Amanda & Jeff 12/7/15 - YCG/Marina/Ariel's/France - Update 10/25: Napa Rose Chefs Counter!

I'm so sorry you had to cancel your honeymoon cruise - I don't know if I mentioned that yet. I can only imagine how disappointing that was to do. I do think you have totally the right idea about going to Disneyland instead - it sounds like it'll be an amazing trip for a fraction of the cost, and Disney at Christmastime is magical!! I hope (being that you're in FL and all) you have a chance to maybe grab a last-minute fare and make Gold soon though ;)

What a lovely shower at Sanaa!! It looks like so much fun and I can't imagine a better location for a shower, especially with a touch of Disney added in!
Oh maaaaaannnn on the cruise. :worried::worried:
But like Jenn said, you have the right idea. And honestly, the parks & cruises will always be there. Your wedding comes only once. And it's certainly not a day that you can re-create.
I'm so sorry you had to cancel your honeymoon cruise - I don't know if I mentioned that yet. I can only imagine how disappointing that was to do. I do think you have totally the right idea about going to Disneyland instead - it sounds like it'll be an amazing trip for a fraction of the cost, and Disney at Christmastime is magical!! I hope (being that you're in FL and all) you have a chance to maybe grab a last-minute fare and make Gold soon though ;)

What a lovely shower at Sanaa!! It looks like so much fun and I can't imagine a better location for a shower, especially with a touch of Disney added in!

Haha, I'm actually gold already! But I've never been on the Fantasy, which is what we had booked for the honeymoon. But the Fantasy will still be around after the wedding, so I guess there's always next time. And yay, thank you! I love Sanaa, so I was so happy with having the shower there.

Oh maaaaaannnn on the cruise. :worried::worried:
But like Jenn said, you have the right idea. And honestly, the parks & cruises will always be there. Your wedding comes only once. And it's certainly not a day that you can re-create.

Absolutely. When it came down to deciding between the cruise and cutting things out of the wedding, the wedding won! The cruises will still be there after we're married.
On Wednesday, I went for my hair and makeup trial at the LeJeune Artistry studio! I went by myself, since I didn't want to drag anyone to sit around a studio watching me get my hair done for two hours. In retrospect, I kind of wish I brought someone to share the experience with, but it was kind of nice and relaxing to get beautified by myself.

Everyone at the studio was great. I can't remember the name of the girl who set my hair, but she was super nice. She said she was a sort of apprentice, so she just curled my hair to start. After a few minutes, Patricia called me over to get my makeup done.

I normally don't wear any makeup at all, so I told her I wanted to go really light and natural with it. Patricia was very sweet, chatting with me and the lovely girl who was still curling my hair. When she finished and handed me the mirror, it caught me a little bit off guard. It was a lot more makeup than I was expecting (honestly, I don't know what I was expecting). She had to lighten my eye makeup twice before I was comfortable with it. At a certain point, she had to tell me that she couldn't lighten it any further without me looking washed out in photos. Plus, she pointed out that there would be a big difference between me sitting there in a t-shirt with my hair in curlers and how I will look in a wedding dress with my hair done. She's the expert, so I trusted her.

Then I moved over to another chair to get my hair done. Juanita did my hair, and she told me she will be doing my hair on the wedding day. I used @Linzertort's hair as my inspiration because it was amazing. Juanita was great, and I loved the final results!

Sorry that the photos are so big. I don't know how to make them smaller?

The final product

The back

With the veil

Juanita suggested getting extensions for the wedding day, to add some length to the hair style. I considered it, but I don't think I'm going to do it. I don't mind the length it is now, plus it will be slightly longer in a couple months.

Also, Patricia was right. I was a lot more happy with the makeup once I had my hair done. I think everything really came together!

Having my trial has made the wedding seem so real and so close! We are less than three months away, and I'm starting to hit wedding panic mode. I feel like there are a million things to do and nothing to do at the same time. The next big step: address and mail the invitations! :scared1::yay:
Four hours of writing addresses and $40 in postage later, our invitations are in the mail as of today! We have less than ten weeks to go until the wedding.

We still have some small "to be determined"s to figure out, like song selections and table names, but most of the big stuff is done!

There aren't many new things to report, other than the fact that we've decided to cut a couple things due to budget. We're not going to have programs for the ceremony, and we're not going to do a unity ritual during the ceremony. Originally, I was wanting to do Unity in Glass, but it's just too pricey for us right now. You've got to cut the budget somewhere, right?

Maybe I'll have a bigger update soon. I was just really excited about the invitations!
I remember that you posted the design for your invitations, but I can't remember if you posted pictures of them once you got them in with the purple and your names and such. Would love to see pics!
I remember that you posted the design for your invitations, but I can't remember if you posted pictures of them once you got them in with the purple and your names and such. Would love to see pics!

I looooove the way they came out! And we got them printed on this fancy looking textured paper from Vistaprint. I'm really really happy with them and especially happy with how relatively little they costed us.

I looooove the way they came out! And we got them printed on this fancy looking textured paper from Vistaprint. I'm really really happy with them and especially happy with how relatively little they costed us.

They came out great! Yay for textured paper! (no really, I love textured paper ;) ) Thank you for sharing, you are getting so close!
That is such a bummer about your honeymoon cruise, but it is awesome you still get to honeymoon and keep the wedding the way you want! The Disney resort around christmas time is absolutely amazing. This year I heard they're keeping the 60th theming in the parks instead of the holiday overlays, so you should get an extra magical combination of both! Right now it is pretty cool with the halloween decor, so I'm excited to see how they incorporate the winter holidays. Everything around the resort is just spectacular. Are you going to have an AP for Disneyland? They just released the AP discount for rooms a few weeks ago.
They came out great! Yay for textured paper! (no really, I love textured paper ;) ) Thank you for sharing, you are getting so close!

Thank you! Something about the textured paper just makes them seem fancy haha.

That is such a bummer about your honeymoon cruise, but it is awesome you still get to honeymoon and keep the wedding the way you want! The Disney resort around christmas time is absolutely amazing. This year I heard they're keeping the 60th theming in the parks instead of the holiday overlays, so you should get an extra magical combination of both! Right now it is pretty cool with the halloween decor, so I'm excited to see how they incorporate the winter holidays. Everything around the resort is just spectacular. Are you going to have an AP for Disneyland? They just released the AP discount for rooms a few weeks ago.

No, we're not going to have APs. But yes, I'm soooo excited about seeing all the Christmas stuff plus 60th anniversary stuff! I read that they're going to be showing World of Color: Celebrate AND World of Color: Winter Dreams while we're there, which I'm super excited about. I love World of Color, but it was under refurbishment the last time we were there. And now this time, we'll get two see two different versions, neither of which we've seen before!
I just got caught up! First of all, your shower photos from Sanaa are wonderful. That's one of my favorite restaurants in Disney, and I love that you had your shower there! I wanted to have our welcome dinner there, but we ended up choosing Ariel's out of convenience. Looks like you had a great time!

Your hair and makeup trial came out beautifully! I LOVE your veil - it's gorgeous!!
I just got caught up! First of all, your shower photos from Sanaa are wonderful. That's one of my favorite restaurants in Disney, and I love that you had your shower there! I wanted to have our welcome dinner there, but we ended up choosing Ariel's out of convenience. Looks like you had a great time!

Your hair and makeup trial came out beautifully! I LOVE your veil - it's gorgeous!!

Sanaa is one of my favorites too! I could just get the bread service and be more than happy with it. It was a great place for the shower, and I was happy that everyone enjoyed the food there!

And thank you! I am pretty much obsessed with my veil. The glitter and beading on it matches the glitter and beading on my dress. I was sold on the veil even before I decided 100% on the dress!
We've gotten about half of our RSVPs back so far! The deadline I gave is in a little less than two weeks, so there's still some time for the stragglers. Then we'll have about a week and a half to get answers from any non-responders before we have to give Disney our final count. So far, we haven't had any surprises. I pretty much expected all the yeses and nos that we've gotten so far, and the people I wasn't sure about haven't responded yet. We've only gotten two nos so far, but I've heard that you get more yeses at first, since the nos are less eager to respond right away.

Less than eight weeks now until the wedding! We're working on finalizing our music selections for the ceremony and reception. Here's what we have so far:

Prelude: Violinist plays Disney love songs

Jeff with his parents, his best man, and his groomsman: Come and Get Your Love - Redbone. (Link.) Jeff was basically obsessed with Guardians of the Galaxy when we first got engaged, so we were joking that he would walk down the aisle to one of the songs on Awesome Mix Vol 1. Until we got to Come and Get Your Love, and we realized it was actually a pretty good wedding song. Jeff will walk down the aisle with his parents, followed by his best man/brother and groomsman.

My bridesmaid and maid of honor: Princess Diaries Waltz - The Princess Diaries Soundtrack. (Link.) I definitely stole this idea from @elphie101. As soon as I read in her PJ that she was walking down the aisle to this, I re-remembered that this song is amazing. I already knew what song I wanted to walk down the aisle to, but I couldn't not use this song. So my bridesmaid Haley will walk down to this, followed by my maid of honor/sister Samantha.

Me and my parents: Spectromagic Instrumental. (Link.) I've known since I first stumbled upon the idea of Disney weddings, at least five years ago, that I wanted to walk down the aisle to this song. Mind you, this was well before I had a future-husband in mind. I loved Spectromagic, and this version of the soundtrack is beautiful.

Recessional: Sh-Boom - The Chords. (Link.) This song is in Cars, when Lightning McQueen fixes the neon signs in the town. It also plays in Cars Land in Disney California Adventure, every night at dusk. The lights on the buildings light up, just like in the movie. I'm not a big fan of Cars, but seeing those buildings light up in DCA amazes me. And that was the first place Jeff and I ever went on vacation together. So we had to use it.

Pre-Reception: Violinist from the ceremony continues

First dance: Define Dancing - Wall-E Soundtrack. (Link.) This is another song that reminds me of our first vacation to Disneyland. Jeff had made me a soundtrack of different Disney songs to listen to on our way to California, and I didn't know until our first night at DCA that some of the songs on his playlist were featured in World of Color. This song reminds me of that trip, and Jeff loves that it sounds a little bit winter-y. The first dance took forever to decide on, but we both love this song.

We don't have our reception entrance or parent dance songs decided yet. We also need to think of a good last song, for when our confetti cannon will go off at the end of the reception.

There is also a plethora of other things to do. Not the least of which is making an actual decision on table names. I don't know why it's so difficult for us to come up with a table name theme that we both agree on, but we're going to have to decide soon.

Oh, and then there's the minor details of buying our wedding rings and getting our marriage license. And next week, I have my first alterations appointment at Carolyn Allen's. Hopefully they don't freak out when I tell them I want them to remove the train from my dress!
One week until RSVPs are due. Out of the 51 we've invited, so far we have 33 yes and 2 no. Not bad so far!

We've finally decided on table names. We both had tons of ideas, but we couldn't agree on anything. It was getting to the point that I was getting exhausted trying to nail down such a relatively minute detail, and I almost emailed our planner telling her to just call the tables by numbers instead of names. But in a last ditch effort, I gave a couple of final ideas to Jeff, and we finally agreed on one! We're going to have the tables named after lands in Magic Kingdom. We should have four or five guest tables, so they'll be named Tomorrowland, Frontierland, Adventureland, Fantasyland, and Liberty Square. And our sweetheart table can be Main Street USA. I'm glad that's a detail that we have figured out, finally!

On the honeymoon front, I've booked three reservations for our trip to Disneyland! I booked a lunch at Carthay Circle, a dinner at Blue Bayou for the Fantasmic dinner package, and a dinner at the Napa Rose Chefs Counter. I am so excited about these reservations! We've eaten at Blue Bayou before and really enjoyed it, and I figured that we probably wouldn't do the Fantasmic package for any other reason than our honeymoon. We've never eaten at Carthay Circle or Napa Rose, but we've heard great things. I'm especially excited for the Chefs Counter at Napa Rose, since I've never had a chefs table experience before. The fact that you have to call the restaurant directly to book it made it feel even more exclusive!

The Walt Disney World planner in me wants to book even more reservations, but I really don't want to be tied to having to go to a bunch of specific places. I also don't know what our budget will be by the time we get to the honeymoon, so I don't want to make plans that we might not be able to keep. We've had some pretty decent luck in the past without reservations at Disneyland, so I'm not too worried about it.

We're getting to the home stretch here! Tomorrow is my first alterations appointment. I'm hoping we can go get our wedding rings this weekend too. I can't believe we're only a month and a half away. I started this planning journal over a year ago!
Three days past our RSVP deadline, and we're still waiting on four RSVPs. Sigh. I'm hoping to get all our responses by Monday, so I can forward the info to Kristie before we have to make our final payment.

Last weekend, I had my first alterations appointment at Carolyn Allen's. They were super nice, and Sue was amazing. It was a little pricey, but I am having her do quite a bit. She's doing a hem, taking in the bust by about an inch, sewing in cups, and sewing on my sash. She's also removing the train on the dress, despite my mom's initial disapproval. I don't like trains, so I knew right away when I got my dress that I would want the train removed. My mom tried to convince me to keep it at first, but eventually she agreed that since I didn't plan on walking down the aisle with it, there was no point having it. I hope to hear back from them soon about going in for my second fitting to see the changes that she made!

This past weekend, I also went with my bridesmaid Haley to pick up her bridesmaid dress.

It fits her so well, and I still love the color! Yay!

And then, Jeff and I went to pick out wedding bands! I already knew I wanted a plain white gold band, nothing too extravagant. Jeff had no idea at all what he wanted, so he was a little nervous going in.


The ring I'm getting

The lady at the jewelry store was really nice and non-pressuring. She showed Jeff a few different options, and I was surprised that he came to a decision rather quickly.

The ring that Jeff chose

They had to re-size my ring and special order Jeff's, so we have to go back in a week or two to pick them up.

I'm really excited that we're starting to get some of the last minute things done! Less than six weeks until the wedding now. My next main thing is to order bridesmaid and groomsman gifts. I'm still not sure what we're getting them.
I've been reading but I haven't had a chance to comment - I'm horribly biased as you know but I loooooooove your bridesmaid's song ;) That's just perfect wedding music to me, so light and flowy and classical and romantic.

I love the look of your BM's dress and your rings are great! I can't wait to see what your dress is like after alterations. You're so close, it's nearly winter now (well, up here anyway!!)
I've been reading but I haven't had a chance to comment - I'm horribly biased as you know but I loooooooove your bridesmaid's song ;) That's just perfect wedding music to me, so light and flowy and classical and romantic.

I love the look of your BM's dress and your rings are great! I can't wait to see what your dress is like after alterations. You're so close, it's nearly winter now (well, up here anyway!!)

The song is amazing, and it was your PJ that reminded me it existed. So thank you! I can't wait to see my dress either. Less than five weeks to go now... though it is most definitely not winter here yet. It was 90 degrees today!
Less than a month until the wedding, and we're finalizing the details! We're ending up with 40 guests out of the 51 we invited. Not too bad!

I finally bought our bridesmaid and groomsman gifts. I got the girls robes.


And Jeff got the guys pocket watches.


He got himself a Star Wars one, his brother the Batman one, and his friend a Doctor Who one.

We also made our final payment to Disney Fairy Tale Weddings and Trinity. Next I have to pay the Roots and Patricia Lejeune. Bye, money!

I was sort of getting to the point of being overwhelmed and kind of over wedding planning, but I'm feeling a lot better now that all the big stuff is getting done. And I know I'll be sad once it's over, so I'm trying to enjoy the planning as much as I can. Only a few more weeks to go now!


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