Airmiles Armchair Chatter

If they are transferable, not sure if they are, will let you know. Not sure when your going. I wont have the points until the current STB is over.

That would be great, we're going in mid July. I think they should be transferable because in the past when I have bought them online or have gotten them through Airmiles, the tickets aren't attached to anybody until we scan our fingerprint at the gate - I don't remember giving our names when I bought them, but that could have changed?
So what is everyone saving their airmiles for these days?

I'm saving for travel vouchers. Our dd is getting married next spring in Mexico. They have booked their package through Marlin Travel so that we can use our airmiles towards our trip. It's pricey when your looking at 4 adults going :scared1: . So I'm hoping to offset some of the cost for us with the travel vouchers. I already have 1000.00 in i'm going to keep collecting where I can and hope that I can save us some $$$.

A little PC Optimum update....

Gosh I sure hope you get your points back soon. I know from your story I will now be cashing out when I get to the 100.00 mark from now on. Until they can lock the accounts up with more security I'm not going to chance it anymore and let it build.

I just have to say...I was relieved to see it wasn't Blue Friday out west this weekend. We are travelling and I wouldn't be able to partake in it. But since we are visiting the big city...I'm hoping to get to do 2 shops for my mega miles promo while we are out visiting the dd and wedding dress shopping.:yay:
In 2017 I got 4 WDW tickets and 2 DLR tickets. I'm now saving for future flights to an unknown destination. lol. In 2020 it will be our 20th anniversary so we decided to save enough AM to go to Paris and London. Then we said, why not Tokyo instead?!? And lately the kids are talking about going back on DCL so I told DH that maybe we should save for 4 tickets to Vancouver to do a cruise to Alaska?!? So as you can see, I have no fix goal as it's always changing. One thing is sure, I don't think we will visit WDW again after our December 2018 trip until the 50th anniversary. The value is not there anymore for me but I'm not saying no to going back to DLR or to visit DLP or Tokyo Disney...
We love our Alaska cruise and I am considering doing it again with a different itinerary. Go for it!
OT, so my trip is just over 1 month out. DS23 has decided to do yet another 180 degree turn on what he wants to do with his life. He's planning on leaving his current job and moving to a whole new industry. Needless to say he can't start a new job and leave within weeks to go to Disney.

He texted and asked what would happen if he couldn't get the time off. To which I repled "Then I guess you're staying home and taking care of the dog". I'd be out the AM I spent on his flights, his ticket won't expire and I needed the extra room at the resort anyway. I'm just bummed, I've been planning this trip for a very long time.

DH and I will sit down with him and see if we can't get him to slow down and think about things for a while (at least till we're back from Disney).

Kids, what are you supposed to do with them
I just logged into my AM account to check on any updates to my total. We can now use our cash miles for evouchers to Cineplex! We are a movie family...and I do like to use the Costco coupon because it is sooooo much cheaper that way. Now I might have to see which is a better purchase. If your a fan of going to the theatre for your movies...this might be for you!!!!
Time for the Duck's Weekly Flyer analysis I'll add anything that Mel hasn't already pointed out and the flyers from the rest of the country :D Most of the flyers have a fair number of offers that are sitting around the 1:1 ratio -- we tend to take advantage of those if they're on products we normally use because some miles are better than none. There are also a TON of really pathetic ones :P
  • on the front page: Bagels, cinnamon bread, tortilla shells $2.99 buy 2 get 25 AM
  • Pillers sausages & breakfast meats $3.99 buy 2 get 10 AM
  • Club House gravy mixes $.99 buy 5 get 5 AM
Sobeys West Flyer

  • Tuesday April 4th Customer appreciation days: Spend $50 or more get 20X base miles
  • Fri-Sun spend $100 or more get 100 AM
  • LunchMate kits - $3 buy 2 get 10 AM
  • Bothwell Cheeses (anyone else love these after last year's StB??) Starting at $3.99 buy 2 get 15 AM
  • Dempster Bagels &English Muffins $2.99 buy 2 get 10 AM
  • Compliments: PB, Maple Syrup, oatmeal, eggs, milk & vitamins $ $??? who knows, buy 2 get 20 AM
  • Google Gift cards $50 = 60 AM
  • Blood sugar monitor (this has been every week for a LOOONG time -- you have a bigger risk of Diabetes?) $68 get 200 AM
  • Liquor March 29th - April 1st spend $150 get 150 AM a bunch of products have bonus miles as well
Sobeys Atlantic Flyer
  • Tuesday (yesterday??) - Sat spend $150 get 95 AM (wow that's not good!)
  • Compliments cheese balls $5.99 buy 2 get 20 AM
  • Royale products $6.99 buy 2 get 20 AM
  • Nestle products $20 or more get 25 AM
  • General Mills products (who knows which ones!?!) $10 or more get 20 AM
  • Graves canned veggies $1 buy 3 get 5AM
  • Dental products -- fairly decent return on several items --page #11
Foodland On -- slight slip of the fingers there Mel -- use 95 Cash miles get 25 AM
Foodland Atlantic

  • Cheese & veggies trays $15 or more get 30 AM
  • Oasis juices $3.49 buy 2 get 10 AM

I just logged into my AM account to check on any updates to my total. We can now use our cash miles for evouchers to Cineplex! We are a movie family...and I do like to use the Costco coupon because it is sooooo much cheaper that way. Now I might have to see which is a better purchase. If your a fan of going to the theatre for your movies...this might be for you!!!!
Even though AM is making a big deal out of it this week, it's been a cash offer for quite a long time -- we used a chunk of our StB miles from last year on those because we like to be able to book our seats online!!!

**ETA it's actually the Dream Rewards that are new-ish
ven though AM is making a big deal out of it this week, it's been a cash offer for quite a long time -- we used a chunk of our StB miles from last year on those because we like to be able to book our seats online!!!

Bahahaha :laughing: :rotfl:of course they have and I just didn't know. Oh I got my know something new thing for today lol. I wish I had known this sooner oh well...And that I can use them Thank you for the info!
So what is everyone saving their airmiles for these days?

Would love to here everyone’s dreams and plans :)
We do so much better at the collecting when we have a goal in mind but right now? Yeah, nothing happening right now. We have been thinking about travel vouchers -- current count if we put both accounts together after the MM promo posts (both accounts will get the full amount) $3,000 HOWEVER, we can't decide where that might be ... every single time i think I've found what would be a decent spot i uncover a roadblock, either my diet can't be accommodated, there are hidden costs, the online reviews are bad.

We've thought about doing something in Canada this summer but that doesn't deal with hubby's intense desire to escape our winters and my need to get away after the crush of the holiday season. So for now, the miles just keep piling up!
Thats a great cause. I have 4 big cases. 40 per case of the 150ml size, the big ones. They are there for you at no charge. Just need to figure out how to get them to you.

Hi Hon
That is a very thoughtful offer,
I just saw this when I got home and unfortunately I already went to Sobeys and picked some up.
Thanks for the offer though,
Hugs Mel
Rexall experience today. Shopped, bought $50 worth of stuff, got 100AM for using email and 40AM for using Mega miles coupon. (experience at your particular store may vary)
Same experience, but since I dont shop at Rexall that much. The first cashier had no clue about the bonus 100. So the manager came over after cash out and had to refund and do all over. It shows the 140 bonus, but not broken down. Will it still count the 40 towards the MM? This was going to be my bonus place. Have Sobeys, Shell, LCBO, did the sign up for IGA and Hudson Bay. Nervous about last 2 but we will see.
Hi Hon
That is a very thoughtful offer,
I just saw this when I got home and unfortunately I already went to Sobeys and picked some up.
Thanks for the offer though,
Hugs Mel
Just let me know if you think you can use them and if anyone will be in the dufferin,steeles area. Dont mind driving a little bit too.
So I was going to PM you but I forgot... I was at a basketball tournament this weekend and sitting with the moms. TWO of them had their PC points stolen in the last three months. One got them back right away after an inquiry. But the other was given the absolute run around. On her account the thieves reported the card stolen so they could get the new card I guess? Anyway, they took over $500 in points and every time my friend calls in they treat her like she’s the thief. They want her to provide all the receipts. Who the heck keeps all the receipts for years of point collecting?
I think it's a much larger problem than they are letting on. Apparently, there is a department that handles stolen points only. I actually might have some receipts from end of Feb with my points total on it. I shop for someone else and have to save the receipts to get reimbursed later. So far nothing has been said to me about providing proof of anything. I'm going to give it another couple of days and then go to Facebook shaming.
Time for the Duck's Weekly Flyer analysis I'll add anything that Mel hasn't already pointed out and the flyers from the rest of the country :D Most of the flyers have a fair number of offers that are sitting around the 1:1 ratio -- we tend to take advantage of those if they're on products we normally use because some miles are better than none. There are also a TON of really pathetic ones :P
  • on the front page: Bagels, cinnamon bread, tortilla shells $2.99 buy 2 get 25 AM
  • Pillers sausages & breakfast meats $3.99 buy 2 get 10 AM
  • Club House gravy mixes $.99 buy 5 get 5 AM
Sobeys West Flyer

  • Tuesday April 4th Customer appreciation days: Spend $50 or more get 20X base miles
  • Fri-Sun spend $100 or more get 100 AM
  • LunchMate kits - $3 buy 2 get 10 AM
  • Bothwell Cheeses (anyone else love these after last year's StB??) Starting at $3.99 buy 2 get 15 AM
  • Dempster Bagels &English Muffins $2.99 buy 2 get 10 AM
  • Compliments: PB, Maple Syrup, oatmeal, eggs, milk & vitamins $ $??? who knows, buy 2 get 20 AM
  • Google Gift cards $50 = 60 AM
  • Blood sugar monitor (this has been every week for a LOOONG time -- you have a bigger risk of Diabetes?) $68 get 200 AM
  • Liquor March 29th - April 1st spend $150 get 150 AM a bunch of products have bonus miles as well
Sobeys Atlantic Flyer
  • Tuesday (yesterday??) - Sat spend $150 get 95 AM (wow that's not good!)
  • Compliments cheese balls $5.99 buy 2 get 20 AM
  • Royale products $6.99 buy 2 get 20 AM
  • Nestle products $20 or more get 25 AM
  • General Mills products (who knows which ones!?!) $10 or more get 20 AM
  • Graves canned veggies $1 buy 3 get 5AM
  • Dental products -- fairly decent return on several items --page #11
Foodland On -- slight slip of the fingers there Mel -- use 95 Cash miles get 25 AM
Foodland Atlantic

  • Cheese & veggies trays $15 or more get 30 AM
  • Oasis juices $3.49 buy 2 get 10 AM
Hi hon
Yep I was half asleep when I posted this morning,,,,sorry Hon
I missed the cinnamon bread and bagels that I love too. No more late nights..
Hugs to you.
Same experience, but since I dont shop at Rexall that much. The first cashier had no clue about the bonus 100. So the manager came over after cash out and had to refund and do all over. It shows the 140 bonus, but not broken down. Will it still count the 40 towards the MM? This was going to be my bonus place. Have Sobeys, Shell, LCBO, did the sign up for IGA and Hudson Bay. Nervous about last 2 but we will see.

If you haven't already used the Rexall coupon for Mega Miles, yes it will count.
I’m just afraid my kids will be bored by it? In 2020 they would be 11 and 8...
We did dog sledding in Juneau (very expensive but it’s worth every penny!), zip lining in Skagway (the guides were surprised by my screaming at the top of my teacher voice. They taught DD how to do the flips on the line. It was so much fun!) and snorkelling in Ketchikan (I can proudly say that I had snorkelled in Alaska.). I cannot stand scenic train. I prefer active excursions. We actually booked a canoe to the glacier excursion at Juneau but had to switch it to dog sledding since the sledding excursion at Skagway got cancelled. We ate the juiciest and sweetest king crab legs at Juneau. I would love to go back just to eat that again. If you pick the right excursions, I don’t think your kids would be bored.
We did dog sledding in Juneau (very expensive but it’s worth every penny!), zip lining in Skagway (the guides were surprised by my screaming at the top of my teacher voice. They taught DD how to do the flips on the line. It was so much fun!) and snorkelling in Ketchikan (I can proudly say that I had snorkelled in Alaska.). I cannot stand scenic train. I prefer active excursions. We actually booked a canoe to the glacier excursion at Juneau but had to switch it to dog sledding since the sledding excursion at Skagway got cancelled. We ate the juiciest and sweetest king crab legs at Juneau. I would love to go back just to eat that again. If you pick the right excursions, I don’t think your kids would be bored.

Sounds like a lot of fun!


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