A Thanksgiving Odyssey: Bands, Buses, and Big Bad Balloons (Completed!!!)

Great point of view pictures! What an experience! :thumbsup2

This took me right back to my days of bus rides, ridiculous practice times, long marches, and the adrenaline that keeps it all going. Of course, our band never did anything as cool as this. ;)

The band I was in way back when didn’t do anything quite as cool as this either. That’s one reason that I’m so tickled that my boy got a chance to be in such a good organization. It’s like many things in life; we don’t really live ourselves until we get to see the world through our children’s eyes.

I chose not to multi quote since this was really about the kids and there was very little to make fun of you for…

I’m sure you’ll make up for that in the near. :rolleyes:

…, but that was cool to see it from the Parade's point of view. I'm glad the kids Aced it when they had their time in front of the camera. That will be a memory to last a lifetime and I'm sure they'll enjoy sitting around watching the parade with their grandchildren someday and telling them about the time they got to march in it. :thumbsup2

I like your crowd pictures. It makes the MSEP crowd on Main Street look like nothing. :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

Thanks! I can see it now…
He’ll tell his kids about it and they’ll roll their eyes.
But later on he’ll get to tell his grandkids and they’ll hang on every word and say:

“Really grandpa… man you are way cooler the mom and dad ever were!
It’s hard to believe that their you kids.”

I agree with Andy - it's really cool to see that massive of an undertaking from the inside. I'm sure it's an experience that Max and his classmates will never forget and kudos to them for nailing the performance! You may have answered this already, but how long is the route?


I say that like I had anything to do with it… :sad2:

I’ll be sure to pass the congrats on to the folks that actually did the work. :thumbsup2

Oh… and the whole parade route was a little over two miles.
Not all that bad really. They’ve shortened it a bit over the years.
For perspective, The Rose Parade is about 5 miles in length.

Very cool. What a memory for Max and the rest of the band. From now on when you watch the parade on TV, it will be, "Yea, my kid did that." Glad they nailed it.

Can personally attest to the crowds. When I lived in NY, my office was on 59th between 6th and 7th. Took the Pirate Princess to the parade one year. The crowds were lined up ridiculously deep. They have crossovers for pedestrians that are roped off. We would go to the crosswalk, get stopped there for a while so part of the parade could go by. Then when a break came, we would cross and then get into the line going back across the street. Did this a few times and worked out well. And yes, we scammed the system.

The crowds were completely nutty. On the up side we didn’t really have to deal with them until we actually decided it was time to leave.

But then… :eek:

I like how you scammed the system though.

Chapter 4: Balloons Over Broadway
(Day 4 – The Main Event)

Part 3: Meanwhile, Back at Tesla Corner…


We’ll you’ve seen the Parade as it appeared to the young’ens that were actually performing. It’s interesting… but the sites are just a bit lacking. The parents however (specifically the still groggy bunch that rode in with them earlier that morning got a somewhat different perspective on the presentation. And more importantly, we didn’t have to hike all over Manhattan to see it. The spectacle came to us.

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Your Patience Will Be Rewarded…

Now that The Avenue of the Americas was completely devoid of life, and the sidewalks on either side were a burgeoning sea of claustrophobic humanity… it was time to get the show on the road. Literally. We debated among ourselves as to what site would make the turn onto 6th Ave first.

Several folks carrying a banner…
A vehicle carrying the parade officials in it…
A police escort (my guess)…
One of the Marching bands…
Balloons depicting the Macy’s Star…

It was a bunch of folks on roller blades.


Followed by a Police Escort…


That’s better.

Right behind them was the first band of the day:
The Great American All Star Band


This is an honor band made up of kids from across the country. They go through an audition process and two are chosen from each state. The folks selected get brought to NYC and basically treated like rock stars for a week while performing around the city and then finally leading off the parade. One of the kids in this group was even from our neck of the woods, but was a member of our cross town rivals band.

Next on the agenda was a word from our sponsor followed by the first Giant Balloon of the day


“Sonic the Hedgehog”

There’s a lot to see in this parade and it’s going to take me several updates to get it all in, so I’m not going to offer up a bunch of pictures of this particular Video Game icon (just yet). I’m planning to put in a final update after the parade with more detailed images of all the major balloons though.

But you’ll still get to see much, I promise ya’ that.

The first float of the day was titled: “Tom Turkey” and featured a couple of minor “stars” form the “Cooking Channel” along with Avril Lavigne.


Now I don’t see Ms. Lavigne in that picture either, but folks around me swear that she was there. And they were certainly playing one of her tunes on the loud speakers.

The next unit was the first High school band of the day:
The Homestead HS Band from Cupertino, California


They were given the job of escorting this float…


Titled: “Woodland Family Gathering”

Grandma Goose headed the table of a vegetarian feast and entertained such dinner guests as “Mr. Beaver”, “Father Fox”, wise old “Uncle Owl” and cousin “Church Mouse”
The fellow standing at the head of the float was country music star: Rodney Atkins. Or so I’m told… I don’t know the dude myself and couldn’t have picked him out of a police lineup.

Rodney was followed by the next Major Balloon of the parade; a depiction of the main character’s illustrated alter ego in the young adult fiction books: “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”


And that was followed by a float devoted to the characters form Sesame Street.


Now I know all about Big Bird, but some of the other Muppets up there I didn’t recognize.
My how things have changes since I was a young’en.

That float was followed by one of the more entertaining of the minor inflatables, of the day.
These contraptions were officially referred to as the “Bull Dog & Tough Guy Trike Guys”,


Being attached to the back of the bike, it looked for all the world like the Bull Dog character was pedaling along. The “Tough Guy” was on the other side of the street, so I don’t have a clear a picture of him, but he had a similar “build”, somewhat better dental work and wasn’t wearing a hat.

So what were these miscreants up to? They were on the lamb trying to get away from the flat foot that was bearing down of their tails…


“They went that’a way officer.”

The next float to turn up was titled: “Local Heroes Helping Everyday”


A salute to our neighborhood firefighters, doctors, nurses, crossing guards and police officers and all other first responders. They were in the midst of rescuing someone’s kitty from a tree so that all could return to their holiday feast. Now somewhere up on that float was another celebrity.
This time it was “indie-pop artist” Ingrid Michaelson.

Y’all let me know if you can make out just which one of those folks was Ingrid.

Following along behind that one were a group of parade volunteers dressed in firefighters gear and one little man made up to look like a Dalmatian. Now by this time of day that boy had done walked better than a mile and a half and his dogs were starting to trouble him. When he made his plight know to mom and dad… well…


We’re all parents around here. Of course they scooped the boy up and let him ride in the “big dog” seat for the rest of the way…

Goes without saying.

The next section of the festivities was lead off by another of the marching bands. This time it was the folks that made up the Dobyns-Bennett HS “Marching Indian Band” out of Kingsport, Tennessee.


One thing about parades is that some times, depending in where you are camped, the bands may not be playing when they go by your exact location. They need to take a break every then and again to catch their breath (especially being as they are the only folks that are actually performing live music in this pageant). As it happened, most of the units started playing about the time they turned off of 42nd onto 6th and were just about in need of a break by the time they got to us. That’s the way it goes. I got to hear them as they were coming up the street at least, but in general I didn’t get very many pictures of these young musicians playing when they were directly in fount of me.

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The staff that goes about designing the parade tries to put “like themed” floats and units near one-n-other and then stitches those groupings together like a quilt (or a scarf given the length of the thing). Some times this works well. Sometimes you’re dealing with things that just don’t go together at all (unless you completely bonkers in the cabeza that is). The thread tenuously connecting those themes is usually one of the marching bands which are in turn generally followed by one of the “Giant Balloons”. That system held true here and the next feature balloon on the scene was a guy that may seem oddly familiar to us Disney/Pixar fans…


He wasn’t flying per say, just floating…

With Style!

After traveling to infinity and beyond (40th Street)…
it was time for something else related either to space or possibly to toys right?



Try Hockey.

This float was titled: “Frozen Fall Fun”. Everyone in our group just referred to it as the Hockey Float. Oh, the fellow standing on the platform… that was Cee Lo Green (a pop singer that just screams “hockey” if you ask me). The actual ice-rink on the float itself was cool though and the folks skating on the float were more entertaining,

Surprisingly… a fight never did break out.
Go figure.


“What are you looking at you hockey puck?”
(hummm… maybe there was a slight connection there after all)

So what would you expect to see right after a tribute to Hockey?
Why a duck on a sled of course.


Silly question.
Well, it is related to winter activity at least.
(as for the rubic’s “triangles” behind him… Ummmm…)

Anyway... this is an example of what the parade organizers call: a “Balloonicle”. Half inflated canvas critter (or whatever), and half driven vehicle. I’m not certain how the driver was able to see, but I didn’t hear about anyone being run over by a giant duck so I suppose that the folks at Aflac didn’t have to worry about paying out any cash on this day at least.

Next up…


Ummmmmm… well…
Beat’s me folks.

If you have young daughters you’re gonn’a have to help me out here with this escapee form a cotton candy factory.

The title of the float was: “Zhu-Niverse!”

And it featured several of the major “ZhuZhu Pets”. I actually looked this up but it didn’t help much. Apparently the bigger characters are named “Pipsqueak”, “Mr. Squiggles”, “Chunk” and “Num Nums”.


Well on the up side, I was also clueless as to who the celebrity was so my state of bewilderment was at least consistent. Can one of y’all please tell me just exactly what a “Savannah Outen” is and why she was lip-syncing a bubblegum-pop song along with a passel of sappy critters?

Well the next thing in line was more recognizable.


Now I’d rather have seen the “Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man”, but I get the appeal (to advertisers at least) of this fell’a.

It was as I was looking up to take that picture (and simultaneously thinking about a giant marshmallow man attacking buildings) that I noticed these folks…


That’s both a great vantage point and a somewhat vertigo inducing precipice. Generally when someone is out on a ledge like this (at least those that aren't also sporting an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on his or her back) there is often a crowd down below chanting:

“jump… jump… jump… “.

OK, back to the action. The next float in line was titled: “Home Baked Goodness”…


At least it followed the baking theme. The performer this time was Scotty McCreery. I don’t really know this guy either but he was lip-syncing at least as well as the other “famous vocalists” I saw that day.

Right behind that big ol’ oven we were treated to a balloon trifecta…


…featuring one of each of the major balloon types; the “Hot Dog” (novelty/mid-sized), the Kool-Aid Skateboarder (a balloonicle) and a giant sponge.

I suppose that thematically, the idea was that you might find each of these things (though in slightly different forms) somewhere in a kitchen along with the baked goods that lead off this section of the show.

Well… now that I’m completely confused (or at least more so the usual).
I’m also bearing down on the allotted amount of images I can stuff into a single post. What say we take a pause for a commercial break here (so that I can attempt to clear my head) and then well get back to the action in a bit.


Next up: More Celebrities that I do not know….

Bonus Feature 7:

A Closer Look (Part-1)


I said in my last update that I’ll be giving y’all a better look at the major balloons taking part in the 2011 Macy’s parade. Well it's time I started living up to that promise. In the actual updates I wanted to focus on the entire parade experience as best as I could. But, since the balloons are the unmistakable symbol of this event, I did copiously photograph these behemoths. Some came out, some didn't, but that's a different issue. Anyway, I’m going to go back after each update and give you a better view of the characters that passed by us in that section of the show.

Now of course the first “balloons” that we saw were two of these bad boys…


Goes without saying don’t it? It is their sandbox so they get to decide who all else is allowed to play. These are an example of the middle sized balloons that are referred to by the event staff as: “Novelties”. They are smaller, and are more likely to be either a generic thing, a symbol or more allegorical in nature.

Then there are the “Giants”.


These are always sponsored by some corporate entity and are mostly animated characters drawn from the realms of literature, television, film, video-games or in some cases advertising.


Sonic fits both the game and advertisement realms (depending on how you look at it). Here’s a better look at the details from the back as it headed on down the street.


One of the stranger “novelties” we encountered would be the “heads”


These are actually balloons that are designed to sit on a volunteer’s shoulders as a part of a costume.
I get the idea but if you ask me…

they're a might creepy.

Like I said, most “Novelties” are often very simple things like in this holiday appropriate example…


Those particular balloons may turn up year after year. But the “Giants” are generally more topical and the pop-culture related ones may only be visible for a couple of seasons. Here’s one in its second season, and (considering that the movie didn’t do as well as the books or near as well as Hollywood had hoped) very possibly its last.




So how do these gas bags accomplish that locomotion process? Well there are two common methods. The most common and most obvious is that they have a number of cables attached that are then held by a team of folks on the ground. Just like any kid with a party balloon.


Just grander in scale.

Each group has a "Balloon Captain" who gives the commands.


Well there are times when they need to reel in the lines and bring the balloon closer to the ground (and visa-versa). There are also cables attached to specific parts of the Balloon that are used to animate the critter... move an arm... twitch a nose... you get the idea. I also saw a couple of groups spin their charge around in circles to entertain the crowd whenever the procession came to a halt.

OK, enough unnecessary detail... here's the next "Novelty" on the scene (that I didn't give you a decent image of back there in the actual update).


One of the more traditional offerings; the policeman and fireman images have been represented for many years. A more recent addition was the next "Giant" to roll up the avenue...


No introductions needed here...


The wing span is a bit narrower than in the films, but you've got to make a few concessions to get the big guy to fly infinitely down amongst the buildings of Mid-Town.

Now the next critter is also an example of the second most common method of conveying a balloon down the street...


An invention of the Macy's Parade staff referred to as a "Balloonicle" (balloon vehicle). The globe shaped bit on the bottom is inflated as well and stretched over some kind of small four-wheeler like a "gator" or similar grounds keeper's cart.


They actually looked kind'a spooky as they glided by.

The winner of the "What the heck?" award went to these two "Novelties"


I think they’re supposed to be a type of "Rubik's Cube" but we weren't really sure. I heard many folks holler out to the unit asking what they were, but I never hear the answer, so we'll go with my first instinct.

The next fellow was a well-known advertisement feature that has been in the parade a fairly long while.


"Popin' Fresh" is actually considered a "Novelty". He's bigger than most of the medium sized balloons, but nowhere near as large as the "Giants".

Back in the update I only gave y'all one look at the last three features that showed up in the first third of the parade. So here's a better look at those guys. The first one was another l-o-n-g time veteran "Novelty"...



He was followed by the second advertising Balloonicle of the day...



And then another veteran "Giant" character in the form of the still popular...



This is one of those examples of a balloon where the cable crew did a good job of articulating the character. an extra bonus was that the wind whipping up the street caused Bob's nose to twitch back and forth. A happy accident that just added to the effect of the character.

Well there's a better look at the actual balloons form the first section of the parade. Like I said, I'll try to do the same for the next couple of updates as well just so y'all can get a better look at the monsters that made this particular show so unique.


Your Patience Will Be Rewarded…
We'll see about that.

Being attached to the back of the bike, it looked for all the world like the Bull Dog character was pedaling along.
I think the "tough guy" is the one on the front of the bike pedaling to move all that weight.:scared:

As it happened, most of the units started playing about the time they turned off of 42nd onto 6th and were just about in need of a break by the time they got to us. That’s the way it goes.
Just your luck. :rotfl2:

Oh, the fellow standing on the platform… that was Cee Lo Green (a pop singer that just screams “hockey” if you ask me).
I thought he screamed "F" you. :confused3

Coincidentally, he was in the Magic Kingdom 8 days later to perform at the castle.

Can one of y’all please tell me just exactly what a “Savannah Outen” is and why she was lip-syncing a bubblegum-pop song along with a passel of sappy critters?

The performer this time was Scotty McCreery. I don’t really know this guy either but he was lip-syncing at least as well as the other “famous vocalists” I saw that day.
And another one who was in the Magic Kingdom exactly 8 days later. He did a nice job with Holly Jolly Christmas, but it did get a little stale after I heard it about the 199th time.:lmao::rotfl2:

Nice job on the separate balloon update too!:thumbsup2

Did the Kool Ade ballonicle drive through any buildings? :confused3 :rotfl2:
We'll see about that.

Well… ours was, but we were there.
You’ve had to wait months just to see fuzzy pictures, so I’m guessin’ you’re not going to be quite as impressed.

Just your luck. :rotfl2:

Some times you win.
Not this time, but sometimes.

I thought he screamed "F" you. :confused3

Well then he did belong on a float devoted to jockey then.

Coincidentally, he was in the Magic Kingdom 8 days later to perform at the castle.

I remember reading about that. I’m also looking forward to the TR for your up coming holiday excursion to Disney.

There ya’ go… a nice plug for an up coming TR. Considering the vast number of folks reading this one you should now expect to pick up maybe… one more reader then you might have otherwise.

And another one who was in the Magic Kingdom exactly 8 days later. He did a nice job with Holly Jolly Christmas, but it did get a little stale after I heard it about the 199th time.:lmao::rotfl2:

I expect so. :lmao:

Nice job on the separate balloon update too!:thumbsup2


Did the Kool Ade ballonicle drive through any buildings? :confused3 :rotfl2:

There was some kind of commotion a couple of blocks down. I was hopping he ran over that $#%&*@ bellhop we’d run into earlier in the day.

Chapter 4: Balloons Over Broadway
(Day 4 – The Main Event)

Part 4: Celebrities I Do Not Know


I’m not normal.

Stunned to hear that one aren’t ya’?

I’ll wait another moment or two for the laugher to subside and let everyone get their composure back (and you can go on ahead and insert your wisecracks here while you’re at it).

OK, now as I was saying… There is a way that “most” folks think; events that “most” folks follow along with, and concepts that “most” folks find entertaining or funny, or exciting or what have you. If this were not the case, advertising would not be a profession and… “Mad Men” wouldn’t be seen as popular or even particularly innovative. The fact that the vast majority of what counts as Pop-Culture leaves me nonplussed proves that “normal” is a state within whose boarders I do not reside. This partly explains why I had no clue as to who most of the “celebs” I’d seen so far were. The good news is that the condition wouldn’t be changing much during the rest of the parade. Why is that good? Because it adds much needed humor to this otherwise boring TR. Y’all get to keep laughing at the vastness of my social ineptitude (and “most” people very much enjoy laughing at others when they are either in the process of being embarrassed or humiliated).

So let’s get back to the action shall we?

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Changes in Latitude

The next section of the parade was lead off by another of the marching bands. This group was the Hawaii All-State honor band.


They certainly won the prize for most distance traveled. This was also far and away the largest of high school bands that day. There were over 700 kids taking part.


Imagine… there were actually that many kids that wanted to leave Hawaii while all the rest of us would much rather go there. Of course once this trip was over, they’d be heading back and we’d all still be wishing we could go there.

Now that we’d been offered a group of musicians from a warmer local, the parade organizers decided to stay on the tropical/nautical theme for a bit. The next float up was this little number…


Titled: the Jolly Polly Pirate Ship, this colorful schooner was being sailed down the street by a mixed crew of adults, kids and puppets. There was also one of theme there celebrity type folks lip-syncing along to the musical accompaniment. This guy's name was Michael Feinstein, and while I’m sure I’m supposed to know just who that is…

I don’t. didn’t know him then… don’t know him know.
Would any of y’all care to enlighten me on this subject?

The coolest part of that float though was the pirate contingent that was following along in it wake and interacting with the crowd. They were even handing out a bit of swag in the form of “holiday coins”. One of the young girls in our group actually scored one of these little treasures…


Good for her!

Next up... one of the smallest floats in the parade, a “rocking lobster”


There were several “rocking” critter floats taking part, but this one obviously fit the theme of this section better then say… a “rocking giraffe” would have. I don’t think that the mermaid was a celebrity per say (certainly it wasn’t Arial), but considering the ambient air temperature, I imagine that she was looking forward to getting off that float and into a hot tub as soon as possible.

The main feature in this somewhat nautical section of the parade was the next of the “Giant” balloons and a fellow that just may seem somewhat familiar…


Captain Mickey.
He’d decided to remind us all that as much fun as this little shindig was…
We could’a been cruising.

Thanks for that captain.

You can see that right behind Mickey, there was a grouping of small “novelty” balloons. This was basically just a collection of brightly colored beach balls and it closed out the tropical paradise section of the parade quite nicely.

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Whose-its and What’s-its

After the beach balls strolled past the next several units were kind of a mish-mash of apparently unrelated things. First there were a couple of folks in “Power Ranger” costumes. They were followed by a “novelty” balloon depicting the Earth (or maybe it was one of Terra's Star Trek twins from a parallel universe).


That was followed up by the next of the celebrity floats.
This one was transportation themed and titled: Bridge to the Future.


The celebrities in question were (and I’m quoting here) “Synth-Pop Stars: Cobra Starship”.
If you look them up, the most common description of the music is “Dance-Punk”.

Never heard of ‘em.
I’m a musician, and I’ve still never heard of ‘em.

I don’t listen to every style, but I generally know who all is out there making a joyful noise (or a hateful one as the case may be). Obviously though age has now officially caught up with me and (like my parents before me, and theirs before them and so on, and so forth…) I’ve reached the age where the kids are listening to things that are just beyond my scope of interest.


That would be another of the “Giant” balloons that are the actual stars here.
This time it’s a panda.


A Kung Fu Panda that is. The “Dragon Warrior” was bounding down Sixth Avenue threatening to use the Wuxi Finger Hold on anyone that attempted to impede his progress.

Once Po had cleared the streets of all potential aggressors, it was time for some more music. Actual live music supplied by the kids from Carmel High School out of Indiana…


They were escorting the next celebrity float of the day which depicted a collection of oversized wooden pull toys titled: “On the Roll Again”.


The talent on this float was a Disney manufactured sudo-kiddy-pop-star named China Anne McClain. I don’t see her either but she’s up there somewhere. The young girls in our group screamed appropriately and when queried, explained precisely who this person was thusly…

“Oh my gawwwd! Like, she just like, the most awesomeist singer on television. Don’t you like, watch ‘A.N.T. Farm’… I mean… really! How can you not know her, I mean… like gaaaaaaa!”

And now I know…

In all honesty, I have at least “heard” of the cable show being discussed here. However, there are no young ladies in our household and with my son well past the tween stage, that specific program isn’t the kind of fair that I’ve ever purposely stopped to watch while channel surfing for the least horrid thing on the tube.

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And Now for Something Completely Different

So what could possibly even have a shot at successfully following up a group of giant pull-toys carrying a certifiably "awesome-tastic" Disney star? Why nothing of course. You can’t beat that so the folks in charge decided to use the old magician’s trick of misdirection instead. They strapped a jet-pack to the back of a giant sock monkey, sent the whole thing hurtling down the street and then crossed their fingers and left to chance that we wouldn’t notice the decided drop in entertainment the factor…


Mission accomplished.

Next in line was a Rocking Giraffe.


Well… if you were planning a Thanksgiving Day parade, what else would you consider lining up behind giant canvas sock monkey with a jet-pack?

I was about here that I noticed some folks had found themselves a rather nice vantage point from which to watch the show.


You’ll observe that a couple of the Boys in Blue had noticed this fact as well. For a moment I thought we were going to be in for a very different type of entertainment, but these transgressors were dealt with quickly and quietly

Nothing to see here folks… move along.

OK, back to the action. Right behind the giraffe were members of the Oneida Indian Nation in various example of traditional ceremonial garb.



They were escorting the only float I saw that was not sponsored by a corporate entity. The tribe was the sponsor. It was a curious depiction of a giant pine tree growing out of a turtles back…


That's actually related to the Iroquois people’s creation myth. Now as for the fell’a standing up there just in front of the tree; I can’t say whether or not I was supposed to know who that was, but suffice it to say that I didn’t. Still don’t either and I can’t find any credible reference to him anywhere, so y’all can make up any story you like about him.

Next on the hit parade?


Flower people of course (Far out maaaaaaaaann!), accompanied by a collection of bees, butterflies and a caterpillar in a top hat.

At least I think that was a caterpillar.
If either one of us had been taking nice long draws from a hookah at the time I might have been more certain.


Well since there was a tree in the previous float, I guess that some plant and garden life does sort’a fit here. OK, so what should come next then? Well there were flowers to be dug up and a tree that needed marking, so you’d likely find a dog somewhere there-abouts.

Say… like a beagle.

Like this one…


Snoopy! Or more precisely: “Aviator Snoopy”.

One of the oldest of the “Giant” balloons currently in the parade mix, he was doing a little bit of recon before taking flight to do battle with the Red Barron (a beagle’s natural foe). Backing up the World War I Flying Ace was his support crew…


…made up of several of the major characters from the Peanuts comic world. At least that last transition made a bit of sense.

Coming up in the next installment:

Bits of “Americana” and a celebrity I actually do know
(but I don’t much like having to admit to that last bit there).



Bonus Feature 8:

A Closer Look (Part-2)


Welcome back. Time to take a second look at the major balloons form this section of the parade.

Starting off with…


Captain Mickey.

Disney always has at least a couple of their characters displayed in the Macy’s parade. They were among the first to sign on and haven’t missed being part of one since. This particular incarnation of the most famous mouse was designed to celebrate their successful foray in to the cruise line industry.


Certainly makes me want to go book a cruise.
It ain’t gonn’a happen any time soon, but it makes me want to.


There’s a closer look at the beach balls and…


Mother Earth.

These simple “Novelty” balloons were good for filling in the spaces between the other units. The “Earth” balloon also offered up an example of how the handlers could go about animating their charge. When the parade had to come to a stop, the Balloon Captain would blow a specific pattern on his whistle and the whole group of handlers would run around in circles in the middle of the street. The natural result of this was that “the earth” would spin. The other natural result was that the crown wound cheer wildly.

OK, now it’s time for some Non-Disney characters; starting with Po.


The pose made him look as though he were running…


But the speed at which he passed by didn’t fit that look quite right.

The last of the Giant balloons in this section may be a bit past due for retirement.


Not that seeing Snoopy isn’t entertaining, but rather that the physical balloon itself is starting to show a lot of age and ware.


You can see a lot of cracks in the outer layers of the design and he's gotten a might droopy in the drawers as well. It will be interesting to see if this one shows up again in 2012.

Well that’s all for this part. I’ll be back after the next update to show you a few more details from any unidentified floating object that just might happen to glide by Tesla Corner.

Well then he did belong on a float devoted to jockey then.
I had to look back and remember it was hockey. I was sitting here thinking what in the beverly does the "F" word have to do with horse races? :lmao::rotfl2:

I remember reading about that. I’m also looking forward to the TR for your up coming holiday excursion to Disney.

There ya’ go… a nice plug for an up coming TR. Considering the vast number of folks reading this one you should now expect to pick up maybe… one more reader then you might have otherwise.
Thanks for the plug. Just gotta see if I have the motivation and a desire to do one. Maybe slightly more edited so as not to include the entire entourage against their will.

There was some kind of commotion a couple of blocks down. I was hopping he ran over that $#%&*@ bellhop we’d run into earlier in the day.
That would be a pleasant surprise! :lmao::rotfl2:

Part 4: Celebrities I Do Not Know
If nobody knows them, are they really celebrities? :confused3

(and you can go on ahead and insert your wisecracks here while you’re at it)
Don't worry. You don't need to leave dedicated openings. :lmao:

This guys name was Michael Feinstein, and while I’m sure I’m supposed to know just who that is…

I don’t. didn’t know him then… don’t know him know.
Would any of y’all care to enlighten me on this subject?
Why yes indeed. He's a local celebrity. He's with the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel, IN. That practically makes him Stopher's neighbor!

OK, I had no idea until I used google.

The celebrities in question were (and I’m quoting here) “Synth-Pop Stars: Cobra Starship”. If you look them up, the most common description of the music is “Dance-Punk”.

Never heard of ‘em.
I’m a musician, and I’ve still never heard of ‘em.
Based on the Synth-Pop part, I'm pretty sure I don't want to hear of them either. :rotfl2:

Actual live music supplied by the kids from Carmel High School out of Indiana…
Wow, Carmel was really well represented in the parade! :lmao::rotfl2:

The talent on this float was a Disney manufactured sudo-kiddy-pop-star named China Anne McClain.
Heard of her... among the vast assortment of products from the Disney "music" factory.

Don’t you like, watch ‘A.N.T. Farm’…
And it helps that DW watches that show. I knew she had to be one one of those shows. :rotfl2:

However, there are no young ladies in our household and with my son well past the tween stage, that specific program isn’t the kind of fair that I’ve ever purposely stopped to watch while channel surfing for the least horrid thing on the tube.
Completely understandable. :lmao::rotfl2:

At lest I think that was a caterpillar. If either one of us had been taking nice long draws from a hookah at the time I might have been more certain.
I'm running short on time (leaving in 9 days and the boss wants all sorts of stuff done before I go) but I wanted to pop in, catch up, and say "nice job" on the updates.

And I'm absolutely, positively, without a doubt, 100% certain that the Captain Mickey balloon in New York City had nothing to do with the fact that Disney is sailing one of their DCL ships out of that particular city 9 months after the parade took place. No sir-y Bob. Total coincidence.

Oh, and the Oneida Nation float may not have been corporately sponsored, but I'm sure it was still pulled by a shiny new GMC truck, available at your local GMC dealer. Tax, title and fees extra. Some exclusions apply. See dealer for details or visit gmc.com.
Rob, I apologize. Somehow I completely missed the last few updates, including the actual run-down of the parade itself. So I feel like I walked into the movie theater, watched all of the previews, and then left before the film started. :confused3

Anyway, I guess some of that was posted while I was away, so I'll just use that as my excuse, so I don't seem like an inattentive jerk. :rolleyes1

It's awesome that the kids nailed their parade routine. That whole task just seems both monumental and exhausting. Great to see all of that hard work pay off! :thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Chapter 4: Balloons Over Broadway
(Day 4 – The Main Event)

Part 5: A Bit of Americana


There are many images and concepts that are distinctly American. More rather, I’m talking about things that are immediately recognizable icons of the United States (as opposed to any of the other nations within the confines of the American continents). Interestingly, many of them (if not most) were not so much invented here as they were adopted from elsewhere and then altered to suite us.


Neither apples nor the concept of pie are indigenous, but what is the first thought that comes to mind when you hear the phrase “As American as ______”.

Baseball… derived form a couple of English games.

Hotdogs… imported from Germany and named for their resemblance to something else originally bread in the same local.

Hamburgers… someone around here did think to slap it on some bread (and we’re still arguing about exactly who did so first), but the very name of the device belies its roots.

Icecream… French, but we determined that it ought to be served on top of a cone.

French Fires… completely misnamed because they’re Dutch in origin and are named for the type of cut, not a place (which is why renaming them “Freedom Fries” seceded only in making us look idiotic, but I digress).

And yet all of these things are considered to be as distinctly “American” as “Yankee Doodle”. The problem is… even that iconic song was composed by English troops as an insult. The Continental Army, however, decided to own it and proudly wear it as a badge of honor. It’s that last little bit there that I think makes something “American”. Not it’s origin, but rather the fact that we collectively decide to adopt it (or confiscate it as the case may be). When we like something… we make it ours. We generally change it in some way first, but then it’s ours baby!

That’s just who we are.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
The Show Must Go On

So, why did I start off on that “patriotic” tangent? Because the folks in charge of this shindig decided that “Americana” would be the theme for the next act of this here show. And they also decided to start things off with this “American” image…


The Patriot Band form Homewood HS in Alabama. A very good group of kids showing off a number of very “American” spins on things adopted from elsewhere.

The 18th Century military garb was very European, but the world over, it (especially when including a “tri-corn” hat) is now regarded as quintessentially American.

Marching bands… more European military influence here, but only in America do they perform the elaborate musical pageants that we all know form football half-time shows and marching competitions.

Dancing Girls… dance is as old as humanity, but it took the US to figure out that you ought to dress ‘em in rhinestone hot pants, and go-go boots while then having them perform the Rockette High Kick.

So with a precedent now set, what should be trailing immediately behind a patriot band?

Why Mount Rushmore of course…


…or a depiction there of. Along with a “celebrity” I actually do know (but only because I’m that dang old). Specifically that would be Neil Diamond. Neil actually did the best job of lip-syncing to his own music and genuinely appeared to be happy to be there that day. Interestingly, he was filling in at the last moment for another group, but has appeared in so Many Macy’s parades, that the staff knew he could be talked into to saving their bacon that day. As they say… the show must go on.


Trains are not exclusive to the US (they’re more widely used nearly everywhere else in fact), but this 45 foot float modeled after a specific type of locomotive is about as American as one can get. Titled: “Wild West Express”; it’s an image of a type of wood burner known as a “4-4-0 American”. Really! And… the actual articles most certainly did help to take the “Wild” right out of the “West”. Along for the ride this day: former Macy’s Parade co-host and noted weather forecast presenter: Willard Scott

And now for something else uniquely American…


I’ve no idea exactly what it is…
or intended to be…
but I can assure you, that you won’t see such in London, Berlin or Rome.

Next up… a “novelty” balloon based on what the ice-cream industry refers to as a “novelty item”…


Followed by… more dancing girls.


As a matter of fact, it was a whole passel of dancing girls…


Actually, that might even be a ridiculous amount of dancing girls. All proud members of the “Spirit of America” Dance Team. This had to be just about the single largest unit to pass by Tesla Square that chilly morning. Now, can you imagine just how tough it would have been to be one of the chaperones for that group during their time in NYC? Nightmarish could only begin to describe the possible scenarios.

Ok, did you notice the clown in that last picture?
She was a harbinger of the theme for the next section of the parade…

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Thunder and Blazes

“da da dadada da da CIRCUS!
da da dadada da da AFRO!
circus! afro! circus! afro! polka-dot, polka-dot, polka-dot! AFRO!”

It ain’t Disney, but it is funny, and unless you’ve been under a rock for a while, you know what I’m alluding to here. That little bit of improve by Chris Rock was sung to an instantly recognizable tune that most folks just know as “that circus song”. Musicians in America however, know it by its local name: “Thunder and Blazes”. But even that arrangement derives form an older tune. Specifically a piece titled: "Entrance of the Gladiators" which was written as a military march in 1897 and composed by a Czech named: Julius Fučík
(and no… I’m not making this stuff up).

So why did I belabor that point?

Because right smack in the middle of our salute to all things American, there was a sub-chapter devoted to those bits of Americana that are related (even if only slightly) to the circus.

Starting with this guy…


Now, clowns are not particularly American per say, but that one sure is. Heck he was even originally brought to life by the “celebrity” that was riding in the 4-4-0 that chugged on by a bit ago. The shoe car was kind’a cool as well. Not as awesome as say… a “Weinermobile”, but still kind’a cool. These folks were leading the way for the next of the “Giant” balloons…


Odd… that fell’a looks strangely familiar.

And that was followed by the next circus related object to appear on the horizon…


Billed by the parade staff as: “Big Apple Circus - 1902 Wagon”


Now there is such a thing as “The Big Apple Circus” and it’s quite well respected, but they don’t actually own that wagon. They barrowed it. And the more I looked into it the more interesting it got. So just remember that you saw that there and I’ll come back to it later on.

Next up was a float titled: Hatts Off to Our Heritage!


This one seemed out of place but being as the “celebrities” here were the current and former stewards of the Macy’s parade: Jean McFaddin and Robin Hall, it may be that they were making an inside joke as to what a circus it is to plan and execute this monstrosity. As for the other random characters on the float, they all (in one form or another) have been represented by “Giant” balloons in past parades. Now as for why there were bell hops following alongside…

Ummmmmmm…. OK, I got nothing.

After that, things turned back to the circus (somewhat at least) with the next “Novelty” balloon.


Cloe the Holiday Clown

This one has been revised a bit here and there but has been in more parades then most of the balloon characters over the years.

Now it’s time to make a turn back toward the patriotic. This is one of the smallest floats (but possibly one of the largest drums) to appear in the Macy’s Parade…


It even came equipped with a couple of celebrities. I think…
But I’m not certain. Here’s a closer look at one of ‘em


Do any of y’all recognize that young lady?

Oh well… I do recognize these next two fellows though.


Two more specialized “Novelty” balloons depicting presidents number 1 and 16.
Those giant head balloons are still a might odd if you ask me though.

They were followed immediately by Uncle Sam, or at least the latest balloon-ified incarnation of him.


There have been very few of these parties that did not include this image in some form (and usually in several forms). Sam was leading the way for a star spangled color guard made up of veterans, first responders, and a few civic leaders…


And they, in turn, were acting as the guard for the next float of the day…


“Gift of Freedom”

Based on the Lady in the Harbor’s famed torch, it is also a depiction of how that torch was displayed in New York parks during the mid-1800s while folks were trying to raise the funds needed to assemble that little gift.

Along for the ride this morning was the U.S. Military Cadets Chorus and joining them (for some reason) was the current “Miss America”: Teresa Scanlan.

(Hummmmm… now I wonder if those two lady on the drum a while back might not have been the runners up from that other type of pageant?)

Anyway… it seems only fitting to me that as I close out this section of the parade, that we take one more look at my favorite “American” Symbol of the day (and one that we just may get a better look at later on)


That’s right pretty if I do say so myself.


Next up: The reason we’ve been standing here.
Followed by a desperate attempt to escape from harms way.
I had to look back and remember it was hockey. I was sitting here thinking what in the beverly does the "F" word have to do with horse races? :lmao::rotfl2:


Thanks for the plug. Just gotta see if I have the motivation and a desire to do one. Maybe slightly more edited so as not to include the entire entourage against their will.

I’ve seen other deal with that same issue in different ways. I’m sure you’ll figure out a suitable method.

That would be a pleasant surprise! :lmao::rotfl2:

Yes… yes it would.

If nobody knows them, are they really celebrities? :confused3

Good point, but then again, I know so few celebrities that it might not be a fair comparison.

Don't worry. You don't need to leave dedicated openings. :lmao:

Oh it wsn’t for you, you’ll jump in with a left hook or a low blow at nearly any moment.

I was thinking about my more civilized rea… Oh never mind.
There are only a hand full of ya’ reading along and I don’t think any of us here are even properly house broken.

Why yes indeed. He's a local celebrity. He's with the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel, IN. That practically makes him Stopher's neighbor!

And there ya’ go. Mystery solved.

OK, I had no idea until I used google.

:lmao: :lmao:
Nice stealth comment there in the white type, but either way the mystery is solved.
I think?

Based on the Synth-Pop part, I'm pretty sure I don't want to hear of them either. :rotfl2:

Rodger that… disregard bogie.

Wow, Carmel was really well represented in the parade! :lmao::rotfl2:

So it would seem. :lmao:

Heard of her... among the vast assortment of products from the Disney "music" factory.

And it helps that DW watches that show. I knew she had to be one one of those shows. :rotfl2:

I knew that it would be someone with females in the house that was actually aware of whom this was, but I was expecting it to be DDs rather then an adult.

Hay I watch stranger things… to each his (or her) own.

I'm running short on time (leaving in 9 days and the boss wants all sorts of stuff done before I go) but I wanted to pop in, catch up, and say "nice job" on the updates.

Thanks and I do understand. You’ll catch up later on and more importantly, I’ll get to read along with a new Frozen-Monkey TR in the near. One that actually has something to do with Disney.

And I'm absolutely, positively, without a doubt, 100% certain that the Captain Mickey balloon in New York City had nothing to do with the fact that Disney is sailing one of their DCL ships out of that particular city 9 months after the parade took place. No sir-y Bob. Total coincidence.

Almost certainly…
They’d never dream of such, I assure you.

Oh, and the Oneida Nation float may not have been corporately sponsored, but I'm sure it was still pulled by a shiny new GMC truck, available at your local GMC dealer. Tax, title and fees extra. Some exclusions apply. See dealer for details or visit gmc.com.

I hadn’t thought of that.
Just goes to show you that I ain’t really paying attention.
It wasn’t until now that I realized that all the floats were being towed by SUVs from the same manufacturer.

Rob, I apologize. Somehow I completely missed the last few updates, including the actual run-down of the parade itself. So I feel like I walked into the movie theater, watched all of the previews, and then left before the film started. :confused3

Not a problem. Being tucked away over here far away from the TR forum, it’s easily overlooked. And… the fact that I was forced by work obligations to take nearly a two-month hiatus on updates certainly pushed this little effort right out of mind.

It's awesome that the kids nailed their parade routine. That whole task just seems both monumental and exhausting. Great to see all of that hard work pay off! :thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Thanks and I’ll make sure that they hear about it.

This is one of those rare times in my life where all I really had to do is just sit back, hold on to the bumper and ride in their slipstream. The young’ens do all the heavy lifting. And, lucky for me, they’re getting into a brand new season as we speak. The music already sounds awesome and we have some interesting travel destinations scheduled this year (including a November trip up to Indiana that I just might be ale to tag along on).
There are many images and concepts that are distinctly American. More rather, I’m talking about things that are immediately recognizable icons of the United States (as opposed to any of the other nations within the confines of the American continents). Interestingly, many of them (if not most) were not so much invented here as they were adopted from elsewhere and then altered to suite us.

This sounds a lot like a tribute to all nations, but mostly America.

When we like something… we make it ours. We generally change it in some way first, but then it’s ours baby! That’s just who we are.

I guess "Give me your tired, your poor, your downtrodden, etc." works for traditions as well. We take other countries' castoffs! :woohoo:

Dancing Girls… dance is as old as humanity, but it took the US to figure out that you ought to dress ‘em in rhinestone hot pants, and go-go boots while then have them perform the Rockette High Kick.

I'm not hearing any objections from the masses.

Specifically that would be Neil Diamond. Neil actually did the best job of lip-syncing to his own music and genuinely appeared to be happy to be there that day. Interestingly, he was filling in at the last moment for another group, but has appeared in so Many Macy’s parades, that the staff knew he could be talked into to saving their bacon that day.


"There are two types of people in this world: people that love Neil Diamond and people that don't. My ex-wife loved him."

Trains are not exclusive to the US (they’re more widely used nearly everywhere else in fact), but this 45 foot float modeled after a specific type of locomotive is about as American as one can get.

Big Thunder Mountain! Excellent!

I’ve no idea exactly what it is… or intended to be… but I can assure you, that you won’t see such in London, Berlin or Rome.

A drunk wearing a barrel? :confused3

Actually, that might even be a ridiculous amount of dancing girls.

And they're not dancing.

But even that arrangement derives form an older tune. Specifically a piece titled: "Entrance of the Gladiators" which was written as a military march in 1897 and composed by a Czech named: Julius Fučík
(and no… I’m not making this stuff up).

Whoa, careful how you type that one.

Now, clowns are not particularly American per say, but that one sure is.

"To me, clowns aren't funny. I guess it goes back to the time when I went to the circus, and a clown killed my dad."

As for the other random characters on the float, they all (in one form or another) have been represented by “Giant” balloons in past parades. Now as for why there were bell hops following along side…

Aaaaaaaaaaaa…. I got nothing.

To be fair, this makes as much sense as the Olympics opening and closing ceremonies did.

Do any of y’all recognize that young lady?

Hamburgers… someone around here did think to slap it on some bread (and we’re still arguing about exactly who did so first), but the very name of the device belies its roots.
Seymour, Wisconsin. Everyone else is a liar.

Dancing Girls… dance is as old as humanity, but it took the US to figure out that you ought to dress ‘em in rhinestone hot pants, and go-go boots while then have them perform the Rockette High Kick.
And God Bless America for it!


I’ve no idea exactly what it is… or intended to be… but I can assure you, that you won’t see such in London, Berlin or Rome.
It's a rodeo clown! They're the slightly insane people that hang around inside the ring as cowboys attempt to ride a very unpleasant bull. When the cowboy falls off he's basically a sitting duck, usually crumpled up in the dirt for a few seconds while he gets his bearings and stumbles to his feet. During these few seconds, the clowns rush in, distract the bull and buy the cowboy time to get up and get to safety. Some clowns basically walk around in barrels for protection. Much like a turtle, they're pull their head, arms and feet inside while the bull smacks the barrel around the ring.

Followed by… more dancing girls.

As a mater of fact, it was a whole passel of dancing girls…
I prefer "harem" as the collective noun. :thumbsup2

composed by a Czech named: Julius Fučík[/QUOTE}
ROB! Go wash your mouth out with soap for using that word on the Internet.

Billed by the parade staff as: “Big Apple Circus - 1902 Wagon”
Milwaukee used to have a circus parade. I think it's every other year now due to lack of funding. They'd get all of these classic circus wagons from the Circus World Museum in Baraboo and run it right down town.
Nice touch... I like how you did comments from the last update AFTER this update just so you could start at the top of the page.

Baseball… derived form a couple of English games.
But we changed the rules and made it better! :thumbsup2

Dancing Girls… dance is as old as humanity, but it took the US to figure out that you ought to dress ‘em in rhinestone hot pants, and go-go boots while then have them perform the Rockette High Kick.

Along with a “celebrity” I actually do know (but only because I’m that dang old). Specifically that would be Neil Diamond. Neil actually did the best job of lip-syncing to his own music and genuinely appeared to be happy to be there that day.
Let me guess... Coming to America? :confused3

Specifically a piece titled: "Entrance of the Gladiators" which was written as a military march in 1897 and composed by a Czech named: Julius Fučík
(and no… I’m not making this stuff up).
Wow, you're just an i away from being banned from the DIS. :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

So why did I belabor that point?
I thought it was because you wanted to use that name. :confused3 :lmao:

Now, clowns are not particularly American per say, but that one sure is. Heck he was even originally brought to life by the “celebrity” that was riding in the 4-4-0 that chugged on by a bit ago.
I thought he was banned from NYC. I mean they put a limit on how big of a drink you can buy, I thought surely he'd be tarred and feathered if he entered the city limits. :rotfl2:

Odd… that fell’a looks strangely familiar.
And nothing is as American as product placement! :thumbsup2 :rotfl2:

As for the other random characters on the float, they all (in one form or another) have been represented by “Giant” balloons in past parades.
It's like the float of Thanksgivings past.

Or maybe something you'd expect to see around Pop Century. :rotfl::rotfl2:

It even came equipped with a couple of celebrities. I think…
But I’m not certain. Here’s a closer look at one of ‘em
Nah, I think it's just a couple of dancers that escaped their chaperones and decided they didn't want to walk anymore.

To be fair, this makes as much sense as the Olympics opening and closing ceremonies did.

It's a rodeo clown! They're the slightly insane people that hang around inside the ring as cowboys attempt to ride a very unpleasant bull. When the cowboy falls off he's basically a sitting duck, usually crumpled up in the dirt for a few seconds while he gets his bearings and stumbles to his feet. During these few seconds, the clowns rush in, distract the bull and buy the cowboy time to get up and get to safety. Some clowns basically walk around in barrels for protection. Much like a turtle, they're pull their head, arms and feet inside while the bull smacks the barrel around the ring.
I don't want to give Barry a bigger head than he already has so instead of saying the words I'll just say this...

This sounds a lot like a tribute to all nations, but mostly America.

“You’ve got a minute and a half…”

(Yah, we’ve been down that road before, but it’s still funny)

I guess "Give me your tired, your poor, your downtrodden, etc." works for traditions as well. We take other countries' castoffs! :woohoo:

We’ve even been known to confiscate a few things that they might rather have kept.

I'm not hearing any objections from the masses.

And none from me either.


From “…some wonderful, magical animal”

"There are two types of people in this world: people that love Neil Diamond and people that don't. My ex-wife loved him."

Not a fan either, especially of the later stuff. :crazy2:
Now he did compose, "I'm a Believer" so there is that.

Big Thunder Mountain! Excellent!

My favorite mine train

A drunk wearing a barrel? :confused3

I cant speak for or against her level of sobriety.

And they're not dancing.

Yah… They started a routine that was mostly hand movements shortly after that last picture, but really had to keep moving with the parade. Once they got to The Spot of 34th, there was a lot more action to view.

(So I’m told… I’m still looking for a copy of the parade as it aired on the telle.)

Whoa, careful how you type that one.

There are risks to supplying that particular detail on a Family Board

"To me, clowns aren't funny. I guess it goes back to the time when I went to the circus, and a clown killed my dad."

“If God dwells inside us like some people say, I sure hope He likes enchiladas, because that's what He's getting”

To be fair, this makes as much sense as the Olympics opening and closing ceremonies did.

Good point.
I don’t think I saw Mary Poppins even once during the parade.

Seymour, Wisconsin. Everyone else is a liar.

There are folks in Connecticut and St Louis the may beg to differ.
Myself? I’ll have a good burger just about anywhere it’s offered up.

And God Bless America for it!

“Land the I love…”

It's a rodeo clown! They're the slightly insane people that hang around inside the ring as cowboys attempt to ride a very unpleasant bull. When the cowboy falls off he's basically a sitting duck, usually crumpled up in the dirt for a few seconds while he gets his bearings and stumbles to his feet. During these few seconds, the clowns rush in, distract the bull and buy the cowboy time to get up and get to safety. Some clowns basically walk around in barrels for protection. Much like a turtle, they're pull their head, arms and feet inside while the bull smacks the barrel around the ring.

Extra Detail Bonus Feature!
Nice work Barry.

But… in my opinion, this is a better representation of those rare breads…


What I saw in the parade was more like a Pink Nightmare!

Well, except that it was more yellow and brown in color…
But you get the idea.


What… no time for the full on Technicolor fonts?
You must be busy getting ready for that trip down to WDW.

I prefer "harem" as the collective noun. :thumbsup2

I like it.
Apparently we need to start our own list of such words and get them submitted to Webster’s.

ROB! Go wash your mouth out with soap for using that word on the Internet.

Just clean you contact lenses and then go back and read it again.

Milwaukee used to have a circus parade. I think it's every other year now due to lack of funding. They'd get all of these classic circus wagons from the Circus World Museum in Baraboo and run it right down town.

I wondered if you might just pick up on that.
So this means that you’ve actually seen that particular circus wagon before.

More to come!
Nice touch... I like how you did comments from the last update AFTER this update just so you could start at the top of the page.

Ain’t I a stinker…

But we changed the rules and made it better!

As Stopher would say (were he so inclined to stop by this pointless exercise)…



Let me guess... Coming to America? :confused3


I’d blocked it out, but now it’s all flooding back!
Oh the horror!
Oh the humanity!

Wow, you're just an i away from being banned from the DIS.

That’s the dudes name.
It’s no different then if Mark had discussed Jim Furyk’s legendarily quirky swing on the links.

Besides, it’s not like I was testing the patients of the board’s Mod’s or anything.

So far as you know.

I thought it was because you wanted to use that name.

Naaaaa… that was just a bonus.
Purely serendipitous

I thought he was banned from NYC. I mean they put a limit on how big of a drink you can buy, I thought surely he'd be tarred and feathered if he entered the city limits. :rotfl2:

:lmao: :lmao: :rotfl:

And nothing is as American as product placement!


It's like the float of Thanksgivings past.

It seemed out of place thematically, but so did many other exhibits.
But then again, for some odd reason that I can’t quite put my finger on…
I liked it two.

Or maybe something you'd expect to see around Pop Century.


Nah, I think it's just a couple of dancers that escaped their chaperones and decided they didn't want to walk anymore.

:lmao: :lmao: :rotfl:

I do believe that we have a winner in the guess the celebrity contest.

I don't want to give Barry a bigger head than he already has so instead of saying the words I'll just say this...


Don’t feed the animals…
It only encourages them ya’ know.
I was originally planning to put up one of my infamous Bonus Features right about here, but that monster is still growing and getting completely out of hand. As such, I think I had best offer up the next actual update to the Parade.

It’s been a couple of days and my extensive collection of readers might just be getting restless.

Not bloody likely ehhh… :sad2:

Well, I can dream can’t I?

Back in a minute or two… :rolleyes1

Chapter 4: Balloons Over Broadway
(Day 4 – The Main Event)

Part 6: The Blink of an Eye


We spend long parts of our lives waiting. Waiting for moments which themselves will be but a mere flash on the time spectrum. Months spent waiting for seconds, years spent waiting for days. It seems like madness to focus so hard on those fleeting wisps of time, but it’s not. Strong memories, the kind that shape us, make us who we are; they’re all made up of miniscule amounts of time when compared to one’s entire life.

It took us a year and a half to prepare for and then finally embark on this adventure. Yet the reason for the trip was an event that would last less than three hours. The part of it we had come to witness specifically would be within in our line of sight for only about ten minutes. The culmination of our kid’s hard work to get here would last but a minute-fifteen (and that would be ignored by most of the populous).

So was it all a waste?

Of course not.

A purely logical mind would dismiss such things out of hand, but, people aren’t purely logical. We can pull off that “logic thing” from time to time, but what we really are is emotional creatures. And a few seconds of pure unadulterated emotion will create a flame so intense, so bright, so overwhelming that it will utterly obscure years of earnest logic.

So let us stop being logical for just a little while longer.

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Why am I starting off with an image that you’ve already seen before? Well it’s a beacon; a symbol of light and understanding (and it provides a smidgen of continuity). We’re transitioning from the “Americana” part of the parade into an “NYC” centric themed part of the show, but there are a few things that only just sot’a fit into the new scenario. I started with an image that itself is unmistakably Gotham, because the next new element didn’t fit the bill quite as succinctly.



Now I suppose that you can say that the character is an urbanite, but it’s a bit of a stretch to call him a New York City icon. The next thing however did meet the qualifications and got things more squarely on track.


The officer that had been in charge of keeping the piece on our corner was understandable pleased to see the NYPD Band moving into view. He made sure to get several images for his scrapbook. Couldn’t blame him, I was here for a very similar purpose.


It’s an all-volunteer organization and they were actually quite good. Granted, I heard only one tune as they marched by, but they did a fine job of it.

Next up a float…


Titled “Big Apple” (for obvious reasons), this one featured Mary J. Blige as the Celeb-du-jour. Her I know. I was more impressed with the musician of her earlier career then I am with the current staple of awards shows and red carpet events that was aboard the float though.

Ehhhh… to each their own.

Next in line were the combined units of the Mounted Parks Enforcement Patrol and NYPD Mounted Police.


Just as this unit arrived at our point on the route the whole precession came to one of its momentary halts as things were starting to back up a bit down at the turn onto 34th. Having a moment to take a break, one of these noble steeds chose to heed the call of nature. I wasn’t expecting to see a representation of a waterfall in the midst of the parade, but we’re dealing with domestic critters here and they have a different sense of what meets the requirements of decorum.


As New York’s finest began a slow trot out of sight, they were followed by an obligatory sanitation crew, but there wasn’t much their shovels were going to do to abate this particular spill.

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Sporting Life

The job of “drying” up the pavement was left to the next few groups on the agenda. Starting with a whole bunch of stars…


That young’en was smart enough to stay close to the crowd and away from the toxic spill. The folks who were in charge of the next couple of “Novelty” balloons that was being escorted by all those stars had no such option.


As you can see, this is where the theme took a rather radical turn way from all things NYC, and entered an ephemeral salute to “sports”.

Sort of.

By the way, I know that you see that big rabbit back there and I also know that if you read the first part of this chapter, then you are aware of what that means to us. But for now we’re still talking “sports”.

As the over inflated Baseball and Basketball passed by us, we were next entertained by this rather jarring site…


The little float was concealing a sound system (and I’ll explain why in a moment). The fellows following behind are the proud members of the “610 Stompers”. This is an “all-male dance crew” (their description) from New Orleans. The numerical part of the name comes from one of the Interstates down that way.

As for the rest of the costume…

Well… that’s just their signature look
(including the mustaches)

Here’s a closer look…



They perform in various Mardi Gras parades and at local sporting events (thus the tenuous tie into the sporting theme). In that picture, the sound system hidden in that little star float had just started pounding out the melody of the pop song: “I Need a Hero” and the guys were doing a choreographed dance routine for their captive audience.


I’ve got to give them credit for enthusiasm though.

As all those red satin jackets and sweat socks started to ease on down the road, we finally got to the next “balloonicle” in the parade.


Yep… he just keeps going, and going…

Actually the “Energizer Bunny” meandered left and right and up and back all over the street.
Easily the least disciplined “character” to cross our path this day.


Cool shades though don’t you think?

I suspect the tie into the “sports” theme was that he’s a staple of sports advertising.
I can’t really think of any other reason.

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The Band In Black

Well the folks in charge of this bash decided that it was time for another transition. As had been done up to this point, a transition generally started off with one of the bands, and that is exactly what we got next. Specifically, the group lead off by these color bearers here…


Notice the big grin on the face of the young lady on the near side of that lead-off banner?
Well for some unknown reason the twenty odd folks around me had commenced to hootin’ and hollerin’ at the top of their lungs. You’d have thought that we’d all lost our collective mind. Apparently, this group of asylum rejects had gotten her attention.

I’m told that this particular band represents one of the two high schools in this one particular small town in South Carolina. It is also said that these two schools end up battling each other pretty much annually for state championships. This group (known locally either as “NaFo” or “The Band in Black”) just happened to have pulled off the “upset” victory over their rivals for the past three years (something that does not go down well with a few of the old timers back home). Statistically, they are also representing one of the smallest schools to be offered an invitation into this little party, Better than 1 in 10 of the kids attending “NaFo” are also musicians and were along for the ride. They take music pretty seriously down there.

Anyway, the kids marched up with a cadence to point right in front of us and the parade came to one of its halts while waiting for traffic to clear on down the way. Good timing. The cadence finished about then and we actually got to hear them play a tune.



Of course we didn’t get a video of it.


I thought Tamara was doing the video, and she thought I was, so we just got pictures.


But... there were parents spread out all along the route and the folks up closer to Columbus Circle were more clear headed then I. As such, I do have a “vid” of them actually playing in the Macy’s Parade. And you can see it here if’n you’re interested…

There’s a lot of noise in that recording and the band can’t really be heard very well until about a minute into it. There’s also not a lot to see once they break back into a cadence other than them marching by. Just so you know.

A little more info about their performance that day:
They actually rotated through three different tunes along the route and then the official “Show Tune” on ‘The Spot” in front of Macys (you can’t play the official piece until you get in front of the cameras because Macy’s demands exclusivity and the copyright as part of your being allowed to participate). Now, the tune that they are playing in that video up there is a crowd favorite because these kids are the only band that actually sings back to the audience and tries to get them to follow along. The song, “Hay Baby”, is a piece originally recorded by Bruce Channel way the heck back in 1961. It’s also a staple of what is colloquially known as “Beach Music” in the Carolinas and represents that area quite nicely. They were one of the few bands that day not playing tunes with a holiday or wintery theme opting instead to go with a more playful and party time feel.

OK, back to Tesla Corner… Just about the time that the song was over and the percussion battery broke back into their cadence; the procession started moving along again.


Strange… that young’en there on the outside of that line looks oddly familiar.


And the chaperones bringing up the rear must have known some of the folks around where I was standing as well. Go figure.

Chronologically… that small part of a big parade took only about five minutes. Not much in the scheme of things. But those five minutes will always be very important to the people that had traveled long and hard to see it.

They’re interesting things; memories. A flicker here, a glimmer there, and the next thing you know you’re standing on a New York City sidewalk with a whole bunch of other folks enjoying one big party and no longer even noticing just how cold it was.

Strange how that works out aint’t it?


Next up: The Great Escape and maybe a bit of dinner.
We spend long parts of our lives waiting. Waiting for moments which themselves will be but a mere flash on the time spectrum. Months spent waiting for seconds, years spent waiting for days. It seems like madness to focus so hard on those fleeting wisps of time, but it’s not. Strong memories, the kind that shape us, make us who we are; they’re all made up of miniscule amounts of time when compared to one’s entire life.

So true. And then we forget to stop and enjoy the actual moment when it happens, and soak in the experience. We're idiots.

So let us stop being logical for just a little while longer.

Ok. I can do that.


Now I suppose that you can say that the character is an urbanite, but it’s a bit of a stretch to call him a New York City icon. The next thing however did meet the qualifications and got things more squarely on track.

Man, what a stretch. That's like trying to include an attraction based on the Caribbean and an attraction based on the Middle East in one themed land. :sad2:

It’s an all volunteer organization and they were actually quite good. Granted, I heard only one tune as they marched by, but they did a fine job of it.

It's a Small World?

Just as this unit arrived at our point on the route the whole precession came to one of its momentary halts as things were starting to back up a bit down at the turn onto 34th. Having a moment to take a break, one of these noble steeds chose to heed the call of nature.

Now that fits completely with the theme of NYC. Much better than Spiderman. :rotfl:

The job of “drying” up the pavement was left to the next few groups on the agenda. Starting with a whole bunch of stars…

Welcome to New York, kids!

They perform in various Mardi Gras parades and at local sporting events (thus the tenuous tie into the sporting theme). In that picture, the sound system hidden in that little star float had just started pounding out the melody of the pop song: “I need a Hero”, and the guys were doing a choreographed dance routine for their captive audience.


I’ve got to give them credit for enthusiasm though.

Wow. Just...wow. Remember that talk about waiting for big moments to occur? Well, this was a couple of minutes you'll never get back.

Specifically, the group lead off by these color bearers here…

Hmm. I've heard this name somewhere before. :scratchin

Well for some unknown reason the twenty odd folks around me had commenced to hootin’ and hollerin’ at the top of their lungs. You’d have thought that we’d all lost our collective mind. Apparently, this group of asylum rejects had gotten her attention.

You wouldn't have been part of that group, would you? :confused3

This group (known locally either as “NaFo” or “The Band in Black”) just happened to have pulled off the “upset” victory over their rivals for the past three years (something that does not go down well with a few of the old timers back home).

Heh. That'll teach 'em.

Good timing. The cadence finished about then and we actually got to hear them play a tune.



Of course we didn’t get a video of it.


I thought Tamara was doing the video, and she thought I was, so we just got pictures.



As such, I do have a “vid” of them actually playing in the Macy’s Parade. And you can see it here if’n you’re interested…

I'll have to check it out at home.

They actually rotated through three different tunes along the route and then the official “Show Tune” on ‘The Spot” in front of Macys (you can’t play the official piece until you get in front of the cameras because Macy’s demands exclusivity and the copyright as part of your being allowed to participate).

Lawyers. :sad2:

They were one of the few bands that day not playing tunes with a holiday or wintery theme opting instead to go with a more playful and party time feel.

Cool. Zig when the others zag.

Chronologically… that small part of a big parade took only about five minutes. Not much in the scheme of things. But those five minutes will always be very important to the people that had traveled long and hard to see it.

They’re interesting things; memories. A flicker here, a glimmer there, and the next thing you know you’re standing on a New York City sidewalk with a whole bunch of other folks enjoying one big party and no longer even noticing just how cold it was.

Beautifully written. :thumbsup2


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