AnnieT's Journal-Lo-Carb and WW- It can be done!!!!-Comments Welcome :)


DIS Veteran
Jul 10, 2002
I am allowed 18 to 23 points per day on Weight Watchers

Total Food POINTS used 19

2 large egg(s) 4
1 oz cheddar or colby cheese 3

Subtotal__ 7__

1 item boneless chicken breast, 3oz 4
1 serving green salad 0
1 serving Ken's lite italian 1
1 serving Land O Lakes snack'n cheese to go 2

Subtotal__ 7__

Lemon Dill Scallops 3

Subtotal__ 3__

1 serving polly-o twistums cheese 2

Subtotal__ 2__
Total Food POINTS used__ 19__
Total Food POINTS left for today__ 4__

70 min walking, brisk 4
Total Activity POINTS earned 4

Total Banked points for the day 8

Day One- 145.5- Up 1.9 pounds since my last WW meeting Weigh in two weeks ago. :eek:

I could barely get out of bed this morning to go for a 4 mile walk, I was dragging horribly. But I did it and while I was walking I KNEW I felt sluggish because of all the carbs I had been eating lately. I felt like my eating was getting entirely out of control and knew I had to do something. I have tried Atkins before and I know it's not a lifetime plan for me- I'm Italian- Life without Pasta is not an option.

So I made a decision- I'm going away for 2 weeks on Monday August 11th. From this day until that one I will stay within my Weight Watchers Points, and eat as closely to the Atkins plan as I possibly can. Maybe I can answer the question "Can the two be done together?"

In the early part of the day I was suffering from brain fog. But as the day went on I kept drinking a ton of water and after many trips to the ladies room I felt better around my stomach area (the place where I carry most of my weight:( ) This evening I feel on a more even keel. I did opt for lite Italian dressing on my salad at lunch, it was 3 carbs and all of the others were 2 and MUCH higher in calories. Some would have cost me 5 weight watcher points and I didn't want to use that many so I opted for the extra carb. My dinner was a recipe from a WW cookbook and the cookbook put it at 9.5 carbs. That's a total of 12.5 carbs that I could count, and I doubt the 2 cups of salad greens had 7.5 or 8 carbs so I figure I'm well within my 20 carbs for the day.

It's been tough. I'm not hungry, but I do still crave something sweet or something crunchy like chips or crackers, but I know it's a phase and if I can stay the course for a few days it will go away.

So what happens after the 3 weeks? Well I hope to keep on with the low carbs, but I will begind adding some higher fiber carbs or some yogurt in the first two weeks (while I'm on vacation) All of the places we are staying have a fridge and a microwave. Hopefully all will go well.
This is an expirement I am very curious to watch! You go, Annie!!!!

Gosh I got hungry for cheese reading what you ate today!! D'OH!

Hang in there, you don't need no stinking crunchies!!!!:smooth:
Total Food POINTS used 21.5

2 item whole hard-boiled egg(s) 4

Subtotal 4

1 serving ken's lite northern itali 1
1 serving green salad 0
3 oz water-packed tuna fish, drained 2
1/2 Tbsp mayonnaise 1.5
1 serving EAS Carb Control shake-strawbe 2

Subtotal 6.5

Lemon Dill Scallops 3
1 serving buffalo chicken breast-2 oz 2
1 slice cooked lean beef 3
1/2 serving Ken's lite blue cheese-2T 1

Subtotal 9

1 serving Land O Lakes snack'n cheese to go 2

Subtotal 2
Total Food POINTS used 21.5
Total Food POINTS left for today 1.5

20 min strength training--universal machine 2
Total Activity POINTS earned 2

Points banked = 4

weight= 144.5*

I had a lot more energy getting out of bed this morning at 4:30 am. I was thinking of trading a workout at the Y for a walk, but it Mother Nature didn't want me walking since she sent some thunder and lightening this way so I got dressed and drove to the Y. I did 20 minutes of 4 lower body nautilus machines, 2 sets of 10reps for each machine (and I don't use wimpy weights) although I did have to drop the weights from my usual since I haven't been to the gym in a while and I plan on walking tomorrow so I didn't want to be too sore.

I was really hungry this morning and planned on eating only one egg for breakfast, but I bumped it up to 2. Still waiting for the appetite suppressing to kick in. It could have been up because of the workout, I don't know. Luckily I had a meeting from 10:00am-noon and I brought a big glass of water with me, so no cravings there, I was too busy. I ate my lunch at my desk and had the carb control shake right after (they are great EAS puts them out and they are only 2 carbs per serving and 2ww points per serving- a nutritonal value in my opinion!:) )

By the afternoon I was feeling cravings again, but I know they were partly from boredom. However I do have a headache right now. I'm thinking maybe the lack of sugar in my system is a factor, but hey that's what tylenol is for right?

Dinner was yummy- Hadn't planned on the buffalo chicken breast, but it was in the fridge and I checked the carbs on Dietz and Watson's website and it was only 1 carb per serving along with 1 carb from the dressing, so I went for it. I was still well within points.

Right now I am feeling like I ate a turkey dinner I'm so stuffed. I'm thinking that's a good thing.

*please note I am NOT usually an everyday weigher and the ONLY weigh in that I will care about will be my Weight Watchers Weigh Ins, usually on Fridays- but for the purposes of this experiment I thought it might be interesting to keep track on my bathroom scale too!
anniet, I've been doing pretty much the same thing!

I started Atkins on May 21 and WW on May 22. I am primarily commited to Atkins, but I count points and attend meetings weekly. As of tonight's meeting I have lost 19.6 lbs.

Like I said, I focus on the Atkins side. Some days I have 40 points!! :p But most days I'm able to be under 20 carbs and under 23 points.

Good luck! It can be done!
Padismom, I may be PMing you in the future if I get stuck!;)

Total Food POINTS used__ 20.5__

2 large egg(s) 4__
1 serving polly-o twistums cheese 2__
1/4 cup cooked onions 0.5__
1/4 cup bell pepper(s) 0__

Subtotal__ 6.5__

1 serving ken's lite northern itali 1__
1 serving green salad 0__
3 oz water-packed tuna fish, drained 2__
1/2 Tbsp mayonnaise 1.5__

Subtotal__ 4.5__


5 serving Annie's Low Fat Meatballs 7.5__
Subtotal__ 7.5__


1 serving polly-o twistums cheese 2__

Subtotal__ 2__
Total Food POINTS used__ 20.5__
Total Food POINTS left for today__ 2.5__

__ Exercise
70 min walking, brisk 4__
Total Activity POINTS earned__ 4_

Weight= 144

Today was a test of my willpower (or won't power :) ) We had a breakfast at work today and EVERYTHING on the table was carbs....bagels, coffee cake, cinnamon raisin bread, muffins. So I mingled, drank my peppermint herbal tea and went to the cafe and bought eggs after the breakfast was over.

At 11:30 I left for my lunch hour and went to the sports store because I needed new lifting gloves. This is a big accomplishment for me....usually at 11:30 I am staring at the clock on my desk and counting the minutes until noon so I can get up and eat my lunch!!! I came back and didn't even bother getting my lunch until 1:30.

I probably could have skipped dinner, since my appetite seems to have dwindled to almost nothing, but I had some homemade meatballs (all meat oh and some romano cheese thrown in) in the freezer so I ate five for dinner.

I'm feeling so much more in control now. Headache is gone and I have more energy. I'll be getting back into strength training tomorrow and I am soooo looking forward to that. I'll also be weighing in at WW too. This ought to be interesting!
DANG, Annie! They asked if it could be done and you said, "you betcha!" So my next "can it be done" would be a quick and easy way to make millions so Ross can retire and we can live comfortably for the rest of our lives. Are you up for it? ha ha!

Seriously, you are just cruising right along and look at you go! I can't wait to find out what your WW weigh in was! :)
Scale weigh in this morning 143.5 Weight Watchers Weigh in 143.2

Total points used 20.5


Subtotal 0

Buttermilk ranch dressing 6
1 item cooked, skinless chicken breast(s) 3
1 serving green salad 0


5 oz cooked, skinless chicken breast(s) 4.5

Subtotal__ 4.5

1 3/4 oz peanuts 7

Subtotal 7
Total Food POINTS used 20.5
Total Food POINTS left for today 2.5

I went nuts on the salad dressing at lunch today- It wasn't worth the extra points, it really wasn't that good, but I hadn't eaten breakfast because I NEVER eat breakfast if I am having a WW weigh in at noon. By the time I picked up the salad from the cafe, I was lucky I didn't dive head first into the Clam Chowder as I walked by it to get to the salad bar!!!!! So I grabbed the first dressing that looked good since I hadn't brought my own from home like I usually do.

This afternoon I was still peckish so I grabbed some peanuts from the store- I know NOT really Atkins appropriate, but at least I didn't buy my usual bag of chips. By dinner time I was back in control enough to marinate a chicken breast when I got home and throw it on the grill. But I did dream of the day when I can add 1/2cup of rice back onto my plate, but I'm thinking that that won't be until I get a lot closer to goal.

The Weight Watchers Meeting was awesome. Marty the leader is so down to earth and inspiring. She was talking about being on-plan and off-plan, and pointed out that even the lifetime members are NEVER totally off plan. The trick is to enjoy the foods you love, ONCE IN A WHILE and then get right back to the plan. She's right. I really needed that reminder since my thinking always seems to be an all or nothing attitude and probably is a big part of the reason that I cycle my weight and lose very slowly. Looking back on my Weight loss card I noticed there's a pattern of loss, loss, gain, gain, loss, loss, loss, gain......and I KNOW that when I gained it was because not only did I go OFF plan, I went TOTALLY off plan.

I think the Atkins approach to Weight Watchers is going to get me over some tuff hurdles. I really feel a difference the lack of sugar makes in my energy and how I feel, as well as my appetite and my control around food. I can't say I'll never eat carbs again. As a matter of fact while rummaging through the freezer for a piece of chicken I found a square wrapped in tinfoil inside a plastic bag and I couldn't imagine what it was until I turned it over and in my mother's handwriting I saw "lasagna" It was my father's homemade lasagna that they insisted I take home with me about a month back. I was sorely tempted to take IT out of the freezer instead of the chicken. I will someday, but lasagna freezes well. I think I'll just leave it in there for a little while longer.;) :)
Sorry, I forgot to weigh in this morning. :(

Total Food POINTS used__ 19__

1 item egg2__
4 slices Oscar Mayer Cooked Center-Cut Bacon3__

Subtotal__ 5__

2 bites of salad with a little bc d2__
1 item boneless chicken breast, 3oz4__

Subtotal__ 6__

3/4 cup cooked clams2.5__
1 Tbsp butter3__

Subtotal__ 5.5__

1 serving polly-o twistums cheese2__
1 serving Jolly Rancher- Sugar Free Jello0__
2 Tbsp aerosol whipped cream0.5__

Subtotal__ 2.5__
Total Food POINTS used__ 19__
Total Food POINTS left for today__ 4__

__ Exercise
70 min walking, brisk4__
Total Activity POINTS earned__ 4__

I woke up at 5:00am this morning and the first thing I looked at when I opened my eyes was my closet that has been in desperate need of purging for the last 6 months. So I jumped out of bed and I did it!!! I threw out 3 bags of clothing/shoes and junk I had stored in there that I'm never going to use anyway, and now it's GONE!!! And it really only took me an hour so at around 6:00am I went for my walk. Came home and made bacon and eggs for breakfast.
I did miss my usual english muffin that I have with it, but not too badly.

Alan came over at 8:30, YIKES he said he wouldn't be here before 9:00 and I still hadn't showered, oh well, he just had to wait until I was ready. We went to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston to see the Thomas Gainsborough exhibit (I HIGHLY recommend it if you live near or will be visiting Boston! It was fabulous!!!) We were on the Red Line when I realized I hadn't weighed myself this morning, but it wasn't a big deal for me, just that I would have liked to have posted it here. We got there around noon and Alan was hungry and I was thirsty so we hit the cafeteria downstairs. They have an awesome cafe and even better restaurants, but we usually like to grab and go quickly. So Alan got a very small salad from the salad bar and I found Chicken in Marsala sauce. So I took a small piece chicken and a few mushrooms and left as much sauce as I could off of my plate (it was self serve). I ate most of the chicken but Alan had about the last 1/4 inch of it and I had a couple bites of his salad. We finished up---oh wait, he went back and got a huge bagel and offered me some, but I refused it. So then we went upstairs to the exhibit.

We got back and Alan said he wanted seafood so I sent him to the store for steamers. I was a little afraid it wouldn't be enough for us for dinner, although I'm sure he'll go home and eat too, but we had a pound of steamers and he ate most of them because I was fine after just eating a couple. I had eaten a string cheese and a Jolly Rancher sugar free jello with whipped cream while he went to the store, too so that probably helped a little but I have to say my appetite is NOTHING compared to what it used to be.

Tomorrow may be a dilemma. We are planning on going to Plimoth Plantation and the Mayflower and I know he's going to want to stop at the Lobster Hut for something to eat.:eek: Lots of fried seafood there. I can do okay if I order the Lobster Roll, but it's the second word that's the problem....the Roll! Now normally it wouldn't bother me except, they grill them. and they are YUMMY! So I might have to eat it. But the whole lobster roll is only 6 points. The problem is the roll is about 20-23g of carbs. I might have to eat it though. I can have eggs and ham for brekkie and I have a small piece of steak defrosting for dinner, so I may be alright. I'll just consider it a cheat meal.;)
to see how the Atkins/WW thing is going for you. You know I'm thinking it maybe worth it for the appetite suppressing! I wonder how long that lingers after you reintroduce carbs into your diet?

I keep telling myself I'll cut down more on the carbs, after my whole wheat town house crackers are gone, and my low-pt bread, etc etc blah blah blah. I'm very proud of you for sticking it through the week!

Here is some PD for today and happy guys to help you make it through the Lobster Hut meal if you go there. Remember, you guys go there often so if you forego the Lobster Roll today, it will be there next time! I dare you to try something new and low carb instead!

Yeah, listen to ohMom about that lobster roll!

Have you ever driven to FL? Have you seen allllll those "South of the Border" signs while driving through NC on the way to SC? You sit there and go, WOW, that looks neat, I think I'll stop. So then you stop and spend 45 minutes walking around and you get back in your car and smack yourself upside the head (ala "I could have had a V-8) and think, "I could have been 45 minutes closer to WDW if I hadn't stopped here." ;)

So skip the ROLL. Eat the lobster. TOSS THE ROLL AWAY. Let Alan cough on it or do something gross to it so you won't be tempted to eat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S NOT WORTH IT! You can have rolls again later, just don't do it today. YOU WILL FEEL GREAT IF YOU SKIP THE CARB LOADED ROLL, ANNIE!

Yesterday we went to a new place to look for buffalo for our buffalo burgers. We thought it was just a butcher shop, but it turned out to be this LOVELY gourmet food shop, tons of different meats, lots of prepared foods like salads and jalepeno poppers and spring rolls, millions of delicious looking chocolate desserts, aisle after aisle of gourmet sauces, dips, salad dressings, specialty salsas, etc. Not to mention glass jars labeled "Death by Chocolate". Then, I turned the corner after drooling over all the fancy cheeses, and I saw it. The beer! THE SELECTION WAS AWESOME! Way better than anything we had seen in FL before, talk about loads of imports and microbrews. Ross and I BOTH gave each other the "lets get some beer" look but we talked ourselves out of it! And we stuck to the plan, hard as that might be for an entire day of the weekend, and we woke up today feeling SO HAPPY, SO LIGHT, AND SO PROUD of ourselves.

I hope you read this before you leave! You can do it Annie. Plenty of time for a roll later on after you have a new clippie under your belt!!!
Thanks Molli!!!!

I'm considering ordering the Lobster roll and a salad, and just putting the lobster on TOP of the salad and dumping the roll!:eek: Believe me there isn't much that's low carb on their menu. :rolleyes:

Let's see how my willpower holds up though!;)

As far as the appetite suppressant and carbs thing goes there is a theory that I read in the book Protein Power that says that each individual has their own level of tolerance to carbs. Some might be only able to tolerate a small level, while others might be able to add back 100grams or more. The trick (and what I intend to do) is to slowly add back carbs and find the level that I am most comfortable with. Even though I'm counting carbs though I will ALWAYS count points. I couldn't do straight Atkins with all the cream and blue cheese dressing---the last time I did Atkins I LIVED on salads with blue cheese dressing and I plateaued after losing 8 pounds. This time around I found that blue cheese dressing has 5-6 points per serving- I was in ketosis, so my body was burning fat, but I MUST have been consuming more calories than I was burning daily....jmho.

If nothing else, at least so far, I've learned that WHAT I eat, is just as important as HOW MUCH I eat and vice versa!:)
Karen I LIKE that stopping on the way to Florida analogy! While we've never driven to Florida, I can relate....It's like taking a non-stop flight or a flight with a stop over. We used to take stop overs to save money and now I REFUSE- I just WANT TO GET THERE!!!!!

Okay, okay, okay...... you and Molli twisted my arm.:rolleyes: :p I'll dump the lobster on the salad and I know exactly what will happen to the roll. I'll bet Alan is going to eat it.;)

I'll let him eat it. He's 5' 11" and I think he's in the low 190's--he doesn't need to lose weight, he just needs to work out, expecially since he's past 50. He's been using my 10 pound free weights at home and he's talking of joining a gym near where he works, so I ordered the book "Strength training after 50" off for him. ('s a surprise!) It was written by Wayne Westcott, who is quoted in a lot of fitness magazines and he's part of the South Shore YMCA that I belong to--I think he does a lot of studies there. So the things I've been learning at the Y I'm sure will be in this book. I think Alan's been hanging around me too long, I'm finally starting to rub off on him!:p
Weight: 143- Note: I went back in my ww online weight tracker and I haven't been down this low since 5/02! :)

Check All Total Food POINTS used__ 22.5__

1 item egg2__
2 serving Jones Ham Slices2.5__

Subtotal__ 4.5__

1 item cooked chicken wing, with bone3__
2 slices chicken teriyaki6__

Subtotal__ 9__

1 slice cooked lean beef3__

Subtotal__ 3__

2 large olive(s)0__
1 serving Land O Lakes snack'n cheese to go2__
1 oz peanuts4__

Subtotal__ 6__
Total Food POINTS used__ 22.5__
Total Food POINTS left for today__ 0.5__

__ Exercise
Total Activity POINTS earned__ 0

We were driving down Route 3 on our way to Plymouth Plantation, and I must say part of me was not looking forward to it, since it was about 95 degrees outside. Alan must have been thinking the same thing because he said "Why don't we stop at the Kingston Mall and see what time Sea Biscuit is playing"

So no Lobster Hut:( We ate at a Chinese Place at the Food Court in the Mall. We split a plate that had rice and an egg roll on it too, but I didn't even take a bite (and egg rolls are on my list of top 10 favorite foods) I must admit, I don't know if the teriyaki has carbs in it, but it tasted sweeter than it used to to me....don't know if that's my tastebuds or what? :confused:

So today worked out to be okay, and I found a new favorite "snack"- OLIVES! I thought they had a few carbs but 2 olives has 1mg!!!!!!! And 6 large only have 1 point. Olives and a slice of cheese and I've got a great 3 point snack!:) I love finding these things!:)
Weight:144- Nobody panic it's the 28th and TOM arrived tonite.

Total Food Points Used 19

Ham and cheese omelet 9
Subtotal 9

cooked skinless chicken breast 3
ken's lite italian dressing 1
green salad 0

subtotal 4

Greek Shrimp Scampi 6
Subtotal 6


Subtotal 0_
Total Food POINTS used 19
Total Food POINTS left for today 4

__ Exercise
50 min weightlifting, training, free weights 3
Total Activity POINTS earned 3

Why oh why do I stop lifting weights? It means nothing but pain when I go back to it. And I prefer the tight feeling I have when I'm lifting consistently so why do I stop? I guess self-inflicted pain is my thing.

So I finally made it to the Y and did my full upper body workout (chest, back, shoulders, bi's and tri's) I'm hurting now, but it feels great. Can't wait to go Wednesday and work legs. My only problem was that usually when I get home from a weight workout I make a protein shake with milk or soy milk and berries. Too many carbs for right now, but by the time I got to work I was lucky that I wasn't nibbling the dashboard along the way! So I ended up with a ham and cheese omelet at 9 points and it wasn't even very good. I REALLY missed my shake this morning, and it would have only cost me 5 points. No worries about them making me hungry, since I make them with Designer Protein and they usually keep me full right up 'til lunch. Even if I had added a hb egg for extra protein it still would have only brought me to 7 points. I'll have to keep that in mind when I move to the next level on this plan.

Today one of the girls at work FINALLY noticed I've lost weight. Nobody's really said anything about it yet, and c'mon people, it's almost 10 pounds already!:mad: It's not really a big deal, I'm doing it for me not them, but a little notice does a lot for the ego and motivation!:)

Not real sure how to handle weigh in this week. Normal weigh in day is Friday. I have a team lunch to go to (already checked the menu, I'll be ordering the mussels) so that leaves Friday out and my WW buddy wants to go Wednesday, but the meeting is at 6 p.m. so I am certain NOT to get the 10 pound clippie if I go then. I mean I'll have to eat during the day and normally I weigh in on a practically empty stomach. So I am contemplating waiting until Saturday morning. There are 2 weigh ins and I KNOW I can make one of them. Alan will be working this weekend so he won't be any distraction. By Saturday TOM will definitely be long gone too, so that might be another advantage. I'll have to think about it.
Okay so I haven't been good at updating my journal here, EVERY day, but I have been on-plan. I took a day to play hookey from work when TOM came so I was busy catching up on chores around the place while I had the chance. Anyhow, I had gone back up to 145 the day TOM was here, but I have since gone down to 142.5!:) If I can maintain or lose a little more by Saturday I'll be sporting a new 10lb clippie!!! Please, dear Lord, help make it happen!!!!!

Last night I tried a new recipe- I had some shrimp in the freezer and Alan was coming over and he said he was ready for a different recipe (I usually make greek scampi with it) so I found a recipe where you marinate shrimp in beer!!!! Now, I figure any recipe that starts "open a can of beer" can't be all bad! So I marinated the shrimp all day yesterday while I was at work and then grilled it last night and served it with roasted asparagus and it was yummy!!!! Now, I KNOW beer has carbs, but I used it as a marinade, I didn't drink any, so I figure it couldn't have added more than 1g. if that.

Tonite I was at a loss for dinner, since I meant to take a slice of thin steak out of the freezer and I forgot. So I took some frozen meatballs out and added them to a can of Progresso Escarole soup. I don't know if anyone's had this soup but it's got 25 calories per serving so the whole can is 50 calories!!!!! and it's only 2 carbs per serving. So with the meatballs I only ate half of it, so I got away with 6 or 7 points for dinner tonite too! I love finding new things to eat, it really keeps me motivated.

I also pulled out an old issue of MF-hers that I got at the beginning of the year that focuses on Weight Loss and it has some really good ideas in it that go along the lines of some guidelines TigH sent me, so I am really starting to feel like I have an idea of how to move back into the carb world without sending myself over the edge again.

I do have to note though, that my total weight loss for July was really only one pound. I had yo-yoed up and I had to lose it again so I probably cycled 5 pounds. Noticing this I went back into my planner and looked at notes I had made---I will occasionally scribble my weight on my calendar. Well I have discovered that I have this cycle that I go through. TOM comes and I am at a low weight. I think what happens is I get cocky and think I have it under control so I slack off a little bit. Then before I know it, I've gotten into a bit of trouble, so I tighten the reigns in again and ultimately end the month losing between one and two pounds. Now I've noticed this for the last 2 to 3 months in a row, but the good news is I NOTICED it!!!! So this time, IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. I am right at the point in the month where I slack and I will not slack this month. I am going on vacation at the end of next week and I am determined that even with vacation it is NOT going to happen this month. I will make that 5lb goal and I will be in the 130's by Labor Day if it kills me!!!!!
I just came from my WW weigh in, HOPING HOPING HOPING they would tell me I was down .4 and had earned my 10 pound clippie and I was UP!!! 0.2pounds
which brings me BACK to 0.6 away from the 10#clippie.

I know it's probably a little BF left over (thanks TOM) this week, or it may be that I only got in two walks and one weight lifting session this week. --My energy goes way down these weeks and finding motivation to work out is very difficult. It has to be that because I have been VERY good with the program. Yesterday I had a carb control shake and a HB egg for breakfast. I went out to lunch with my team from work and while everyone ate fried fish and lobster rolls I got steamed mussels. For dinner I ate Escarole soup and 3 else could I possibly be up this week?

So I left without staying for the meeting because I have to go back to school shopping with my sister for my niece, but I SWEAR I am going to a meeting on Wednesday and I will have EARNED that 10 pound clippie if I have to cut off my head to do it!:eek:
Sunday didn't go so well. I went to visit my parents and it never goes well. We're Italian. I should know by now and have a plan, but I succumbed to a jelly donut and half a snickers bar. I could have done without them. But I did come home with some fresh veggies from the garden. However Sunday and Monday the scale said I weighed 142. Isn't that a kick in the pants? If my home scale had said that on Saturday I probably would be sporting a new clippie by now.

Yesterday I didn't have a plan, but I still was able to stay within points and keep my carbs around 35-40g. I think I'm going to pick up my Protein Power book again, and move myself to a higher level of carbs, but not too high. I do feel a lack of energy while working out and think I might need a smidge more carbs to get me through properly.

I'm not looking to drop the weight in a hurry and since I'm only four feet eleven inches I know it's going to come off of me a lot slower than others who are taller. I can accept that. The plus side is my small frame is very condusive to building muscle. I have been doing my weight workouts here and there, but have a plan to hit them 3-4 times per week (two upper and two lower body per week) when I return from vacation-August 24. I will have to keep up with the aerobics though and that should be fine because Water Aerobics will be starting at the Y again the first week in September.

I haven't stepped on the scale this morning though. Not sure if the head is going to stay or not.:eek:
The rain has been putting a damper on my walking plans!:mad: And I've loosened the reigns on the carbs today, maybe a little too much, but my boss had those orange jellies in her candy dish. Can we say PURE sugar? Not to mention that the ONLY thing that appealed to me for lunch in the cafe today was grilled cheese. So I'm probably going to be retaining some fluids. I'm going to be drinking mugs and mugs of herbal tea tonite to try to flush some, but the 10 pound clippie might not be in the cards without use of a guillotine. Oh well.

I have to say I am learning a lot though. I think (FOR ME) I can't completely cut carbs out or cut them so far down that there are hardly any in my system. It zaps my energy and clogs the pipes
. If I am going to work out even at a moderate level, for me, I need the carbs to get me through the workout. And I need the fiber and to keep my system regular.

So I'll be leaving for vacation next Monday and my plan is to try to stay low carb, but not get freaky about it. If there's a lobster roll on the menu, I'll be eating the roll. We'll have swimming pools and a lake wherever we are every day, so I plan on exercising every day. For the second week we will be in Franconia Notch NH and I already warned Alan that we will be doing some sort of hike in the woods EVERY day, so at least I will be earning my meals. He won't fight me, he loves hiking more than I do.

When I return, I will be scheduling my carb meals in my planner. And since I will be going back to water aerobics on Tuesdays and Thursdays the first week in September, on those days I will be having lighter meals, and ending my eating earlier in the day, since I can't get in the pool on a full stomach and I won't be getting home until 8:30 at the earliest, dinners on those nights will be very light or non-existent.

I will use the Atkins/WW plan again though for special events, because it does rid me of excess fluids and makes me feel far less fluffy and gives my clothing a smidge of extra room, so if I had an event that I was going to attend or I was going away on vacation, I would use this eating plan for two weeks prior to the event.

It's going to be interesting making the leap back into the carb world. Today wasn't a controlled leap as much as I would have liked, but tomorrow will be and the rest of the week. And I'm going to get there one way or another. Here's to the 130's.
I was considering weighing in at WW today, but the scale says 143.5. If I go up again or don't see a loss, it will be too discouraging. And I weighed in on Saturday, so it's only been 4 days. I'll get there again this Saturday. Hopefully the water will be gone by then.
Smart move, young lady! I say avoid that WI, you don't need it messing with your head today, especially after the sawing off you gave your head in the previous post! Yikes! You do some up with some great emoticons, ha ha ha!

Hang in there, Annie!

HOW are your clothes fitting? Did you measure when you started this low carbing/ww mix? Have you measured since then?


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