the vision has changed and evolved. Much of the change has been business-driven by TCC (The Celebration Company - "Disney") and much of it has been resident driven, but you would have to be naive to believe that it was not going to change and evolve. I personally would prefer not to see time-shares here, but don't have an issue with a Four Seasons Resort built on the edge of town. Either way, it does not have a significant impact on us, or our lifestyle. I think anyone who moved here and put their full faith in Disney had their head in the clouds. Just ask those who work(ed) for WorldCom.

One of the best things about Celebration is our neighbors, because they are very much like we are. I have neighbors from such a variety of places like England, Jamaica and Rhode Island. Most of us moved here for similar reasons, but for us it started with the feeling we got the first time we drove into town in 1996. Within ten minutes of driving around, we both looked at each other and said "someday we will live here". It just so happened that three years later I was offered a position in Orlando, which gave the opportunity to move to Celebration. Some residents are really upset about the time shares and the hotel, but that is just a small percentage. We plan to stay.

Anyway, that is my two cents for the evening. Thanks.
bd - very nice to get some perspective from someone who is there and living it. Thanks.

I think the idea of people buying a timeshare based on brand recognition and faith can't be compared to people buying a home and choosing a place to live, work, and raise a family. One is a relatively small investment of money and vacation time in Disney. However, it would be foolish to think anyone, no matter how much they might love Disney, could make a momentous decision on where to live and raise a family based solely on the Disney brand. Sure, it was a Disney thing and that may have lured people into town to take a look - and perhaps spend a little more to live there. However, no one makes the decision to buy a home lightly. Even some of the 'less intelligent' people of the world are more intelligent than that. Furthermore, Celebration is probably upscale as Orlando communities go and the people are likely sophisticated enough to look at what counts in making a decision to buy and not just look at the brand.

Thank you!!!!!!!!!! :bounce:

I ditto my new friend DisneyKidds post!!

I learned something today!!! And at my age that something!!! :crazy:
When you look over different boards on this site you can find alot of people who would be willing to buy a house at Celebration soley because of the disney brand IMHO.


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