Adults Anonymous Christmas/Holiday Card Exchange


<font color=green>Only drinks Cappuccino<br><font
Mar 23, 2002
Ok, I'm starting sign ups a little earlier this year due to the slow deliveries last year.

Singups are open until 17th November and the mail by date is 24th November


You must send at least 2 cards to 2 different people, you may send up to 10, but no more than 10 unless you are willing to send to the whole list.

You must not sign your name, instead you leave clues as to your Dis identity.. it can be one clue or a number of clues.

You must check on the sent/received thread regulalry to see if your cards have arrived and to check if those who received from you worked out who you are.

You must post by the mail out date (no late cards.. mail gets too busy and cards don't arrive.

You must post on the sent/received thread when you send out your cards and again as you receive. If you are unsure of who sent to you.. you may post the clue, or you may like to work on the clue a little longer.. but do not just receive your cards and leave it at that.. I need to know that all cards have arrived and the only way I can track them is by everyone posting on the thread.

You must keep in touch.. eg.. should something unforseen happen.. please drop me a PM so I know and can make a note.. please do not just drop off the face of the earth.. Unforseen things happen to all of us, but lack of communication is the biggest cause of exchanges going awry.

DO NOT put a return address on your envelopes.

Please note.. If you are willing to send outside the US then you have a good chance of also receiving from someone non US.. however.. if you only wish to send within the US, you will only receive from those within the US also.. I feel that is fair. Others may not.. however, that is how I run my exchanges.

So, if you are interested in signing up.. here's what you need to do...

Pm me with the following info..

1. Your name

2. Your mailing address

3. E-mail address (a proper one, that you check regularly)

4. Number of cards you are wanting to send (minimum of 2, maximum of 10 or the whole list..nothing in between)

5. If you are willing to send outside the US or not

6. If you'd like to be an Elf
Shame that you have had to introduce all these rules from last year :blush: , but I thought it was fun although couldn't work out everyone :goodvibes
Hi Auriel :wave2:

Count me in! I'm so glad you are doing this again.

:santa: Happy Holidays Everyone!
I'm in and the kids holiday card exchange is coming up in a few minutes, sign up's I mean.
Cyrano said:
Shame that you have had to introduce all these rules from last year :blush: , but I thought it was fun although couldn't work out everyone :goodvibes

Cyrano, last year was a nightmare.. between non senders and late senders and those who had unforseen circumstances and didn't keep in touch, there were so many cards that didn't arrive before Christmas.

So, this year I thought it best to cover all bases up front, then everyone knows what is required before they send in their name. ::yes::
My cards are done, just waiting on a name. I think the clues are somewhat easy this year.

Again I will wait a few days to post that they were sent. Don't want a repeat of the year, I was the first to report they went out, then everyone knew they were from me and didn't even have to look at the clues.
Nutsy said:
Cyrano, last year was a nightmare.. between non senders and late senders and those who had unforseen circumstances and didn't keep in touch, there were so many cards that didn't arrive before Christmas.

So, this year I thought it best to cover all bases up front, then everyone knows what is required before they send in their name. ::yes::
Appreciate all your efforts :goodvibes

PM sent
Pooh67_68 said:
My cards are done, just waiting on a name. I think the clues are somewhat easy this year.

Again I will wait a few days to post that they were sent. Don't want a repeat of the year, I was the first to report they went out, then everyone knew they were from me and didn't even have to look at the clues.

Awwww Heidi.. you could always post a false statement you know:rotfl2:
I sent my PM. Now I've got to decide on my clues. I think I used my best one a couple years ago. I don't want to repeat it. LOL
I'm sending you a PM. I really enjoyed this last year...and it was so nice to get lots of cards. :cheer2:


P.S. I was the one that put address labels on my cards :dance3: Will not do that this year :rolleyes1


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