ABCs of Disney Swap - Group Alpha **Gone Postal**

Is it just me or do we have an extra? If you need someone to do N - Night time - I'll do that one too. Haven't decided on my elements quite yet other than Matted Poem or Lyric for Yo Ho Yo Ho - I'm still deciding on the other -- Let me know about N - I don't mind doing it.

ETA: OOPS nevermind - that's what I get for not paying attention!!

Still put me down for matted poem for Y but the rest you can ignore! :rotfl:
TPCShauna said:
My guess as to why everyone is quiet is a combination of being exhausted from staying up late and being busy creating. :

LOL, I sure was tired today! :rotfl:

BUT, I got so pumped up with the ABC's that I did an ENTIRE ABC book for my ds5 :love: with pics from our trip last month. It's simple, but I love it, and more importantly, HE loves it!! :banana:
It's a hard choice, but I think I will take the letters N and Q!

Not sure of the elements until I get my ideas developed...

Looking forward to November!


Melissa (Mom2Madi)
TPCShauna said:
KatDisney - You selected three elements for Letter W: Walt Disney. Your choices were 1 tag, 1 journal box and 1 photo frame which equals 3 points. Do you want to revise that to only 2 options? Let me know.:earboy2:


No, I would like to do all three if that is ok If not I will narrow it down..Im going to have alot of time on my hands here in about 2 weeks so I want plenty to keep me
KatDisney said:

No, I would like to do all three if that is ok If not I will narrow it down..Im going to have alot of time on my hands here in about 2 weeks so I want plenty to keep me

It's absolutely not a problem for you to do all three. I just wanted you to know that you will be doing those three in addition to your title topper. Have fun! I can't wait to get your goodies!
Hey guys!! Quick question....for "M"....does anyone mind if the title just says MICKEY instead of MICKEY MOUSE? (I have an idea for what I want to do...I already ran the title thing past Shauna :) , but I wanted to check with everyone too!) Just let me know if it's a problem.....thanks!
Final details have been added to the first post in the thread. I'm sending out PMs with my address now. Let me know if you have questions, comments, concerns, etc. along the way.

It's a pleasure swapping with you ladies!

MomOf2DisneyKids said:
Hey guys!! Quick question....for "M"....does anyone mind if the title just says MICKEY instead of MICKEY MOUSE? (I have an idea for what I want to do...I already ran the title thing past Shauna :) , but I wanted to check with everyone too!) Just let me know if it's a problem.....thanks!

Thats fine with me.
TPCShauna said:
It's a pleasure swapping with you ladies!


this has been great so far!! Thanks for all of your efforts to get this together, Shauna!! :teeth:
Sorry I've been out of the loop and mostly unavailable lately. I've had a lot going on in my personal life that has been causing me undue stress. I think I'm finally on the upswing of things and I'm trying to get caught up.

So, how is everyone doing with their items? I have decided on designs for most everything and have done some shopping. I'm working on finishing a swap right now so I can get started on this one. I'm feeling good about my plan.

Please take a minute to check in and let us know how you're doing!
doing good here So is Raine.. we are chuggin away :)
Haven't started creating yet but I have everything planned out. I hope to get cracking this weekend.
:grouphug: Hope things are looking up for you. :grouphug:

I am finishing up two other swaps (one is going in the mail today) and collecting ideas for my ABC swap. It is next on my list.

This is going to be a great swap. :cool1:

Finishing up a few other straggling swaps, then this one will be next. I'm excited about my letters and starting to work on ideas too.
Wow page 3 LOL I'm excited since I just finished E and am now starting on Z. I feel much better now that I've actually gotten something done.

Now a questions: Can I place all the pieces for both letters in one bag? I'm thinking since everyone is getting all the letters it should be alright. This is my first swap so thanks for the information.
I was wondering about something... I am doing tags with my letters .. do they HAVE to be in the tag "shape" ? Because I made them into coffin shapes and they just turned out pretty cool. Will those be acceptable or do I need to make them the traditional tag shape>


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