Amanda's Heading to the Beach Journal! Feedback Welcomed!


"TO MILE 9!!!"
Sep 30, 2003
I have a hang nail..........

This is DAY 1 of Boot Camp! It is time to be serious!
Plan for today:
B: Nothing - I woke up super late today and was lucky to be at work on time.
L: Low Carb Meatloaf - 4.5 carbs, 2 pieces of salami and a slice of cheese - 2 carbs.
D: Pork Roast (cooking in the crockpot now) and broccoli/cauliflower mix with cheese. - 5 carbs, 3 bites of stuffing - 5 carbs
S: No Sugar Hot Chocolate - 9 carbs
Exercise: Curves - 30 minutes
Water - 8 glasses - 2 are down.
Vitamins - already taken.


I am being a total copy cat and following Doe and Erin and starting a new journal. My other journal is long and the last 50 pages or so is of me going back and forth. Time for a fresh start - and today is Day 1 so it is a great time to start over!!

Hi Amanda,

Welcome to your new Journal and fresh start. It may be just what you need to kick start your weight loss goals. Your plan for the day looks good.

Have a great day,
"I have a hang nail....." :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I have always loved your sense of humor! :hug: Thanks for the giggle! I hope we can all be serious about getting healthy but still have the fun we've grown accustomed to in our journals. :thewave:

Thanks for all your encouragement, dear Amanda. You and I both KNOW we can do this. It will take all our patience, persistence and willpower but the rewards are so worth it! ::yes:: We've got each other to help with the rough spots. :grouphug:

Now, DROP & GIVE ME TWENTY!! (oops, wrong kind of boot camp :blush: ). :teeth:

:hug: and :sunny: for a great first day!!
Hey, girlfriend! :flower: Glad to see you're feeling :sunny: today and are ready to hit your new plan HARD! :banana: I'll be thinking of you as I'm making my jello!

OK, so let's have a report. . .how did yesterday go? Did you get to Curves? More importantly, did you have your jello? :teeth: Did you have your breakfast today?

:goodvibes , :sunny: , and :flower: on your new day, Amanda.
Keep on keeping on!

septbride2002 said:
I have a hang nail..........


AND YOU WENT TO WORK??!! :rotfl:

I like the *NEW* journal...good luck with boot camp!!
Tracy - I like the way you think! LOL! :rotfl: Thanks for the laugh this morning - I needed it.

Well Boot Camp Yesterday was a success - last night at about 8:30 I stood over my sink and gulped down 2 glasses of water to make it an even 8 glasses. My DH thought I had lost my mind. :p I also made myself go to bed very early. Going fully back to low carb will make me very tired usually about day 3 so I am trying to get myself in bed early so that I will lessen the effects.

Day 2 of Boot Camp!
B: Sugar Free Jello - 0 carbs
L: Subway Chicken Bacon Ranch Sub on whole Wheat - 42 carbs
S: mini bag of skittles - 5 carbs
D: Tequilla Lime Chicken and Mexican Cauliflower Rice - <5 carbs
Exercise: Curves
Water - 12 glasses of water
Vitamins - taking them now.


1:10p.m. edit:
I am having the WORSE day at work and went to subway with a friend to clear my head. Instead of ordering a wrap - which would have been fine, I decided to splurge on the whole wheat bread - thinking that it would be okay and lower in carbs. NOPE! WRONG! The sub is 42 carbs!!!! Obviously I am not going to write off the day and I will just do my best tonight to stay low carb. I checked my Tequilla Lime Chicken recipe and it is less then 5 carbs per serving - so I think I'll be okay. Not a great way to go through my 2nd day but I am not going to sweat it either.

7:30 edit:
Oh I faltered today on the food. Total of 52 carbs consumed - way over my limit - but ya know I did not let myself slide. I came home and made my dinner low carb and drank 12 glasses of water today and I may still have more. My Curves workout was a good one and much more effective then yesterdays. So although I wasn't perfect on food I am not going to let that damper my spirit. I'm still in boot camp and therefore I will rise again to the challenge tomorrow.

:wave: Hi Amanda!!

How did Day 1 of boot camp go? We want a full report - enquiring minds, ya know! :p (EDIT: We posted at the same time - never mind :blush: )

Today is a new day and you'll be walking the straight and narrow! We are getting lean just in time for spring! :cool1: :cool1:

Have a wonderful day! :sunny:
You asked for the Chicken Waldorf Salad recipe so here ya go!

Chicken Waldorf Salad - from Dana Carpender's 500 Low Carb Recipes
(I always make a double batch so these are the doubled ingredients)

2 chicken breasts, cooked & shredded (I boil them for 30-40 minutes)
1 C mayonnaise
3 ribs celery, chopped
1 C chopped walnuts
1 small Granny Smith apple, chopped

This should make 4 servings. Each serving has 9g carbs with 3g fiber, so net carbs are only 6g per serving combined with plenty of protein.

Don't know why I love this so much, but I do. :p
Oh, c'mon, Amanda! You think I'm going to believe that you're going to bed early to "lessen the effects" of lo-carb????? I know you love your new bed and want to be there as much as possible! :cloud9:

Eat in a healthy way this afternoon.
Hi Amanda,

The ww sub was still better than on white bread.:)

You did a great job recovering lc with dinner and you had a good workout. tomorrow will be yours. So tell me, did DH go to bed early as well?

Take care,
Keep looking forward and not back! You are doing great! :cheer2:
Sounds like you made the best of a bad situation, Amanda. Yes, you should have ordered the wrap, but you did a fabulous job of stopping the damage before it got too bad. You salvaged the day!! YAY!! :Pinkbounc

Today, we're all about being SERIOUS about this! You CAN live within the guidelines you've set for yourself, even when things at work are tough. ::yes::

Let's motor through Day 3!! :moped: VROOM, VROOM!! :cheer2:
I have a hang nail........... :rolleyes:

:) Last night was rough - I craved anything and everything that I could not have. I got tired of watcing TV because it was all food commercials! I ended up going to bed at 9:30 - reading for 20 minutes or so and then to bed!

No Beth, DH stayed up later ;)

Today is a new today, and a new set of challenges.

B: Going to the cafeteria to get an omelet - 5 carbs
S: Small bag of peanuts - 5 carbs
S: 1 slice whole wheat bread w/peanut butter - 10 carbs
D: Low Carb Spaghetti - Need to plug numbers but I'm thinking somewhere around 12 carbs
S: Sugar Free Jello
Water - 8 glasses- :)
Exercise - Curves- :)
Vitamins - I'll take them with my eggs.- :)

edit 6:30p.m.
There are bad bad days at my work and then there are good bad days at my work. Today was good bad day which means that I was busy getting applications (and thus increasing my pocket book) the bad was that I had to skip lunch!!! Thank Goodness the Omelet I had this morning was very filling or else I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have made it. I actually didn't get hungry till about 2:30 and then I felt weak. I'm glad my assistant was able to let me borrow 50 cents so that I could get that back of peanuts to sustain me.

I went and worked out and then came home and made spaghetti - it was delicious since we haven't had it in awhile!

septbride2002 said:
:) Last night was rough - I craved anything and everything that I could not have. I got tired of watcing TV because it was all food commercials! I ended up going to bed at 9:30 - reading for 20 minutes or so and then to bed!

Hi Amanda! :wave:

I've been noticing this too when I watch TV! Advertising is evil!!!
septbride2002 said:
I have a hang nail........... :rolleyes:

If you thought I was joking about not going to work with such an injury, I have a co-worker you need to speak with...really! Okay, so my co-worker hasn't used THAT for an excuse, although, "I tripped over the rug on the way into the bathroom this morning, then I dropped the soap in the shower, so my nerves were shot...that's why I was late today" probably would rank right up there...somebody please shoot me...or my co-worker...I don't care at this point!!

Whoa! Sorry for the rant!

Have a great day!! :cheer2:
Good afternoon, Amanda. How's it going? You sound like you have a good solid plan. I know that whatever curveballs the day may throw at you, you're going to keep things right on track. :cheer2:

Hi Amanda,

It sounds like you have a good plan for today. How did your day go? I so agree with you about the commercials! As soon as I started South Beach, all of the commercials with carby foods caught my attention. :earseek:

Hang in there, Amanda! You CAN do it! :cheer2:


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