A Christmas Extravaganza of auditions, adventures & new friends!-Updated 8/28x3!!

Ha, I totally remember all the stuff around the extra Christmas party. Tonight, no tomorrow night, lol. You actually gave me the idea to add a second party. What the heck, you're already there?

Wait... Amanda totally had different clothes on in the second photopass spot and thereafter. TWILIGHT ZONE!!!!

Bahaha, yes we have completely different snacks in Canadia. RANDOM. But then again, there are those USA Smarties...

Pooh and Tigger's outfits are better there than at MVMCP!!! Shenanigans!!!
What a weird Pocahontas! Snacks? That's seriously all she could think to chat about?

I'm really glad that you had fun with the other characters though. They sounded much better.

I realized that I never commented on your last audition update (I thought i did but maybe it was on the other TR?? :confused3). I'm sorry that you didn't get cast, but thanks again for sharing the process. It's fascinating. Keep the faith!
Haha. I had forgotten about that awkward meeting with poca. Such random questions and answers.
That really is a great picture of you three in front of the AK Christmas Tree!

Sounds like an interesting viewing of FOTLK - definitely makes you wonder the frame of mind of the performers and what was happening after the move/temporary closure

Also a very weird meeting with Poke Ahontas ... not sure what she expected you answer to be when asking what snacks you eat in Canada - though good thing that you don't answer "raccoons" :rotfl:

Thank you!!!

It really was interesting, I found out a lot more about the situation the next month when I met a new entertainment friend lol. There were a lot of people who once they were done, they were done. Certain people got invites back to be re trained on the new show (spoiler alert, nothing changed but a bit of the bird choreography) while some people who had been doing the show for 10 years were not asked back, and had to put a bid in. It definitely sucked, but apparently it was Disney's way of weeding out those people who weren't "fit" for the show anymore! Watching videos of the performances on the last day...ugh, ALL THE FEELINGS.

Ahaha, yeah...it was interesting!

You really did get some great pics this day! :thumbsup2

Thank you!!

Ha, I totally remember all the stuff around the extra Christmas party. Tonight, no tomorrow night, lol. You actually gave me the idea to add a second party. What the heck, you're already there?

Wait... Amanda totally had different clothes on in the second photopass spot and thereafter. TWILIGHT ZONE!!!!

Bahaha, yes we have completely different snacks in Canadia. RANDOM. But then again, there are those USA Smarties...

Pooh and Tigger's outfits are better there than at MVMCP!!! Shenanigans!!!

Ahahaha, yeah.....

Lol, yeah, I didn't remember until I posted & saw the picture but we stopped for a bathroom break/costume change in there lol.

Right?! It was interesting...like...we eat the same food girl...


Such fun and great use of all those PP people.

Yes! Lol.

What a weird Pocahontas! Snacks? That's seriously all she could think to chat about?

I'm really glad that you had fun with the other characters though. They sounded much better.

I realized that I never commented on your last audition update (I thought i did but maybe it was on the other TR?? :confused3). I'm sorry that you didn't get cast, but thanks again for sharing the process. It's fascinating. Keep the faith!

Apparently....it was weird...

Everyone else was great!! I mean, that's kind of how it happens, one bad one, three awesome ones...sometimes the other way around lol.

Hahah, I did end up posting audition updates in both tr's around the same time lol! Glad you're enjoying them!

Haha. I had forgotten about that awkward meeting with poca. Such random questions and answers.

Ahahahaha right?! Weirdest thing ever!!
The three of us were fast pass less this go around, so we headed over to the regular entrance of the theater and weaved our way up to the front of the line, and then over ot the WARTHOG section, yes, it would be my last time watching the show and it was in a different section, but hey, it’s ALL GREAT! Although due to reserved seats in that section, we ended up much further back than any of us wanted! BOO.

Another reason I noticed on why I loved the Elephant section so much, it only has the one row of reserved seats! Winning! Soon enough, the show was beginning!

Ugh, guys, my emotions, I don’t think I could handle it again! UGH! I miss this show SO FREAKING MUCH. I still can’t believe I missed closing day by less than 24 hours back in January! I’ve promised myself I will not miss the opening day come this spring/summer, but we all knows that will come down to money lol!

Zawadi was particularly ON POINT and absolutely amazing this go around, I mean, the woman always is, but some of them are better than others, and this show was even better than her show we saw earlier today!

When it came time for my birds, I noticed that the male dancers was different than earlier (even though the rest of the principals were the same) and I’d actually NEVER seen him before…

He was still great though, but I mean, the girl blew him out of the water, as per usual….

During the finale, all three of us noticed that the two guys in the orange costumes (one of them is a warthog lol) and the girl in the green ( the snake) were GIVING IT THEIR ALL , they seriously blew the rest of the movers out of the water and definitely showed up the cast we’d seen earlier. They truly were putting their heart and soul into each and every movement of the show, and it was amazing to get to watch. It really does break my heart that some of the cast from the past 10 years will not get to do the show again! Then of course, Zawadi, UGH, this woman, her voice seriously was giving me chills she was BEYOND AMAZING, her voice alone was making me tear up, never mind the REST of the show that was going on!

It was of course, an absolutely amazing show, and honestly, I was insanely happy that we’d asked Emilie about the cast switch out, even though the principal cast was the same we caught a FAR better show than we had earlier and we were all happy and of course, emotional. I still can’t believe that that was the last time I’d see that show for months, or in that location. Oh heck, I TOTALLY FORGOT TIL RIGHT NOW. When we were in the fp line earlier and the theater doors opened, the smell of the theater just flowed out into the queue and that is something that hey, us Disney peeps understand, we get “smells” of places brining back memories, but like, the new theater won’t smell like that, and THAT is something that’s weird to me. I haven’t even BEEN back to Animal Kingdom since that day, there’s basically no reason for me to go with no FOTLK playing, I just want it to reopen, and I cannot wait to be a part of the show, it’s bound to be absolutely amazing.

Also, for those of you who may be new to my trip reports, or missed it last time, or just want to revisit old memories; THIS:


Is a video of the last day of FOTLK, I’ve watched video from a TON of shows that day, but this is the one that I downloaded to my Ipod, (and am actually currently listening to) it’s the one that Zawadi literally collapses to her knees during the finale singing her final notes, and the entire cast is just giving it every single thing they’ve got and it blows me out of the water every single time. If you don’t watch the whole thing at least watch from 21 minutes to 23 minutes, and then again from 28 minutes to the end of the video. You will be glad you did….

This one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Of6HOEHrw5Q

Is one that isn’t as vocally impressive, but it is the VERY LAST show of the VERY LAST day, and the dancers are truly amazing, and when the camera pans across the audience it really shows just how loved and appreciated this show is. Watch from 28 minutes to the end… (it’s also my favorite Kiume, elephant leader)
With the final showing for us of Festival of the Lion King officially over for us, we made our way over to the part of the park that we had yet to play around in, it was TIME TO RIDE THAT PUPPY!!

Naturally, as the sun was starting to go down, it was prime time in the Animal Kingdom for some photos I had yet to have the chance to get! As we got back over to Expedition Everest, the home of the YETI we REALIZED YETI HAD YET TO COME OUT TODAY AND THAT WAS A SERIOUS PROBLEM. Obviously, his goal was to try and climb Everest….

It didn’t go so well so Steven & I helped him out a little bit.

He clearly needs to spend more time in the gym….

Amanda, Steven & I noticed that they had closed down the regular line! There were so few people in AK at this point that they only had the fast pass line open, and there was NO ONE IN IT!! #WIN. Another goal of mine this trip was to actually take pictures from atop EE, and BOY was I glad that I did that today!


Guys, these pictures DON’T do it justice, the sunset was ABSOLUTELY amazing that I COULD NOT STOP TAKING PICTURES OF IT. We also managed to ride in the FRONT ROW so that added some great bonus for wicked pics!

We’re pretty…. And smart! As we jumped BACK through the empty queue to hit up another ride on the coaster!

I challenge you to go on Everest at sunset next time you can, because it is UNBELIEVABLY worth it! All three of us were absolutely blown away by the sunsets tonight, and as it progressed it just got better!

For being chased by a terrifying yeti, we sure weren’t worried…

We did ride a total of 3 times, once in the very front, once in the very back, and I don’t know where else the third time, this is clearly THE way to ride Everest!


Really tho…

As the three of us managed to make it back to Asia all in one piece (and yes, our little yeti was doing okay as well….he does get kinda scared in the mountains…) and the sun was pretty much all set, and it was GORGEOUS. A HUGE thing I was DYING to do was see Animal Kingdom at night, especially after seeing gorgeous pictures/video in Dani’s trip report from last year, and to actually get to see it in person was AMAZING and I FREAKING LOVED IT. I really do hope we’re there after dark in May again because it was really an entirely different freaking park at night, and I COULD NOT GET ENOUGH OF IT.

Now…just while we’re on the topic of Everest, I am one of those annoying people who has the habit…tradition….of ringing at LEAST ONE of the bells in the queue, especially since they “ward of bad sprits”. It started out as like, a fun thing to do while walking through the line, but turned into a “what if I don’t do it and the ride breaks down” kinda joking thing, bahaha! Well, since they had the queue all roped off and had everyone using the fast pass line, I DIDN’T RING ANY OF THE FREAKING BELLS!!!! And I didn’t realize until FAR later the next day…it was sad….

Bell ringing aside, we started to meander our way towards the entrance!

While our crew had been traversing through the mountain ranges of Asia, we had started talking about a plan to do before dinner, as our ADR wasn’t for a while. In the end we decided we’d run over to Downtown Disney nice and quick to shop a little bit, then head to Wilderness Lodge for dinner, and back to DTD afterwards to have more time to shop!

Clearly, not only were we distracted by picture taking, but the process TOOK FOREVER. I had planned on bussing to Saratoga Springs, and walking to DTD….by the time the BUS FREAKING FINALLY CAME, we got to SSR, and found the walking path closed… ugh. We waited again….FOR FREAKING EVER for a Magic Kingdom bus to come, and we decided to then try our luck at the boats this go around once we got to Bay Lake.

Turned out the boats liked us a lot better than the busses did that evening, as we quickly boarded and made our way across the lagoon. About a quarter of the way through our journey, Steven turned to me and asked:

“What was that thing Shelley told you about all bodies of water in Florida?”

Me: “That there’s a 90% chance there’s a gator in it….”

Steven: “I hope you know if this driver kills us and we start to sink Imma throw kids to the alligators and take one of the like 5 lifejackets. Every man for himself”

BAHAHAHA. It was a HILARIOUS moment as it was something that actually kinda worried Steven, I think because it was a really small boat, and we were going to a dark secluded area on the lagoon, and it kinda did seem like the place to take someone if a boat captain was going to murder some tourists for their organs… LOL!

Luckily for all of us we arrived safe and sound, in one piece, with no witnessing of the gators. As we disembarked, Steven actually turned to the Captain and said “thank you for not killing us.” *sigh * Our adventure into Wilderness Lodge began then!!

Even though it was dark, I could tell that I definitely LOVED the resort, like, actually, love, love, LOVED it! I grew up camping, and love the outdoors, so it was a super awesome touch for a Disney resort to have. I also REALLY liked that it was SO CLOSE to Magic Kingdom, yet you couldn’t really tell, it was so secluded and amazing. I would definitely stay there in the future!!

Check in at Whispering Canyon was simple and quick, and we barely had the time to make it across the lobby before the pager went off AND IT STARTED TALKING TO US! LOUDLY! It was kind of frightening….

The three of us were seated near the “balcony” part of the restaurant, and took the note right away that it was definitely a HUGE place, and it was sure LOUD in there, but that was expected!

Our server came around pretty quickly, introduced herself, and threw us each a napkin (literally) while she asked if we’d want drinks, and that the Chef would be out in a moment to talk to Amanda about her allergy (citrus). Steven got some kind of milkshake;

While I got a variety of alcoholic drink that I can’t for the life of me remember what it is anymore…

Our server, Suzanne, while ID-ing me joked around “make the saddest face you can…no….sadder….sadder” which of course prompted me to laugh hysterically, like, obviously….It was a grand moment. When she dropped off the drinks, she also held a hand out over the table and just proceeded to drop all the straws we could possibly need for a MONTH onto the table,….it was perf…

Corn bread & Salad made its way out to the table, I believe Amanda had special dressing and maybe special butter? Either way we were super happy that I put down her allergy for this as we discovered that the BARBEQUE SAUCE HAD CITRUS IN IT. Amanda said she never would have thought that, and chances are she wouldn’t have been able to taste it if she’d risked it, and that just wouldn’t have ended well!! For the platter of dinner, Amanda got her own special one, while Steven & I shared!

The cornbread was still warm and was super delicious, the salad was good, and the corn really stood out to me as delicious according to my notes? Bahah. The food was a lot like the Hoop De Doo menu, but that is MORE than okay with me, as I LOVE that kind of stuff! During our dinner there were many shenanigans going on as there is every moment in WCC, we witnessed a lot of the “WE NEED KETCHUP” and at some point, a couple kids dropped some off at our table by mistake. This was all fine and dandy until another table yelled for ketchup and when no one from our table moved one of the other servers took it way too far and actually was quite snarky that we “weren’t playing along” we figured, we didn’t ask for it, we didn’t need to move it, and passed it along to the kid at the table across from us, bahha.

Perhaps the BEST moment we witnessed was with the group beside us on the balcony area that had a birthday. Their server came up, made a big announcement with a cupcake in his hand, and instead of giving the cupcake to the kid, at the last minute, he SHOVED HIS FACE IN IT AND ATE IT!! Turns out this is a thing they do, but it was just hilarious. THEN, the guy goes back to the kitchen to get the real cupcake, and just as he’s about to reach out table, he DROPS THE FREAKING CUPCAKE.

THE THREE OF US DIIIIEEEEEEDDDDD. Like, it was funny enough as was before, but then for him to accidentally drop it again, like, it was perf and made the evening so much better! Suzanne came and went through the meal and was schticking with us as well, and when Steven & Amanda went kinda crazy during one of the interactions, she simply turned to me and said “now I get why you’re drinking…” and walked away. HA! We were laughing so much during the entire meal, and Suzanne was seriously perfect and amazing, she had the EXACT balance of schtick with service without taking it too far like the rude lady from earlier. As we were discussing the evening at the table, I brought up the “thank you” cards we had for cast members, and that Suzanne was DEFINITELY getting a few of them. Well, Steven came up with a better idea, and asked for ALL of the ones left in my wallet. We waited until she came back to the table, and he said “I’ve got something for you” and proceeded to shout “MAKE IT RAAAAAAIIIIINNNN” and “made it rain” with the cards to her. Her response, she simply turned out to the restaurant and yelled “SECURITY” bahahaha!

We thanked her PROFOUSELY and made sure to tip very well as the experience that night had seriously been AMAZING. We also left a thank you card for the server that had the cupcake problem, and I ended up running back for a last minute selfie!

If you ever are thinking about going to Whispering Canyon, I HIGHLY recommend it! We ended up there pretty much by chance a “we may as well” and we all agreed it was a highlight of the trip for us and was something we would DEFINITELY do again. A perfect night!

Finally, it came time to head out to the bus stop, but of course, we stopped for pins at a the DVC Kiosk, and had a lovely chat with the cast member there. It actually ended in “so where do you work?” to which Steven awkwardly replied “…in Canada….” And I noted that the guy thought we worked for Disney….lawls!

Out at the bus stop we actually had the amazing opportunity to WATCH THE FREAKING FIREWORKS WHILE WE WAITED. It was amazing, seriously! Once at Downtown Disney (which did not take as long as the previous attempt) we made a trip into World of Disney in which Steven bought EVERYTHING. A trip to Basin for me to pick up some bath bombs, toner & shampoo bars thanks to the recommendation from Lia (and yes, these shampoo bars are perfect and leave my hair smelling amazing!)

The shops weren’t open long after we got there, so it was soon back to Pop to pick up pacakges and start to pack everything. Amanda was leaving early the next morning, while Steven & I had one last full day. I also took this time to take pictures of some stuff!

My Vinyl and pin trades so far!

And the pajamas that FINALLY turned up in the room, bahaha!! I did have another problem with them after actually putting them on too, I bought a small (they’re pre packaged sets) and I was SWIMMING in the tank top and the pants were nearly too small…sigh…

Eventually, it was time for goodnights, we had another early morning, and Amanda had an early flight to catch! We said our good byes, promised to keep in touch (we do!!) and called it a night!
After reading about your experience at Whispering Cannon I think I am going to have to try it one of these trips!
Awww I love that you still watch those final shows over and over. A lot of people love that show, a lot, but none really appreciate it quite the way you do I think.


Those sunset photos. Stunning. Everything just looks better in Disney.

I do regret not staying in AK after dark especially where its so rare. I guess it wont be so much in the future with the nighttime shows and stuff but still...

I love your Whispering Canyon experience. God that sounded like fun.
love reading you take on FOTLK and just kinda the insider view.. While it does kinda stink that not everyone is being brought over to the new locations but that isn't that uncommon in other jobs. I heard at my companies European locations they had a re-org to one department and everyone had to re-interview for their own jobs and quite a few did not make it. Guess it is a good way to get rid of people that are kinda coasting without going through the normal termination processes which can take a lot of work from an HR standpoint. still kinda stinks though

Those pictures are funny with all the warning signs and then your little Yeti ... made me think of like Monty Python "but he's got got a vicious streak a mile wide! It's a killer!" "What's he do? Nibble your bum?" "He's got huge, sharp... er... He can leap about. Look at the bones!" :rotfl:

Wow - Everest with no line! And looks amazing at sunset!

I am glad to hear that they had the right level of schtick at Wispering Canyon ... we haven't been there as I have been concerned it would be too little or too much - but knowing they got it right that night I can totally see it being a favorite for your crew. :thumbsup2
Finally got caught up on this TR and you only have one day left!!! :rotfl2:

Please tell Steven congrats on getting into the Character Pool!!! Hopefully he's chosen before his time expires!!! And I hope you get in the pool before you start your program... Good Luck you two!!! :cool1:
Had such a great time that trip. It was so nice reading everyone's nice things about me. i really appreciate all the support that i got with getting into the character pool. This is one of the best times i have had in a long time. the parties, the princes, the friends oh my! can't wait for you all to read my stuff and post on my threads. see ya real soon
Finally got caught up on this TR and you only have one day left!!! :rotfl2:

Please tell Steven congrats on getting into the Character Pool!!! Hopefully he's chosen before his time expires!!! And I hope you get in the pool before you start your program... Good Luck you two!!! :cool1:

thank you so much :) you are to nice. I as well hope that I can get a call lol. its so nice to know that there are people that are just as existed as i am.
Ahh. This was such an amazing trip with great friends. By far the best trip of that year!!
Good lord I'm so behind. I finally get caught up and you're on your last day! Sad face!

Ummm you may get an award for the most awkward character interaction ever. I'm looking at you Poca! Sometimes I wonder if they just go completely blank with people. Like they're thinking "Oh god what do I say to these people who are my age?" Who knows lol!

You're so lucky you got to see the final FOLK performance. A bunch of my CM friends on facebook were posting about it and it was so neat to see. Not as cool as being there, but still great. Now all I see is updates of Diagon Alley and how freaking amazing it is. I'm like STOP POSTING THE MOST FANTASTIC PICTURES EVER! Sooooo jealous!!! I may or may not be mentally planning a trip for this winter. I just keep telling myself its good for my mental health because NY winters depress me ;)

I forgot how gorgeous DAK is at night. I prob spent the least amount of time there, so its so great to see DAK getting some love. It really turns into a different place at night! Omg could you imagine a wedding there?!

Love Whispering Canyon! And WL in general, but that restuarant is great. Although they stopped offering that all-you-can-eat BBQ at lunch...which we found out the hard way. Sometimes I could do w/out the crazy antics but I'm glad you got a good server!

Can't wait to read about the last day!
After reading about your experience at Whispering Cannon I think I am going to have to try it one of these trips!

Definitely do it! Steven & I ended up going back earlier this year it was that good! We also asked for Suzanne again lol, she's seriously amazing. The food & the interaction is totally awesome!

Awww I love that you still watch those final shows over and over. A lot of people love that show, a lot, but none really appreciate it quite the way you do I think.


Those sunset photos. Stunning. Everything just looks better in Disney.

I do regret not staying in AK after dark especially where its so rare. I guess it wont be so much in the future with the nighttime shows and stuff but still...

I love your Whispering Canyon experience. God that sounded like fun.

Definitely!! So many feels man! I spend so much of my time watching disney youtube videos!!

RIGHT!? Such an amazing night! And the sunset was just the cherry on top! I feel like you'll have a lot of oppertunities coming up in the year, especially with winter trips, just make the excuse! Lol, or like, dinner at Tusker or something!

It was amazing!!!

love reading you take on FOTLK and just kinda the insider view.. While it does kinda stink that not everyone is being brought over to the new locations but that isn't that uncommon in other jobs. I heard at my companies European locations they had a re-org to one department and everyone had to re-interview for their own jobs and quite a few did not make it. Guess it is a good way to get rid of people that are kinda coasting without going through the normal termination processes which can take a lot of work from an HR standpoint. still kinda stinks though

Those pictures are funny with all the warning signs and then your little Yeti ... made me think of like Monty Python "but he's got got a vicious streak a mile wide! It's a killer!" "What's he do? Nibble your bum?" "He's got huge, sharp... er... He can leap about. Look at the bones!" :rotfl:

Wow - Everest with no line! And looks amazing at sunset!

I am glad to hear that they had the right level of schtick at Wispering Canyon ... we haven't been there as I have been concerned it would be too little or too much - but knowing they got it right that night I can totally see it being a favorite for your crew. :thumbsup2

Yeah, it definitely sucked for the people who didn't get to just move over, but they still had a chance to get their movement back up so they could be re trained. It also opened up many more opportunities for people auditioning lol!

Ahahaha, we love our little yeti! He'll make it out a lot more in Aug/Sept!

It was definitely fantastic for us! A great experience!

YES! It was beyond great, we loved the level of interaction we got and the food was amazing too, definitely a great time for all!
Finally got caught up on this TR and you only have one day left!!! :rotfl2:

Please tell Steven congrats on getting into the Character Pool!!! Hopefully he's chosen before his time expires!!! And I hope you get in the pool before you start your program... Good Luck you two!!! :cool1:

Hahaha a day and a half technically! And we did a lot!

And I have! He also replied to your comment (sbmorasch) he's keeping up with the tr a little bit more now lol

Ahh. This was such an amazing trip with great friends. By far the best trip of that year!!

Ahahah but THREE of your trips involved me! :rotfl: Definitely a fun time! So glad you were able to come for as long as you did!

Good lord I'm so behind. I finally get caught up and you're on your last day! Sad face!

Ummm you may get an award for the most awkward character interaction ever. I'm looking at you Poca! Sometimes I wonder if they just go completely blank with people. Like they're thinking "Oh god what do I say to these people who are my age?" Who knows lol!

You're so lucky you got to see the final FOLK performance. A bunch of my CM friends on facebook were posting about it and it was so neat to see. Not as cool as being there, but still great. Now all I see is updates of Diagon Alley and how freaking amazing it is. I'm like STOP POSTING THE MOST FANTASTIC PICTURES EVER! Sooooo jealous!!! I may or may not be mentally planning a trip for this winter. I just keep telling myself its good for my mental health because NY winters depress me ;)

I forgot how gorgeous DAK is at night. I prob spent the least amount of time there, so its so great to see DAK getting some love. It really turns into a different place at night! Omg could you imagine a wedding there?!

Love Whispering Canyon! And WL in general, but that restuarant is great. Although they stopped offering that all-you-can-eat BBQ at lunch...which we found out the hard way. Sometimes I could do w/out the crazy antics but I'm glad you got a good server!

Can't wait to read about the last day!

Hahaha, a day and a half left! And I still have a TR for May going on too!

It really is odd..I've had some pretty bad interaction with characters, and like, I get it, I'm your age, maybe older, and there are no kids involved, but you still should treat me the exact same way as you would a kid!

Hahha i just WISH I'd been able to see it in PERSON! I missed the closing by legit 1 DAY, and re opening by 2 days...#dying AND OH MY GOD DIAGON ALLEY LOOKS BEYOND PERFECT AND I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT!

a dak nighttime wedding would be beyond amazing! And currently not that difficult to do it empty! Lol, no one's ever there at night, but that'll start to change with avatarland stuff..ugh...

I'm glad we got a trip over to the WL that trip, I'd never been before and it's beautiful and gorgeous and I do hope to stay there in the future!


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