Day 14
Tuesday 25th February 2020
Part 1 – Our Last Full Day!

Good morning!
It’s our last full day!

After such a long day yesterday we decided to have a lazy morning today.
Even though it was our last full day.

We sat on the balcony for a while, then we had lunch in the lounge.




We got super addicted to this tomato bisque and focaccia!
We ate so much of it!





Then we headed to Hollywood Studios, but first, we stopped in the lobby to take it all in on our last day!




We arrived at Hollywood Studios at around 1pm.
We had fastpasses booked for Tower of Terror, but due to our MDE glitch, we didn’t have to wait for our window, we could use them whenever!
So we headed straight there!


Imagine if this was your once-in-a-lifetime trip to Disney and your only ride on Tower hahaha.





At least they have the video clips now too!

After Tower we rode Rock n Roller Coaster, with another pre-booked-turned-anytime fastpass!
Jamie was sad because no one made him a poster in the queue haha.



Wooo we’re thrill seekers.


Then we attempted to use our third fastpass at Alien Swirling Saucers, but this time it the tapstile turned blue.
We kind of expected this though, because Toy Story Land rides are exempt from anytime fastpasses.
UGH now we have to return at our actual allocated time.



We killed some time by going to the Frozen Sing Along, which we had noticed was starting right now!


We had a really funny pair of historians.
The guy made a funny comment about a rock troll standing on his foot once,
“It was like that guy in Spaceship Earth pounding reeds flat”
One for the Disney geeks out there.

After the show we strolled over to the Muppets area and looked through the store, and a great art shop connected to it that I didn’t know about.




We also had a look around the ‘It’s A Wonderful Shop’ Christmas store!
I forget this place exists!



Then we walked through Galaxy’s Edge, and soon it was time to ride Alien Swirling Saucers!
(My notes all just say *** haha! Can you even type that on the DIS?!)




Woooo yay for first rides on rides!

I like the funky music.
It’s also faster and jerkier than it looks!

After the ride we headed back to Galaxy’s Edge for lunch!
Even though it was almost 4pm haha.
Ronto Roasters is a cool place!


Jamie got a Ronto wrap…


And I got the Endorian chicken wrap!


I loved it!


We actually got one of each to split so we swapped half way through, but we both preferred the wrap we started with, so we swapped back!
We sat at a table outdoors which was great for people watching and character spotting.


There were so many characters just out mingling with the guests.
It’s so much better than big long lines to meet each of them.
It feels so immersive to just spot Chewy wandering around!


Also, Chewy looks like he’s about to get tackled? Haha!

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Day 14
Tuesday 25th February 2020
Part 2 – An Impromptu Wedding Celebration

After our wraps we both fancied something sweet, so we went over to the Neighborhood Bakery in Pixar Place and got a Num Num Cookie!!!



It was so good, but we couldn’t even finish it between the two of us!
It was sooo sweet.
We really enjoyed the fun 50s and 60s music they play down there (Good Golly Miss Molly!)

Pixar Place is a cute little area, but it’s kinda just dead space?!
I wonder if they have any further plans for it?

After our cookie we caught the bus back to the Grand Floridian.
We arrived at 5:15pm and decided to have a stroll around since it’s our last full day.
Jamie was doing a funny walk through the lobby.
Why is he so embarrassing.


Then he hid from me behind a big plant haha.

We walked past this big framed piece of fabric in the lobby, and Jamie said,
“It’s like an African tapestry or something.”
Umm I don’t think that would belong with the Grand Floridian theming hah.


Soon we headed back to the room.
Our last night at Sugar Loaf waaa!



I tried to do a bit of packing, but instead ended up watching My Big Fat Fabulous Life lol.

We had a couple of hours to relax and shower (and not pack), then we left the room at 8pm to spend our last night at Epcot!

We got to the elevator on our floor and a tiny little girl was getting in too all by herself….
She must have only been about 3 and she was sooo cute but so shy and quiet.
She got in the elevator and pressed the button for 2 which was the floor we were already on…
I had a look down the hall for her family but couldn’t find anyone so we just stood there with her super awkwardly haha.
I’m not about to abduct a kid and take her to the ground floor if she has just wandered out of her hotel room!!
What if she catches the boat to Magic Kingdom and has a great little night out by herself.
Heaven forbid.
Eventually though we found her parents who were down in the club level area on the ground floor, waiting to receive her.
So all three of us headed down in the lift haha.


Anyway, we walked outside and Happily Ever After was starting YAY.

We were heading to Epcot for extra magic hours, but I fancied taking a relaxing walk around the monorail resorts area on our last night.
So we walked from the Grand, through the Poly, and to the TTC.

Happily Ever After from the walkway!
With the music playing LOUD.
What fun!


When we got to the wedding pavilion there was a horse and carriage and loads of people holding lights, standing on both sides of the walkway and blocking it.
I think they were waiting for two newlyweds who were still inside!
The cast member noticed us approach with caution, and we stopped and wondered if we needed to turn back.
She turned to us and said it was fine for us to go ahead if we need, so we walked down the walkway (towards the wedding pavilion building), and ALL of these people stood on either side started cheering and clapping and waving their lights for us haha!
It was one of my favourite moments!
Especially because we got engaged at Disney last year, it was like we’d returned for our wedding!
Everyone was so funny, they were super excitedly cheering for us, as we just headed to the monorail station hahaha.

Day 14
Tuesday 25th February 2020
Part 3 – Our Last Evening at Epcot

We arrived at Epcot at 8:40pm, and power walked round to Japan for dinner!


I really fancied some sushi and Jamie wanted noodles, so we went to Katsura Grill, right before it closed at 9pm.
I love this place!
Jamie got the shrimp tempura udon.


And I got the sushi sampler.
It’s so good, yum and wow.


We sat outside by the pond, really set back from the main walkway of World Showcase.
It was so cute and cozy, I loved it there.


And just when I thought I couldn’t be vibing any harder, Epcot Forever started!
Jamie had enjoyed the kites when he saw the show earlier in the trip (while Fran and I had run off to ride Frozen Ever After), so he was glad he got to show them to me!
He thought I would like them, as well as the face that Tapestry of Nations was in the show!
And of course,

When Tapestry of Nations started I was buzzing so hard I just ran off from Jamie and our food to get closer to the action, haha!

I thought the show was cute!
It was a nice gesture for the hardcore Epcot fans.
I’d seen people online complaining about A Whole New World being in the show, but I wasn’t mad about it at all, because

a) There needs to be SOMETHING for the regular Disney guest in there, and
b) Of all the songs they could’ve shoe-horned in, I thought it fit pretty well.
Epcot is always developing into a whole new world, in both Future WORLD and WORLD Showcase.
I dunno, I can forgive it.

It’s not like it’s Hakuna Matata or something!

After the show and once we’d finished our food we went to use the restrooms in the American pavilion.
While I was waiting for Jamie I discovered a really cool art store in there!
Who knew!





Oh, and in case you’re interested…
Jamie said to “tell your Disney friends” (i.e. the DISboards) that the men’s bathrooms in the USA pavilion are the best he’s been to in the whole of Walt Disney World…!
He said there’s a row of urinals and a row of cubicles separated by a big central sink unit…
Apparently that’s much less invasive than all the other bathrooms when you need to… use a cubicle.
Anyway, I hope any men who are reading have taken note.

Next we stopped by the Germany pavilion and looked in the Christmas store.
(I just recently smashed my pickle ornament that I got from there.
How sad. I kept that out all year long, waaa)







Christmas pickle!




Temporary Mouse Gear!
We grabbed a poncho as it was set to be a rainy day tomorrow.


Then we headed out into the CRAZY construction walls that were everywhere at the moment!

I don’t know if this video clip is able to convey how bad it was.
It was like Wonderland!


Then we headed to Spaceship Earth, for what we assumed was the last time ever in its current form (however, I think the renovation got postponed with covid? So maybe we will get to hear sweet, calming Dame Judy again one day.)

I never realised how much I loved Spaceship Earth until it threatened to leave me!
It’s such a comfort ride to me.



Jamie played the Inner Vision game that’s in the exit area.
He always plays this game but he gets so annoyed that it SCAMS him!
It never tells you got the perfect score, even when you actually did get the perfect score, it just randomly decides to deduct points.
How rude.


When we exited Spaceship Earth a FANTASTIC thing had occurred.
Test Track had reopened early from its refurbishment!
On our last night!
So we got in line at like 10:30pm!


We never use the standby line at Test Track, we always get a fastpass for it, so we got to admire all of the cars and props, which we don’t recall ever seeing.
There was a mini sculpture in a glass case part way through the queue, and a video of a guy making it.
In the video it was brown, so obviously I assumed it was chocolate hahaha.
Jamie laughed at me and thought that was ridiculous, because it would surely have melted under all of these lights by now.
But like, what the heck else would this brown sculpture be?!
We had this conversation for ages, until further down the line we came to a photo of the brown substance and it just said ‘CLAY’ in huge letters across it hahaha.
We both cracked up.
I mean, duhhh.
I just always think of clay as being grey?!
Jamie was acting like I was so dumb, but I mean, he didn’t even take a guess.

Test Track was fun!
Although I bumped my head on the headrest right when the photo was taken.
Here’s how Jamie reacted to my concussion.



We didn’t do great with designing our car, we only made 226, but Jamie still got top of the day, so that’s something.
Although, he theorised that it had probably gone down at some point and the whole thing might have reset, because it’s unlikely no one got 232, or even above 226.
But I told him not to talk down on himself like that lols.
I don’t know why I’m so nice to someone who laughs at my injuries and my chocolate sculpting ideas but HEY HO.



We left the park after that and caught the monorail, and we got back to the Grand Floridian LATE.
Like almost midnight.


I don’t even know what this is about but it’s creepy.


We got back to the room for our last sleep in Disney!
How sad!
We had a fun last day, but there was still a little more fun to be had tomorrow…

We packed up a bit, ate the rice crispy treats we got from our DVC tour, and went to bed.



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Day 15
Wednesday 26th February 2020

Part 1 – Our Last Morning

Good morning.
Or bad morning.
Because it’s our last morning.

We got up and finished packing, and Jamie got us some breakfast from the lounge.


…and then some more breakfast from the lounge.


While we packed we watched a really funny show on TV called EXTREME COUPONING.
We were laughing at how much of a dumb concept it was, particularly when this woman was FREAKING OUT because she couldn’t find her coupon for cat food.
But then they rang up the register with the dramatic music, and they said she should’ve spent $380, but she’d actually spent $6.
We both just looked at each other and our jaws dropped open hahaha.
We were hooked after that, shame on us for mocking it at first!
Great stuff USA, well done.

At 11am it was time to say goodbye to our room!!!
So sad.





We dragged all of our luggage downstairs and checked out at the club desk.
Then we went over to the main building and left the luggage with bell services, then took the monorail to Magic Kingdom!



We entered the park at 11:20am, right when the trolley show was starting!
I love the trolley show!
They must’ve known we were leaving, and ran out to perform for us.
Goodbye friends!




We had a fastpass for Seven Dwarfs Mine Train for earlier this morning, but I had to pack right up to the wire for checkout at 11am, so we missed it.
Similar to Alien Swirling Saucers yesterday, we figured our anytime fastpass glitch wouldn’t work because 7DMT is one of the rides that’s exempt from anytime passes.
So we went up to the CM at the fastpass tapstiles and Jamie said,
“We’re 50 minutes late for our fastpass because we were packing, it’s our last day, is there any way we can still come in?
I did not expect that to work, but Jamie is a ‘don’t ask and you don’t get’ type of person.
The CM made us tap our bands, probably saw that we did in fact have a pass earlier, and that it was in fact our last day, and waved us on through!




After Seven Dwarfs we used a fastpass at Space Mountain!
We went on the right track today and I was in the front.
It still shocks me how terrifying the front row is.
It feels so dangerous, like your car could fly off the track at any moment.


Next we used a fastpass at Peter Pan!


Afterwards Jamie needed to use the restroom, so obviously we went to the Tangled area!





I searched around for some Pascals, and when Jamie was done he sneaked up behind me and made me jump UGH.




Day 15
Wednesday 26th February 2020
Part 2 – Goodbye Magic Kingdom, Goodbye Disney!

Then we went to use an anytime fastpass at Thunder Mountain, and we sat in the front!



The front is fun, but also you go super slow over the hills (as seen by our underwhelmed reaction in the clip above, haha).

After Thunder Mountain we had to head back to the resort.
We still had 3 anytime fastpasses that we didn’t get a chance to use!
(Because all of our pre-booked fastpasses became anytime fastpasses for those specific attractions).
That’s how great and fruitful our glitch was for us, we didn’t even get to finish using everything!

Before we left the park for the last time I really wanted Jamie and I to get the zooming video clip in front of the castle, so that’s where we went!






Love this shot!

Now it was sadly time to leave the park.
We had to catch the Tragical Express!
Mickey’s Royal Friendship Faire was on while we walked past the hub, and the Dapper Dans were out on Main Street!
I swear they always play us out on our last day!



We caught the boat back to the Grand Floridian.


Team Monochrome.
(This is very on-brand for Jamie and I!)


Our beautiful room, that we were officially checked out of!
So sad.


We were still allowed to use the lounge for the whole of our last day even though we’d checked out, which I thought was nice.
So we popped in for a quick lunch.
Today we had more of the focaccia that we had become obsessed with!
Plus some chicken noodle soup.
It was good but it was no tomato bisque!
I ate most of my focaccia with sun dried tomato pesto, yummy.





Jamie also had a sugar cookie and a chocolate chip cookie, and I took a cup of tea and a couple of oatmeal raisin cookies for the road!


We strolled over to the main building, and automatically went upstairs for no reason at all.
We got halfway to Basin and Jamie was like WHAT ARE WE DOING hahaha.
I think we were subconsciously heading back to the Magic Kingdom instead of collecting our bags from bell services.
I kinda wish we hadn’t realised, and just got on the monorail lols.



We went out to the front of the hotel to collect our bags, and we waited there for our 2pm Tragical Express.


We had a Disney Cruise Line bus and it was very nice, apparently I really liked this flooring, enough to take a photo of it.


We sat right in the back like the cool kids we are.



We were the last resort stop so we headed straight to the airport from there.


(I really really love Happily Ever After and I’m SO sad they got rid of it so soon!
I thought that WAS the 50th anniversary show!
I haven’t even watched the show that’s replaced it, I’m in denial about the whole thing.)

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Day 15
Wednesday 26th February 2020
Part 3 – When Can We Do This Again?

We arrived at the airport fairly quickly and checked in with Virgin Atlantic.
We were due to board at 5:10pm for our 6pm flight.

Normally I would jump at the chance to get a sausage and egg mcmuffin from McDonalds at the airport (these are limited to before 10:30am in the UK so it’s rare that I get one!)
I looove them, but I couldn’t even eat that because I’d had sooo much focaccia hahaha.
Jamie felt the exact same way about Panda Express.
So instead of more food we just sat by the fountain for a while.


I enjoy this sign at the fountain…



A bird!


I had a look around the fancy new shop!


I took a picture of these skyliner, monorail, and parking lot tram toys which I thought would be so great for a future child of mine…!
Wow I cannot wait to take Ted to Disney, my heart will just explode.


We moved to some comfier seats, I looked around some stores and Jamie watched some football on his laptop.
Soon it was time to head through security, and my magic band set the security frame off, oops.
I always keep it on until I get home!
Then we took the fonorail over to our gate.




We got to gate 81 and sat around for a while.
I like looking out at the planes.


We boarded the plane and sat in the usual seats that we always reserve.
Jamie decided that we should get drunk on this flight, and I was very much in favour.
I need to drink away the post-Disney blues.

We got champagne on arrival!


Here we go!
Goodbye USA, it’s been a pleasure, as always.




Once we had taken off we had some white wine and Amarula!


Then we played Disney Parks Pictionary, just on the notes app on my phone.
See if you can get them…





The answers are:
Space Mountain – me
Safari – Jamie
Focaccia and tomato bisque – me
Swan and Dolphin – Jamie (that dolphin hahaha)


Food time!
I had paneer masala and Jamie had Hawaiian chicken.




I started watching Contagion on the flight but stopped because it was too grim, and covid was JUST becoming a thing so that was kind of scary.
It’s still insane to me what happened when we returned home from this trip.
While we were relaxing on our balcony at the Grand Floridian we were being super light-hearted about it, saying things like “ohh wouldn’t it be such a SHAME if coronavirus meant we couldn’t fly home and we had to stay here a while longer.”
During this whole trip we had no idea how crazy things would get.
This trip marks the last of ‘The Great Before’ in my life!

Anyway, I stopped watching Contagion and watched Luce instead, which I enjoyed.

As we started to approach the UK the snow was really coming down!

We landed back in the UK at around 6am (1am to our body clocks!)
We collected our bags, picked up the car from the long stay car park, and drove home through the snow.




On the drive home we drove through a small village called DISLEY, and passed this little malt whiskey shop.
It feels like an appropriate place to wrap up this trip report!



Thanks so much for joining me on this great adventure!
This was the last time we were in Walt Disney World before all the changes that covid brought, and I’m so glad I had these memories to get me through the several lockdowns our country imposed shortly afterwards.
It reminded me that tough times never last, and there is always something to look forward to in the future.
Or you might say,
“There’s a great big beautiful tomorrow, shining at the end of every day!”

See ya real soon, with our sweet little boy next time!


Nooooo, you can't be done! How will we see Ted pictures now?!

I'm super jealous of your FP glitch. That sounds amazing. I'm so glad you were able to take full advantage of it (minus the three you didn't get to use).

You've got me seriously considering a January/February trip sometime. The weather looked mostly fantastic while you were there. We just came back from our trip on Saturday, and I swear FL feels like the surface of the sun this time of year. 🥵
It’s our last full day!
We got super addicted to this tomato bisque and focaccia!
We ate so much of it!
Not surprised. I mean... it's tomato bisque! HELLO!

Also, saw what Jamie was trying to do...
We had fastpasses booked for Tower of Terror, but due to our MDE glitch, we didn’t have to wait for our window, we could use them whenever!
So we headed straight there!
You must teach me how to do this.

Jamie was sad because no one made him a poster in the queue haha.
I've heard his singing... there's a reason he didn't get a poster.

Then we attempted to use our third fastpass at Alien Swirling Saucers, but this time it the tapstile turned blue.
We kind of expected this though, because Toy Story Land rides are exempt from anytime fastpasses.
UGH now we have to return at our actual allocated time.
The horror!
The guy made a funny comment about a rock troll standing on his foot once,
“It was like that guy in Spaceship Earth pounding reeds flat”
(My notes all just say *** haha! Can you even type that on the DIS?!)
Apparently... not so much.
I like her tattoo. :thumbsup2
Ronto Roasters is a cool place!
I need to do this. I keep hearing such good things...
Jamie got a Ronto wrap…
And that's the thing I hear good things about.
It feels so immersive to just spot Chewy wandering around!
Wonder if that will happen again?
Also, Chewy looks like he’s about to get tackled? Haha!
:laughing: ::yes::
It was so good, but we couldn’t even finish it between the two of us!
Those cookies are no joke.
Jamie was doing a funny walk through the lobby.
Why is he so embarrassing.
We got to the elevator on our floor and a tiny little girl was getting in too all by herself….
She must have only been about 3 and she was sooo cute but so shy and quiet.
She got in the elevator and pressed the button for 2 which was the floor we were already on…
I had a look down the hall for her family but couldn’t find anyone so we just stood there with her super awkwardly haha.
I’m not about to abduct a kid and take her to the ground floor if she has just wandered out of her hotel room!!
What if she catches the boat to Magic Kingdom and has a great little night out by herself.
Heaven forbid.
What was she doing on her own? I mean... 3?????
we walked down the walkway (towards the wedding pavilion building), and ALL of these people stood on either side started cheering and clapping and waving their lights for us haha!
It was one of my favourite moments!
We sat outside by the pond, really set back from the main walkway of World Showcase.
It was so cute and cozy, I loved it there.
I love that spot. My fave in Epcot.
After the show and once we’d finished our food we went to use the restrooms in the American pavilion.
While I was waiting for Jamie I discovered a really cool art store in there!
Who knew!
An art store in a bathroom. Great way to pass the time while you... um... are busy.
Jamie said to “tell your Disney friends” (i.e. the DISboards) that the men’s bathrooms in the USA pavilion are the best he’s been to in the whole of Walt Disney World…!
He said there’s a row of urinals and a row of cubicles separated by a big central sink unit…
Apparently that’s much less invasive than all the other bathrooms when you need to… use a cubicle.
Anyway, I hope any men who are reading have taken note.
Thanks for taking one for the team, Jamie.
Christmas pickle!

I like that. :)
Then we headed to Spaceship Earth, for what we assumed was the last time ever in its current form (however, I think the renovation got postponed with covid? So maybe we will get to hear sweet, calming Dame Judy again one day.)
I'm glad I'll be able to hear her again. Supposedly going down for refurb late 2022.
When we exited Spaceship Earth a FANTASTIC thing had occurred.
Test Track had reopened early from its refurbishment!
On our last night!
There was a mini sculpture in a glass case part way through the queue, and a video of a guy making it.
In the video it was brown, so obviously I assumed it was chocolate hahaha.
Jamie laughed at me and thought that was ridiculous, because it would surely have melted under all of these lights by now.
But like, what the heck else would this brown sculpture be?!
We had this conversation for ages, until further down the line we came to a photo of the brown substance and it just said ‘CLAY’ in huge letters across it hahaha.
We both cracked up.
I mean, duhhh.
Although I bumped my head on the headrest right when the photo was taken.
Here’s how Jamie reacted to my concussion.

Truly concerned for your wellbeing, obviously.
…and then some more breakfast from the lounge.
What's better than breakfast? 2nd breakfast.
We were laughing at how much of a dumb concept it was, particularly when this woman was FREAKING OUT because she couldn’t find her coupon for cat food.
But then they rang up the register with the dramatic music, and they said she should’ve spent $380, but she’d actually spent $6.
We both just looked at each other and our jaws dropped open hahaha.
We were hooked after that, shame on us for mocking it at first!
Yeah... I've seen that once or twice. Amazing, but... I just don't have the time/patience for it. Probably not doable outside the US anyways.
So we went up to the CM at the fastpass tapstiles and Jamie said,
“We’re 50 minutes late for our fastpass because we were packing, it’s our last day, is there any way we can still come in?
I did not expect that to work, but Jamie is a ‘don’t ask and you don’t get’ type of person.
The CM made us tap our bands, probably saw that we did in fact have a pass earlier, and that it was in fact our last day, and waved us on through!
Nice little bit of Disney magic there.
It still shocks me how terrifying the front row is.
It feels so dangerous, like your car could fly off the track at any moment.
Oh, it can. It's happened before.

no it hasn't.
We had to catch the Tragical Express!
On the one hand... ugh.
On the other... I wish you still could!
Before we left the park for the last time I really wanted Jamie and I to get the zooming video clip in front of the castle, so that’s where we went!
How do you go about doing that? Is there something that lights up when it's time or something?
We were still allowed to use the lounge for the whole of our last day even though we’d checked out, which I thought was nice.
Nice perk. :)
I think we were subconsciously heading back to the Magic Kingdom instead of collecting our bags from bell services.
I kinda wish we hadn’t realised, and just got on the monorail lols.
:laughing: DO IT
apparently I really liked this flooring, enough to take a photo of it.
Amazing! Stunning! Fantastic!
I enjoy this sign at the fountain…

Only in the US...
I took a picture of these skyliner, monorail, and parking lot tram toys which I thought would be so great for a future child of mine…!
Wow I cannot wait to take Ted to Disney, my heart will just explode.
Jamie decided that we should get drunk on this flight, and I was very much in favour.
Were you successful?
I started watching Contagion on the flight but stopped because it was too grim, and covid was JUST becoming a thing so that was kind of scary.
Yeah... I did not watch that movie... nor felt inclined to do so.
While we were relaxing on our balcony at the Grand Floridian we were being super light-hearted about it, saying things like “ohh wouldn’t it be such a SHAME if coronavirus meant we couldn’t fly home and we had to stay here a while longer.”
During this whole trip we had no idea how crazy things would get.
This trip marks the last of ‘The Great Before’ in my life!
We collected our bags, picked up the car from the long stay car park, and drove home through the snow.
I loathe coming home to snow.
I like that!
Thanks so much for joining me on this great adventure!
Thanks for sharing with us, Katie! :)
Thanks for writing this, I love your trip reports! You and Jamie seem like a great couple and a lot of fun, and it was fun to follow along.
Really enjoyed your report!

Aw thank you! And I enjoyed writing/reliving it :)

Nooooo, you can't be done! How will we see Ted pictures now?!

I'm super jealous of your FP glitch. That sounds amazing. I'm so glad you were able to take full advantage of it (minus the three you didn't get to use).

You've got me seriously considering a January/February trip sometime. The weather looked mostly fantastic while you were there. We just came back from our trip on Saturday, and I swear FL feels like the surface of the sun this time of year. 🥵

Feel free to request to follow my instagram which is completely full of Ted-spam on my stories/highlights!

I can't believe we got that glitch, and we were lucky that we were so quick to figure it out too, so we could abuse it to its full potential..!

Oh my goodness I can't STAND the heat, it's because I'm British we are not evolved to deal with it, ha! I love January/February, and it does still get hot (well, what I consider hot)! We've been in September a few times and I was so hot and sweaty and running to and from the air conditioning. And I remember always being super dehydrated. It's tough for me! I do recommend Jan/Feb time :)


I've heard his singing... there's a reason he didn't get a poster.


How rude (but accurate)!

Wonder if that will happen again?

Oh whattt are characters not walking around Galaxy's Edge anymore? That is sad.

What was she doing on her own? I mean... 3?????

I know?!?! She was tiny and wouldn't speak to us, I was worried about her!

I'm glad I'll be able to hear her again. Supposedly going down for refurb late 2022.

Darn, I won't be making it back until 2023..!

Truly concerned for your wellbeing, obviously.

A true gentleman.

On the one hand... ugh.
On the other... I wish you still could!


How do you go about doing that? Is there something that lights up when it's time or something?

There's just a CM with an iPad stood nearby, they stand back for the photo but they yell over to you when they take it!

Were you successful?

The usual for me, drink a few drinks, fall asleep..!

Thanks for sharing with us, Katie! :)

You're welcome! Can't wait to read about your next adventure and live vicariously :)
Thank you for the trip report. It’s wild to think about how much everything has changed since you went.

Aw you're very welcome! I know, I feel so lucky to have made it right before everything changed. To be honest I haven't been able to keep up with all of the changes! Everything seems to be different!

Thanks for writing this, I love your trip reports! You and Jamie seem like a great couple and a lot of fun, and it was fun to follow along.

Thanks so much! That's so kind :) I love writing these, it helps me to relive the fun times :)
How rude (but accurate)!
Oh whattt are characters not walking around Galaxy's Edge anymore? That is sad.
I have no idea!!
Darn, I won't be making it back until 2023..!
Oh? Got any dates yet?
There's just a CM with an iPad stood nearby, they stand back for the photo but they yell over to you when they take it!
Ah! Thanks. :)
The usual for me, drink a few drinks, fall asleep..!
You must be wonderful fun at parties.

You're welcome! Can't wait to read about your next adventure and live vicariously :)
You wouldn't believe my current schedule, if I told you.
Heck, I don't believe my schedule.


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