A Disney fan I'll never forget is...


Apr 29, 2005
my 5th grade teacher. He had a HUGE collection of Mickey and Minnie dolls and figurines that he displayed in the classroom. He even had a large stuffed Mickey Mouse and every day each student took a turn and brought it home with them. He once said he owned a Mickey Mouse that spit money out of it's mouth. Of course we all knew he was kidding, but his sense of humor cracked me up. Does anyone have a similar or cute story they'd like to share? :goodvibes
I had a few teachers who had worked at Disneyland while they were in college. Some of them shared stories of their previous jobs at the Matterhorn or Jungle Cruise. When my elementary school principal retired, he left to engineer the train at Disneyland.

Back in the late 1970's, my Mom had a teaching assistant who worked as a travelling ::MinnieMo . She went around the world and danced in parades and shows. I was involved in dance at the time and loved when she would teach us a few steps of her routines.

At my dance studio, one of the senior dancers left to become Disneyland's Snow White. I remember seeing her on television and in print advertisement. She came in one day and talked in Princess voice and taught us the special secret princess: wave.


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