A different kind of weight loss journal...

Have you tried the walk/run approach? I find it takes the edge off the pain of running. This week I tried the 5/1 approach. I ran/jogged for 5 minutes then did a 1 minute walk. I really felt refreshed after that 1 minute and ready to jog again. But the best part is you know that you only have to do it for 5 minutes at a time LOL! So I just broke my run down into these little 6 minute segments! It worked for me and I'm going to try it on my offical 2.5 miler tomorrow!

Hang in there....it's easy to get discouraged. Especially when the weather is cold and blah! Think spring....and focus on the positives! You are making changes...even if the scale isn't reflecting that YET. And I think the Oprah plan sounds like a winner :thumbsup2 . :hug: HUGS to you for sticking with it!
I have just started reading your journal and I wanted to say please hang in there. My mother has battled drinking issues for almost my whole life. Sometimes she can handle just one glass of wine with dinner, sometimes it gets out of control. Like you she finally decided to stare the problem right in the face. She has started attending AA meetings again after many years and is also changing her general lifestyle. I am proud of her and her journey towards becoming a better and healthier person. Continue what you are doing and don't give up! :cheer2:
One thing my mom has always believed in and instilled in me is the power of the mind over the body. Many times we turn to something or become ill beause we are not dealing with the main problem. A book my mom and I have always read is You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. It is a bit New Agey in parts and I don't necessarily believe you can cure cancer simply by meditating, but a lot of it really makes sense. It delves into the mind-body connection which results in illnesses, bad habits, and addictions. I know that I get sick whenever I am depressed and tend to escape from things rather than deal with them. Reading about your recent injuries/illnesses made me think of that and this book. Perhaps you might like to read it.
Best of luck!

Well, today (Saturday), I worked out this morning after my son and husband left for a while. It was tempting to stay on the couch and enjoy the quiet with a cup of coffee, but I decided to do a workout. I don't think I've mentioned how I love All My Children, Dr. Phil, and Oprah. I tape those shows everyday. In my gym in the garage, I have a TV mounted on the wall with a VCR, so I watch my shows while I workout. It's very enjoyable actually, it just gets cold at times. So, I did some ab work-about 200 different reps with the ball. I did a 20 minute run/walk, focusing on short runs with a walking break of 1-2 minutes. I'm still running very slowwllly-at a 12 minute mile. But, I'm not going to worry about speed until I've built up endurance. Then, I did a Bowflex workout tape, focusing on back and arms today. Tomorrow is supposed to be a rest day, however, if I feel like it, I will work out, because I know there will be one day during the week when I don't feel like it. On Monday I start my new program which calls for one double workout during the week. If I feel like it, I will do that tomorrow, to get the hardest workout out of the way early. Wow! There are a lot of "If I feel like it" in there! Ha ha. We went out to Chili's last night and I had a beer. That's it for drinking. I had fajitas at Chili's which I also think are healthy, because I don't like sour cream and don't always eat the tortillas. And, I'm not getting on the scale for a week! At least!
Wanted to stop by and see how you're doing? Keep hanging in there, sometimes when you're trying hard the weight doesn't come off right away, but it will eventually. Don't give up :goodvibes :sunny:
:cool1: Saturday's workout sounds great! Way to go!!!!!

I can't wait to hear how you like the Oprah plan...doubling up on the workouts is interesting and I always like a "plan" LOL! Keep us posted on how you like this schedule!

And I agree...get that double one out of the way early if you can then you'll sail through the week! Make sure to give yourself a rest day too....your muscles need time to recover. At least one per week is recommended in all the books I read. I did 7 days in a row last week and by Friday night my legs, hips and back were aching really badly. Had to take an advil just to get to sleep :eek: . But I took a break on Saturday and todays run went sooo well! Anyway, just keep in mind that your muscles need repair time and your running legs need a break. If only I can follow my own advice :worried: .

But once again, I just want to say :worship: GREAT JOB. Sounds like you are on a great course!
Well, today turned out to be a rest day-LOL. We went to a party yesterday, and ended up doing tequila tasting with a group of about 6 people, including my husband. Our host pulled out a bottle of $300 tequila and decided he wanted to share. I must say, I have never had tequila like that. I think I had about three shots, and didn't feel a thing. Neither did my husband, said he. I guess that's the difference between $300 and Jose Cuervo. So, that blew the diet and I didn't dare get on the scale today. Tomorrow, I start Oprah's program. The beginner starts at 15 minute a day, doubling to 30 one day. The intermediate starts at 30 minute a day, doubling to 60 one day. I've decided to start between at 20 minutes. Tomorrow, I'm doing my double day at 40 minutes. I will also continue my bowflex and ab work. And, again, I'm not getting on the scale...
Well, I got up this Monday morning and was elated because today I start my Oprah plan and only have to do a 20 minute workout. Oh yeah, instant deflate, today is my designated double day and I wanted to do a 40 minute workout. So, I mustered through, but didn't run...I decided to focus on the running with the shorter workouts. So, I did speed walking of varying speeds and did all 40 minutes.

Yesterday, drinking wise, I had my "concotion" as my husband has begun calling it. Part white wine, but mostly sparkling water, I've found myself liking it almost more than straight wine. I love bubbles, but this is so light.

But, I have always struggled with thinking positive, and I find myself really picking myself apart this morning. Let's talk about my body type for a minute...I am 5'7" and have a thin body type. I have thin arms and legs, and all my weight goes toward my stomache. In fact, I've joked that I could weigh 300 lbs and I would still have stick arms and legs. Well, the 12 lbs or so that I've put on are definitely in my stomache and I just hate the love handle jiggle. So, the whole time I was walking today, I was mentally berating myself for the appearance of my stomache. It's hard to not overwork that area, and I know that won't work. Once I lose the 12 lbs. some of the jiggle should go away. But, I did about 40 side planks and ball lifts. My husband and I will do stomache work together tonight.

So...tomorrow will be a running/walking day and I will focus on increasing my endurance, until I am mostly running for the entire 20 minutes.
A bad day yesterday after work. Days like yesterday when I slide backwards make me realize that I haven't come very far in being able to manage and deal with the circumstances of my life. I really hate my teaching job-It's at a difficult middle school, but the biggest part for me is that it's the first time I've worked full-time in years. I know next year will be different, but I'm not sure how and that bothers me. I want to do a job share, but the administration didn't approve it at my school. I haven't found anyone to share with. I don't want to work full-time next year, so I don't know what is going to happen and that causes a lot of anxiety. Plus, I hate my day to day life of working every day at that school. It's all about counting down until June and I don't want to live that way. So, yesterday I really backslid with the shots and wine, and I just feel like instead of 1 step back, it's more like 10 steps. I realize more importantly than finding a job I like, is finding a way to manage my life when I don't like it! So, to make a long story short, no workout this morning, but I am going swimming with my son this evening, so that will be a new workout for me.
((((HUGS)))) :hug: We all take steps backward....whether it's missed training days, eating foods we KNOW we shouldn't or drinking too much. Look, if it was easy everyone would be doing it. But everyone isn't doing it. YOU are doing it!!!! You are taking the steps you need to take to get yourself in a healthy place. Exercise will help you deal with the stress in your life. And it is really stress! Having to go to work and spend the majority of your day doing something you have come to loath is super stressful! And then on top of it you are beating yourself up when you make a mistake. Don't do that to yourself....it's okay because you know today will be different. Today you'll go swimming with your child and feel healthy and strong. Tonight you'll lay off the wine and shots and get a good night's sleep! Tomorrow you'll jump back into your training. Yesterday was your rest day. Leave it at that and move on towards your goal. EVEN if you slipped and took a few steps back, you absolutely CAN catch up by taking the forward steps today.

Hey, I know it's easy for me to expense these words of wisdom as I sit behind a keyboard. AND I definitely have bad days. But I want you to know that you're NOT alone in your journey. :hug: Please don't be too hard on yourself. Overall you are taking the steps....we just hit bumps in the road once in a while....but you'll get over the bump and continue forward!! pixiedust: PIXIE DUST for a better today and better tomorrow!!!
Well, since I didn't work out yesterday, I actually did 40 minutes of cardio today...One regular and one hill workout. Trying to work on my butt a little more! It feels pretty good. Yesterday, my husband was commenting on how difficult it is too lose weight when it creeps up. I started that 2 lb plan on Feb. 18, so by Mar. 18 I hope I'm down by two lbs. I refuse to weigh myself because I find it discouraging. I'm really hoping that if I stick with these 6 days a week workouts, I will see a difference in a month. Sure, they are short to begin with, but they gradually build up. We'll see. Again, my first goal is the alchohol...Not doing great-I seem to want a drink every day. Even if it's just one or two, it bugs me that I don't feel my day is complete without alcohol. Yesterday was my son's bowling day. I shared a light beer with my husband, and then we went out for spaghetti and I had a glass of white wine. So, while not excessive, it just feels like I want it more than I should.
Hi there,

Just read through your jounal......welcome to WISH. I admire your honesty.

You are doing a great job, it may take a while for the weight to start to come off, but it will. Just hang in there.,

Keep up the good work!

Happy Friday!
The good, the bad, the ugly honest truth...

Well, here it is another week at my hated job. Now, don't get me wrong. I like teaching, it's just been a hard adjustment to working 5 days a week. I've always worked PT as a CPA tax accountant, so this transition has been tough. I miss being home sometimes so much. I am actively looking for a job share for next year, so I can be home PT again. If I don't find that, I will go back to subbing.

I've decided to try the Sonoma Diet. I bought the book and like it's emphasis on healthy eating. I realize how bad my diet is compared to that. Now, I don't think I can always be as strict and healthy as that diet, but I know I can do it for 10 days to get through Wave 1. The one thing I can't do is throw all my food away. For one, I have a 5'9" 12 year old son who would literally starve on that diet. Last night, I went through the freezer and cooked up a bunch of stuff that had been in there for a while. Including breakfast sausage and hot links. So, it wasn't the healthiest dinner. I had two beers with it and a shot of tequila. Now, I felt the second beer and shot were really unncessary and made me feel terribly guilty later. It's almost like a compulsive eater who just eats without thinking about it. I was just on auto pilot. I'm trying to get rid of this habit without blaming it on my job.

As far as my Oprah exercise plan, I did my long workout on Sunday, which was supposed to be a rest day, but I worked out knowing that I usually need a mental break during the week (today.) So, I got the 44 minute workout done early. Yesterday, I ran for 22 minutes, which was great and did a FIRM tape for my legs. Not sure about what I'll do today.
Hi there,

Congrats on getting the work out in. You are doing a great job....

Keep up the good work!!

Happy Tuesday :)
Confession time (long).

Don't flame away for this, but I really want plastic surgery. I had plastic surgery on my lower lids about two years ago...very minor, it just removed my inherited puffy eyelids. But, ever since then, I have wanted my upper eyelids done and I've always wanted a nose job. I was teased about my nose quite a bit in junior high, and for some reason, teaching now in middle school, is making me very self-conscious. Also, I am a pretty small boned person, as I mentioned. At 5'7", I usually wear a size 4, right now a very tight 6. Very tight. But anyways, I am a 38 D cup and I'm over the big ****s, really. So, I've thought about a lift and reduction. Well, one plastic surgeon I went to recommended a brow lift instead of upper eyes. So, I went for a second opinion yesterday. I like this doctor a lot. He won't do anything to my upper eyes or brows because he says I don't need it, and I would look perpetually surprised if he did it. So, he's an honest plastic surgeon! Also, he suggested I wait for the breast lift because my ****s aren't saggy, and I told him I want to lose 15 lbs. He says I could go down a cup size and I'm still young enough for them to tighten up with the weight loss. So, he said to wait for that. The only thing he agreed to is a nose job. But, I told my husband I wouldn't consider it until I've lost the weight because why spend money on something and still be unhappy with how my clothes fit and my body looks? Also, losing the weight and getting down to a goal weight will prove to myself that I can do something I set my mind to. So, I'm sure some of you think I'm crazy with all this talk of plastic surgery, but it's actually extra inspiration for me.

Also, this week, I've been eating JUNK! I am going to start the Sonoma Diet on Monday after going grocery shopping and using the weekend to plan. But, I just can't do what the book suggests and throw away good food, so I've been eating it!!! I think my weight has gone up to 150, so I don't think I'm going to make my 2 lb goal for the month, but I still have until Mar. 18.
Well, I'm back. I went and did my daily workout after taking yesterday as a rest day. Today was 22 minutes of cardio (I increase it by 2 minutes every week-one day is double day). I did the 5/1 interval that I stole from another poster. I followed that by 30 minutes of weight training using a combination of a firm tape and my bowflex. I do that more and more. I have tapes that I like, but then there are always parts of the tape that I don't like. Rather than fastforwarding through the parts I don't like, I do an alternate exercise. This works great for me. I have to force myself to do weight training, but I always feel really good afterwards.
Well, I finished off the week great. Today is Sunday and I've really been spoiling myself this weekend...Spent a lot of time Dissing, no time working out. I've been curled up on the couch. My husband is out of town at a golf tournament, and my son had a friend over. It's been cold here, so I've been planning my Sonoma Diet menus...Wow, it's a lot of food prep. I may substitute a frozen Lean Cuisine here and there. It's pretty strict for the first 10 days. I made a deal with my husband, who is also trying to eat healthier. I will do our lunches, but he is on his own for breakfast. We both get up at 4:00. He goes to work, and I usually work out. I just don't want to mess up my schedule by having to cook him a breakfast, but I've promised to have his lunches ready for him.

Another week, and my minutes go up. Today (if I do it) will be double day at 48 minutes. The rest of the week is 24. Plus I will do weights or Pilates those days. Tomorrow and Tuesday are minimum days at work. This work is a damper on me! Only 60 more school days left!
Well, as I find happening often, after I've read and posted in my journal, I find the motivation to go and workout. So, I once again did my Double Day today-a 48 minute cross-training of walking hills, switching with my ski machine. A very tough workout-those hills are killer, but great for the hips. (Hopefully!) I've decided to do hills this week, and not run for a week. Part of the reason, is it's that TOM, and it's difficult for me to run (Not to give TMI, but it's those 38D ****s!). So, I will walk hills everyday this week and follow it up with weight training.
Well, I did my 24 minutes this morning. It really feels good to get my long workout out of the way early on (Sundays). But, doing the hills this week is tough! Very tough! I can already feel it in my hips! So, I think this break from running this week is going to do me good, because I can tell I'm using muscles that I haven't in a while. Then I did my '8 minutes in the morning' workout card for weights. Tonight, my husband and I will do our abs. So far this week is off to a great start!

I have put off the Sonoma Diet for one week. The shopping is intimidating and I haven't had time to stock my pantry. Plus, I'm not sure what I'm going to do about our lunches...They're a little bit unrealistic for two working people and I can feel I'm going to be doing a lot of prep. So, this week I'm going to concentrate on eating what they suggest for snacks and cutting out all my usual snacks. So far, working out and building gradually has worked for me, so I think easing myself into new eating habits will be good too.

As far as drinking...Friday night Ihad a glass of wine. Saturday I had a glass of wine in the afternoon, and a vodka tonic before dinner. Yesterday I had a beer.
I guess I've been a little disappointed that no one ever posts on my journal...Oh well, I was enjoying the support and interaction, but now it's just me!

I've decided that this will be my do-over week. In other words, I'm not going to increase my minutes this week. This should be the week where I go 26 minutes, and 52 on double day, but I'm not up for it. I've had a bad cold all week, and a splitting headache on the left side of my head, so I haven't exercised, mainly because of the headache. So, I won't increase my time, but hope I can do my double day tomorrow. I am a limp noodle this weekend-no energy whatsoever.

The good news is...I have met my weight goal for the month...mainly because of the cold. I'm now at 147, instead of 149-150. That's great. Now, my goal is to maintain this month, before trying to go down to 145. Can you tell I'm taking it slow?

My other goal for this month is to keep a better journal. Looking back over my notes, I can't quite figure out what I did or how much I drank each day. Of course, my main goal is to cut down on the drinking during the week, and only have alcohol on the weekends. It's tough-especially after a bad day at work.
I did my double day today...I hadn't done it yet this week. So, I did running intervals for 48 minutes. I'm surprised how easy it was! I did do a 5/3 interval today, because I'm going to try and do my double day for next week tomorrow. It just works better with my schedule to do the shorter cardio with weights during the week.

I'm going to start a modified Sonoma Diet on Monday. I had put it off because of my cold and the grocery shopping. The reason I say modified is because there is so much cooking and prep involved. I don't have the time in the mornings and I'm teaching in the afternoon, so I'll eat low-fat healthy stuff for mornings and lunch-Just not Sonoma Diet exactly.

I'm also going to focus a little more on my ab area. I'm going to do pilates or abs on the ball each day, instead of 3 days a week.


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