ADRs? We Don't Need No Stinking ADRs - A Sept '14 Dining Report - THAT'S A WRAP 3/5


Disney foodie served with a side of sarcasm
Jul 18, 2010
Hello DIS Universe! I'm Kari, a now 40 year old Washingtonian who elected to celebrate my 40 years on this earth visiting our favorite place on earth. I was admittedly spoiled as a child and honestly don't know how many times we went but this trip probably takes me close to the 20th trip, and this marked our 3rd visit with our daughter.

Joining me in celebrating the Big 4-0 were my husband, Jason, and our 3 year old daughter, Casey.

Before I get to what is really important, FOOD!, a little about us. Since I haven't already mentioned it 2 times, this trip was for my 40th birthday, but also to celebrate a recent promotion at work, as well as our 7th anniversary and I milked it for everything it was worth ; ) In addition to being a Mom, I kick butt during the day in a very stressful job and in all my copious amounts of spare time that leaves I love disney, food, and wine. Oh and I have a bit of a sarcasm problem so you've been warned.

My husband Jason is a Chef by day and super Dad by night. Everyone usually thinks I eat like a queen - and I do - but that's because I'm the family cook. After cooking all day it's the last thing he wants to do at home, but he's pretty good about making me a meal at least once a month. I hit the husband lottery as not only does he cook, he's also hilarious, super cute, a great Dad, and he shares the Disney obsession with me.

Casey is an easy going, fun loving little girl who we engrained with a love of Disney from day 1. Like every other three year old on the planet, she loves frozen, all the princesses, but still has a soft spot for the fab 5. In honor of my birthday she hit the big 4-0 this trip too, 40 inches that is. So our little dare devil had a whole new world of rides open up to her. She's also a little foodie like her parents, so you'll see she and I sharing most of our meals.

Our trip was September 12-21 with a split stay between Wilderness Lodge (club level baby) and the Boardwalk. If you can't tell by the dates, we made it for the beginning of food and wine which was a first for us.

So now onto why you're all here - FOOD! As the title implies, we managed this trip with no ADRs before we actually arrive and Disney and the ones we did make were day of. We like to play our trips by ear and go where our tastebuds take us, so this is our preferred strategy. There is literally no food the 3 of us won't eat, or at least try, so you'll see we conquered quite a variety. We were also annual pass holders and this was our second trip with our beloved Tables in Wonderland card (20% off alcohol, please and thank you). Here's a quick look at some of our dining adventures:
San Angel Inn
Flying Fish
Restaurant Marakesh
Via Napoli
California Grill
7 Food & Wine Booths
Wilderness Lodge Club Level (we really exploited this one for all the beer and wine it was worth).

I'll be sprinkling in some trip photos in addition to lots and lots of food, so I hope you enjoy the delicious ride!
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Hi Kari! I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip & all about your food!

I'll be celebrating my 40th b-day at Disney next summer, along with my husband & kids. I'm in NoVA, also--but I'm the other half of the population here, I work in education! Your restaurant list includes some of my favorites and some places I'm interested in trying, so I really can't wait to hear more!
I'm in. I'd be interested in trying the no ADR route some time, so I'll love reading how yours worked out!
I will be turning 40 in Disney in 17 days!!!! I am very much looking forward to your reviews & sarcasm :thumbsup2
How awesome you got all those great places without ADRs. Can't wait to read about it.
As long as your flexible, the no ADR route can work great. Thanks for joining in.

Hi Kari! I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip & all about your food!

I'll be celebrating my 40th b-day at Disney next summer, along with my husband & kids. I'm in NoVA, also--but I'm the other half of the population here, I work in education! Your restaurant list includes some of my favorites and some places I'm interested in trying, so I really can't wait to hear more!
Happy early birthday neighbor! Thanks for joining in on the adventure.

I am in! Sounds fun.
Fun indeed!

Ready to hear all about it!
Food adventures will be commencing shortly.

I'm in. I'd be interested in trying the no ADR route some time, so I'll love reading how yours worked out!
I'm clearly a fan of no ADR's, but understand its not for everyone. Hope you enjoy.

sounds yummy! ready to read more popcorn::
Yummy indeed! Hope you enjoy.

Sounds great!
Thanks for joining the party.

I'm in! Got my fork ready! Let's do this! :thumbsup2
Don't forget that margarita glass with the fork. Enjoy :)

Looking forward to your review!
Thanks for coming along on the journey

Can't wait to hear all about your dining adventures!:goodvibes
Adventures indeed. Glad to have you along.

So glad you're doing a DR Kari! I'll be following along...
Thanks, hope you enjoy!

I'm in!

Happy Birthday!
Glad to have you. Did I mention this trip was for my birthday?


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