Almost August WISH Challenge-everyone welcome!

Topic Tuesday
What is your view on treats? Moderate or avoid? Do you have any plans to change your treats?
I'm also an "everything in moderation" type of person. A few years ago when I made my big push to finally lose the "baby weight", I went cold turkey with no treats. And I was really good for about a month. So I dropped a bunch of pounds and really kick-started my weight-loss. But then I started finding new "treats". For example, I was only drinking water for that month. So a Coke Zero (which used to be a daily drink for me) is now a treat. Someone introduced me to those Bai drinks during that time, so they also became a treat. That is also when I started to like dark chocolate, so I would occasionally put 1 or 2 small miniatures in my lunch bag for a mid-afternoon treat at work. Another thing I started was sharing a dessert. For example, if my family goes out for ice cream, I don't usually get anything for myself. But my husband will share a few bites of his or if the kids don't finish theirs...depending on what it is, I might finish it for them. My exception is usually vacations...when I will go all out on things I enjoy. The problem has become getting back on track when we get home. It's not too bad if we go on vacation during the school year. But summer vacations usually wreck me...

... I bought a new cookbook. Why does a non-cook need a new cookbook? I've been following Half Baked Harvest on IG for a while and really like what she does, so I thought I'd get her book. If I'm going to cook at all I need pictures to show me where I'm headed and hers are gorgeous, so inspirational. After flipping thru it though, I think the things she's cooking on IG right now are going to be in her upcoming book, which is easy meals, which is probably a better fit for me so I'll get that one as well. But I will chose a few things out of this book to make.

The presentation I had to make yesterday went well, except that with my chronic congestion I couldn't get my voice down where it needed to be, nor could I project properly. This really bugged me because I took voice lessons specifically to learn how to control my voice when giving presentations.

Had my second appointment with the new doctor yesterday and she gave me three tinctures to start taking for "drainage", which evidently is different than "de-toxing". I'm just excited to see if it's going to make a difference.

And lastly, since I couldn't take Monday off I put in for Friday and work load wise it does look like I'll be able to do it!
Motivation has been great for me lately. Having a gym at work and going at lunch has worked great. Once i get home I am done for the day so I lose motivation then. During the day i am good.

As for treats, i eat them in moderation. Lately I have been eating a Nestle ice cream cone at night but no other treats during the day.

So for Woohoo Wednesday I am woohoo only working a half day today. I worked a long day yesterday helping with an event and today i am flexing my time. We are going to the zoo to see the Corpse Flower in bloom. Our zoo has had this flower for 25 years and it has only bloomed 4 times. When it blooms it smells really bad, or that is what I have read. it only blooms for about 24 hours and it bloomed last night. I am so excited to go. We will also walk around the zoo so it will be a decent workout too.
Motivation has been great for me lately. Having a gym at work and going at lunch has worked great. Once i get home I am done for the day so I lose motivation then. During the day i am good.

As for treats, i eat them in moderation. Lately I have been eating a Nestle ice cream cone at night but no other treats during the day.

So for Woohoo Wednesday I am woohoo only working a half day today. I worked a long day yesterday helping with an event and today i am flexing my time. We are going to the zoo to see the Corpse Flower in bloom. Our zoo has had this flower for 25 years and it has only bloomed 4 times. When it blooms it smells really bad, or that is what I have read. it only blooms for about 24 hours and it bloomed last night. I am so excited to go. We will also walk around the zoo so it will be a decent workout too.
We have a couple different places here that have a Corpse Flower and they always make the local news when they bloom, haven't gone to smell one yet tho!
Woohoo I got my oldest son a spot in my preferred daycare. He starts September 4th. I think this will be a really good thing for him to get more socialized and have a good routine for a couple years before starting kindergarten.

I am not feeling good at all, so mostly spending my time curled up on the couch trying to keep the kids occupied with toys and tv. It's super hot outside so I'm okay with staying indoors where it's cooler.
Woohoo I got my oldest son a spot in my preferred daycare. He starts September 4th. I think this will be a really good thing for him to get more socialized and have a good routine for a couple years before starting kindergarten.

I am not feeling good at all, so mostly spending my time curled up on the couch trying to keep the kids occupied with toys and tv. It's super hot outside so I'm okay with staying indoors where it's cooler.
Hope you feel better soon!
Not my best week hosting! Sorry, things are so busy last few days!

WhooHoo for me - things are moving in the right direction with everything, and changes i made to my work are starting to pay off. I am also eating like and adult last few days! I have been sensible with my choices.

I made nicecream today. Frozen banana, brozen berries, little bit of nut butter, greek yoghurt and raw cacao. It came as hefty 350 calories. My favorite ice that is dark chocolate and raspberry is 260. However my nice cream was full bowl, and I was completely satisfied after it. After having ice cream, i usally want 3 more! :)

I have not figured out about treats yet. i think it's easier when they are tiny portion of what I eat, or next to none. I just don't crave them when I have them, and when I have some I crave more.
Hope you feel better soon!
Thank you.

I have another woohoo for today... I got a reservation for Oga's Cantina!!! I'm officially going to Batuu!!!

I was trying to keep my expectations low on getting into SWGE on our trip so I wasn't disappointed if it didn't happen, but I'm so glad to have a reservation! It means we will likely skip Fastasmic! but I don't love that show so I'm okay with that. My wedding was Disney & Star Wars themed so I'm really really ecstatic about this :jumping1:
Thank you.

I have another woohoo for today... I got a reservation for Oga's Cantina!!! I'm officially going to Batuu!!!

I was trying to keep my expectations low on getting into SWGE on our trip so I wasn't disappointed if it didn't happen, but I'm so glad to have a reservation! It means we will likely skip Fastasmic! but I don't love that show so I'm okay with that. My wedding was Disney & Star Wars themed so I'm really really ecstatic about this :jumping1:
What fun! Please tell us about it when you get home!
Hello all,

I though I had only missed one day and then I realised I am already at Thursday morning ugh time is going so quickly this year!

What is your view on treats? Moderate or avoid? Do you have any plans to change your treats?

My treats are chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate throw in some soft drink (mostly sugar free) and take/out as in maccas, KFC. Like some others I have had had times where I can be stricter and shun the takeout, I would still have had smaller amounts of chocolate and soft drink during that period. I really have difficulty with moderation of chocolate at times.

Woohoo Wednesday - hmmmmm oh yes - I am having a girls night out, dinner and dancing on Friday for a very good friend's 50th.

I will get in early on Thankful Thursday - As I sit here watching the news - I am thankful for the level of safety I feel in my country. I am thankful for how my kids get along (most of the time - they are siblings after all) and that they are thankful for it themselves - DD particularly lately has been sharing that of all her friends she thinks she gets along with her siblings the best and that some of her friends have some quite not so nice experiences. I am thankful for this as it is my hope their relationships continue to be close as they grow up. I am thankful that I made the kids cook dinner last night - and it tasted good lol.
My Woohoo Wednesday is that my heel is feeling better. It's not back to "perfect" - but it seems to be well on it's on it's way. I've been able to get my exercise back on track and be "bouncy" around the house again.

My (slightly early) Thankful Thursday is that DH grilled tonight (yum!) and I got back out to cover the grill before it rained!
I'm thankful that today is my Friday and I have tomorrow off.

And I'm actually thankful to be traveling for work the next two weeks, it's good to get going on this part of the project again and being on-site should be fun. Or at least fun-ish... this is a brand new building that isn't even fully permitted yet, so we'll all be wearing safety vests (which I've heard are highly fashionable) and hard hats (which are never fashionable). The tech team gets along well and there won't be many business partners around, at least at the leadership level, so we'll be pretty much on our own which is great.
Morning! I'm thankful for a decent nights rest and not waking up sick at 2am! I feel pretty okay today, might venture out of the house and take the kiddos to the playground. It's also not supposed to be quite as hot today. Mid 20's instead of high 30's so I'm thankful for that to.

Have a great day, week is almost over!
I am grateful that things are moving well with all things, apart from weight loss that's it :). I ... don't know what to say really!

Work is busy but I am enjoying it, I have a lot of things to do this weekend. Viewing 6 or 7 houses this weekend between 10 and 12:00- it's like marathon! They are in two parts of town so not sure how will we manage it - it will be like MK rope drop rushing from ride to ride. We have to buy uniform, bring my ds to get hair cut, buy few remaining things for school. I have people over and need to come up with something that I can either do tonight, and reheat or do on the spot.

Trying to be grateful that it is all good busy. But I need to do better with my meal planning and sticking to the plan as when it's so busy it is so easy to eat whatever whenever.
I missed yesterday Thankful Thursday. I am thankful that we did not have to put DD's hamster to sleep. I was a rough afternoon though. Below is what I posted last night on Facebook of everything that happened.

Today was a crazy day. Snowball (DD's hamster) was in his tube last night when it fell off. At about 230 I started getting hangout messages, text messages and calls from the house. I got the at 3 when out of my meeting. Snowball was not acting normal, not moving and had a lump on his back. DD is hysterical. I call the breeder and she tells me that it did not sound good. It could be a broken back, could be paralyzed, pinched nerve or a slipped disc. If the first two we were looking at having to put him to sleep. The last two meds would help. So again anything we ever said we took him to the vet. Once at the vet it has been determined that it is most likely a bulging disc. Still not out of the woods as there could be stuff wrong with his organs. So I am now giving a hamster meds twice a day and just watching for signs of something wrong. I have a much happier 12 year old. And for me I never get upset when animals die or anything. I never get attached to them but as I get old I must be changing. I was upset too. Thankfully my mom dropped everything she was doing to go to the vet with us so I wasnt alone to handle things on my own if it was a different outcome.
@piglet1979, I hope Snowball is doing well! We had an awful scare with DS's guinea pig several years ago, when he stopped moving one of his back legs. - It's so hard when they can't tell you what's wrong! - But he ended up pulling through and living to a normal guinea pig age. 🐹


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