All You Need is Love: an offsite, non-Disney PTR (counting down to May 2018)

I'm just checking back in after a busy weekend and just hearing about the condo situation. I am praying for you! I'm sorry about all the snags and difficulties. Glad you have a realtor who can fight for you.
Sending positive vibes that everything works out with the appraisal!
I hate house hunting and moving - so I hope you're able to close that door and focus on enjoying that cute little Disney-like condo!

As for sex in a pan, it does have cream cheese and it's delish!

DDS - I'm wasting too much time on here looking up packages to Xcaret now! Quit making us jealous with those pics!
Hi Gina! I've enjoyed your reports in the past. Glad to see your staring another TR! Your tips have helped my planning before. We're going in May too so I can't wait!!!! I'm in. :)
I am really tempted to post pictures of where I live. Living on a tropical island does come with beauty, but it is NOT the same as being on vacation.
Always treat your waiter right and you get a lot of special treatment!! Glad you're relaxing-I know you've had hectic days leading up to vacation!
LOL...that particular waiter took great care of us that day we didn't tip him that much. I think only every second round and at the AI's $1 is an acceptable tip. This guy spent a lot of time chatting with us about all sorts of things. When we get that friendly with staff at a resort we always make a point of asking about their spouse/ kids etc. So we did that with this guy. The following day we were back at the pool in the exact same chairs as the day before....and same waiter. So I decide that instead of fishing money out all day long I would just tip him $10 first round and be done with it. This is something we have very successfully done on every trip (we find a good bartender/waiter, make friends and then give one larger tip)....well, this time EPIC fail! He got the $10 and then never came back. Later in the day I saw him, spoke to him, and he acted like he didn't know me. So lesson learned for me. I wasn't upset about it though....he told us he had a young baby at home and if we had another nice day with him I probably would have given him something more for the baby.

We got back home Sunday and I found out that I'm off work yet again. Another outbreak....uggg. So work will be hectic again but at least when I get back there is no deadline to get caught up. Last round I just couldn't leave any extra work on the table for my staff. The other piece of the hectic-ness is the on going drama with nephew. The long and short of it he is a drug addict and he's only 19. Things have gotten so bad for him that I'm now the end of the line. He legally can have no contact with his parents(if he does he goes to jail for 2 years) so my brother asked me if I could take care of him. It's a big ask for sure but my brother and I would do anything for each other. So now I'm dealing with this kid that just doesn't care about anything....well, he cares about being high. He's now on probation and I'm sure that he won't be able to comply with the terms for very long. The only hope for this kid is that I'm not his parents and will not tolerate the BS. I won't hold his hand and do things for him....I'm not the one on probation. My oldest DD took over while we were away last week and he drove her nuts. He tried playing his games with her but he didn't know that she wouldn't make a move with out speaking to either myself or his dad first.
My oldest DD took over while we were away last week and he drove her nuts. He tried playing his games with her but he didn't know that she wouldn't make a move with out speaking to either myself or his dad first.
they learn the art of manipulation well. And even when they clean up (my sister is also recovering addict who spent jail time for being stupid!) they are still manipulative even when they show some signs of growing up. It is tough. Some will make it through though-the dad of 2 of my nieces (with my sister) hit rock bottom, lost his first wife and contact with first daughter for years-completely cleaned up after 2nd child born (my niece) and now is a successful business owner, the girls are doing fantastic (A's in school) and too smart to be manipulated by their mom(my sister). He is the first one in his family to buy his own real home as well. He has side effects from all the drug years (alopecia) but he has come through. Hopefully your nephew will be able to as well.

Glad you were able to relax on vacay! Gonna have to look into that next year!

Hope Gina is getting stuff straightened out with condo!
Prayers for ya Gina. If it's meant to be, it will be. Odd, that such a low value was arrived at.

Very nice of you Dancin to take care of nephew. I hope he beats that addiction soon. Terrible what drugs do to families.

May will be here soon enough.

Mother Nature is such a tease. 65 today, 20 Saturday morning, and more snow. Then 70 on this coming Tuesday. And you wonder why so much sick around.

Still nothing on the vacation radar yet. May not even do my October vacation. Kids want a cruise, but since the last time we did, the prices are just scary. But, 4 day week-end coming up. If my little one tells me one more time others are going on vacation for the week-end. Um, not us. But, if the snow isn't too bad, we're going to teach parallel parking. It's a requirement of getting license, but little one has been harder to teach than my older one. Sigh. And I thought my car insurance bill was high enough when I added a teenage boy 2 years ago. Kids, the money just seems to fly out the door.

Hope all is getting better for you Gina.

Yeah, internet for fun.

And I thought my car insurance bill was high enough when I added a teenage boy 2 years ago. Kids, the money just seems to fly out the door.

I feel your pain! Two boys on car insurance here:scared1:- the monthly bill is like a mortgage payment!

I just love all the cat pictures you guys find- obviously, I'm a crazy cat lady!
they learn the art of manipulation well. And even when they clean up (my sister is also recovering addict who spent jail time for being stupid!) they are still manipulative even when they show some signs of growing up. It is tough. Some will make it through though-the dad of 2 of my nieces (with my sister) hit rock bottom, lost his first wife and contact with first daughter for years-completely cleaned up after 2nd child born (my niece) and now is a successful business owner, the girls are doing fantastic (A's in school) and too smart to be manipulated by their mom(my sister). He is the first one in his family to buy his own real home as well. He has side effects from all the drug years (alopecia) but he has come through. Hopefully your nephew will be able to as well.

Glad you were able to relax on vacay! Gonna have to look into that next year!

Hope Gina is getting stuff straightened out with condo!
Funny thing is he really is not sharp enough to be technically manipulative. He's just very clued out. There are mental health issues at play here as well.

It's good to hear that someone can come through to the other side of this crap. There are just so many that don't. Unfortunately in my life time I've seen way too many people struggle with different addictions. I think it is what has made me the total opposite. I have migraine headaches for the last 30+ years and until recently the only medication that worked for me was a strong barbiturate. I would suffer for days before I would give in and take the pills and even then I would take one when I should have taken two.
Funny thing is he really is not sharp enough to be technically manipulative. He's just very clued out. There are mental health issues at play here as well.

It's good to hear that someone can come through to the other side of this crap. There are just so many that don't. Unfortunately in my life time I've seen way too many people struggle with different addictions. I think it is what has made me the total opposite. I have migraine headaches for the last 30+ years and until recently the only medication that worked for me was a strong barbiturate. I would suffer for days before I would give in and take the pills and even then I would take one when I should have taken two.
I am the same way before I will take anything. My thoughts are with you as you deal with your nephew.
Hi all, just a quick note to check in. I will be back later tonight (I hope) to answer each of your posts individually, but in the interim, I thought I owed you all an update.

I am sorry I have been MIA this week; it's been a hectic several days and I either had no time to sit down at the laptop or I didn't feel you all needed to endure my sour mood. In fact, this is a good representation of me most of the week:


As you know, we had requested a reconsideration from the appraiser on the valuation of the condo we were planning to purchase. Considering our financial institution, the seller's agent and our agent all collectively agreed that he had erred in his processes (and provided documentation to him to support their positions), we had been hopeful that he would adjust his final report to reflect the overlooked (or perhaps intentionally disregarded?) criteria. Unfortunately, that was not the case, and he refused to adjust his initial submission. As a result, we chose to walk away from the deal :sad1:. So yeah, I was a bit of a sad cat this week for sure.


House hunting efforts have resumed, but it's been equally as discouraging. Some of the properties we liked literally sold before we ever had a chance to see them (several after less than one day on the market). I know that the right home will eventually come up for us (things generally work out as they should in the long run), but its still all rather depressing. Then I add the stresses of filing our income taxes for 2017......which was a huge mess earlier this week (and the results still unknown :headache:), and it results in me definitely not feeling very chatty this week, nor can I muster much excitement about our upcoming trip.

And that makes me feel ungrateful and ashamed :guilty:.

I have been reading all of your posts, and can't thank you all enough for caring to inquire how things are going......I owe you all a big hug :grouphug:. @dancin Disney style , I am glad to have you back but sorry to hear that you are going through such a tough time with your nephew :sad2: .... it sure puts my "problems" into perspective. My prayers and good thoughts are with you and your whole family. There's a special place in heaven for folks like you who are willing to step in and help at the hardest of times :littleangel:.

Last weekend was a huge bust here with the unbelievably foul weather, so I'm hoping that my perspective will improve with a few days off work and perhaps a fun activity or two to break up the winter monotony. It's grey and dreary today, but its right around the freezing mark and NOT a definite improvement!! Please know that I appreciate you all keeping up the chatter while I deal with my emotions and the craziness of life. You have no idea how many times I popped in to read the thread updates on my phone, and thought.....Thank goodness for those great people!!!


I will do my level best to get caught up this weekend :thumbsup2. And I promise to be in a better mood!!
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Boo! I had really hoped things would turn out differently on the condo for you. I'm sure the right place will come along. We've lived in the same house our entire married life, and I can't imagine how frustrating house hunting must be. We'll all join you in a collective pout!:grouphug:
Oh Gina - I'm so sorry the house didn't work out. I'm sure it'll all turn out to be part of a bigger and better plan for you but that doesn't make it any more pleasant in the meantime.

On a brighter note that pouting cat photo is quite possibly the best picture I've seen all year! :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc


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