An open letter to all our friends

We'll be hanging around waiting for you guys to return. Take all the time you and the crew need.

We appreciate all that you guys do! You're the best!
I can honestly say, that for once I am not looking forward to the next podcast. It will never be the same, it will still be great, but it will never be the same.

Take all of the time that you guys need. We will wait for you. Just know that we love each and every one of you guys. We know that you are hurting. We appreciate the incredible job that you do for us. :grouphug:
We're all here, Pete. Thinking of you, the team, and the Varley family. And we'll be here when you are ready to return.
Your letter was very touching and all of us appreciate that you took the time from your own sorrow to write. Wish I could give all of you a big hug in person, but know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. We will all be here with open arms and ears when the team is ready to return. :hug:
Thanks for letting us know how you are all doing.

I know I will be here when you get back, take your time and heal those hearts as much as you can.
I can only imagine how difficult it will be to do the Podcast without Bob. I am sure you will have to start and stop many times to get a coherent show together.
I know I will probably have to stop listening several times, just to regroup and get myself back together after thinking about his empty chair. :sad1:

Take the time you need and deserve to comfort each other. :grouphug: We are fortunate to be finding comfort right here on the Boards.
Thank you for sharing Bob with all of us. :lovestruc

We'll be here when you are ready to come back. :flower3:
Pete and the Gang,

I thought my tears were finally dried up today, then I read this! :) Thank you so much in return for all the great memories you have given us. It is something to find people as passionate about Disney in this world, and when I stumbled into this site 9 months ago after returning from my family's first trip I was truly blessed. I have made so many friends, learned so much, and yes was introduced via Podcast to a great circle of friends, including Bawb. You all are in our hearts and minds during this time. Any comfort we can be is only a small portion to what you all have given us with this site, Dreams Unlimited, and the Podcast. Please take all the time you need. I have been listening to old Podcasts non-stop this week and it has helped so much.

Thank you all and much love from all of us Hughes'.

Those pics Corey posted that you took of Bob and Brian at Julie and Corey's wedding...they are such moving photos--you really captured so much...they make me weep.
Thank you for posting. I think everyone here is unanimous in saying- Please take the time that you and the Team need. Everyone deserves the right and time to grieve in their own way...whether public figures or just the "common folk". We are the ones who are honored that we are allowed to be a part of the friendship that the Team shares. And we are honored that Bawb came into our lives every week and spread his joy to all of us.
Listening to the podcast has been the "light" of my Tuesdays (Tuesdays are rough). Hopefully, we are giving a small piece of what you have given to us back to the Team. We are all here. No chance of us running away any time soon! (Sorry, you're stuck with me! ) :flower3:
Nobody's going anywhere Pete! I know how emotional I am about Bob's passing and I can't even begin to imagine how you guys all feel. The podcast can wait and we will all be here listening and crying when you guys come back, it's going to be a different podcast without our friend Bob, definitely not for the better. You guys are in my thoughts, take good care of Diana and Brian and family for us. :love: I know you will. Take all the time you need.
I'm so glad that we're able to help even one small bit. I can't even imagine the pain you & the rest of the crew are experiencing. Hugs to everyone.
I think I can also speak for the group that we are just glad for what ever updates we get from the Team. Thanks for keeping in touch.

To Pete and the Team,
I too will take liberty of talking as the listeners/DIS members alike...
We are so glad to hear we were able to comfort you all in any way- even if from a computer keyboard across the miles. We were all feeling so sad and so bummed that we couldn't be there with you guys, as friends normally would be. Cyber friends are not a new thing, but we have such a close community, it is kind of different... and we didn't always know what was right or wrong to do or say. It's real strange to care about people (the team) you never met, and may never meet in person, yet want to show them comfort too and you feel like words are not enough. :grouphug:
So we are doing what we can. The Dole Whips and such.
Please take all the time you all need. Know we are thinking of you all. Know we miss you all. And know that WE THE LISTENERS AND DIS MEMBERS ALIKE, will FOR sure carry Bob memory on!!! :thumbsup2

Well said!:thumbsup2

Pete, When you all are ready, we’ll all be here… :grouphug:

I wanted to share something with you that happened last night… I went out to dinner with friends from high school. One of the girls is also a Disney fan, but not into the message boards and podcasts like I am. I’m remedying that.

Last night, she mentions that she found some video of this cute little man who attached a camcorder to the back of his ECV.

JAIME: Oh, my God! Debbie!!! That’s Bob!
DEBBIE: You know him???
JAIME: Well…

And I explain to the table what happened and how I feel and how strange it is to mourn someone you’ve never actually met.

I notice my friend, Scott, looking kind of squinty at me across the table and I think, “Here it comes… they’ll never understand.”

But Scott just lifts his glass and says, “To Bob.” :hug:

And that's why they are your friends.....
We'll be here when you guys are ready. Take care of each other. :grouphug:
Pete, thank you for taking a few minutes to share how you are doing. Knowing that you are okay (or as "okay" as possible right now) was comforting to me.

Please take as much time as you need. We'll be here waiting to welcome you all back with warm arms.
Pete and crew,

I just wanted to say hang in there and Thank You for all that you do to make this great community of people. I think the response to this tragic event is a testament to what a great place you have created for us. We will be here for everyone when you all decide you have had enough time to digest all that has happened. Death is never easy and even harder when it is a friend because that is a person you chose to love. ((HUG)) from our family.


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