A story about my typeII diabetic, hypertensive, hyperlipidemic husband


<font color=teal>Moderator<br><font color=red>Hono
Feb 15, 2000
My husband has been type II diabetic for 15 years. He never controlled this and ended up with a heart attack and quadruple heart bypass in 1998 at the age of 48 :( He has been taking Avandia and Glucophage to try to control that but because of the low fat/high carbohydrate diet they put him on, he failed miserably. His blood sugar averaged 250 :(

His blood pressure is controlled by medication. He is also on medication for hyperlipidemia.

3 weeks ago he began the Atkins diet. His blood sugar dropped immediately and now ranges from a high of 120 to a low of 88, perfectly normal. In fact, it was so low he stopped his diabetes medications totally and his blood sugar is still low.

His blood pressure has also lowered to the point that his internist may be discontinuing the medication within a few weeks, simply because it will get TOO low if he doesn't.

He hasn't heard back about his lipids yet. I've read the studies for which Atkins published foot notes and it appears that his good cholesterol should be rising and his triglycerides should be dropping. I do not doubt this will happen.

About 4 days into Atkins he came home from the gym and told me that he "just felt GOOD", that he couldn't remember feeling that good in years and years. He is committed to this diet if he never loses another pound simply because it controls his blood sugar.

His first week on Atkins he lost 13 1/2 pounds, the second week he lost 4 1/2 pounds. During his second week his cardiologist started him on Beta blockers and it appears that Atkins was right about those too, he lost NO weight the third week. He is discussing with his cardiologist about discontinuing the beta blockers for a few months. The only reason he was put on them was because it had been 5 years since his heart attack. He wants to see if he can lose more weight.

His physicians are AMAZED at his blood sugar, they can't believe he has levels like he does without medication. They told him to keep it up and they would watch the lipids to make sure he wasn't harming himself.

I think he's found a diet he can live with the rest of his life, and live a healthier and happier life on this diet.

By the way, I started Atkins at the same time.....but that's another story ;)

Isn't that great?

Amazing what controlling the blood glucose levels and insulin release will do... it all made sense when I found out about HOW low-carb worked, and how foods ranked on the glycemic index and affected it all. Just amazing.

And that side effect of weight loss isn't bad, either! :)
i am also a diabetic and it sounds i should look into the atkins diet. did he follow it to the letter? any, down side? i am very interested in this as i get older and my diabetic control becomes more of an issue. my average blood sugars are a little better than your spouses....but not by much. keep us posted on his progress
The only downside for him is no fried foods, milk, bread, rice, potatoes or pasta (yet). So far there have been no other ill effects for him.

He has followed Atkins to the letter. In the book, which you should read because it explains every so well, Dr. Atkins says that you may remain on induction longer than two weeks, if you want to lose more weight more quickly. He has opted to do induction for four weeks. He will then begin to add 5 carbs to the induction amount of 20 each week.

It's easy and you really aren't hungry. Diabetic medication can slow your weight loss so he was very happy to get off his meds.

It might be worth investigating, roque.
What a wonderful and inspiring story!! Give hubby a pat on the back for me, would you?


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