Amy's New Start : Comments Welcome!

Ahh, Chipotle was yummy! But I ate more chips than I needed and had two beers. So that plowed through 12 flex points, not three. Then on Saturday I ate and drank my way through another 10 flex points. We had dinner at friends, and in spite of my best efforts I grazed on chips and guac and a bit of queso plus 2.5 light beers. I didn't eat a burrito however, I had the snacks and skipped dinner. Then it all made sense (my carb fest) when TOM arrived yesterday mornign for the second time in two weeks. And like last time, it lasted a few hours. I am bloated and disgusted with myself!

We didn't get our walk in on Friday, we got to talking to a neighbor and never got off the driveway! But we did walk yesterday. And we plan to walk today, Dan is leaving early, since he worked until 1:00 a.m. last night. I love this warmer weather and its staying light until 5:30 which helps.

Food today:
Gensoy Shake: 4
Snack: French Toast sticks: 4
Lunch: Sandwich: 3 (made on a Wonder light bun)
Snack: tangerine and yogurt: 3
Dinner: Pork chops, salad and broccoli: 10
Total 24

I have 6 points I need to make up someplace, I am sure I'll find a way! I am so behind on my exercise minutes but I think I can catch up. I still have all of this week and all of next. But I wish I was further than I am!
congrats on the loss Amy :)
so you had a food fest this weekend....your back on track & planning to make up with points & exercise :)
Hope you have a great week :)
Great job getting back on track, Amy! :cheer2: I know you used more flexpoints over the weekend than you wanted to, but you got right back on track and you're ready to go...Excellent!:cheer2:

Can you send some warmer weather our way.... Please?:flower3:

Have a wonderful day! :hug:
You are tracking your flex points, and you are supposed to use them, so good job! :cheer2:

Were you able to catch up on some of those missing exercise minutes??
Thanks Tracy, Tracey and Amy.

Man today was tough. I did okay on food, but TOM arrived again, third time in less than two weeks. But this time for real. I am so wiped out and so miserable it was hard to just put one foot forward and get through the day.

I stayed on points but ate nothing but carbs and protein. Not one fruit or veggie. I did at least get my dairy in. I also got 30 minutes on the treadmill (and 40 on the walking track yesterday) but I am still woefully behind on exerise minutes.

This TOM thing might very well derail my weigh in as I know I am bloated. Oh well, such is female life.

I am going to take a hot bath and hopefully get a good night's sleep.
Sorry you are going through this! Please don't do what I do when this happens - use it as an excuse to splurge. Even if your number isn't stellar this week, you KNOW what the cause is, and you KNOW it will eventually go away on its own. If you splurge it may not go away as quickly - take it from the expert!!! :crazy2: You have worked too hard these past couple weeks to make that mistake, I know you can get through this the exact OPPOSITE of how I would!!! :thumbsup2

You still have plenty of time to catch up on your exercise minutes, I know you'll make your goal this month! :cheer2:
Amy, Hang in there and keep up the good work! Don't let TOM spoil your success. You can still attend your WW meeting and skip the weigh-in if you choose. I know its hard to stick to your program when you're feeling crappy but try to cause you are definitely worth it!!!!
Thanks Amy and Denise. I have really been good today with food and water. I grocery shopped and saw the Long Johns (my favorite type of donut, basically its what a donut and a twinkie would procreate if they got married:rotfl: ) in the bakery case and omg, it was so tempting. But I got the heck out of there and bought my new favroite treat: Lemon lowfat, sugar free yogurt. Not a long john, but only 2 points!

I am going to post my food for the day to keep me legal!

Breakfast: Gensoy shake: 4
Snack: 1 oz of turkey breast, tangerine: 2
Lunch: Bowl of soup (3) 6 triscuits (2) mini Luna Bar (2)
Snack: sf/ff yogurt (2) 1 oz turkey (1)
Dinner: whole wheat pasta w/marinara and turkey meatballs: 8, piece of garlic bread (2) salad (2) pudding (2)
Total for the day: 30 ritght on the money!

I haven't exercised yet, its been a busy day and I was walking out the door to the rec center my friend called and needed a ride to the mechanic. Which was fine but by the time I got her back home (and of course we chatted for a few minutes) I was out of time. So I need to get a walk in tonight. Dh and I will have to walk at the outdoor mall. But I have to do it!

Amy: After not having a full blown menstrual incident in probably 6 months, this one has hit me hard. PMS that lasted for weeks and two false/mini alarms and now this. It sucks. I am not so used to this anymore! But I am determined to make today and tomorrow perfect becasue as you say, its temporary and easily lost as I long as I don't snack my way through it.

Denise: Good to see you! How was the cruise? Gotta go see your journal for updates...
Great job on avoiding the pastry yesterday, Amy!:cheer2:

I'm sorry to hear that TOM has hit with a vengeance. :( TOM can be a real pain! :headache:

I hope you're feeling better today! :hug: Have a blessed day!:goodvibes
Great job stocking up on healthy choices at the store!!! :thumbsup2

Did you get your walk in last night?? You are doing really good on your exercising, you are more consistent than you have been in the past. Keep it up!!! :cheer2:
Hi amy well done for resisting the long john!!! - do you know thats what we call thermal underwear that you wear under trousers???? :)

Hope Tom eases off soon & well done for staying on track through it :)
Thanks everyone! Ds needed the computer all afternoon for homework so I never did get on to post.

I did exercise both Wednesday and Thursday and got 100 minutes between the two days. Today I plan to rec center after WW to add another 60. So that puts me at 510/800. So I have some minutes to get in next week but I think I can do it.

Due to TOM I am not sure what weigh in will be today. I am hopeful because I have done really well. But that water weight gain may just negate all my efforts. Food during the week has been near perfect. Resisting carbs and junk during this hormonal thing was tough! I ate some sugar free jello last night to stay out of the Pasta Roni I made with dinner!

I'll post my weigh in later. Win, lose or draw, I am going to consider this a good week. If I did gain, it will be gone next week, I just need to not let somehting out of my control bring me down.

We are going out with my nephew and his girlgriend tomorrow night and I know I'll have some drinks and some food. Thank goodness for a new week and new flex points! This week I came up with 12 flex points left over. Too bad I can't use those up tomorrow night, but alas, they are lost to me now.

Thanks for reading!
Hi amy well done for resisting the long john!!! - do you know thats what we call thermal underwear that you wear under trousers???? :)

Hope Tom eases off soon & well done for staying on track through it :)

We call thermal underwear long johns too! Not sure how those donut type things got named the same thing. They have been my longtime favorites but I am so glad I resisted!
Ya, too bad you can't have "rollover" flex points. Have you seen those commercials where the kids always want new minutes but the mom makes them use the rollover minutes?? I don't know why I think those are so funny!!!

Good luck at weigh-in and great job getting those workouts in! :cheer2:
Ya, too bad you can't have "rollover" flex points. Have you seen those commercials where the kids always want new minutes but the mom makes them use the rollover minutes?? I don't know why I think those are so funny!!!

Good luck at weigh-in and great job getting those workouts in! :cheer2:

Everytime I see those commercials I think that if I could rollover flex points, I'd keep an eye on those very carefully!

I was down 1.2 yesterday, exact same amount I was last week. So I have lost 7.4 in the past three weeks. I really hope to get my 10 pound star next week to make my goal of 10 pounds in January. I did walk at the rec center after WW, I was happy I was able to really keep up a good pace. I was so out of shape when I first started back up with WW and exercise earlier this month, I am happy to report I feel almost back to where I was intensity wise on the exercise front.

I had a great day yesterday until I talked with stepdad. Called him to check on him since hey, I am a nice person. During our conversation he starts making fun of dh's cousin. Saying she needs to die her hair and diet. I was just outraged and sort of let him have it. I reminded him that this woman flew almost 2000 miles to come to my mother's funeral, that if Dan and I drop dead she'll make sure our kids never want for a thing and that I find his attitude really nasty. Does he get my drift? Heck no. He then goes on to say he feels so darn bad that I keep this weight on. He's just never known anyone who has been overweight as long as I have. Apparently every other fat person he's known has managed to eventually get their weight off, but alas, I just can't seem to. He's "mystified". Yeah, I am "mystified" too old man. I for the life of me can't understand why I continue to call your sorry a** since basically you are no more related to me than the guy who fixed my car yesterday.

I wish I could say I just blew it off but it hurt. My whole life I have had people, family members make fun of me, critque me and judge me. It never fails to upset me. To this day, I won't buy a Butterball brand turkey because that was my sister's favorte pet name for me when we were kids. To this day, I still remember how hurt I was when my own grandmother remarked how fat I looked in my weddiing dress. So yeah Mr. Stepdad, its taking me awhile. Maybe if I got some halfway decent support, I'd be more successful. What a jerk. And that is not the first time he has said that. So not the first time. I can't believe this man made his living being a minister and counseling people.

So I overate and had three beers. So I can't really afford to blow it tonight with my nephew and his girlfriend. But that's okay. Today I feel better. I am still miffed but determined that I just get back on track and not let hurtful comments derail me. I guess I just have to consider the source.

I need to figure how many flex points I plowed through yesterday and plan accordingly. So I am taking a deep breath and officially moving on!
Forgot to add that I made plans to go to lunch with an old friend next Saturday. I suggested Applebees so I can get the WW menu. I looked on their site, found a location that is good for both of us and got it all set up. She was thrilled, she had gastic bypass six months ago so she needs to watch it too. I am really trying to plan ahead to avoid slip ups! Because I really wanted to go to California Pizza Kitchen but I know full well I do horrible there!

I also informed Dan that if stepdad calls, to tell him I am in the bathtub! For the next month. I don't really need to hear his garble right now so why bother?
Amy i'm so sorry stepdad upset you so much, & its understandable your hurt i sometimes think older people just dont realise what they are saying sometimes & i'm sure he thought he was helping - in some weird way!!!!

A good idea to keep apart for now!
Congrats on another great loss :) you are doing a fantastic job, way to go & keep it up girl :)
oh & enjoy all those baths ;)
Amy, sorry to say this , but your stepdad is an insensitive old coot. You're right to steer clear of him for awhile. I can never understand why some people take pleasure in hurting others. You've done such a great job for the past several weeks. Do not let him derail you. Hang in there kid and make this a great week!!!!!
WOW, I'm so sorry you had to deal with that stepdad nonsense! Like I've said before - don't waste too much time with him! Surround yourself with your friends and family that motivate you and make you feel good about yourself. On one hand, he is an old man and probably doesn't realize what he is saying half the time, but on the other, he is unpredictable and surrounds you with negative energy! I know it's hard, but you can rise above this and continue doing what you're doing. ::yes::

CONGRATS on the loss!!! You are doing awesome!! :cheer2: So you had a couple beers - figure the flex points and make sure you are on track the rest of the week. :thumbsup2
Thanks everyone. I do agree that as people age, they sometimes lose their mouth filter!

The strange thing is, stepdad fancies himself as Mr. Sensitive. I watched him work his magic with my mom for over 20 years, so what he thinks he is and what he really is, are two different things. He said he admires me for trying so long, but then proceeds to point out my long going failure. :rolleyes: And I do find it hard to believe I am the only person he's ever known to be overweight for a long period of time.

Sadly, I didn't do well with food at all all weekend. I also had way too many cocktails on Saturday night, but I had a good time and its done. I think I had been very good for awhile and then when stepdad opened his mouth, I just sort of blew! But its a new week and I am ready to tackle it.

Today its freezing so I plan to go to the rec center. It's only going to get up to around 12 degrees so no way am I walking outdoors!

I hope everybody had a nice weekend. Thanks for letting me vent. I just need to grow a thicker skin because in the end, there will always be people around to say something hurtful and insensitive. Its just part of life.


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