A Very Magical Disney Proposal.. My first TR!

I always love proposal stories! My daughter just got engaged too, but nothing romantic. LOL.

Looking forward to your story.
As promised over on my TR, I'm subscribing and will catch up when I get home. But first...congratulations on the proposal!
After dinner, we grabbed a few Memory Maker pics. We then took the monorail back to MK, and decided we were far too full to ride ANYTHING. We thought we'd just walk off the thousands of calories we shamelessly consumed. We walked through the Emporium, the Confectionery, and all of the shops in on Main St. We made a lap through the new Fantasyland area, through Liberty Square, and looped back around. Before our trip, I was so nervous about not having enough time to get off our flight, get to the hotel on DME, get to the MK via a bus, then to the Poly. I was thinking that landing at 2:22 and making a 6:40 ADR was going to be tough. I have no clue how it would have gone if we didn't have a car, since we did - but we had much more time than I thought! I was also concerned that after our reservation, we would hardly have much time at MK since I thought it closed at 11. I was thrilled when I found out it was open until 1 AM! I planned to stay pretty late and enjoy everything at the MK. However, around 9, we realized we were just exhausted and we headed back to the room. We didn't even stay for Wishes, which I wish we had. :( But we knew we'd be back!

Great TR so far! You two are a cute couple!

I can't believe you almost missed your flight due to Deltas mistake with the boarding pass and tickets. that must have been extremely stressful and crazy!, I stayed at CSR in 2009, we were in the Cabinas section. I really liked CSR.

Like you, my fond memories from childhood are of MK and the castle so we have to start our trip there. I only go every four years or so. On my Feb 2014 trip we started at MK too and it was open until 1 am. But we too just couldn't keep going. So we headed back to PORFQ before Wishes. It was a big disappointment so I can relate.

I love the picture with all the dwarfs! Unbelievable how short your wait was. It sounds like you picked a great week to go with low crowds!
Thanks!! We loved CSR, too. I would stay there again for sure but I would also like to experience other resorts seeing as the only other one I have stayed at on site is All Star Sports!

I seriously think I lost a few years off my life with the Delta mishap! Haha. Thankfully the lady at the gate was so nice and got us right on the flight, but I don't know what I would have done if she couldn't.

The crowds were great all week. Sure it was busy as usual, but we honestly didn't wait long for much!! :thumbsup2

So when we left off, we had just met the 7 Dwarfs!

We saw a few princesses - Snow White and Aurora, I think - on the other wall in Fantasyland. I suggested stopping to meet them, the wait only looked about 15-20 minutes at most. Justin had other things in mind, though, and I knew I could probably meet them later in the week.

We headed towards Pooh's ride, and we walked right on. This was cute! I know he wasn't a huge fan of it, but it was another attraction we just hopped right on so we weren't going to pass it up.

After the Pooh ride, we noticed there were people lined up to meet them. The characters weren't there, but it said they would be there soon. We didn't really feel like waiting, as we would be having breakfast with them later on in the week.

Justin really wanted to get our picture in front of the train station. We had seen our picture from Memory Maker the night before, and he really wanted to get one of us that night, too. As you may recall, we stopped there on our way in to the park and they said someone should be there during the party.

So we headed out front, and there was no Photopass photographer. :confused3

We asked a nearby CM if she knew if there should be one there during the party. She said she didn't know.

So we walked across and asked another CM. She also said she wasn't sure, but that we could check back later.

Justin was getting kind of frustrated at this point. I had no idea why - we had all night, and all week, to take pictures! So I suggested we check out the Town Square character meets to see if the wait was long.

The wait for Mickey was listed as 10 minutes, and Tinkerbell as 5! Now I know most people wouldn't suggest wasting precious party time on meeting these characters, but these were two I had on my must-see list, so we didn't mind.

First up was Mickey - we were ushered right in and only waited behind 2 families - it was great!

The first family consisted of a mom, dad, 2 or 3 younger kids, and their grandma. The grandma was so excited to meet Mickey (talking Mickey at that!) and she told him she had waited her entire life for this moment. It made me tear up. I'm pretty sure the mom & dad (not sure whose mother she was) were tearing up as well. You see, when I was 10, my grandfather passed away (my mom's dad). My grandma as well as my mom and her siblings had taken great care of him while he had ALS. He suffered for a short time and passed away pretty quickly. My parents had planned to take us to Disney that summer, and my mom invited my grandma along too.

Grandma had always wanted to see The Mouse. She talked about wanting to see him with her grandkids (my 4 siblings and I). So my parents loaded up the Suburban with all 8 of us :scared1::scared1::scared1: and drove us down to Disney. We had the best time with my Grandma!!! Seeing Mickey was the highlight of her trip!! And this reminded me of that. My Grandma passed away a few years ago. She always took such good care of my grandfather, and my great grandmother before she passed away, so my mom invited her to live with us and it was great having her in our home for a few years before she passed in 2011. :hug:

Ok, enough with the sappiness - but really this family has no idea how touching it was for me to see them enjoying Mickey with their grandma!

In front of us was also an adorable Captain Hook and his parents. Omg, he was SO CUTE! And he kept hugging Mickey and thought that it was the coolest thing that Mickey could talk!

Next up was us...


It had been years... we were finally reunited!!


And Justin's first time meeting Mickey in WDW!



We were so excited to meet Mickey.. it was a great idea to go during the party. No one else was even thinking about meeting Mickey and Tinkerbell.

Tink had a 5 minute wait posted. But we literally walked right in - not even a family in front of us!



She was seriously so cute. Justin told me afterwards that he could tell how excited I was to meet her! She loved our outfits.

[Side note - Can't remember when I took this - I think it was when we first got there.. but I thought it was so cute!!]

Justin was still being weird about wanting to see a Photopass photographer, and he was getting increasingly anxious, so we walked outside one more time. No Photopass guy. I told him that maybe they just needed everyone inside since there was so much going on with the party. I also suggested that maybe we just try after the party, since attractions and such would be shutting down and people would be leaving. He agreed but wasn't happy about it. I didn't want to miss any more party time than we already had!

Justin was getting SO weird at this point. Like he needed to use the bathroom every half hour, his hands were sweaty, and he was really anxious and nervous. He doesn't like huge crowds of people, but I had never seen him THIS weird! :confused3 I kept saying 'are you sure you're okay!? do you need to eat!?'
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We walked back inside, down Main St, and we grabbed a few more photos in front of the castle. Seriously, can you tell I'm trying to really milk this Memorymaker thing? Haha. The place was getting packed with people lining up for the Boo to You parade.


I told Justin I had planned to watch the later parade since it would be less crowded. He wanted to get more pictures of us, but there were people everywhere in front of the castle. So we walked off towards Tomorrowland.

We spotted a Photopass photographer in front of the Plaza Rose Garden. I don't know who suggested that we get our picture taken, but we walked right up to the guy.

He was a younger guy, I would guess college aged. I saw Justin lean in to say something as I was assuming my usual Photopass position, lol. I heard him say "I'm gonna....." and I was like, WHAT!? :confused::confused: I started tensing up and my heart was racing! What was going on!? We had discussed getting engaged but he always said "In the next year or so...."

The Photopass guy was messing around with the camera. Justin and I were just standing there, arms on each others backs, ready for a picture. He said he had to fix his settings since it had just become dark. So he took his camera off the tripod and just started snapping away..

And then... :eek::eek: He got down one knee, and asked me to marry him!


OF COURSE I said yes!!!! I was so excited!! And in the most magical place!!



Don't mind my Kim Kardashian Ugly Cry...


I was shaking so badly he could hardly put the ring on me. He had to grab my hand! Hahaha.




I was so excited. It was perfect. It was a quiet-ish little spot without thousands of people jammed next to us. It could not have been more perfect!!

We snagged a few more pictures on our way into Tomorrowland.


We stopped and found a place near Space Mountain where it wasn't too crowded to call our parents and tell them the good news. I also got in touch with my siblings and he got in touch with his brother.

My phone was quickly dying, and the parade was about to start. We were both kind of in a Cloud 9 daze.. it was wonderful! We didn't want to ride anything (I didn't want the ring flying off lol) and we were so excited that we just kind of wandered. We headed towards the parade area. My phone died within minutes of us getting over there, and I had left all of my friends in suspense.

I am a neurotic planner. I had 2 portable phone chargers with us on the trip. Only, I had forgotten to bring the cord that attaches to them!!! So they were useless. We ran into a few stores and asked if I could just plug in real quick. No one had anything available to use or buy, so we ran into Town Square Photopass and grabbed one. It was $23. In hindsight, I should have just kept unplugged and enjoyed the evening without my phone. I was just so excited and had to tell people, though! I plugged in and we watched the Boo to You parade.

The parade was so cute! I have no pictures due to my dead phone (Justin doesn't have an iPhone since in the prison, he can't take a phone in, so his little go phone doesn't do much for pictures). But I LOVED the parade!!

After that, we watched the castle projection show and HalloWishes! The fireworks were amazing!!!! I loved every minute of it. It was amazing just being together and being able to enjoy celebrating the moment.



After the fireworks, I was starving. I had eaten yogurt soup, a half of an individual pizza, a few bites of key lime pie, and a little bit of a Mickey pretzel that day. We had done a lot of walking and it was so humid out.

We walked around a little more. Thought about Casey's, but nothing there really intrigued me. With not much else open, we had decided to leave. We were both so sweaty and stinky! It was nearing 10:30 when we left. I so badly wish we would have stayed, but we were exhausted and so gross, and so excited at the same time.

We stopped for a few more Photopass pictures before leaving!




We stopped at McDonald's near Animal Kingdom and grabbed some dinner. Again looking back, we should have used a QS credit. But we were starving, didn't know what we want, and didn't feel like fighting the crowds through Main Street area (the second parade was about to start) to get back to a CS place.

Now, that just means I need to go back to MNSSHP again for more character meets and trick or treating! Since those are the main things we missed due to something a little more magical.. getting engaged!! :yay:

Once we got back to the hotel, we ate our meals. I sat down on one bed, Justin sat down on the other.

I said "Aren't you going to sit with me?"

Justin: "But we're eating.."

Me: "But we are ENGAGED!!!"

For the rest of the trip, we were in shock that we were now FIANCEs! It is still so weird to think about!

Here is my ring.. he knew what kind I wanted. I absolutely love it, he did a great job!


Post engagement discussion: We talked about it afterwards and he told me he had asked my dad. Aww. And my best friend! He told me he had planned to do it the day before (our first night there) but "You didn't leave my sight all day!" Hahaha. I guess I was being pesky. He had the ring in the box rolled up in a sock stuffed in his carryon! He was nervous to put it in his checked bag. We each had backpacks as a carryon so he had put a change of clothes in his backpack. I guess it makes sense to put it in there so it would not get lost! His best friend and my best friend were going crazy texting him that first night and then he had to tell him he didn't do it.. haha. He told me he never got to take the ring out and put it in his pocket because he was nervous I would see!

Also this is why he was being so WEIRD! He said the first night, one of our first pictures was at the train station. And that was when he really felt like he was at Disney - seeing the train station and seeing the Magic Kingdom in front of us. That's why he wanted to go to the train station! And had sweaty palms and had to use the restroom every 30 minutes, lol. But, I think the Plaza Rose Garden was PERFECT! Now it's our little spot! :hug::hug:
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Congratulations! What a great story, and your ring is absolutely beautiful!
Ashley, I'm back and all caught up.

I am so happy you loved CSR. We have stayed there 10 times and it is our go to resort when we don't rent DVC points. We've had many special occasions there...my DH's 50th and 60th birthday trips, my successful breast cancer surgery and our 25th wedding anniversary.

You two are just cute as buttons. That breakfast didn't look appetizing and I LOVE Pepper Market.

Yes, the WPE at the Marketplace has a much bigger menu (love their fettucine); they have a good breakfast too.

Love your shirts for the party. And you did a great job on getting on quite a few rides and a rather short wait for the 7 Dwarfs.

What a sweet proposal story and I LOVE your ring.
Ashley, I'm back and all caught up.

I am so happy you loved CSR. We have stayed there 10 times and it is our go to resort when we don't rent DVC points. We've had many special occasions there...my DH's 50th and 60th birthday trips, my successful breast cancer surgery and our 25th wedding anniversary.

You two are just cute as buttons. That breakfast didn't look appetizing and I LOVE Pepper Market.

Yes, the WPE at the Marketplace has a much bigger menu (love their fettucine); they have a good breakfast too.

Love your shirts for the party. And you did a great job on getting on quite a few rides and a rather short wait for the 7 Dwarfs.

What a sweet proposal story and I LOVE your ring.

Awww, thank you! I am glad you are enjoying it so far! :goodvibes

I was nervous about Pepper Market. A lot of reviews I read made me think it wasn't going to be good. We liked having it as an option!
Congratulations! What a wonderful story! Can't wait to hear more about your trip!

So I wasn't sure if I should include this or not, but I thought it may be helpful to others.

Monday morning we woke up - ENGAGED, AHH! - and we headed straight to the Pepper Market for breakfast. We had to get going, as we were being picked up by the DVC van at 8:50.

Here we are walking to El Centro! I loved this little bridge that went over the water. We even saw an alligator.




Here you'll find, we made a visit to Pepper Market again on our 2nd full day. I brought oatmeal and granola bars for myself and Justin just figured we would swing by Walmart after the baseball game. We were heading to Tampa later that day and had intended on getting him some breakfast stuff like bagels and a jar of PB and some jelly. Note: we never ended up doing this, haha.

Anyways, on to Pepper Market.. We would be driving to Tampa and knew we probably wouldn't eat another big meal until later that evening. We wanted something to tide us over, but I wasn't willing to swing through a fast food place when we had so many QS credits to use.

Today, Justin chose the Mickey Waffles with sausage. Sorry for the awful angle - he was not yet used to waiting to eat until after I had taken a picture!


Mickey Waffles - 4 Belgium style Mickey Waffles with Fruit Compote and choice of Meat - $7.99

I chose the biscuits & gravy. I wanted something different so that we could split both. I got bacon with mine, and it also came with potatoes. I got the gravy on the side.


Biscuits & Gravy - Savory Sausage Gravy over Buttermilk Biscuits with choice of Meat and Potato - $6.99

I got apple juice to drink ($1.99, I think) and I believe he got OJ (probably also $1.99).

You can't go wrong with Mickey waffles! Justin really liked them, and the sausage was really great that day. The biscuits and gravy were wonderful too. Typical Disney breakfast food, but it was good! :cool1:

WOULD WE RETURN: Yep, you'll see us here twice more this week, haha. It was a nice stop for breakfast in the morning!

TOTAL: $20

We used 2 QS credits.

We waited a few more minutes and we were picked up by a special DVC van, and we headed over to Saratoga Springs to the office where they give you tours..

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MONDAY 9/15 - DVC Presentation & Tampa Trip

This might be a little boring - but I thought it might be a good post for those who are looking into DVC.

I mentioned in an earlier post that while we were at DTD, we spoke to the DVC reps and they offered us a chance to go to a DVC presentation the next day.

At first, I was apprehensive, but we had nothing to lose and wanted to learn more.

Once we were there, we waited for a few minutes. They had a nice spread of croissants, juice, etc for guests, but we had just eaten so we declined.

Lauren was our tour guide. She showed us the Villas Grand Floridian room, as well as the Aulani room. I swear she showed us one more, but I could definitely be wrong. I know we saw those two for sure.

The rooms were gorgeous!! Seriously, to die for. I was way impressed.

We then met with a salesman, whose name I won't mention, just for privacy purposes because I know some people probably deal with him and I do not want to name drop because I'm sure there are very few DVC salespeople as opposed to just regular CMs!

We met in a room with a great guy, probably in his mid 30's. He asked us what we knew, what we would like to know, and walked us through all of the payment options.

Now, I knew only a little bit from lurking on the boards. I knew that you purchased points, used them throughout the year, etc. I had no clue about payments, booking rooms, and what different rooms cost. Justin had no clue - but he was very interested as well.

We asked plenty of questions, learned a lot, and decided that this was something we were very interested in.

We contemplated buying 75 points/year at AKL for $7,500. Reasons we didn't:
1. We had never been to AKL before.
2. We had heard AKL was farther away from most things (although we know you don't have to go there all the time)
3. We have a wedding to pay for!
4. Justin hadn't been to the other 3 parks so I wanted to gauge his interest and see what he thought first.

Also, I wanted to discuss it with my mom. She loves Disney too and chances are she would also like to use some points. I also didn't know how many points I would want to purchase. I just like to think things over before committing.

The DVC rep was great. He didn't try to push us into anything because we were clear at the beginning that we would not be purchasing that day. He gave us his card and told us to call back before we left if we were interested in moving forward.

If you are considering DVC, I really recommend attending this presentation! He gave us so much helpful information on how many points, how to bank and borrow, cruising, Aulani, etc. It was very helpful and not once did I feel pressured!

At the end of the meeting, he gave us 3 VIP fast passes to use anywhere we want, aside from character meet and greets, Soarin', 7DMT and I think TSMM. That alone was a wonderful perk!

He also gave us a $50 Disney gift card, and we got to go eat ice cream in the ice cream parlor!

It was well worth the wait and we're glad we did it! We still haven't made a choice to buy into DVC or not. We know we want to, but I want to probably buy 100 points and that costs just a bit more. I also need to figure out where we would want to buy!

After our DVC fun, we went back to CSR at about 11:15. We hit the road shortly after for our Tampa trip.

We had packed a bag with our swimsuits and towels so we could go to the beach. It was Justin's backpack. I had mine, which I was using as a purse, so I asked him to grab the backpack with the clothes and towels in it.

We got to St. Pete Beach around 1, I think, and found a public beach where we could park.

Originally in planning, we had thought we would take 2 days at the beginning of our trip in Tampa. Personally, I would rather have spent those two days in Disney. It was going to be too stressful flying into Tampa, staying there for 2 days, driving to Disney, staying there 5 days, then driving to Miami and flying home 2 days later.

So we stayed at Disney instead of Tampa and just drove for a day. I am so glad we did. Tampa was NOT worth the drive for us, you'll see why.

We get to the beach, and I ask Justin where he put the backpack with the swimsuits and towels in it. The conversation went kind of like this..

"Hey babe, where's the backpack with the swimsuits? Is it in the trunk?"

"Oh $hiT!...."


"I'm sorry, I know you told me to grab it but you should have checked to make sure I had it!!!"



Ok, so I laughed. But I was also SO MAD! Really, you had one job! I had the directions and my stuff, your job was the backpack that you said you would grab! Oh well... I was too happy to be mad at my fiancé, haha.

So we contemplated what to do. The baseball game started at 7, and it was only about 1.

There was a shopping plaza across the street. I suggested we walk over there and at least purchase a towel or two. We both had shorts on, but we did want to swim in the ocean.

$111 later, we each had a swimsuit and towels. I was NOT happy, but it happens. If I were at home, I would have cringed at the thought of spending $60 on a bathing suit. I don't think I've EVER spent that much on a bathing suit! That, plus two towels and Justin's swimsuit, was $100. I was sick to my stomach.

We get to the beach, and we're both kind of over it at this point. We should have skipped the swimsuits, but we were on vacation, and Justin was really mad at himself, so I felt bad.

We spent a little bit of time at the beach... But it was so hot! I don't know why I expected really clear water (maybe because Clearwater is north of there?), but it wasn't clear! :confused3


Afterwards, we headed to the baseball stadium.

If you read my pre-trip report, you know we love baseball! I have always been a huge Pirates fan! Justin, too. He also likes the Indians because he is from Ohio (kind of a split love, but he loves the Pirates more).

We stopped at a little bar along the way to grab a drink. I had a pretty good local brew.


We lined up outside the stadium around 5. Typically ballparks where we are from open about 2 hours before. Now there were hundreds of people all waiting together outside, and it was so hot. One person even passed out and they had to call security over to her. You'd think they'd open the gates...



We grabbed some food before the game, Justin had pulled pork nachos (which he raved about for days), and I had chicken fingers. I'm not big on pork, but he loved these nachos so much.



I love Derek Jeter. This was going to be one of his last games before he retired, so I was anxious to see him. He didn't even play!

We stayed until about the 6th inning before leaving. The game was boring, no one had scored and Jeter wasn't playing! Unfortunately baseball games aren't as fun when you don't have anyone to cheer for, but we still had a good time!

We were exhausted and had a big day at Animal Kingdom the next morning, so we headed back.

It was a fun day, but I don't think we'll do it again. Our goal is to see all 30 stadiums so it was nice to go there, but it was a pain to leave Disney and come back all in one day.

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Tuesday morning came and it was finally time for another park! I felt like we had hardly been to the parks because our only park time so far was MNSSHP and our short visit on our arrival day.

Justin started his day by walking to El Centro in search of a giant M&M cookie. I call him Cookie Monster because he LOVES his cookies!

Instead, Cafe Rix didn't have M&M cookies. :confused3 So he came back with this mega cinnamon roll.


He paid OOP for this. I'm not sure why were being stingy with our snack credits, lol. It was $4.99, I think.

I had a Larabar (my fave!) and we set off for the parks.

Justin had taken a wave to the face the day before in St. Pete and wasn't feeling too hot that morning. Thankfully, I'm a crazy planner and I had packed some nasal decongestant in my arsenal. :thumbsup2 I often get stuffy since I have seasonal allergies, so I made sure to have some on hand. That helped, but he wasn't 100% this day.

We drove to AK and got there pretty quickly.

Ah, we had arrived!


I was really excited to show Justin Animal Kingdom. He loves animals, so I knew he would really like this park!


We ended up getting a lot of really nice Photopass pictures that day!

We headed towards the safari, since we had a FP+ for 9:35. Since it was only 9, we did the Pangani Forest trail while we waited.

Once we got out, the line for the safari was NUTS! It was stroller mania! I figured a lot of people would have FP+ for the morning, but the line was crazy. So we rearranged our FP+ and switched it to a later time. I really liked that we could change our mind and switch it to something else if we wanted to.

We instead did Rafiki's Planet Watch, which was cute. We got to meet Chip n Dale and Rafiki!

Chip and Dale were so fun! They loved taking a look at my new ring!




Justin wanted to go into the petting zoo. I wanted none of it, but I went in anyways.

He pet a goat..


I was forced to touch it, though I wasn't happy about it. Animals scare me - I have no idea why but they do!

We walked back through Africa towards the Lion King.. We had a FP+ for 2:30, but it was approaching 11 so we switched it since we were in the area!

We got a bunch of great pictures here. It was like a photo shoot! The CM kept telling us what to do.




Then it was time for the Festival of the Lion King. I LOVE this show! I always have. The Lion King is definitely in my top 3 favorite Disney movies, if not #1. I love it, and the show is spectacular! Justin was impressed, too.



We had 3 VIP FP+ from our DVC presentation the day before. We had used 2 of our 3 normal FP+ for the day, with one remaining for Dinosaur.

We decided to use one of our VIP FP+ for Expedition Everest. I don't love roller coasters, but Justin does, so I thought he would like it.

He liked it!

After this ride, it was noon and we were both getting hungry. It was REALLY hot outside, and he still wasn't feeling 100%.

I had planned to eat at Yak & Yeti or Flame Tree, I thought I'd let him decide. Since he wasn't feeling well, he wanted something "familiar", so I suggested Restaurantosaurus for a burger.

I was holding out for Yak and Yeti but I was happy to sit with him while he ate. We had done a lot that morning so we needed the break.

His choice at Restaurantosaurus was (and I'm sorry for the awful lighting):


Angus Bacon Cheeseburger - Flame-broiled Angus Burger topped with Bacon, melted American Cheese, and choice of Apple Slices or French Fries - $10.69

They also offered: a black bean burger, chicken BLT salad, grilled chicken sandwich, chicken nuggets, and a mac & cheese hot dog. The Chicken BLT salad sounded good, but I really wanted some good Chinese at Yak and Yeti!

He got a Diet Coke to drink and offered to let me choose the dessert. I chose the cheesecake in a glass for $4.19.


I lied when I said the sad little yogurt parfait was the worst thing I ate in Disney - this was definitely the worst, haha!

He raved about this burger! He loved it. He added ketchup and mustard, as he does to all of his burgers. A bacon cheeseburger is his go-to on a menu when he's not feeling adventurous (which is a lot of the time, lol).

He really enjoyed this. I had a bite too and I was impressed. I hear a lot about Disney burgers not being the greatest, but this one was pretty good. It was hot and juicy, and very thick.

The 'cheesecake in a glass' was weird. There was a crust on the bottom, runny cheesecake in the middle, and an orange flavored sour gelatin on top. I don't particularly like orange, and it was super gooey, so I pushed it aside to get to the cheesecake, which just tasted gross! I even tried to dig to the bottom for the crust and it was just meh.. I wouldn't get this again for sure. We soon found that the chocolate mousse was a great QS dessert option.

We typically do not get dessert at lunch or dinner out, but instead we'll do ice cream or something or another snack during the day.

The burger and fries with the drink alone would have been about $13, so that wasn't a bad deal considering the amount of food was decent and he really liked it. We would go here again. Not the best food ever but definitely not bad by any means. Except for the cheesecake in a glass.. I am scarred.

WOULD WE RETURN: Of course! Justin really liked his burger. Although, I don't think the restaurant(osaurus?) itself was anything too special. It was nice to cool off, and he received his food pretty quickly, but I think you can get a burger and fries just about anywhere.

TOTAL: $19

We used 1 QS credit.

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Congrats on your engagement! Loved that you got engaged in a quiet spot - I could almost visualize Justin's nervousness and frustration at not being able to catch a Photo Pass Photographer in front of the train station. Perfect ending to a perfect day!
I am slowly catching up, Ashley.

I love the Mickey Waffles at Pepper Market.

OUCH on the $100 for new swimsuits and towels for the beach. I bet Justin won't forget again.

Glad you had a good time at the ball game.

I'm sorry Justin wasn't feeling well on your AK day. But it sounds as if you had a pretty good day anyway. I love that you can rearrange your FP+ selections if needed (and available).

I'm with you...LOVE the Lion King show.

In all of our visits, we still have not eaten at Restaurantosaurus. After our disappointing meal at Flame Tree (which used to be a favorite), I think we will try Restaurantosaurus next time.
TUESDAY 9/16 - ANIMAL KINGDOM - Yak and Yeti

After we finished up at Restaurantosaurus, we left Dinoland and spotted a CM at what looked like a character meet line. "Come meet Daisy, the line is real short!" she said. So we hopped in line to meet Daisy. We maybe had 5 families in front of us. With a short 3 minute break for Daisy, we were finished in less than 15 minutes! I was pretty hungry here.. but I was willing to wait for a meet with Daisy!




Justin was feeling much better, but didn't care for a ride like Dinosaur that might jolt him around. So, we decided to switch our FP+ for a Mickey and Minnie meet! We used our FP and probably waited for 10 minutes..


Getting to meet all of the characters was so much fun. They all acted so excited when they would see my button and then point to my ring! We got a kick out of it.



After that, I was ready for some lunch. It was about 1 PM and I wasn't going to last much longer in the sun, so... Yak and Yeti it is!

The line at Yak and Yeti was super long. Longer than I would've liked, mainly because part of it required standing outside and I was SO HUNGRY! I had eaten a granola bar around 8, and had been walking around for 4 hours!

But let me tell you... the wait was worth it!!!

I was skeptical to eating a hot Chinese food meal on a super hot day, but I am glad I did it.

I was thinking of trying Flame Tree BBQ, but I don't typically like barbecue, though the turkey sandwich there sounded really good. I had chosen Yak and Yeti or Flame Tree, and recommended the two of them to Justin, thinking I'd allow him to choose and I'd be happy either way. Well, that plan failed, haha.

We waited about 40 minutes in line. :rolleyes2 I guess everyone there had the same idea!

I ordered the sweet and sour chicken. I was between the honey chicken and the sweet and sour. I wanted to just order an order of the fried rice instead of an entree, but I knew I probably needed more food than that. Although, I was nervous I wouldn't finish an entree (while I was soo hungry, I didn't want to fill up too much since it was so hot), so I asked my trusty side-kick and plate cleaner what he would prefer. He said sweet and sour.

So that's what we got!


Sweet-and-Sour Chicken - Tempura Chicken, Bell Peppers, Pineapple, Sweet- and- Sour Sauce, and White Rice - $9.99

Other menu entrees included: honey chicken with white rice, mandarin chicken salad, beef lo mien, and an Asian chicken sandwich. The beef lo mien sounded really good too. Ok, everything sounded awesome.

I also got a Diet Coke to drink ($2 maybe?) and triple chocolate mousse for dessert ($3.59). Again, not in the mood for dessert. I wasn't very trusting of the CS desserts after the nastiness of what was the cheesecake in a glass.. but I owed Justin dessert, and well, it came with the dining plan! He chose the chocolate mousse.


I'm happy to report that the chicken was outstanding!!! I was so impressed. It came in a little black tray that was reminiscent of a TV dinner container, but it was still very good. It was well worth the wait.

The sauce was great. It had little pieces of peppers and pineapple, and maybe carrots too. The rice went very well with it. You could also choose sauces from the cart that had the silverware and napkins on it. We didn't add any.

The chicken was all white meat and very juicy. I honestly found the quality of the chicken to be more along the lines of a PF Chang's than a mall food court Chinese place.

We also learned that the triple chocolate mousse is AWEEEESOMEEE!

WOULD WE RETURN? We'll definitely eat here again. Next time, I think I may try the fried rice and egg rolls instead just for something different. Or maybe the honey chicken. Or maybe the beef lo mien. Or maybe everything. Justin's kind of picky when it comes to Chinese, so he'll probably get the honey chicken or the sweet and sour.

I definitely have found my favorite Animal Kingdom CS!

TOTAL: $19
I used 1 QS credit here.

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After lunch we went back to Kilimanjaro Safaris for our FP+.. finally! I felt like we had been waiting to do this ride all day! Justin loves animals so I knew this ride would be one that he really enjoyed. He loved it! He liked hearing the commentary from our safari guide (which was awesome) and all of the animals were out for us to see.

We finished our day by going to meet Donald. Originally I had asked Justin how interested he was in meeting characters, and he said he was pretty uninterested with the exception of a few: Mickey, Donald, Buzz and Woody. However, after our first meets with Mickey and Tinkerbell on Sunday.. he was hooked! He had me chasing down characters all week! Hahaha.

We waited about 10 minutes for Donald which was great. Justin was excited to finally meet him!




Here are some more pictures from our day!




We left AK around 3-3:15. It was SOOO hot outside! I am so glad I wore a hat that day.. it was brutal! We needed to get out of the heat for awhile and rest at the resort before our dinner ADR at the Yachtsman. :banana:

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Great updates. I'm so glad you got to meet Daisy. She is not one you often find out and about so we took time to see her too.

And Justin got to meet Donald finally!

We have never done the CS at Yak & Yeti but often eat at the sit down restaurant and we love it there!

Great photopass pictures around the park that day.

I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Yachtsman.


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