Advice needed for friend...bizarre things


<font color=green>And how are YOU feeling?<br><fon
Sep 22, 2000
My friend here at work registered on someone deleted her registry TWICE...then she went in person to register on Sat. ONLY ONE PERSON HERE at work knew the exact place she was going (she lives in that area). This person acts like her friend but also can be nasty and jealous (my friend is happily married, the other one's husb. cheats on her, very odd arrangement) one here trusts her. I think she's a manipulator. Babies R us called her that night saying "A woman called and tried to cancel your registry. SHe said she was from another babies r us and when I asked which one she hung up." I thought this was bizarre and kind of scary enough.

Then yesterday her mother gets a call at her home (UNLISTED NUMBER) from a woman with the type of accent this woman has asking if she's having a baby shower! When she asked who it wa she said "Michele" which is MY NAME. Her mother wouldn't answer because she didn't believe her.

Any thoughts?
Hi! I just wonder how someone could have deleted her registry online. Don't you have to have a password for that?
but if she can get unlisted numbers, she is obviously quite sly.
That is pretty creepy. It's obvious this person is going through a lot of trouble to create problems for your friend. I would tell her stay far away from this woman and don't let her know details about the shower, registry, etc.
luvwinnie, I agree that it is very odd that someone could have figured out your friend's password and found out her mother's unlisted telephone number.
her level of intensity in this bizarre bahavior. She is resourceful and going through a lot of trouble to upset my friend.
Bizarre! I would also be sure not to discuss anything while this other person is around....good or bad. If is continues, I would be tempted to discuss it with someone at the police station.
is check phone records to see if the call to her mom was made from HERE. She could have used cell though.
Wow, that is strange and really scary. I would definetely encourage her to talk with someone at the police department to be sure they have it on file.

I sure wouldnt let this woman anywhere near that baby once its born. Not to mention how careful I would be around work, looking for things left on the floor, slippery stairs, etc... It sounds like harming this woman and her baby are not far out of this wackos mind. :eek:
Good luck to her.


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