ABCs of a Nursing School Grad Trip + FL Keys Mini Report;D is for: Dang! Last Chapter of this TR...

Nice you could just enjoy some "me" time and let the kids run amuck! :rotfl2: I'm sad all of the expensive stuff in Norway has left. I don't know why, I can't buy it either. It is just so pretty. I guess we all needed another Frozen shop. :faint:
And that’s what’s so great about a long, 10 day trip. Loads of room to change plans
I love the longer trips. My last two have been 8 days. I really wanted to build in some resort relaxation time.

All by my little ol’ lonesome (which is actually pretty great! If you haven’t done a solo trip, you really ought to try it.)
I keep getting the feeling from you and ponzi that a solo trip is a good idea. I need to figure out if I'll ever get one. Maybe I just need to start with half day while the girls are shopping or something.

Instead I waited until I got inside the park and got some $ixBucks:
Ha ha. $ixbucks, love it. I never bother with it but DW and DD are a bit on the addicted side. What's worse is they have that auto-reload thing on their phone so the money just keeps getting sucked up before they realize.

OK, I'm on my phone and have given up on multi quote. I agree completely about the sad downgrade of the Norway gift shop. I get that the ride is there, but it would be nice to leave a little culture. I wondered if you sashayed back to the Canada gift shop when you came across the reindeer poop though! Love the chopsticks. I was intimidated by them before I started spending time in Asia but I've become pretty good at eating with them. You should try eating a fried egg with chopsticks sometime, that's not a flattering image.
A little alone time goes a long way on a WDW trip! Though I'm with your kids on this one - my alone time usually consists of playing Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom while the rest of my family wanders off to do something "more exciting" :p

Sad to hear about the Norway shops! When they switched the ride to Frozen I was worried something like that might happen. :sad2: Oh well, more time to spend at other pavilions on my trip next month.
There's no pic of what you bought in Norway.

I bought my DH a pair of chopsticks in Japan on our honeymoon but he never uses them. He says he doesn't want to get them dirty!
Nice you could just enjoy some "me" time and let the kids run amuck! :rotfl2: I'm sad all of the expensive stuff in Norway has left. I don't know why, I can't buy it either. It is just so pretty. I guess we all needed another Frozen shop. :faint:

Yes, because it was really pretty and fun to dream a little.

NO, we so did NOT need another Frozen Crap Store. So tired of that junk. It's just IMHO so over-saturated it's not even funny.

I love the longer trips. My last two have been 8 days. I really wanted to build in some resort relaxation time.

That's exactly what we did. A couple of full days off that we laid by the pool, did a tour, did laundry, just relaxed! It was amazing!

I keep getting the feeling from you and ponzi that a solo trip is a good idea. I need to figure out if I'll ever get one. Maybe I just need to start with half day while the girls are shopping or something.

No agendas other than your own, nobody to have competing wanna-dos, you eat WHAT you want, WHEN you want; go WHERE you want to go and even get to decide how. I think once you try it you'll be hooked. Of course, there is something to be said for being with those you enjoy too. Just a very DIFFERENT experience altogether.

Ha ha. $ixbucks, love it. I never bother with it but DW and DD are a bit on the addicted side. What's worse is they have that auto-reload thing on their phone so the money just keeps getting sucked up before they realize.

I think I stole that actually from either Mark or ponzi. Seems to be utterly appropriate. Next to college textbooks, it's the biggest extortion racket the world over. I bought myself an espresso machine for home and now it's my favorite coffee- it's paid itself off multiple times already.

OK, I'm on my phone and have given up on multi quote. I agree completely about the sad downgrade of the Norway gift shop. I get that the ride is there, but it would be nice to leave a little culture. I wondered if you sashayed back to the Canada gift shop when you came across the reindeer poop though! Love the chopsticks. I was intimidated by them before I started spending time in Asia but I've become pretty good at eating with them. You should try eating a fried egg with chopsticks sometime, that's not a flattering image.

YOu couldn't have anyway. when you were quoting, my formatting was "hot" and a big huge mess. It's fixed now- after another hour of work. YES! More culture, less marketing! What a crock.

Yeah, but that's an awful lot of backtracking. Had to think twice though... you never know when reindeer turds might come in handy. Chocolate chip cookie, anyone?

My grandparents taught me VERY young how to use them. So grateful! Never tried a fried egg though; that'd take some serious talent I think!

A little alone time goes a long way on a WDW trip! Though I'm with your kids on this one - my alone time usually consists of playing Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom while the rest of my family wanders off to do something "more exciting" :p

I love it! Time to explore without the constant, "I gotta go!", "I'm hungry!", "Let's ride...!", "I'm tired, let's go back now."... The game is actually kinda fun, I'll agree. HUGE time sucker though. Whole post for it coming up at some point.

Sad to hear about the Norway shops! When they switched the ride to Frozen I was worried something like that might happen. :sad2: Oh well, more time to spend at other pavilions on my trip next month.

Your worst nightmare came true. Now it's floor to ceiling Anna and Elsa crap- dresses, crowns, wands, wigs, you name it. They DESTROYED the at-one-time pretty authentic Norwegian Smorgasbord at Akershus as well. I remember going in the early 2000s and it had yummy stuff all set out on the buffet with herring in sour cream, ludefisk, lefse, etc... all gone. They still have (last I ate there) lox, but that was it. So sad.
There's no pic of what you bought in Norway.

I bought my DH a pair of chopsticks in Japan on our honeymoon but he never uses them. He says he doesn't want to get them dirty!

Thanks for pointing that out. I forgot to re-insert when I spent the hour fixing the post's formatting.
I bought my DH a pair of chopsticks in Japan on our honeymoon but he never uses them. He says he doesn't want to get them dirty!

This sounds like he doesn't want to show that he doesn't know how to use them?

Not get them dirty.... ummm.... that's the whole point. They're washable, just like a fork. ;)
They DESTROYED the at-one-time pretty authentic Norwegian Smorgasbord at Akershus as well.
What do they have to eat there now?

This sounds like he doesn't want to show that he doesn't know how to use them?
Oh no, he knows how to use them, I however don't. He's just afraid they'll break or something. I kind of do the same thing. I'll get a new shirt or something that I love and never wear it. I want to keep it pristine!
Day shopping sounds neat. I like browsing around the showcase. Oh my there is much rubbish there that is for sure but also some hidden gems. Love your cruxifix and chop stix!

I like the art shop in EPCOT too. They do great personal sketches you can say what character and what message. I got my DD one for his 70th. He adores Mickey.

I love Mousegears as well.

You can't take the shop out of the woman..
Well, I do have a snow blower (I really want to use a Disdads joke that I posted last month, but I won't drag down the decorum of your TR, you'll have to lurk over on the "other thread" to read it).

As far as snowblower jokes, I am well familiarized with that particular interlude you guys were having over there a few weeks ago. ;)

No idea what you're talking about. :rolleyes1

It’s a brand new day! Can you feel the winds of change?

Sorry. That was me.

“Hey Kids! I have an idea. I’ll go to EPCOT and do a little more of World Showcase, and you guys go on over to MK, let Zach play his game, you girls go do some SisterFun, all of you go to the Skipper’s Canteen for lunch (but don’t spend too much money) and we’ll meet back at EPCOT later on.”


“Shopping again? Yeah, we’ll see you later.”

(It wasn’t ALL shopping. Geez, the pavilions ARE pretty cool to cruise through. At least I think so. Uncultured swi.. errr, I love my kids. Go have fun!)

:rotfl2: In the end, everyone gets what they want.

Instead I waited until I got inside the park and got some $ixBucks:

I always called it FiveBucks, but I think it's definitely possible inflation has hit since then.

I also took the time to browse in here a bit. I had never seen this shop before so thought I’d take a peek. Love the original and repro prints and art in here!

There are a few things in that store that make me wish I was independently wealthy.

One of the things I like most about this area is the background music.

I'm convinced that's the real secret to Disney magic. Background music really makes a difference in one's mindset.


Oooh, nice shot there.

Along the way, I thought this was a nice little spot. Not sure why it was left empty and unused, but cute nonetheless. There were more than a few times I found myself eating sitting on a curb; Why not put some table and chairs in there for folks to take the noshables to?

I like those travel posters quite a bit.

Speaking of ships… is anyone else out there extremely sad that they took out the Viking ship play structure? My kids adored that thing; how sad that they felt the need to rob the little ones the chance to climb, and play, swing, and jump- you know… be little kids.

:wave2: Sometimes the low-tech thrills are the best.

But I did get these:

Nice shots of Norway there.

Fueled properly afore heading inside, I was accosted first by the stench of Laila. A little of that goes a loooooooooooooooong way. They really should put a scent extractor in there and bottle up the thousands of dollar’s worth of perfume hanging the air. (My Laila pricing calculator tells me that’s about 1 bottle.)

Try this! It's "Flatulence" by Chanel.

I made my way to the other end of the Crap Shop. Oh. My. Gosh. Are you even kidding me? What a bunch of C.R.A.P. 600 or so square feet of Frozen stuff. Every last bit.

:sad2: That's just sad.

This one's obligatory, isn't it? No one can resist taking that shot.

Whelp, that wraps up the first part of Day 2 of Shopping Around the World. Did I care what the kids were doing? Take a wild guess….

Don't worry, I'm sure they were equally as concerned with your shopping!:thumbsup2
I love it! Time to explore without the constant, "I gotta go!", "I'm hungry!", "Let's ride...!", "I'm tired, let's go back now."... The game is actually kinda fun, I'll agree. HUGE time sucker though. Whole post for it coming up at some point.

Agreed, it can take up a ton of time - and you don't even notice until you've already missed your fasts :duck:
Can't wait for the post, keep up the stellar report
But I also had an ADR for 4 people that was too late to cancel

I've had that happen a couple of times. Amazing how we can spend months agonizing over ADR's and that plan kinda flies out the window in a heartbeat

all of you go to the Skipper’s Canteen for lunch (but don’t spend too much money) and we’ll meet back at EPCOT later on.”

I'm interested to hear how the kids liked Skipper's.

I actually found a quiet place kinda near the back, sat down, sipped on my coffee, closed my eyes and just sat. And listened. It was nice

Those quiet moments to soak it all in or people watch are awesome

Along the way, I thought this was a nice little spot. Not sure why it was left empty and unused, but cute nonetheless. There were more than a few times I found myself eating sitting on a curb; Why not put some table and chairs in there for folks to take the noshables to?

I've thought this about several locations..especially at AK. They have a surprisingly low number if spots to park your keester and rest a spell.

I’ve ridden The Duck Boys’ Small World a couple times. That was enough.

:laughing: If only we could bring our margaritas on the boat ride. That would be much more fun!

600 or so square feet of Frozen stuff.


You know the $850 wool sweaters?

I want to get to know the person who wakes up in the morning and says " I'm going to buy an $850 wool sweater at Epcot today!"
I is for: I Came; I Shopped- Pt. 4

Leaving China with a cordial "Zai-jian", I moseyed once again to the left- onwards towards Germany.

Guten tag!, my little Nurembergesque village! Shall I explore your recesses? I always like to know a bit about where I’m going before I get there, so I found this quick, little tutorial to refresh my memory of what I’d already learned from my Imagineers Guide I’d read years ago:

“The architecture was inspired by the buildings of Bavaria and the Rhine region of Germany. Other details come from communities of the German north. Statue in the center of the plaza is of St. George, the patron saint of soldiers. A glockenspiel chimes to a melody specially composed for Epcot.

Rather than construct precise replicas of buildings found in Germany, the designers of the pavilion adapted German structures to fit the scale and needs of World Showcase. For example, the facade of Der Bucherwurm is modeled after the Kaufhaus, a medieval merchant's hall in Freiburg. However, there are 4 statues representing Hapsburg emperors in the hall in Freiburg, Der Bucherwurm, which is not large enough to support them all, has only three.

The facade of the art and book shop was inspired by the Kaufhaus, a 16th century merchants hall in Freiburg in the Black Forest.

Statues on the building recall the rule of the Hapsburg Emperors.

An exterior facade was copied from a 400-year old town hall in Romsburg Square in Frankfurt.

The high wall serving as the backdrop for the showcase was inspired by Eltz Castle on the Mosel River and Stahleck Castle on the Rhine.

The landscaping within the village itself is minimal. Red flowers, particularly geraniums and begonias, dominate the floral displays in the area. Window boxes coordinate with the baskets and fountain planting to carry the color throughout the scene. Here roses are used for their sweet-smelling scent rather than for their showy blooms.”-

I think I like the German Pavilion because I’ve done some exploring of Germany and it does bring back some very fond memories- especially those spent with Magdalene (@Flossbolna ) and Katharina (@nodnol ). What a delightful trip to Nuremberg they helped us have, despite having tragically sick family during our stay.

Once again, I will spare you the step by step itinerary of my wanderings and let the photos do the talking. I ducked in and out of the several shops in between photos in my quest for that perfect little something to take home and enjoy.

I even found a pretty elusive Hidden Mickey:

In the end, I chose this to take home:

I spent quite some time talking with the salesgirl and she explained the significances of all the designs on the various shot glasses. The one I chose represents Bavaria in some way, and perhaps Magdalene can further shed some light on the design and name.

It too is sitting on the back of my stove for me to see every day, and yes, it does get used as a shot measure for the occasional rum and Coke.

Perhaps it is just me, but the teensy tiny train is pretty hard to pass up. So I didn’t. I spent probably a good 20 minutes just watching the thing go around and around and around. Mesmerizing. Did you know they put up little banners on the lamp posts for Food and Wine? Dang, that’s just too cute.

“Wir sehen uns”, Germany… Italy is calling…

BUON GIORNO!!, stately Italy. May I admire your concrete made to look like marble? Sell me your wares, you romantic pavilion, you.

In the end, I took exactly one photo of the Italian area. Why, because time was a’tickin! Things to do! Stuff to buy! People to meet!!!!!!!

Get in, shop it up, get out…. My modus operandi du jour.

Instead, I spent a crapton of time in here:

Looking at these:

And especially this.

I really, really want this big one. Remember those $850 non-existent sweaters in Norway? Yeah, well, Italy hasn’t caved to marketing… they still have $850 masks to drool over. Except I think this one was actually closer to $1850. Instead, I settled for this little one at $12.00.

Last trip's:

DANG IT! Just over the allotment. OH well, they’re pretty enough that I did it anyway. Sorry, if that messed some of you up on The Contest. And that concludes the Shop-Around-the Showcase. 10 souvenirs. 9 under $10.00. France sucks. But I have an idea for next time. 2 countries had an addition given to their starts. Will I keep up my little fun tradition? Yes. Absolutely, yes. It’s a fun way to get me into each country and to bring home a little gift from each one to remember how much fun I had finding them.

Now… I’ll bet you think I stopped here and turned around. HAHAHAHA, you fools!! No way! This girl’s feelin’ it today…. FULL CIRCUIT time! Actually by day's end, I'll have gone around almost twice! You all know what’s next, right?

If you said America, you’d be partially right. More specifically, it was time for a little day drinking IN America. (And Japan, and Morocco, and well, heck why not a little in Italy too? (yes, it was MORE than a full circuit! CRAZINESS!!!!)

It was hot, I was thirsty, I was on Letter ‘N’, so what can I say?

Sidle on up, Girlie- time for a Not Your Father's Hard Root Beer:

They filled it full, so naturally the top half inch decorated my shirt. Nothing like announcing your presence smelling like Food and Wine on a rowdy Friday night. Hello, my name is Steppe. I spill.

You do recall that I don’t go through America without stopping for a little VOL action, so I didn’t. But, hmmm, what to do with the newly purchased drink that they won't allow in? Hide it of course. No, I didn’t chug it. I stashed it neatly behind the trashcan between the entrance to the Chase Lounge and the front doors of the Hall, and merrily went in to hear these heavenly voices once more. Beautiful, as always.

Back out to reclaim my cup of deliciousness and to keep a’movin. By now, Marv and Pat were texting and we’d decided to meet up soon; meantime I’d continue my general direction of the International Gateway. Lots of real estate to cover between here and there… best get moving!

Still had that drink to nurture though, and it was long past time to find some quiet solitude to sit and rest and think. How about here?

No. Not IN the pond, but nearby. Sheesh. I wasn't that stinky.

Just choose a seat; it was pretty much deserted back in here. Lovely! Just lovely. I sat for a good 15 minutes just nursing my Disney dreaming reverie and taking in the peaceful, very tranquil Japanese surroundings. Ahhh….. THIS is how solo time is spent. In case you’re confused, no, I didn’t get another drink in Japan; I just drank the one I’d gotten a bit earlier here.

But what is this? Ouch! It was a deep down ache in my gut, and at first alarmed me. Wait! I know what this is. It’s hunger. Had I really only eaten a F&W offering at 11:00 in China all day? It was now after 1:00, and I was ravenous. The Disney ducks were beginning to look appetizing, so yeah, probably time to seek out interim sustenance before our dinner ADR. And when in Morocco, do as the Moroccans do, right? Eat! But I’ll save that as a teaser for upcoming F&W posts. Quickly snagging my fare, Pat and Marv were in the park and it was time for further shenanigans to commence….

Of course, on the way, I snapped a few last photos of my favorite pavilion:

Now, my guy readers... I did not forget you. I aim to please and I don't think I've failed you.... Here ya go:

By the time we met up, they were hungry too, and one can never try too many F&W bites. Or drinks.

Time for pre-dinner eats Round #2. Hops and Barley was right there, so we dove in. Deep.

Oddly, it was Letter ‘O’s turn for knocking off the list. So I did. With a Frozen Orange Spiked Tea with Orlando Orange Vodka. How’s that for kicks and giggles. Not strong, like every frozen drink I’ve ever had in EPCOT, but quite tasty. Steppe’s unbiased opinion? 1 Thumb. Only 1. $9.50 only partially down the crapper, but at least none on her shirt. 1 for 2 today in that department. Thank you very much.

Time to kill til 3:55…. What to do… what to do? Go find free drinks, of course! We headed back from whence I’d come…. to ‘Murica for a dip into the Chase Lounge. Pat flashed her card faster than Janet Jackson flashes a Super Bowl crowd and BAM! We were in! Free Cokes and water flowed from never-ending fountains, and did I mention there was glorious air conditioning as well? NO? Oh. There was air conditioning. But no seating. We didn’t stay long. Just enough time to re-charge our phones, and take in the crowd. I think every man, woman and child now has a Disney Visa, so meh…. Not sure I’d go back unless I REALLY needed to charge the phone and was desperate.

Eventually, we started making our way halfway around the Showcase for our ADR. Eventually, I’ll get there in this TR. But not quite yet… Stand by.
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Day shopping sounds neat. I like browsing around the showcase. Oh my there is much rubbish there that is for sure but also some hidden gems. Love your cruxifix and chop stix!

I'm not sure I"d come home with anything if it weren't for this intentional time doing it. So. MUCH. Crap! It does take some hunting for the rare authentic something worth bringing home that won't break the bank either.

I like the art shop in EPCOT too. They do great personal sketches you can say what character and what message. I got my DD one for his 70th. He adores Mickey.

Maybe next time I'll get a sketch done from there. Sounds kinda fun!

I love Mousegears as well.

I use that one as a cut through, and believe it or not, my VERY first Disney World purchase EVER was from there. We were there in January, 2000, and freezing our BUTTS off. Got us 4 sweatshirts for approximately 4 million dollars- quite a steal.

You can't take the shop out of the woman..

THere are times that is true- especially one on a mission!
No idea what you're talking about. :rolleyes1

Uh huh. Right.

Sorry. That was me.

Pumbaa!! Is that you?!

:rotfl2: In the end, everyone gets what they want.

Except I just looked at the Skippers receipt. Disney was clearly the winner here.

I always called it FiveBucks, but I think it's definitely possible inflation has hit since then.

I thought it might have been you... Thanks for that. I stole it.

There are a few things in that store that make me wish I was independently wealthy.

yeah... sigh.

I'm convinced that's the real secret to Disney magic. Background music really makes a difference in one's mindset.

Completely agree! So absolutely perfect for every nook and cranny.

Oooh, nice shot there.

Thanks! Wasn't sure how that one was going to turn out.

I like those travel posters quite a bit.

I wonder if they are even for sale somewhere. A collection of those in a grouping on a wall might be kinda fun.

:wave2: Sometimes the low-tech thrills are the best.

Yeah... I thought your kids may have done a bit of climbing there too.

Try this! It's "Flatulence" by Chanel.

Oh, it's so... nice. :rolleyes1

This one's obligatory, isn't it? No one can resist taking that shot.

Just trying to keep the TR threads consistent. Kinda like McDonalds, unimaginitive and mediocre quality.

Don't worry, I'm sure they were equally as concerned with your shopping!:thumbsup2

No doubt. But ya know what. Lo and behold, they were there just in time for VN.
Agreed, it can take up a ton of time - and you don't even notice until you've already missed your fasts :duck:
Can't wait for the post, keep up the stellar report

I think DS was so hooked he didn't even care anymore. It was... all consuming. LOL!

I'll keep plugging away. :)

I've had that happen a couple of times. Amazing how we can spend months agonizing over ADR's and that plan kinda flies out the window in a heartbeat

Yeah, I think the further we got into the trip, plans began to morph a bit. Not HUGELY, but a few things were either forgotten or missed intentionally. And it was truly OK!!

I'm interested to hear how the kids liked Skipper's.

I will need to do a bit more interrogation on this one.... didn't get a ton of feedback yet.

Those quiet moments to soak it all in or people watch are awesome


I've thought this about several locations..especially at AK. They have a surprisingly low number if spots to park your keester and rest a spell.

What is WITH that?! You'd think ESPECIALLY at AK where it's so peaceful and all that they give you a more places to rest and soak it in. Odd.

:laughing: If only we could bring our margaritas on the boat ride. That would be much more fun!

NOOOOOW we're talking! OH my!


I want to get to know the person who wakes up in the morning and says " I'm going to buy an $850 wool sweater at Epcot today!"

Hello there, new best friend!
If you (or anyone else) wants to increase their souvenir budget, the Germany pavilion has beautiful pewter goblets of many shapes and sizes, which are worth every penny! I purchased mine in Munich, and DH bought one in Ireland, and I have no more room in my house, but I always stop to look at them. They keep your drink cold too, and it's magical!

I have quite a bit of pewter already displayed here and there. I do love it. In fact, my favorite pieces are some wall sconce candle holders that @Captain_Oblivious and Julie sent me. I'll have to keep an eye out for the goblets.
Overall, a great shopping trip. I think you found some great souvenirs, and I love that it allowed you to go inside each pavilion and explore it more than most guests do. Plus, a solo morning? That's great!

I was entertained by your Germany description. Now that I live over here, the explanation of the buildings and statues made a lot more sense. And yes, that one in the back really does remind me of Burg Eltz!

Whew, that Chase Lounge did seem crowded. I suppose everyone was looking for a place to escape the heat and recharge phones.


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