A Double Dose of Disney Fun-2 Pre-Trip Reports in 1!

Three days!!!:cool1:

You are driving -right? I am so jealous-maybe I could ride in your trunk? I can be at your house really quickly-just give me an hour's notice! :rotfl:
Yay for the last day of school! :cheer2:

Yay for just 5 more days!!! :cheer2: :cheer2:

That stinks about the tire, I had a flat the other day, nail in the tire as well, thanfully they were able to fix it and I didn't have to buy a new tire.

It was a good last day of school with the kids. I will truly miss some of them! Now I just have to make it through tomorrow and hopefully only half a day on Tuesday. I have so much trip stuff left to do too!

Woohoo- only 4 more days! That's exciting!

It's only 3 days now...I'm both :dance3: and :scared1: :rotfl:

Ahhh so close!!! :yay:

Really close now! I can't believe it!!

Wow you are really coming up close too! Good luck with the final preparations!

And you are there now!!!

Three days!!!:cool1:

You are driving -right? I am so jealous-maybe I could ride in your trunk? I can be at your house really quickly-just give me an hour's notice! :rotfl:

Yes, we are driving! Plenty of room for ya, come on over.:thumbsup2 You might want to come Tuesday night though as we're leaving between 3 and 3:30 AM!:eek:
What a whirlwind weekend!! As I said in my reply above, the last day of school was fun and I was sad to see some of them go. But, I am ready for a break and that's something I like about teaching, there's always something new coming. From what I hear, these friends coming up are a wild bunch but I'm not going to focus on that right now!

I did manage to get some things done this weekend. Ben and Ellie are mostly packed as our much of the toiletries, food and snacks, and other whatnot stuff we're taking. I still have to pack my clothes and have to do a load or two of laundry to finish up the kids. I really need to give the house a good cleaning but not sure I'll get more than a dusting, bathroom wipe down, and vacuuming done. The dog is shedding like a fool so I will wait to vacuum until Tuesday evening or it will look like I did nothing!

We did have our Toy Story party yesterday afternoon after running errands, swimming, and packing. We just had pizza, chips, and Ellie and I made green martian cupcakes. I'm sorry I don't have a picture. Then today we went to see the new movie. :love: it! I laughed like crazy, teared up a few times, and cried like a big ole baby at the end. So touching! Ellie cried a few times too which I thought was sweet. I think I'll probably take the kids to see it again at some point and will definitely be getting it on DVD.

I'm off to try to get a few more things done before going to bed. I want to get to school early so I can finish up what I need to get done!
My dog is shedding like crazy too - I'm vacuuming nearly every other day and brushing her twice a week, I still can't keep up with it!

Wasn't TS3 great?! I cried like a baby at the end too.

Wow! Just 2 more days! :woohoo:
Two more days?!?!? I'm definitely jealous!

I hear you on the dog thing---We have a pug, so she sheds year-round, but it's multiplied triple right now with all this heat.
One last check in before I shut down the computer and call it a night! I really can't believe we leave tomorrow. I was scurrying like crazy to get done today as my principal didn't let us leave until 1! Oh well, it's done and I finished packing and it's all good because I will be in Disney World tomorrow!!1:dance3::yay::cheer2::dance3:

Thanks to those who stuck with me til the end. I wasn't very good about keeping up with posts!:rolleyes:

Talk to you when we get back!!:woohoo:
I can't wait to hear all about your trip and your DIS meet! I loved the pictures on Facebook. My favorite was of Ben's pirate replacement. I hope you were able to find the real Ben before you left Orlando. ;)


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