A first time planners TRIP REPORT! Sept 2014 Final Update 5.19!

your resort is gorgeous :love: sounds heavenly!!!

I have never met or read anyone who had the tiles!!! Ohh to have something at Disney FOREVER is perfect. you and your Dad!!!! :hug: i love it.

I adore your Hipster!!!!

the wedding was precious! you guys are seriously adorable together!!!
Lauren, glad you got to spend some time with your Mom. You and Joe look great all dolled up for the wedding.

Thank you! :goodvibes

Those tiles are so sweet!! I love how happy you and your Dad look. Memories are fabulous!

I love the mug selfie, or "wesie" as Danielle (aka IHEARTDDUCK) would say.

Thanks! I love the tiles!

I like the "wesie", haven't heard that before but makes much more sense!

I actually may be staying at CBR for one night in February, so I love looking at your pictures of the resort.

You should, I loved it! I can't wait to go back!

I gotta ask - Joe's wearing a Jeter shirt, right? (I can't imagine what else would be represented by a 2 with pinstripes) I'm a huge Yankees fan, so that makes me smile.

Yes! He is. He is a HUGE Jeter fan and therefore ended up a Yankee fan that lived in Chicago. haha

And are you wearing Joe's 1st visit pin on your bag? Super cute idea ... although it would be better if he wore the pin.

I am, nice catch! It wasn't my first time but someone had to wear it!

I love those pictures of you and your dad! I'm so glad you were able to find the tiles. The 2000 one is a great location - top row!

Me too, I thought it would be more difficult but it wasn't!

I love Caribbean Beach because of those hidden little hammocks! it's so nice to just go out and relax before a big park day :goodvibes

They're great!

aaahhh how cool that you're on two of the legacy tiles! that's such an awesome memory to go back and find each time :)

I know, I'm so glad we could find them!

Amanda, loved the tile story, and so good to see them. We have a brick but have yet to find it. I'll have to stop at City Hall and see if I can get them help me find it.

That's awesome! When were you able to get a brick? I always see them walking into MK!

CBR is a beautiful resort...reminds me of the beach.

I really did feel like I was in the Caribbean while we were there!

Your purse looks so nice in pictures! I love that print the most, I think.


My mom and I have a Leave a Legacy tile as well, and it's so cool to think our pictures are always at Epcot. I know one day they'll tear it down (*tear*) so i like to think about us there while I can.

That's awesome! Have you ever gone to find it? I hope they don't tear it down!

your resort is gorgeous :love: sounds heavenly!!!

It is, you should try it sometime. Especially now that they will have rooms for 5!!

I have never met or read anyone who had the tiles!!! Ohh to have something at Disney FOREVER is perfect. you and your Dad!!!! :hug: i love it.

Thanks :) :goodvibes

I adore your Hipster!!!!

I know, I love it! I have been wearing it since I got home too... haha

the wedding was precious! you guys are seriously adorable together!!!

Thank you thank you!!:goodvibes
Glad you got to spend some time with your mom! Love the 3-generations Wesie you took!

Certainly does seem like a nice resort to walk around and just take in.

The Leaving a Legacy images are so cool - and how great you can relive the moments from over a decade ago like that!
Love the pictures of the tiles. My aunt, uncle, cousin and her daughter all have those tiles too and we love looking for them when we go. I so wish I could have something in Disney!

Also the pictures of CBR are amazing!! I could have stayed there on my upcoming trip but BF likes the idea of staying at POR and having the boat ride to DTD. :confused3 Oh well.

Can't wait to read more! :wave2:
Glad you got to spend some time with your mom! Love the 3-generations Wesie you took!

Thank you! It's always so fun when she is in town but sad when she leaves.

Certainly does seem like a nice resort to walk around and just take in.
It really was the perfect resort for us when we wanted to relax.
The Leaving a Legacy images are so cool - and how great you can relive the moments from over a decade ago like that!

I know, I'm so happy my Dad had us do those tiles when I was younger!
After exploring our Leave A Legacy Tiles, we walked over to Test Track.

We didn't have a FP but there was no line, so we walked right in, designed our car, and rode it!

I had never been on Test Track before either, but we both really enjoyed it! It was different than I expected though.

Joe really enjoyed designing our car:

After Test Track, we went and designed our own rollercoaster at Sum of All Thrills! This was so much fun, I loved that when we were in the harnesses with the screen in front of us, we could see a picture of the other person. I thought I was going to get really claustrophobic in this because of the harness and head piece on but since I could see Joe it made it better. He kept blowing kisses and we were making faces at eachother.

Then as we got out of the ride, we saw that they could see your screen the whole time so they were able to watch us making faces. At least we provided the CM's with some good entertainment! :thumbsup2

We went into Club Cool and tried the different sodas... I made Joe try Beverly and took a video but I'm not sure how to upload that here. I don't know if others remember this or if I am making this up.... but I remember back when I visited when I was younger that Club Cool was in a Igloo type building and it was all foggy and cold inside and that is where you tried the different sodas...I could be making this up though!

Next we went on Soarin', we both really enjoyed this! I had been on it in California years ago but never at Epcot!

(I bought those shoes at our resort the night before and they ended up killing my feet at Epcot so I returned them the next day, but at least they made for a cute Soarin' picture!)

Up next.... was Mission Space! There were no waits for either one so we decided to start with Green and if we liked it we would go on Orange.

I kept making comments to Joe about how many signs there were that so "DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU DONT LIKE SMALL DARK SPACES". I get clausterphobic- but more so in large crowds. On rides it normally doesn't bother me because you are actually doing something and moving and its quick.

We walk right on, get in our "Spaceship", I put my purse in the compartment in front of us..and we're all set. The person comes over the intercom telling us to get ready for our mission...and then it repeats...and repeats...and repeats again.

5 minutes later, a CM comes over the intercom to tell us our mission has been delayed... I start panicing, can't reach my purse for my inhaler, and then the CM comes on again and repeats that our mission has been delayed. Now I cannot keep calm...Joe is trying to distract me by takling to the couple from Ireland who have to think I'm a crazy person at this point. The man from Ireland tells me to bang on the side of the door...so I do..and this makes me panic more. It was awful. The recording kept repeating and I was sure we were going to die inside of Mission Space. :rotfl2: So of course I start balling my eyes out.

Fortunatley after about 15 minutes the CM lets us out...we get FP's that we won't need...and I run as far away from Mission Space as possible.

I was so shooken up but Joe was a sweetheart and made me feel better and we continued on our way. The kicker to this is, right when we get home I get my daily Dis Disney emails and it's titled "7 Cool Facts about Mission Space" :rotfl:

I will ride it on another trip, it just wasn't in the cards for us on this one!

After that fiasco, we went on Spaceship Earth, which I LOVED! And then we went to the Seas!

After riding the ride, we watched some Manatees get fed! One of them was named Lil Joe...check out how much he weighs!

It was time for lunch so we went to Sunshine Seasons. I got a tuna noodle salad with Creme Brulee and Joe got a Turkey Sandwich with chocolate cake.

Both were SO good!

After lunch we were ready to start our way around the World! This was part of the trip we were both looking forward to!

Up Next: First Stop: MEXICO!
Joining in! This TR Is perfect for me, I'm a disney fanatic, obsessed just like you. My boyfriend and I are planning on taking a trip together within the next two years (I think he has a surprise up his sleeve), I'm tankful he puts up with my disney obsession! We are a few years younger than you, both 22, and we are also from Illinois!
oh NO! I am so sorry this happened to you!!! i wonder if there is a HELP get me the hell out of here button in there somewhere?!?! i hope you keep your inhaler somewhere closer now?!?! i was so scared for you here!!!!
I love Test Track - it's a lot of fun. And I'm with Joe, I love designing the car.

I also remember club cool as an igloo! I actually pulled out my old scrapbook to see if I could find proof, but it didn't have any pictures of the igloo (and I couldn't tell from the map).

I have an intense fear of Mission:Space because I'm claustrophobic (although, like you, I'm usually worse in large crowds and okay with rides). Your experience scares me even more! I'm glad you got out of there eventually, although I wish they would have let you out sooner!

How cute that one of the manatees was named Lil Joe - although I don't think he's so little!

Sounds like most of the morning was good ... I'm looking forward to reading about World Showcase!
I am so sorry about your terrible Mission Space experience! My mama is claustrophobic too so she avoids that ride like the plague. Hopefully when/if ever you do ride it you'll enjoy it! ::goodvibes::
I'm too far behind on all my threads to make lots of comments, but I did read your last update.

I'm so sorry for your panic on Mission (a ride I cannot ride after my first experience), but glad you got to do some things after that you enjoyed.

I love your Mickey shoes, but sorry you had to return them.
Great TR! I am loving all the details you added! I am so sorry you had a bad experience with it. I get motion sickness easily, especially on simulators so I avoid them. My family had to ride Mission Space without me, even the green side. It is kind of funny how the first email you got after returning home was one about Mission Space, not the memory that Disney wants you to remember I am sure!!!

It sounds like you picked a perfect time to go, with low crowds.

PS I am from Illinois too! On my last trip I was there in Feb 2014 so I got to get out of all the frigid cold and snow. I am writing my TR on it now. The link is in my signature.

Looking forward to reading more of your adventures!
Love the legacy tile - so so cool!

Bummer about mission space, I can see myself panicking in that situation as well!
Finally finished and all caught up! Super excited I stumbled upon your post. I am just beginning our very 1st WDW trip/Pre Trip Report. You've given me some great ideas and I can't wait to keep reading!
Loving your report, it sounds as though you're having an amazing time and the crowds sound so low too :goodvibes
Joining ! How far were you away from the main buildings?
Just caught up! I absolutely love your picture in front of the balloons. It's so cute. Hope we get to read more!
I love your report so far – so funny that Joe lost his MB on the first day, hahaha. It looks like you guys got on so many rides. We were there around the same time, I think a week after. Crowds are awesome in September!

We loved Crystal Palace too. We did an early ADR, the food there is so, so good! Your Hoop De Doo dinner looks soooo fun. We’ve been thinking about doing that too, and the food looks delicious.

I can't believe your Mission Space experience. Omg. I would have freaked out! That's so nice that Joe kept you calm though. But really I would never step foot on it again after that, lol.
IM BACK! Let me get to replies and finish this Trip Report because I have another one to start!!

Joining in! This TR Is perfect for me, I'm a disney fanatic, obsessed just like you. My boyfriend and I are planning on taking a trip together within the next two years (I think he has a surprise up his sleeve), I'm tankful he puts up with my disney obsession! We are a few years younger than you, both 22, and we are also from Illinois!

Wow! We have so much in common! I hope you get this response since I am writing this so much after you replied! I'll make sure to follow you & see if you have a trip in the works!

oh NO! I am so sorry this happened to you!!! i wonder if there is a HELP get me the hell out of here button in there somewhere?!?! i hope you keep your inhaler somewhere closer now?!?! i was so scared for you here!!!!

Mo I'm back! I'm sorry I disappeared!

I love Test Track - it's a lot of fun. And I'm with Joe, I love designing the car.

I also remember club cool as an igloo! I actually pulled out my old scrapbook to see if I could find proof, but it didn't have any pictures of the igloo (and I couldn't tell from the map).

I have an intense fear of Mission:Space because I'm claustrophobic (although, like you, I'm usually worse in large crowds and okay with rides). Your experience scares me even more! I'm glad you got out of there eventually, although I wish they would have let you out sooner!

How cute that one of the manatees was named Lil Joe - although I don't think he's so little!

Sounds like most of the morning was good ... I'm looking forward to reading about World Showcase!

I'm glad someone else remembered the igloo!! I hope the suspense for the world show case was long enough...haha!

The Leave a Legacy tiles are so cool!

Thanks! I love that I got to see them so many years later!

I am so sorry about your terrible Mission Space experience! My mama is claustrophobic too so she avoids that ride like the plague. Hopefully when/if ever you do ride it you'll enjoy it! ::goodvibes::

I can't wait to try it, I really do want to!

I'm too far behind on all my threads to make lots of comments, but I did read your last update.

I'm so sorry for your panic on Mission (a ride I cannot ride after my first experience), but glad you got to do some things after that you enjoyed.

I love your Mickey shoes, but sorry you had to return them.

Hi Kathy :) You know how busy my lifes been bc of facebook, but I'm back!!

Great TR! I am loving all the details you added! I am so sorry you had a bad experience with it. I get motion sickness easily, especially on simulators so I avoid them. My family had to ride Mission Space without me, even the green side. It is kind of funny how the first email you got after returning home was one about Mission Space, not the memory that Disney wants you to remember I am sure!!!

It sounds like you picked a perfect time to go, with low crowds.

PS I am from Illinois too! On my last trip I was there in Feb 2014 so I got to get out of all the frigid cold and snow. I am writing my TR on it now. The link is in my signature.

Looking forward to reading more of your adventures!

I'll have to catch up on your trip report! Where in IL are you? Lucky you got to leave the cold! Its the end of April & freezing today!

Love the legacy tile - so so cool!

Bummer about mission space, I can see myself panicking in that situation as well!


Finally finished and all caught up! Super excited I stumbled upon your post. I am just beginning our very 1st WDW trip/Pre Trip Report. You've given me some great ideas and I can't wait to keep reading!

I'm sorry you caught up and i went away!

Loving your report, it sounds as though you're having an amazing time and the crowds sound so low too :goodvibes

Thanks! It was seriously the best time.

Joining ! How far were you away from the main buildings?

Hi! Sorry this is so behind!! It didnt take more than 5 minutes probably to walk and the walk was BEAUTIFUL!

Just caught up! I absolutely love your picture in front of the balloons. It's so cute. Hope we get to read more!

Thank you! I will write more I promise!

I love your report so far – so funny that Joe lost his MB on the first day, hahaha. It looks like you guys got on so many rides. We were there around the same time, I think a week after. Crowds are awesome in September!

We loved Crystal Palace too. We did an early ADR, the food there is so, so good! Your Hoop De Doo dinner looks soooo fun. We’ve been thinking about doing that too, and the food looks delicious.

I can't believe your Mission Space experience. Omg. I would have freaked out! That's so nice that Joe kept you calm though. But really I would never step foot on it again after that, lol.

I HIGHLY recommend Hoop De Doo! I asked Joe what he for sure wanted to do on our next trip and that was it!


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