A Very British PTR -TR to come!


Jun 21, 2015
Laughter is timeless, Imagination has no age, Dreams are forever


I hope you're ready because I'm not sure if I am. Of course I am. My name is Lana (or Alana) and I previously had a PTR called The Original Movie Countdown 2017 PTR. So why have I created a new one? Well.. firstly I didn't like the layout of it and second I have changed the date when we were going to go. So when were we going to go?

We are going in October 2017!
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Meet the Brits -


Graduated with Honours.. Oh yeah.. It's actually Bangor not Angor..

Hi there, I've already mentioned my name, Lana (or Alana) or even Bruce because that's what my boss calls me as does everyone else who I work with. Why you ask? Because I'm from New Zealand which to him is Australia and of course it's not! That's like saying Canadians are Americans.. So Bruce, the Australian Shark from Finding Nemo. Okay, you got it? Ok, I'll carry on.
So yes, I am nearly 24 (October 29th! Yay for nearly halloween birthdays) and graduated with my honours degree in Childhood Studies back in July 2014. I have no children, and don't intend to until I have been to WDW. Unfortunately, my family could never afford to go, mainly because of my mothers health condition called Fredreichs Ataxia. Not that I minded of course but she was our main concern but now she is re-married and I have such a great step-dad and two beautiful step-siblings out of it. We were going to go on a big family holiday but I think my mum and dad want to go to Niagara Falls on their own instead.. Lol. So, who am I going with?


On top of the Eiffel Tower!

This man. My husband, Luke. We married on March 5th 2016 in our local town, Llanberis (pronounced clan-bear-s, for those who can't make the disgusting sounds the Welsh do). We both met in his now work-place called Asda (who is owned by Walmart) He loves Disney like I do. Before I met him, he hadn't been to WDW either or DLP (Disneyland Paris) so for our first holiday together where did I take him? Yep DLP. It sealed the deal for us.

What are my favourites then?
Movie - I'm loving Moana and Guardians of the Galaxy
Character - Moana, Hei Hei and Groot
Princess - Rapunzel
Food - Pepperoni Pizza
Drink - Coca Cola
Alcoholic Drink - Peach Schnapps & Lemonade
Colour - White and Pink

What are Lukes favourites then?

Movie - Toy Story
Character - Goofy and Pluto
Princess - Pretty sure he doesn't have a favourite!
Food - Meatballs or Burgers
Drink - Fizzy Vimto or Dr Pepper
Alcoholic Drink - Beer, mainly Carling, Fosters, Heineken.
Colour - Red and Blue
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Whats the plan for this PTR?

As with my other PTR (RIP), I am still going to watch Disney films as there is something like 600+ films, so posts will be relating to that too. It is early to start a PTR, but when do you define as early? As soon as you think about it? As soon as you start saving? Or as soon as you've booked it? Well, this will be a pretty good PTR if you ask me.
So what will I be posting in the near future? Well, probably our resort choices (or my choices with Luke in mind), the DDP, our must do's and anything else Disney related. I will probably give you a TR of our mini DLP holiday, which has hardly any pictures but can give you all a quick glimpse of it. I may give an update of our wedding (of course I will!).

Happy Dreaming

She's so adorable
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Hi! I was wondering what happened to your other PTR and I am so glad you are going to continue with your movie nights :)

Love that you are surprising your fiance', surprise trips are the best! I really want to surprise my kids next time we go.
Hi! I was wondering what happened to your other PTR and I am so glad you are going to continue with your movie nights :)

Love that you are surprising your fiance', surprise trips are the best! I really want to surprise my kids next time we go.

Hi! Yes I love the movie nights, I recently watched Saving Mr Banks and I cried so much and I didn't even expect to love it that much! Have you thought when you want to go back again or are you waiting a while? I bet they can't wait to go back.
833 Days to go..

Well I'm about to begin my Disney film days.. Beginning with Ratatouille. Also been looking around at Dining options, hopefully going for DDP. If so then I have a lot of things planned. Right, time to watch this film with some jacket potatoes!
Disney Film Day - Ratatouille


The first time I was this film, I was sceptical. I just didn't see how a 'rat' could be made into one of the great Disney productions. I'm so glad I revisited it, because it is up there in my top ten lists. I enjoyed how 'Little Chef' was portrayed, especially as he can speak to his own kind but to humans he is simply just squeaking. What I find most fitting is that the Ratatouille Ride is actually in Disneyland Paris, Paris being where the film was based on. You can also dine at the restaurant too. I mean, how cool is that? It wasn't built when we went back in 2013 but I would sure love to go back. It makes me wonder if they'd bring anything from the film to the US. For the foreseeable future I doubt it.

Here are some of my 'best bits' from the film:


Now kids, washing your hands is so important!


I cried so hard, his mother making Ratatouille as its classed as 'peasants food'. Don't judge.
Disney Film Day 2.0 - Cadet Kelly


Is Military actually like this? I'm not convinced..

In my teens, I loved Hilary Duff. I watched all her tv programmes. So when I re-discovered this cheesy gem it was too hard to miss. How could I have loved such a film? Oh my goodness, I was cringing the whole way through it! If anyone has seen it, you'll know what I mean, if you haven't, find a day where you can watch it. It sure passed the time though! My favourite part was probably the routine between 'Cadet Kelly' and her Captain.. Who played Wren in Even Stevens.


No words..
We are thinking of going back in 2017, still undecided if we will go to DL or WDW. We went to DL in 2013, WDW in 2015, so it's kind of become a tradition to go every other year. I wish finances would allow every year, but I'll take what I can get. As far as which month, if we go to DL, we will go in September, if we go to WDW I have no clue...for sure not summer or Septmember.

The first time I watched Ratatouille I didn't think I'd care for it too much either, but I was pleasantly surprised with it.

I too was a Hilary Duff fan growing up and enjoyed Cadet Kelly.
That's a pretty cool tradition to have if you did have it. I don't even have children and find everything a struggle, god knows what will happen we we start a family! Wow really? Not summer or September again? Was it really that hot? Do you think more crowds because of Free Dining and because September is 'notorious' being a quiet month?
829 days to go..

Well, it's already been five days from my last update. Well, I lie. On Friday I watched The Little Mermaid, I had my post ready to post and boom, unexpected error, and the post didn't even save a draft! I'll do a post on it this evening I think.
Well I had to work this weekend but it was so quiet they didn't even make enough to cover my wage. It's a really slow time of year (opposite of what it is like in Disney World at the moment, perhaps that is where everyone is.. However, I know of one family who did go in September, and another in August..) So today, three things happened. 1. I watched a Disney film I have never seen before, 2. I sliced my finger on a knife when I was doing the dishes and 3. On my evening reception invitations for our wedding I said our RSVP was November 31st! Since when does November has 31 days... Oh well.


This was literally me this morning..

I'm in two minds over WDW at the moment. I really want to go, but I know Luke and I want to start a family next year after we are married. My issue is that I'm so desperate to go but do we go if we have a child but is only a year old or even less? Do we cancel? Do we continue? I just have no idea what to do? I don't think it would be as bad if we lived over in the States, but coming from the UK what would someone do? Wait another five years? It's such a difficult decision! Any insight would be much appreciated...
That's a pretty cool tradition to have if you did have it. I don't even have children and find everything a struggle, god knows what will happen we we start a family! Wow really? Not summer or September again? Was it really that hot? Do you think more crowds because of Free Dining and because September is 'notorious' being a quiet month?

It was really way too hot for us. Part of our trip was over Labor Day weekend and that part got busy, but other than that crowd wise was still pretty low in my opinion.
I'm so sorry to hear about your finger and your reception invites :( I hope everything starts to turn around for you soon.

As far as whether to go or wait with a little one. I would say 100% go, WDW is so accommodating with little ones. My favorite pictures are with the little babes with a character, it's just so precious. They may not remember it, but you sure will. The bonus is their airfare is free (if sitting on your lap), their park tickets are free and they eat off your plate (if old enough to be eating). So to that I'd say why not? They have rider switch passes that are awesome! So that both you and your fiance' can enjoy a ride that baby could not go on with a minimal wait period. It's like a free FP.
I have taken my daughter at 1 year 9 months, 4, 5, & 8 years old. I can honestly say that the trip when she was not quite two was my favorite trip with her. I'm not sure how I would feel about taking a baby that needs to eat and have a diaper changed every couple of hours, but I wouldn't hesitate to take an older baby.
821 days to go..

It's going to be a Star Wars day today!


In light of the official Star Wars trailer being released today, I have made it my Disney duty to watch them all. I'm can hang my head low because I haven't seen any of them.. Only one which was The Phantom Menace.. I really enjoyed Star Tours at DLP and looking forward to future trips with the new Star Wars Land being announced.


Funniest thing I've seen today..
EEK, I am so excited for the Star Wars land as I know my DS will flip over it! I still have not seen many of the Star Wars series either, but I definitely want to have seen them all before we go back and see Star Wars land.

Darth riding the rockets is awesome, reminds me of the shirt we bought for DS.
320 days to go!
Or is it?

Okay, so I watched 40 minutes of A New Hope before I fell asleep. Not my fault (ok, it is) but I'm fighting the flu, as is my future father in law.
So, I'll have another go at it tomorrow. I have been watching Geordie Shore, a really ridiculous version of Jersey Shore


So I've been looking at so many trip reports and I'm gutted we won't be going when it is so hot! I love the heat, we've contemplated going over to Australia that year instead but I'm still hoping for the World. I mean, who says they can go before they have children and then go after they have children? Well probably a lot but hey ho.
So, I know that there would be no way in getting Luke time off during December but what about early November? Christmas decorations go up (and we are the most christmas-ey people you'll meet). I mean I wouldn't go during Thanksgiving but if I'm still in my job I have to work till the end of October and Luke would be able to get the time off as long as it isn't within six week of Christmas. I hear the weather is still great in November time and we would be able to sample a bit of the F&W and go to MVMCP! We'd have to wait till after our wedding to see how much we have left (and received) but I'm hoping we will be seeing this! AND IN 2017.


I could cry, how beautiful is this?
I've heard that is a great time to go and it would sure be gorgeous!


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