"A Fresh Start" WDW Vacation with a Newbie and the Boyfriend!- Nov TR COMPLETE 2/16!

I completed my first week of work! It is really great so far. They are light speed ahead of my old company. It will be a lot of work but I think it will be rewarding.

Anyways, Wed- Friday I got to go to Chicago for training and onboarding. I stayed at Hotel Sax which is right in the heart of downtown.




Why yes, i think I will order the $1200 bottle of champagne!

View from hotel


I had dinner at the Rockit Bar and Grill. The food was just average (I think I picked the wrong thing) but the drink was amazing! It was a blueberry margarita.


Office- It is the Tropicana HQ which is in Chicago. It is amazing there. I really could work in DT chicago. It would be fun. The premises were awesome. 17 Floors of only PepsiCo people!

Taste testing- from concentrate vs not from concentrate.

I even visited the Disney store.


I even got some goodies.


The other night I had some Flat Top Grill restaurant. Sort of like a Mongolian BBQ. It was fun but wasn't that great of food. I don't like those kind of restaurants because I feel like I can't make good choices. I actually ran into people from high school here that live in Chicago! How weird is that??


I found out that there is a Magnolia Bakery in Chicago. I went there in NYC and fell in love with the Red Velvet. I stopped here before Dinner and had a red velvet just in case they ran out.




Seriously the best red velvet ever. The frosting is what does it. It is superb.

I also got a pistachio with meringue and another red velvet. I had the pistachio after I got back and the other red velvet in the morning for breakfast.


Part two coming up...


Across from Magnolia Bakery was the really pretty Macys with the huge tree.






Macys even have hidden mickeys!

While it was pretty Macys doesn't have anything on Disney World at Christmas.

After Macys I got Garrett Popcorn. If you ever go to Chicago please get a bag. It is delicious.



The next day at work I had breakfast from their cafeteria. It is all PepsiCo products at a really cheap price. I got all this for 3 dollars.

I had sushi for lunch! It was a lot of sushi for only $12. I liked the tuna with avocado and spicy tuna. I love raw tuna!

I got a lot of goodies from work. I got a Tropicana bag and a Pepsi bag with fun stuff in it.

4 pack of Pepsi Cola nice glasses.

Computer sleeve

Coffee tumbler

All in all, it was a great time. I can see myself spending many years at PepsiCo.

Joining in !! I have enjoyed your dining reports, so I know I will enjoy your TR !! Congrats on the new job !! Looking forward to reading more.

thanks I am glad you are here. I love your dining reports as well!:thumbsup2

Wow! DeVine is amazing. I don't think I have ever seen her at the park - or maybe she blended in so well. :confused3 Yay that your friend is almost there. Looking forward to reading more!

Next time you go you need to see her! Your new to do list!

DeVine is gorgeous! I didn't spot her on my last trip to AK but I am going to keep a better look out for her next time for sure!
She is pretty! I can't imagine how long it takes for her to get ready.

I know I'm in the minority, but DeVine creeps me out a little! I saw her once and I was slightly frightened. You got some great pics though!

I bet it was so cute to see the characters in their Halloween costumes!

Lol, I can see how you would think she is creepy! It was cute, i love characters wit holiday outfits!

I am in. Great trip report! Can't wait to read/see more :)

We have never had breakfast at Boma before. We will have to try it sometime. Dinner at Boma is great and we try and eat there every trip.

Thanks for reading! I have never had dinner there. I will have to try it too but I don't know if my BF would like it!

Oops! I was thinking of the safe on a trip elsewhere w my parents. I can't tell you how many times my poor dad had to dig out his credit card for someone else to open the safe.
I see!! I hated to have to carry around the key and if you lost it you were charged a lot!
I didn't know you worked for PepsiCo! How cool!

Sounds like a fun trip! I've only been to Chicago once and didn't really have a great time, but I feel like I need to give it another change! :laughing:
Not sure how I missed your Devine pictures, but they are lovely. You got some great shots.

Oh - and your trip to Chicago looks like a blast. I'm not quite ready to see Christmas decorations yet, unless they are in the Disney store. Good luck with your new job.

That margarita looks amazing. I want one!!!!!!!
I love the food photos from your Chicago trip - especially the cupcakes. I can totally relate to having to order my favorite in case they run out! ;) That just wouldn't do to go all that way and not have another red velvet cupcake.

Sounds like you will love your new job! :thumbsup2

So I think I left it off with Emily texting us that she was on the Magical Express.

Corey and I went back to the hotel and went to the bathroom.

Then I got a text at 11:23 that said, "I'm HERE!!!!".

I don't know why but I got so excited because of this. I was so excited that my heart was fluttering. At this point I haven't seen her in 4 months so I was really anxious.

We got to the front of AoA and in she walks!!! I asked Corey to be our photographer for first glance but he said no. Haha. We gave each other a hug and then headed to the room to put her stuff away! Anticlimatic I know. I don't even have pics, I am sorry!

I asked her if she was hungry and she said no. Otherwise we were going to eat at AoA. So she put her stuff away and off we went! She seemed really tired and only got like 4 hours of sleep the night before so I was worried that today would be too much for her.

Also, this is really sad. But her boyfriend's really good friend died 6 days ago from this day- This day was a Thursday and he died the previous Friday. The funeral was this day so she had to miss it. I felt horrible. Emily was really upset because she really liked this friend. He got in a car accident on his brother's wedding day. I guess they forgot some shirts they were supposed to wear at the reception and his drunk friend decided to drive him and was showboating in his car in the rain and hit a tree. The driver friend walked away fine. The guy who died was in critical condition for a week. He went in for surgery on Friday and died during surgery. It is just so sad. Emily's BF was not doing good and I felt bad she wasn't with him.

When we got to AK we used our fastpasses for EE. That ride goes so quick with FP! We had a blast. She loved the theming and the ride going backwards. The older I get the more sick feeling I get on drops. My stomach drops and I get scared almost! I don't get nauseous just a weird feeling.

After this I needed to eat a snack and I knew what I wanted: the jalapeno cheese pretzel. Emily and I both got one.



I will be getting one of those every trip from now on that is how good this was! Luckily they are in all parks besides MK now.

Next thing we did is go on the safari. The line wasn't too bad for that either.

I sat in the middle this time because I sat on the end last time.

The first thing we saw were the okapi. Apparently Emily loves okapi because she freaked out! I didn't know it was her favorite animal or else I would have had her sit on the other side!

I am just going to bombard you with pics:thumbsup2






The giraffes were in front of this truck for a long time!






Favorite giraffe pic ever!! Look at its eyes. They are so pretty.





We had a GREAT driver. Much better than the first guy. She was very interesting and actually stopped at places. I got much better pics this time because of her stopping.

I didn't know you worked for PepsiCo! How cool!

Sounds like a fun trip! I've only been to Chicago once and didn't really have a great time, but I feel like I need to give it another change! :laughing:
I just started so it is relatively new. Prior to this I have only been there once. I wish I could go back for non work related.
Not sure how I missed your Devine pictures, but they are lovely. You got some great shots.

Oh - and your trip to Chicago looks like a blast. I'm not quite ready to see Christmas decorations yet, unless they are in the Disney store. Good luck with your new job.

That margarita looks amazing. I want one!!!!!!!
I am a huge Christmas lover so the decorations rights now are perfect. Now a days they go up the first week of November which is a little too early for me even.
Congrats on your new job! Chicago looks beautiful!!
thanks! It was really pretty!
I love the food photos from your Chicago trip - especially the cupcakes. I can totally relate to having to order my favorite in case they run out! ;) That just wouldn't do to go all that way and not have another red velvet cupcake.

Sounds like you will love your new job! :thumbsup2

I stole the idea about the Real Life Work Updates from you! From your fun trips for work!! I was supposed to have training on Friday but it got cancelled because the trainer was sick. I will have to go back soon, I was bummed about that! I wanted to learn now!

After the safari we headed to Dinosaur, another one of my favorites but also the most scariest. I am not kidding, every time I ride this I duck and close my eyes. That dinosaur at the end scares the crap out of me.

I remember the line taking a long time here. Maybe 30 minutes? I should have journaled better! Oh well, next time!


After this we headed to do It's a Bug Life 3D show. I always get lost on the way back. It is such a long winding path that makes you question if you should have been there already.

We just made the show. We were the last ones in! It was hilarious because Emily was so disturbed because her seat was wet. She didn't want to sit down because she didn't know why it was wet. I bet she though a little kid peed.:lmao:

I didn't want to tell her what it was I wanted her to be surprised. She was also so scared during the bees poking you in the back. Haha. I found that funny.

I swear to god during the spider drop I felt something in my hair!! I was probably imagining it but I was still freaked.

I love this 3D show!

First picture of us!princess:

After this OF COURSE we would get stopped by the parade. That meant no Minnie unless the line was really short.

I got so annoyed during this because all of these South American foreigners were standing on benches. The cast member had to repeatedly come over and say no standing. They actually got mad because they weren't allowed to stand on the bench. UGH!

We planned to see Lion King at 4:30. We got there in time but the Minnie line was soooo long. No Minnie in the cute orange dress for me:mad:

We headed to the theatre for Lion King then. I wish those benches had backs. All you want to do is rest your back and you can't!

Here are some good(questionable) pictures of the show.













After the show it was closing time. So we took some tree shots and a couple photopass pics and hit the road!




Great report and pics so far.

What a great job you got. I loved the tumbler. LOL

I live in NYC (Bronx) and not really crazy for Magnolia Bakery. I find them average.

Sad story of your friend. I would have postponed for one day.

The giraffe pic was great.

Off to read the food reviews.
Your safari AND your Lion King pictures are so great! That giraffe is adorable!

I LOVE It's Tough to be a Bug as well! I think it's hilarious! It's always fun to see first-timer's reactions. :lmao:
Enjoyed your pics from FOTLK. It always looks like those guys are going to set themselves on fire. :rotfl2: You sure got a lot down on your AK day. Nice safari pics!
Great report and pics so far.

What a great job you got. I loved the tumbler. LOL

I live in NYC (Bronx) and not really crazy for Magnolia Bakery. I find them average.

Sad story of your friend. I would have postponed for one day.

The giraffe pic was great.

Off to read the food reviews.

Thanks so much for reading Scott! I have heard that Magnolia Bakery is only good for the red velvet cupcakes. Although I the pistachio one is good. I like those flavors because the frosting is very light and not too sweet! What cupcakes are your favorite in NYC?

Your safari AND your Lion King pictures are so great! That giraffe is adorable!

I LOVE It's Tough to be a Bug as well! I think it's hilarious! It's always fun to see first-timer's reactions. :lmao:
Haha, I know I was laughing so hard inside because she was so grossed out by that water.
Enjoyed your pics from FOTLK. It always looks like those guys are going to set themselves on fire. :rotfl2: You sure got a lot down on your AK day. Nice safari pics!
The fire eater people scare me!!! Its so weird how they put the fire on their tongue! YIKES!
Your pictures are fantastic!

Arghhh the giraffe is just soooo cute! Look at his little face...Awhhhh:goodvibes

That is so funny about ITTBAB! The wet seats freaked me out a little too the first time:rotfl:
Looking good in the bug glasses!
I'm glad you had a good start at work! Loved all the Chicago pictures, especially the FOOD!

Awww, what a horrible story about Emily's boyfriend's friend! Such a tragedy.

I can't wait to see the Lion King show. I still have yet to see it!

After we left DTD I conned Emily into going to Kona Island Sushi Bar. I have been wanting to try this for a long time and this was the only time I could fit it in so I asked her if she would be okay with going to this sushi place and paying for it OOP. She said it was fine!

So we took a bus to Polynesian Resort from Animal Kingdom.

We got in the " restaurant" and BRR was it freezing. Kona Island Sushi is not really a restaurant it is more of an island with a counter next to Kona. We decided to sit at the actual sushi bar instead of the window seats ( the counter was a little wider). First sit the chair was comfy and cushioned. But, it didn't have a back and I couldn't sit with no back on the chair to rest my back ( I am weird, my chairs have to have backs). So I switched it with the other chairs which were a little taller so I had to really squeeze in at the bar. All in all, the seating situation was uncomfortable so it has that as a negative. The food was great and we had great service and great service from the sushi chefs who were busy making sushi for the CS restaurant at the Polynesian.

If you want a comprehensive dining report go HERE

Otherwise here are some pics. I liked my roll, didn't love it but it was good. The butter from Kona is amazing. Honestly the best butter EVER!!! I wanted to lick the butter dish clean. Haha!!







The dessert was the best creme brulee I have had on property. That chocolate layer on the bottom is heaven.

See- look how uncomfortable I look!

We were also cold in this restaurant. I was not prepared for how cold it got at night the first couple of nights.

I payed out of pocket for this meal which makes me so mad because I had a table service unused at the end of the trip which I could have used on this!!! I was so upset about this.

We headed to the bus stop after this to take a bus to Downtown Disney. I don't think it took too long but we were freeezing!

Once we got to DTD we had to stop for some photo opps.

We went into the Xmas Store first. I always get so overwhelmed in there. So many ornaments!!




Corey went to Earl of Sandwich to eat his dinner while Em and I shopped around. The line for EoS was super long so we just had Corey wait in it while I made Emily take a picture in....a shirt....

Emily's mom and sister collect charms for a bracelet, but not the Pandora kind, they are actual silver charms that you click on a bracelet so Emily had to find some of those for souvenirs. We found some next to the Xmas Store but I told her to wait. I was hoping we would get some coupons from the CS restaurants like I had before but noope!

After shopping we went to meet Corey. He got his sandwich but it was wrong. His was turkey and the one he got had tuna. So he returned it...and it was still wrong! No cheese on it!

After this we went into Tren-D. That stuff in there is so cute but I would never wear any of it. First it wouldn't fit me and it is just over the top. I hate sparkles and rhinestones and they cover almost every piece of clothing in there. Here are some cute pics of merch i did like, but still, too over the top for me.



I actually did get this shirt later on.

Love the decorations in there. These multi color chandeliers are awesome.

I seriously wanted to steal all of the artwork in there to decorate my room.
I don't think my boyfriend would appreciate the bright pink Disney artwork though..




I thought this picture frame was so cute.

Your pictures are fantastic!

Arghhh the giraffe is just soooo cute! Look at his little face...Awhhhh:goodvibes

That is so funny about ITTBAB! The wet seats freaked me out a little too the first time:rotfl:
Looking good in the bug glasses!

Aren't we sooo attractive in the bug glasses? Haha. The giraffe is so cute! I loved him and especially his long eyelashes.

I'm glad you had a good start at work! Loved all the Chicago pictures, especially the FOOD!

Awww, what a horrible story about Emily's boyfriend's friend! Such a tragedy.

I can't wait to see the Lion King show. I still have yet to see it!

Really you will love it! I kind of think I like the Finding Nemo show a little bit more because I am a huge Finding Nemo fan but I like the Lion King show also! I think Finding Nemo is geared more towards adults.
That sushi looks really amazing. Sorry the seating was so uncomfortable. Good sushi should not be had in a bad seat. Bummer about having the TS credit left over. I would have been really bummed about that as well.

Cute T's at Trendy.
The seating arrangement doesn't sound too great, but YUM! I haven't had sushi in so long!

I agree, the stuff at TrenD is a little too much. :laughing:


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