Angry relative of lesbian friend

old lady

DIS Veteran
Mar 15, 2007
My friend, Jane who happens to be a friend of my cousin, George. She has a sister who was with her during Gay days at Disney. She claims she is never going back to Disney again because of an incident where she claims a lesbian rammed her with a motor chair on purpose and started to fight while talking down to Main street. My friend doesn't know what to do and asked for my help? i don't know what to tell her?
If you search the Theme Parks subforum here, you'll find lots of complaints about ECVs where people either don't know how to operate the ECV safely or are inconsiderate when using them or do foolish things like allowing children to operate them. And while this is an issue, it doesn't happen so often that people feel they can't go to WDW anymore.

It's not clear why the sexuality of the operator is even relevant in this case.
Having had my Mom in a manual wheelchair, I couldn't always stop, either, when someone stepped in front of us. The physics of momentum. And then most ECVs don't have brakes, as such, they don't stop on a dime. Accidents happen fairly often, and this incident should be attributed up to that. If your friend's sister was horrified by the incident, she should have reported it to the nearest cast member. It's not like there aren't any CMs on Main Street. As none of us were there, anything at this point is hearsay. The time to deal with a situation is at the park, with a Cast Member.
As someone who has had to use an ECV the past two trips, I can say people walking in front of you and cutting you off is a major issue. These things do not stop on a dime and they do not have brakes. I have been tempted to deliberately run in to one person who cut me off several times within a few minutes, but I politely told him what he was doing and he was oblivious.
It's all of our responsibility to behave well and be polite to each other. Especially at Disney where it does get crowded at times. :teacher:

Be courteous and pay respect to your fellow visiting guests. :jester:

No matter race, gender or sexual orientation! :rainbow:
a lesbian rammed her
Just out of curiosity how does she know it was a lesbian? Did she have a gay pride shirt on or something? If so there are even straight people who wear them. Or maybe just assuming because it was during gay days? As for being rammed by a scooter, as others have said, it happens often both scooters and strollers. It is very hard to stop quickly in a scooter and people get cut off quite often, so sometimes it is the scooter operators fault, but other times not so much.
My friend, Jane who happens to be a friend of my cousin, George. She has a sister who was with her during Gay days at Disney. She claims she is never going back to Disney again because of an incident where she claims a lesbian rammed her with a motor chair on purpose and started to fight while talking down to Main street. My friend doesn't know what to do and asked for my help? i don't know what to tell her?

Tell her to get over it and stop being so dramatic.


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