A rabbi, a priest, and a pastor board the Wonder: we're back!

Hi Miriam!
:goodvibes and :welcome: Great to have you! Yes, I used to post on MP ages ago.
Thank you!
This will be our third bar/bat mitzvah in a row. We're certifiable for sure. We belong to a very small synagogue with only student rabbis so I'm truly hoping that last year's student rabbi can officiate Joshua's big day.
That would be so cool if he/she could do it. You said the Rabbi is in CA-where abouts?
We try to tell them to go slow too but they all seem to rush through their portions. I did a portion at our oldest and then an Aliyah at Chloe's and will most likely do an Aliyah at Joshua's. Learning the portion was so overwhelming for me. Old dog and new tricks and all that. ;)
I am always shocked that I am able to follow along in the Hebrew. It is very difficult to learn. I never had a Bat Mitzvah as a kid so I did it as an adult in 1999. That will be good for you to do an Aliyah. In our synagogue (Reform), the parents do the 6th Aliyah.
I love that your username is your Hebrew name! Mine is Miriam. Not very creative. :blush: I love that name! I love Miriam's Song (LOVE Debbie Friedman)

I haven't been to Israel but would love to one day, it's a dream. Did you love it? How long we're you there? I absolutely loved it-we were there for 2 weeks. A group of families from our synagogue went led by our Director of Education. It was multi-generational-8 year olds-Grandparents in their 70's. I loved seeing Israel through the kids eyes. We have a good sized congregation-600 families. We send our Confirmation class to Israel every year through NFTY. It's a wonderful, albeit expensive program. If your girls don't go to Israel by the time they are 18, they really should go through Birthright!

I think I saw that one of the ships had something for Holocaust Memorial Day so I'm thinking they'd recognize Hanukkah too. I hope they do. That'd be very cool. Yes, that would be very cool.

Are you kosher? We're not. We're reform, pretty liberal. We don't do pork or shellfish at home though. Vacation is another story. My middle, Chloe, doesn't have dietary restrictions due to medical issues so she can eat whatever she wants. She's a bacon fanatic. :rotfl2:
I am not Kosher and tell Chloe I love bacon too. lol ;)
I will for sure post about Club 33. I'm beyond elated. A very generous friend is sponsoring us in and joking in my BFF and I for lunch in celebration of my 44th birthday. party:

Tell me about your cruise later this year. I love the details!​
I am going on the Fantasy from Port Canaveral. We have 3 Sea days and stop in St. Thomas, St. Maarten and Castaway Cay. It leaves the Saturday after Thanksgiving. I am going with my caregiver/friend, Linda (I'm in a wheelchair). I am going to fly down to L.A. the day before Thanksgiving si I can spend it and the first 2 nihts of Hanukkah with my folks. Linda will fly down and meet me at LAX so we can fly out to Florida on Friday. We will stay at the Hyatt at the airport in Orlando. I am so darned excited. We have a really active meet group, that I found here on Disboards. They have a FB group and we are doin FE. I just ordered some magnets for it. I can't wait!
Hi Again!
Haven't been around lately but it feels great to be back:goodvibes! My parents were visiting us here in Israel for the past 2 weeks so it was pretty hectic. When they come, it's like we're running on overdrive even MORE than usual. Work, school, activities, AND entertaining the grandparents! They come every year so at least they know the lay of the land. My father took a bus into Jerusalem and went to the Israel Museum. My mom mostly hung out with us. We also went south for a weekend, which was a treat.
Wave phones - definitely used them. Kids felt very at-home with the electronic communicators.
Fish Extender - did this and had a blast! Kids got into it, too! They loved seeing what treats were waiting in the FE. And it helped mark our room.
Magnets - you gotta do some magnets! I found it easiest to print out the graphics in color, cut them out, laminate them, and then stick a piece of magnet on the back. We still use some of the magnets on our fridge and on their bedroom doors:thumbsup2 (without magnet pieces).
School - harder to miss school since getting into middle school. We try to limit it to 1-2 days. More is too stressful.
Hebrew - fun that you guys can follow along in Hebrew and that your kids even were able to communicate with the Israeli family from DCL!! My kids understand English well, as I've always spoken to them in English, and their spoken English is pretty decent, but some of them are more shy if they need to speak in English. Well, until they warm up, anyway. Israeli kids start studying English in 2nd grade.
Have fun with your ongoing planning! A year will pass in no time:cheer2:!
Hi Miriam!

I am going on the Fantasy from Port Canaveral. We have 3 Sea days and stop in St. Thomas, St. Maarten and Castaway Cay. It leaves the Saturday after Thanksgiving. I am going with my caregiver/friend, Linda (I'm in a wheelchair). I am going to fly down to L.A. the day before Thanksgiving si I can spend it and the first 2 nihts of Hanukkah with my folks. Linda will fly down and meet me at LAX so we can fly out to Florida on Friday. We will stay at the Hyatt at the airport in Orlando. I am so darned excited. We have a really active meet group, that I found here on Disboards. They have a FB group and we are doin FE. I just ordered some magnets for it. I can't wait!

St. Thomas, St. Maarten, and Castaway Cay look like the best itinerary I've seen. :thumbsup2 :cool1: Sounds like you've got a great Hanukkah planned.

What kind of things are you giving out for your FE gifts? Oh and please call me Jenny, Miriam is only when the kids are at the bimah. ;)

Hi Again!
Haven't been around lately but it feels great to be back:goodvibes! My parents were visiting us here in Israel for the past 2 weeks so it was pretty hectic. When they come, it's like we're running on overdrive even MORE than usual. Work, school, activities, AND entertaining the grandparents! They come every year so at least they know the lay of the land. My father took a bus into Jerusalem and went to the Israel Museum. My mom mostly hung out with us. We also went south for a weekend, which was a treat.
Wave phones - definitely used them. Kids felt very at-home with the electronic communicators.
Fish Extender - did this and had a blast! Kids got into it, too! They loved seeing what treats were waiting in the FE. And it helped mark our room.
Magnets - you gotta do some magnets! I found it easiest to print out the graphics in color, cut them out, laminate them, and then stick a piece of magnet on the back. We still use some of the magnets on our fridge and on their bedroom doors:thumbsup2 (without magnet pieces).
School - harder to miss school since getting into middle school. We try to limit it to 1-2 days. More is too stressful.
Hebrew - fun that you guys can follow along in Hebrew and that your kids even were able to communicate with the Israeli family from DCL!! My kids understand English well, as I've always spoken to them in English, and their spoken English is pretty decent, but some of them are more shy if they need to speak in English. Well, until they warm up, anyway. Israeli kids start studying English in 2nd grade.
Have fun with your ongoing planning! A year will pass in no time:cheer2:!

:goodvibes Sounds like a fun and busy time time with the grandparents. What great family time though. Do your folks live in the states?

My GF who's family was in Israel on sabbatical came home and her Hebrew increased ten fold. Her youngest is amazing. He's in Joshua's b'nai mitzvah class and Joshua cries no fair as his buddy's Hebrew rocks now. :rotfl: I said we'll your folks, us, can't go on sabbatical with our professions.

I'm excited for the FE gifts and hope our cruise does them. We have a thread in the meets section now. I'd organize it but I know so little. I'd prefer someone who's actually been on a Disney cruise be in charge.

And if I wasn't a big enough geek, I just noticed that this is my 20,000 post. :blush: :rotfl2:
St. Thomas, St. Maarten, and Castaway Cay look like the best itinerary I've seen. :thumbsup2 :cool1: Sounds like you've got a great Hanukkah planned.

What kind of things are you giving out for your FE gifts? Oh and please call me Jenny, Miriam is only when the kids are at the bimah. ;)

:goodvibes Sounds like a fun and busy time time with the grandparents. What great family time though. Do your folks live in the states?

My GF who's family was in Israel on sabbatical came home and her Hebrew increased ten fold. Her youngest is amazing. He's in Joshua's b'nai mitzvah class and Joshua cries no fair as his buddy's Hebrew rocks now. :rotfl: I said we'll your folks, us, can't go on sabbatical with our professions.

I'm excited for the FE gifts and hope our cruise does them. We have a thread in the meets section now. I'd organize it but I know so little. I'd prefer someone who's actually been on a Disney cruise be in charge.

And if I wasn't a big enough geek, I just noticed that this is my 20,000 post. :blush: :rotfl2:

Hi Jenny! And feel free to call me Jill. As for FE gifts, I pickef up all sorts of stuff candy for the kids, after Christmas at Dollar Tree. For the adults, I am going to give out Jelly Bellies and Blue Diamond Almonds. The Jelly Belly factory is about 45 min away and the Blue Diamond Almond factory is here in Sacramento. I also had some magnets printed on Vista Print.
I designed it myself. Not sure what else I will do. What about you? Mazal Tov on the 20,000th post!!!
Hi Jenny! And feel free to call me Jill. As for FE gifts, I pickef up all sorts of stuff candy for the kids, after Christmas at Dollar Tree. For the adults, I am going to give out Jelly Bellies and Blue Diamond Almonds. The Jelly Belly factory is about 45 min away and the Blue Diamond Almond factory is here in Sacramento. I also had some magnets printed on Vista Print.
I designed it myself. Not sure what else I will do. What about you? Mazal Tov on the 20,000th post!!!

Hi Jill. :goodvibes Those magnets are great. :thumbsup2 Looks easy enough. Candies and treats are great ideas. I may have to *borrow* that. Kids love their candies. So for FE, there really is a wide variety of gift ideas. I like that. I saw one where they made pirate poker chips for the adults. They were so cute.​
I was talking to Joshua today and we were talking about the cruise. I asked him if he'd prefer to sit with just me or other families with kids possibly his age? He said he'd rather sit with just me. This surprised me. He's very social and make friends easily. When I asked why, he replied: I don't want to take my chances eating with bad kids. By bad he means, ill behaved. He's got great manners, from the table to saying please to holding doors open, he's very polite. He's also a crazy wild 11 year old but is very able to read the situation and audience.

Would you call Disney and request a table for two or no kids under a certain age or a shared table without kids? I know requests are in no way guaranteed.

I think it sounds like fun to sit with others.​
I was talking to Joshua today and we were talking about the cruise. I asked him if he'd prefer to sit with just me or other families with kids possibly his age? He said he'd rather sit with just me. This surprised me. He's very social and make friends easily. When I asked why, he replied: I don't want to take my chances eating with bad kids. By bad he means, ill behaved. He's got great manners, from the table to saying please to holding doors open, he's very polite. He's also a crazy wild 11 year old but is very able to read the situation and audience.

Would you call Disney and request a table for two or no kids under a certain age or a shared table without kids? I know requests are in no way guaranteed.

I think it sounds like fun to sit with others.​

Are you in the early or late seating? If you're early than I would request to be seated alone, late, you might be already alone. We've been on two Disney cruises, and our first one we were seated with an ill tempered couple. Nothing bad, just they were not talkative and we couldn't tell if they were shy or homophobic, Fran assumed the latter. We always do the later seating because 5:45 is way to early for us to eat dinner.

Our last cruise, the later seating was quite empty so lots of parties were seated alone. We didn't have table mates and that suited us just fine. I would also be happy to have table mates as well. It seems most people want the earlier seating, so you're more likely to be placed with others unless you request a private table. There aren't a lot of 2 tops so if you are on the first seating they will be likely to place you with other folks, most likely at 6 top.

Tables on DCL are all rectangular, so either 4 top or six or more. I remember on Celebrity they were circle in the main DR and sat 8-10. DCL is different.
I agree with Alison, it depends on the people. We've enjoyed sitting with and meeting new people but I'd also be totally fine sitting alone. Definitely put a request to sit alone otherwise I'm sure you'll get put with others. Disney does a good job matching people though, you might not have a problem. If you were on late seating I'd say come sit with us, we're well behaved most of the time ;)
Are you in the early or late seating? If you're early than I would request to be seated alone, late, you might be already alone. We've been on two Disney cruises, and our first one we were seated with an ill tempered couple. Nothing bad, just they were not talkative and we couldn't tell if they were shy or homophobic, Fran assumed the latter. We always do the later seating because 5:45 is way to early for us to eat dinner.

Did you request to be moved? We're early seating. I'm afraid with late we will be too full for late night room service. I also don't want to fill up on junk during the show before dinner.​

Our last cruise, the later seating was quite empty so lots of parties were seated alone. We didn't have table mates and that suited us just fine. I would also be happy to have table mates as well. It seems most people want the earlier seating, so you're more likely to be placed with others unless you request a private table. There aren't a lot of 2 tops so if you are on the first seating they will be likely to place you with other folks, most likely at 6 top.

Im like you, I'd be fine either way really but agree with Joshua that if we're placed with unruly kids, we won't love it. :crazy2: We all parent different and I try not to judge but poor table manners and whining are two things I have trouble with.​

Tables on DCL are all rectangular, so either 4 top or six or more. I remember on Celebrity they were circle in the main DR and sat 8-10. DCL is different.

Cool. Thank you. I think I'm going to call. I know it's only a request but its worth trying. I hate to kiss out on some great table mates though. :upsidedow The indecision gets me every time. If we have obnoxious table mates, we can always request to be moved right? But with an early seating they might not have anywhere to put us.​

I agree with Alison, it depends on the people. We've enjoyed sitting with and meeting new people but I'd also be totally fine sitting alone. Definitely put a request to sit alone otherwise I'm sure you'll get put with others. Disney does a good job matching people though, you might not have a problem. If you were on late seating I'd say come sit with us, we're well behaved most of the time ;)

If we were late dining, I'd take you up on that. :goodvibes I'd think Disney would try their hardest so everyone has a good time. I can't decide if we should take our chances. I like misbehaved adults, it's whiny kids I can't stand. :rotfl: ;)
I'm sort of talking to myself right now......:rotfl2: It might be time for a daily countdown.

:goofy: 285 days!!! :goofy:


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